Here's Something i Wish a DKC edit would let you do.

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Here's Something i Wish a DKC edit would let you do.

Postby RattleBattle » April 19th, 2011, 9:43 am

Change the color on the terrain and add another Terrain to mix with the Original one. That is what i Wish a DKC editor could let you do.
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Joined: 2011

Re: Here's Something i Wish a DKC edit would let you do.

Postby Mattrizzle » April 19th, 2011, 11:59 pm

I made this post a while back to show that it is indeed possible to add new terrain palettes.

RattleBattle wrote:add another Terrain to mix with the Original one.

I'm not sure what you meant about this. Are you referring to different tile types, as in one that slows Kongs down when they run on it, or new types of scenery, such as porting the mill level type from DKC3 to DKC? Either way, both of these would be difficult to implement. (Not impossible, though)
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