DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

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DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 8th, 2013, 10:47 am

I'm starting this topic because I found something interesting while researching with DKC3 RAM addresses.
You get the maximum of 15 banana birds in Donkey Kong Country 3, well I found the RAM address for the banana birds and I was curious what would happen if you had 16 banana birds, so I made a PAR code.

7E05CD10 - 16 Banana Birds

So I went to Wrinky's Save Cave, used the Turbo Ski to get there, the birds took me to there mother, and the mother complained that I haven't found all her Banana Birds, I was teleported to the Pacifica part of the island with the Turbo Ski.

Donkey Kong Country 3001.png
Donkey Kong Country 3001.png (68.65 KiB) Viewed 22875 times

Donkey Kong Country 3000.png
Donkey Kong Country 3000.png (63.53 KiB) Viewed 22875 times

The collision was still there, K's Cache had collision detection, etc., this is more proof that Pacifica was going to be in the original DKC3.
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Re: DKC3 Research Topic

Postby Qyzbud » January 8th, 2013, 11:38 am

That is interesting, but it seems like fairly predictable behaviour:

  1. Game recognises that you have all banana birds, so you get taken to the Queen
  2. Game does verification once you arrive in the clouds; number is != 15, so you are sent back to the map

To me it seems like a simple coding inconsistency; one routine checks that all birds are found, one checks if total number = 15. You would normally be in the gyrocopter if you manage to visit the BBQ (lol) without all of her birds, but since you PAR'd your way there, the game just spits you back to the world map with the vehicle you last used.

As for the collision detection; I guess it just follows the rules of the rest of the map, which doesn't surprise me at all.

I don't think there's any proof here that Pacifica was meant to be in DKC3 SNES... still, I like your theory. :)
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Re: DKC3 Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 8th, 2013, 12:07 pm

What I was mainly proofing is that there is collision detection in that area, where in normal play, it's unused.

Anyways, I'm working on documenting DKC3's RAM, it will help with hacking the game.

7E05CD - Banana Birds :
00-0F : 0-15 Banana Birds
10-FF : 16-255 Banana Birds (Garbage)

7E1891 - Ellie's Water :
00-07 : 0-7 Drops
08-FF : 8-255 Drops (Garbage)

7E05C9 - Bear Coins :
00-63 : 0-99 Bear Coins
64-FF : 100-255 Bear Coins (Garbage)

7E05EB - Vehicles :
00 : Motor Boat
01 : Hover Craft
02 : Turbo Ski
03 : Gyrocopter
04-FF : ??? (Garbage)

7E05CB - Bonus Coins :
00-55 : 0-85 Bonus Coins
56-FF : 86-255 Bonus Coins (Garbage)
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Re: DKC3 Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 9th, 2013, 8:33 am

I done some more research on hacking DKC3, first of all, ExHiROM has to be ASM'd with a special XKAS version, I'm actually still researching on ExROM hacking, when I expand DKC1 and 2 to 8MB ExHiROM, there ain't any gameplay problems, but for DKC3, it messes up the super compressed tilesets.

DKC3 ExHiROM 8MB.png
DKC3 ExHiROM 8MB.png (26.97 KiB) Viewed 22822 times

7E05E5 - Maps
7E05CF - DK Coins
7E0604 - Kogs
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Re: DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 10th, 2013, 7:40 am

More info!

Just a week or two ago, a ZSNES unofficial version was released by FuSoYa, it supports 8MB ExHiROM.
Maybe in the future, ExHiROM DKC hacks will be supported and possible.
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Re: DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby Simion32 » January 10th, 2013, 10:18 am

Whoa, that's cool. Gotta love FuSoYa for his persistence. ;)
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Re: DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 10th, 2013, 11:45 am

Do you think ExHiROM DKC hacks will be possible in the future, I remember I used to have a XKAS unofficial version that supported ExHiROM.
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Re: DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby Markster » January 20th, 2013, 7:22 am

While researching on DKC3's data, I copied data from an SPC, and a lot of that data found a match in the ROM.

Maybe DKC1, 2, and 3 music hacking will be possible in the future.
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Re: DKC3 ROM Hacking Research Topic

Postby VideoViking » January 20th, 2013, 8:07 am

Did it include musical instructions, such as type of instrument, note, tempo, percussion?
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