Cyclone wrote:Would you rather me post less often with more progress between posts or keep posting the way I have been?
Personally, I really enjoy seeing your daily progress; it's probably the best way to give us a chance to provide helpful feedback, too.
Cyclone wrote:Is this what you were referring to about the shirt?
I'm honestly not sure which version I prefer, but I think the original (smoother) look is probably nicer. I noticed you trimmed some hair from the back of his head and his... er...
throat, too.
Cyclone wrote:The shirt is just on object with no cloth simulation. It's going to be tricky and cpu intensive to do the simulation.
Thankfully, I doubt think cloth simulation will be necessary — a few keyframes here and there should be fine, I would think.
Cyclone wrote:[...] does his left hand planted on the ground look awkward?
Perhaps a little, but I think it'll always look a bit awkward — no matter how well you do it — just due to the nature of that pose/action. That said, you could possibly improve the way it looks by adjusting his wrist joint a little; if his hand was shifted slightly to the left in this picture, I think it'd look a little more natural, and would feel more connected to his arm. It doesn't look bad as it is, but this might help.
To further "connect" the hand/arm, the fur on his wrist could also be brushed toward the hand a little, perhaps?
Honestly, it's hard to provide a worthwhile critique... more often than not, it's something that I can't quite place that seems to be making things not look quite right. What you have created (and continue to create) is excellent, though.
Cyclone wrote:Is there Diddy cartwheel animation available [...]
I'd be happy to whip one up, if you'd like? Do you think it'd be more useful to have an animation where diddy moves across the frame as he cartwheels, or one where he just cartwheels on the spot?