Sakuraxangel's Pallet Hacks

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Sakuraxangel's Pallet Hacks

Postby sakuraxangel31 » June 24th, 2012, 2:50 pm

So i am kinda new here so many of you probably don't know me,but anyways I've been researching about pallets since Ive seen the boss hacks and finally got trough with it here are some previews

Image Image

Map screen

Image Image

Some of diddy's pallets are unedited because i was to lazy to find his yeah so he has his original colors in the map screen :P

Map screen 2P

So i am planing to like change the pallets in all DCK games and DCK2 will have 2 versions because i can't give out the one above since it DCK2 easy edition , i will make new pallets to the original game ,so yeah stay tuned for the next post
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Re: Sakuraxangel's Pallet Hacks

Postby Mattrizzle » June 24th, 2012, 4:19 pm

Nice palettes. The colors you picked complement each other well. I particularly like the red/lime green Dixie. ;)

Also, about the colors you couldn't find:
Diddy and Dixie share one palette on the map screen. The normal palette is at 3D6426, and player 2's 2P Contest palette is at 3D7800.
dkc2_kong_map_palettes.png (675 Bytes) Viewed 12435 times

In each palette, the 13th and 14th colors are for Diddy's hat and shirt. However, they are also used for both Kongs' mouths.
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Re: Sakuraxangel's Pallet Hacks

Postby sakuraxangel31 » June 24th, 2012, 4:24 pm

Mattrizzle wrote:Nice palettes. The colors you picked complement each other well. I particularly like the red/lime green Dixie. ;)

Also, about the colors you couldn't find:
Diddy and Dixie share one palette on the map screen. The normal palette is at 3D6426, and player 2's 2P Contest palette is at 3D7800.

In each palette, the 13th and 14th colors are for Diddy's hat and shirt. However, they are also used for both Kongs' mouths.

:shock: Thanks now i can get to work x3
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