Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

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Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 7:00 am

Hey guys and gals,
My name in keys and I am currently in the process of making all of DKC 1 on snes way more difficult to nearly impossible, it is all found within fair challenge.
Timing is crucial and since I have to complete my own levels in order to test them I can safely say that they are pretty damn hard but not impossible.

Sincerely yours, Keys.


Donkey Kong Suicide v0.1 beta playable now!
Keep in mind that this is a work in progress, so feel free to post bugs and glitches and stuff in this topic.

Donkey Kong Suicide.ips
Donkey Kong Suicide V0.1 Beta [WIP]
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby Simion32 » February 23rd, 2013, 2:55 pm

Sadly there's no way to tell without extensive hacking and analysis.

The game itself is susceptible to all kinds of weird bugs related to object placement. :roll:

I'll bet you're using DKCRE... ;)
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 8:37 pm

yes I am.

The problem is I've done 5 levels already and this one is just as difficult and I plan on doing the entire game like that.

But I just need it to load the exit of a level as well.

Is there maybe a way to replace one level with a backup clean version of that level and start over but keep all the other levels the same?
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 9:15 pm

I can't seem to patch an UPS patch to my old version of dkc the clean one, the NitroGUI crashes and the program closes.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby Qyzbud » February 23rd, 2013, 9:53 pm

I like the concept of this hack, and I wish you luck!

By the way, did you name it after one of my favourite songs...


Great track, that. Probably deserves its own topic, actually...

...or is it just a coincidence? :)

*moves topic to ROM Hacks board*
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 10:31 pm

link it cause I havent heard of that song, must be a coincidence.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby Qyzbud » February 23rd, 2013, 10:34 pm

Do you not see the YouTube video in the spoiler tag?


That's a crazy coincidence, if you ask me... almost spooky! :shock:
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 23rd, 2013, 11:24 pm

can you maybe help me with my one freezing or not ending level.

all other 7 levels are working perfectly except for the stop and go station one that goes to black screen after three quarters of the way or just doesn't exit when I move the exit point and the tiles that comprise the exit before the point of the black screen event.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 1:45 am

so after further analisys I've come to the conclusion that even if i use the clean rom for DKC without my hacks and stuff it still blackscreens on that point in the stop and go station level.
Help please everything else works but that level makes problems out of nothing it seems.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby VideoViking » February 24th, 2013, 4:34 am

You said the level freezes. Check the bananas. Are they aligned to the top of the level?
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 4:42 am


No it's stop and go station there are no rows of bananas at the top of the level.

And it just goes to black screen but the music keeps playing.

And when I move the exit and the end of the level tiles forward to before it black screens it doesn't freeze but I just run into the end tiles and the exit level object doesn't activate and let me out of the level.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby VideoViking » February 24th, 2013, 4:51 am

Can you post the IPS/UPS file here? I need to inspect it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 5:06 am

Well I'm new to this stuff so I don't really know what goes into a IPS/UPS file when you make it does it overwrite the rom with the stuff that's in the IPS?

Does it add stuff to it?
Wouldn't that overflow the capacity of the rom and not make it compatible with zsnes.

What I want to know is why Stop and Go Station freezes 3 quarters of the way through even on a clean stock Donkey Kong Country (U) v1.0 [!] rom...
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby VideoViking » February 24th, 2013, 5:15 am

Nothing should happen to ZSNES except the bugs within the game that Simion and I have discovered. Those are natural bugs which Nintendo failed to fix.

To save as IPS: click on File, point to Swap Formats And Save To, and select .IPS (International Patching System w/ RLE).

Do not use the generic "Save As" unless you know the file extensions. By default, using "Save As" will save your file as an SMC. DKC Atlas cannot accept ROMS.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 5:33 am

So you guys convert it again then or what?
Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].ips
(113 Bytes) Downloaded 1415 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 5:35 am

It's Stop And Go Station, you'll see what happen when you try to play the level all the way through.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby VideoViking » February 24th, 2013, 5:52 am

This is not you. I compared the IPS to the ROM, and found that in both instances, the freezing occurs.

Step further: I played the ROM in ZSNES, no problems. This is a DKCRE related error.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 5:55 am

But I played the two levels both on zsnes and on DKCRE and it still happened
Maybe coincidence haven't tried it on zsnes since then
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby VideoViking » February 24th, 2013, 6:11 am

DKCRE has a feature which allows you to use ZSNES as your sandbox. A special save state is created, using Slipslide Ride as a hot stop (When you press Start, Select during the level you are playing, you'll be warped to Slipslide Ride).

There is a workaround. You will need to delete the last few objects that have a script icon located at the end of the level. Those objects are the troublemakers. This bug is unfounded in ZSNES, but it can be triggered by ZSNES via DKCRE. Hard to explain, but Simion can help me out on this one.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 6:49 am

I can't delete items they turn into banana objects.
And I did that but I still run into the end of the level and stand there like a monkey scratching my behind :p
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 24th, 2013, 7:24 am

So if I release the rom file (correction: IPS Patch) and people play it on an emulator it should work fine that one level?
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby Simion32 » February 24th, 2013, 4:08 pm

The issue is probably that running the level from DKCRE makes it behave strangely because Slipslide Ride is used as the map location where the level is loaded from. Something's getting mixed up just enough to cause S&GS to misbehave.

Try playing it in ZSNES directly - if it doesn't crash there, then it should be OK.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide (new difficulty mod DKC)

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 25th, 2013, 2:01 am

Kay so, want to make a level only accessible from the mapscreen as long as it hasn't been completed before.
How can I make that happen?


I'm uploading a sneak preview of the first levels of this mod.
To my youtube channel, once it is uploaded I'll embed the video here.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby Super_Meat_Boy » February 27th, 2013, 6:03 am

You should edit tiles too and create new environment to make your hack unique.. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 27th, 2013, 7:37 am

Super_Meat_Boy wrote:You should edit tiles too and create new environment to make your hack unique.. :)

First I wanted to test my enemy placement, since this is my first mod evar.

I'm not good with tiles since they seem to be fickle in the alignment department.

I'll try my best though ^^
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby Super_Meat_Boy » February 28th, 2013, 3:42 am

Keep in mind that you can copy/paste tile zone xD. Don't edit the map by selecting the tile 1 by 1 ...
You can switch them too.. Ctrl + F // Ctrl + shift + f ( if i remember well )

Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V

(But you already knew it right ? :nicework: )

Good luck with this hack :)
Send me a PM on youtube if you want me to test some of your level when they are tile edited ^^ I make video test (without voice) of some people's hack.
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 28th, 2013, 11:45 pm

Super_Meat_Boy wrote:Keep in mind that you can copy/paste tile zone xD. Don't edit the map by selecting the tile 1 by 1 ...
You can switch them too.. Ctrl + F // Ctrl + shift + f ( if i remember well )

Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V

(But you already knew it right ? :nicework: )

Good luck with this hack :)
Send me a PM on youtube if you want me to test some of your level when they are tile edited ^^ I make video test (without voice) of some people's hack.

Thanks for the support I will definately give you a headsup when they're done ^^

But what do you mean with tile editing like change the entire landscape of the level, like different pitfalls and jumps and stuff or just the background scenery?
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby Super_Meat_Boy » March 14th, 2013, 9:33 am

Change the entire map.. Use a lot of creativity and make your hack unique !
I stopped my dkc1 hack because i started to become good with tile editing at world 4.. Other world were ugly and i gave up my project after finishing world 5-1 .
I started to edit DKC2 with everything i've learned about tile editing, and i'm making a beautiful new game not to hard :)


My Oil Drum Alley (new design) :

If you can make unique level design for every level in the game... I'll love your hacks :D
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Re: Donkey Kong Suicide [UPDATED 25/02/2013]

Postby KeysOfMyMind » February 15th, 2014, 7:03 am

I kinda dropped it, wanna get back to it though.

This mod is not dead, it'll just take a while.

I might restart it completely with the same Idea but with what you said in mind Super_Meat_Boy.

I've been gone a while, sorry bout that, had some business to take care off.


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