The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

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The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » September 5th, 2015, 6:56 am

I'm Japanese and I'm not good at English, so there may be many grammatical mistakes, sorry.

This is my DKC2 hack "The Kremlings' Revenge."

a) Music Hack
b) GFX Hack
c) Text Hack
d) ASM Hack

YouTube (1-1~4-B, 4-4 Trailer)

niconico (1-1~4-B, 4-4 Trailer)

IPS (1-1~4-3, 4-5~4-B are playable)
The Kremlings' Revenge Ver1.41.7z
(452.03 KiB) Downloaded 2308 times

Notice: You need "Super Donkey Kong 2 (J)" to play this hack.

Development image
World 4-4 "Sammer's Kingdom"
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Gaz » September 5th, 2015, 11:52 am

Wow, nice hack. And I also did not know about that DK site, thanks for sharing it with me. Do I have your permission to add it to my DK site archive thread (
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby VideoViking » September 5th, 2015, 12:12 pm

I have a favor to you. Can you please translate the traffic signal segment from your 4-2 demo? That looks like something I want to implement in my fan game.
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » September 5th, 2015, 2:44 pm

No problem. Thank you!


a) ooooo (G)
This signal means "Go". You MUSTN'T stop if this is shown.

b)ooooo (GG)
This signal means "Go". And you can drive faster than signal a).

c)ooooo (YG)
This signal means "Slow Down". You should speed down if you find this.

d)ooooo (Y)
This signal means "Be Careful". You should drive in very slow speed.

e)ooooo (R)
This signal means "Stop".
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby VideoViking » September 5th, 2015, 4:32 pm

Thanks, Quaraage. What codes and/or scripts did you use to make the signal lights control the speed of the carts?
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » September 5th, 2015, 6:02 pm

That signal system isn't use ASM hack technology. It's only using sprite graphic of signal.
Players have to control cart speed themselves.
But it is not impossible signal system coding... very hard!

How to
signal sprite code (In fact, this sprite is animal ban sign.)
Add 5 signal mode. (Variable $2E ;ASM jump table)
Add the process that change the cart speed limit directly to each signal mode.
To change cart speed limit, you need to access its sprite memory, but it is not always same place.

Coding sample
Notice:This sample is based on NTSC-J version RAM address.
Main code (Animal ban sign)
LDA $2E,x ;Get variable $2E (sprite mode)
JMP ($????,x) ;Jump to signal mode code

Signal mode ASM
LDX #$0E9E ;Sprite memory start adrs
BRA Loop2

ADC #$005E ;Next sprite mamory.
CMP #$16B2 ;End adrs of sprite memory.
BEQ Main ;Not Found
LDA $00,x ;Get variable $00 (sprite ASM pointer)
CMP #$0158 ;0x0158 is cart's sprite ASM pointer.
BNE Loop1
LDA #$**** ;**** is new speed limit.
STA $28,x ;Set variable $28 (speed limit)
JMP $???? ;Back to main code.

It may not work well because this code was made with improvisation.

If you also want to code signal change system...
Add the process that change signal mode and graphic. If signal change is caused by killing enemy, you need to add this process to that enemy's ASM code.
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby AneSDK » September 6th, 2015, 5:49 am

What happened with your DKC1 series? I remember following these levels on NicoVideo but they're gone.

Sorry for being a bit off topic...
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » September 6th, 2015, 5:55 am


For some reasons, my DKC1 series is temporary private mode.
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby AneSDK » September 6th, 2015, 6:34 am

Oh well, NicoVideo sometimes...

I'm curious, how were you able to create custom enemies in DKC1? (Like that spiked wheel that was going extremely fast)
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » September 6th, 2015, 6:44 am


I did sprite data hacking to create those custom sprites.
If you want to edit sprite, seek $350000+(Sprite type).
Sprite data is sequence of variable & value pair.
For example, in most sprite, variable $0F37 is speed.

Notice: This is an information of DKC1 (J). DKC1 (U) may be using different variable. DKC2/3 sprite data addresses are NOT same to DKC1, so you shouldn't edit DKC2/3 data based on this information .
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Marcolate » April 10th, 2016, 5:30 am

Quaraage, where i can find this hack? Your ips' link is broken.
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » April 10th, 2016, 4:46 pm


Oh, sorry. Please try copy & paste that URL. Then, you'll can get IPS.
I'm going to rewrite that link later
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » June 26th, 2016, 8:47 pm

I'll publish Ver1.4 on 6/27/2016 0:00 (JST)!

New course (4-3, 4-5, 4-6, 4-B)
Sound driver update
Fix some issue

4-4 is now under construction. This stage is not playable (but you can enter and goal).
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby AceDarkStar » October 30th, 2016, 5:45 am

I don't know if anyone else ran into this problem, but I am not able to finish level 2-1, since the goal post is not showing at the end of the level near the 3rd Bonus Barrel. A couple of other things don't show up either, such as the timer barrel to get me to the third bonus barrel.

I used the IPS Patch given on this forum and patched it to Super Donkey Kong 2 (J) using Lunar IPS. Would anyone happen know a solution to this problem?
2-1 Bug.PNG
No Goal Post Showing
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Re: The Kremlings' Revenge (SDK2/DKC2 Hack)

Postby Quaraage » November 1st, 2016, 11:52 am


HINT: Destroy them all!
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