DKC-Related Scans

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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » July 3rd, 2013, 9:28 am


Alternate advert than the one I mentioned above.

I got the scans of the walkthrough of Donkey Kong Country 2 from issues 41 and 42 of Nintendo Magazine System. I only got up to Krazy Kremland though. I shall try to find more scans of DKC2 :):

I even got the DKC review from issue 23 of Games Master:

And finally, an E3 1996 preview of Donkey Kong Country 3 and Donkey Kong Land 2 (from C&VG magazine issue 177):

This should keep all of us busy with the scans for a while :).

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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Geno » July 3rd, 2013, 10:18 am

In that DKC3 preview, the 2 visible rocks are differently positioned and shaped, the small "lump" of land behind Funky's Rentals is smaller than in the final game, the trees behind Funky's Rentals look lumpier, Bounty Beach is closer to Funky's Rentals, and the line of rocks prohibiting the Motor Boat from docking near Wrinkly's Save Cave doesn't seem to be there.

And in the DKL2 preview, it shows Squitter in an ice level. I do not think that happens in the final game.

I have yet to look at the other new scans to detect differences and other neat stuff.

I have looked back at that scan that gave us "the evil Kranky Kong", and I can't believe I missed this: it says DIXIE KONG is in DKL! :facepalm: :scratch: :dixiehappy:
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » July 3rd, 2013, 10:34 am

geno wrote:I can't believe I missed this: it says DIXIE KONG is in DKL! :facepalm: :scratch: :dixiehappy:

It's what happens in unofficial guides. I shall try to look at the other scans, maybe I'll get DKC-related buyer guide/catalog scans sometime, even if it's obsolete unless it has mock-up boxarts.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » July 6th, 2013, 4:12 am


Found this Diddy Kong Pilot and Sabrewulf scan (Spaceworld 2001) in a Japanese guide for Spaceworld 2001. If only I could figure out what it says...

EDIT: Another scan from the book:

I don't know what's about that 65 percent thing on Diddy Kong Pilot, but I assume how close it was to completion at the time? Strange, because our prototype is from September 7, 2001 (or July 9, 2001 since Rare's from the UK). The prototype we have is like thirty-five percent complete. Time for a new mystery to solve...

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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Geno » July 6th, 2013, 10:30 pm

Maybe that 65% thing is what the writers rated it.

Although I find those SMA2 shots quite interesting. Not only do they have the original SNES version's HUD, but, oddly, all the numbers on it are coloured green. How'd that happen?
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Mattrizzle » July 7th, 2013, 12:25 am

I searched for the Japanese characters in Wikipedia articles, then plugged them into Google Translate.

If Google Translate is to be believed, then "完成度" means "degree of completion" or "degree of perfection".
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » July 7th, 2013, 1:05 am

Thanks Mattrizzle. I guess I was right, but how can Diddy Kong Pilot be sixty-five complete if that book was published roundabout August 2001 while the prototype we have is from September 2001? The prototype we have doesn't even come close to sixty-five percent complete. This is rather confusing...
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Mattrizzle » July 7th, 2013, 1:39 am

It's hard to tell because the game has a very confusing development history. Rare could have cut several planned features to bring the game closer to completion. In the 2001 prototype we have, they already removed the Mario characters, Funky Kong, and Redneck Kong, and seemed to be in the process of removing Story mode. Candy Kong may appear in some of the game's graphics, but we don't have any proof that she was every a fully-programmed playable character in the game.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » December 2nd, 2013, 6:26 am

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated this topic. I got some Nintendo Power issues yesterday, and I found this in Nintendo Power Issue 187:

The image/scan regards Donkey Kong Country 2 GBA's official site! Sweet! So I found out the following facts:

*Banana Coins are collected if tasks such as Expresso's Racing and Barrel Blasting (I remember a swamp background) are completed. So these Banana Coins are used to unlock downloads on the website, according to the scan. DKC GBA's official site has their downloads (only wallpapers) completely free. I am certain this is the Banana Coin counter which is vaguely referenced:

*There is a flash version of Swanky Kong's Bonus Bonanza, which regards questions about the site, as opposed to Donkey Kong Country 2.
*There is a part of the site called Kaptain K. Rool's Be-a-Boss Institute. K. Rool teaches the computer user how to be a formidable boss/villain.

So this gives us more information about the mysterious, defunct DKC2 GBA and DKC3 GBA sites. Hope you guys liked this! :D

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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Geno » December 16th, 2013, 4:00 am

Wow, it's too bad the sites don't work, I've been wanting to participate in one of Swanky's Bonus Bonanza quizzes for a while. :swanky:

And the bit about K.Rool teaching the viewer how to be a good boss sounds like it'd be neat too. :krool:
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » January 4th, 2014, 10:47 am

UPDATE: I posted a new scan in the first post! It is a review of Donkey Kong Country (Game Boy Color), as seen from the 49th issue of N64 Magazine.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » February 15th, 2014, 11:25 am

Okay, this time it's a February 2000 news article regarding the Donkey Kong series (retrieved from Google Newspapers):
Breathing Life into DK.png

I did notice two errors when I quickly read through the article:
*Why does it state that Donkey Kong Land III is a port of Donkey Kong Country 3 to the Game Boy. (Blaziken257 should see this)
*Diddy Kong Racing is called "Donkey Kong Racing". Oh my gosh! They foreshadowed E3 2001! :o

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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Geno » February 16th, 2014, 4:19 am

I find it funny how the article says it'd be hard to find a working SNES because of the fact that the system was "forgotten".

hahahaha yeah, right. :gnawty-lol: :vglol:
You wouldn't BELIEVE the amount of working SNESes that are sold at the used game store near my house.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » May 26th, 2014, 4:22 am

Three months later bump... Here's an old DKC2 content that was in the Great Britain:

Back before you could look up the answers online... I wish I experienced that time period...
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Mattrizzle » May 26th, 2014, 5:59 am

My family got a PC in 1995 with dial-up Internet (America Online :facepalm: ), and Yahoo! existed then. There was also such a thing as Encarta. Though the World Wide Web wasn't as large 20 years ago, these answers could still be found easily.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » May 26th, 2014, 8:31 am

I'm aware, I just thought that the online world was too small to look up for it at the time.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Geno » May 27th, 2014, 12:36 pm

I didn't notice the first time, but you know that article that says the SNES is forgotten and hard to find?

Yeah, well it also said that Super Mario 64 is almost a Nintendo exclusive. ALMOST. :mario:

The word "almost" in there is implying that around the 2000 period, Super Mario 64 was ported to a non-Nintendo system. :roll:
Of course, that's wrong. The only port of Super Mario 64 was on the Wii Virtual Console, in 2007(?). And the only remake was the Nintendo DS one in 2005.

And even if it were true, at the time, the only system that was out at the time that WAS 64-bit or higher (besides the N64 itself), was the Sega Dreamcast.
Yeah, good luck having an official Super Mario title come out on a SEGA system in 2000. :gnawty-lol:

Also, it says that they don't know if Donkey Kong will not have any non-Nintendo games.
Despite the large amount of Donkey Kong Arcade ports for all them computer systems in the 80s.
(Although to be fair, they might've been talking only about Rareware's DK series, and not including the original. Or they were just unaware of 'em)
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Ribbedebie » June 21st, 2014, 8:35 am

Does this count?


I host a Tumblr page where I scan various bits and bobs from Dutch Disney magazines and this was one of the features in Donald Duck Weekblad that just so happened to have a bit of Diddy Kong Racing. Although erronuously stating Diddy to be DK's little brother, it was really cool and rather surprising to see the game in a comic magazine mainly about Donald Duck.

I quote myself from the blog 'cause it's late and I'm really tired and too lazy to type; They mention how it’s a adventure racing game with challenges, praise its diversity in gameplay but lament on the silver coin challenges. And you could win a VHS tape of the Donkey Kong Country cartoon, which could be won by answering the following question; "What animal is Donkey Kong?"
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Stone » February 29th, 2016, 3:10 am

I tried my best to restore the original picture by editing out scratches, dust particles and printing errors :gift:

Okay, now I've corrected the mistake as good as possible
Edit: Oh noes, is this an error at Diddy's neck? Back to work...

The german player's guide cover for DKC

The german player's guide back cover for DKC
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Gaz » March 1st, 2016, 6:47 am

Wow, do I ever hang out here any more? Anyway, thank you for bumping this 2/3-something-year old thread with those scans. I remember Cyclone will benefit from scans from guides like those, Stone. He collects DK artwork renders, if I'm correct.
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Stone » March 2nd, 2016, 6:15 am

Next: DKC2's covers
Like last time, I tried to do my best to restore the original quality of the guide

The german player's guide cover for DKC2

The german player's guide back cover for DKC2
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Re: DKC-Related Scans

Postby Rapidkirby3k » April 9th, 2016, 3:52 pm

Hey folks, feast your eyes on this:

Rescue On Crocodile Isle

I bought this book at Ebay and thought it was relevant to this thread. ;)
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