These lines apear to be wrong?
19 Bonus Lose 0x13E2B3 0x0AB3F0
1A Level Goal 0x13E789 0x0AB38A
Any ideas?
- Code: Select all
Song title Sequence position Waveform set position
00 Jungle Groove 0x0A9361 0x0AB286
01 Cave Dweller Concert 0x090000 0x0AB29C
02 Misty Menace 0x090838 0x0AB2A8
03 Aquatic Ambiance 0x0A8000 0x0AB2B6
04 Mine Cart Madness 0x093BBF 0x0AB2CE
05 Northern Hemispheres 0x091CF8 0x0AB2DC
06 Voices of the Temple 0x1F1650 0x0AB2EC
07 Fear Factory 0x090F83 0x0AB2F8
08 Life in the Mines 0x23CDA7 0x0AB30A
09 Simian Segue 0x13D88C 0x0AB31C
0A Fanfare Theme 0x2A0000 0x0AB33A
0B Ice Cave Chant 0x3095BE 0x0AB33E
0C DK Island Swing 0x016B84 0x0AB34A
0D Forest Frenzy 0x050000 0x0AB356
0E The Credits Concerto 0x1FDBB4 0x0AB362
0F Game Over 0x340000 0x0AB374
10 Bonus Room Blitz 0x1BF5D8 0x0AB37C
11 Lost Life 0x210000 0x0AB394
12 Bonus Win 0x2E1476 0x0AB38A
13 Treetop Rock 0x05EBC6 0x0AB39A
14 Funky's Fugue 0x060000 0x0AB3A4
15 Bad Boss Boogie 0x29C6A4 0x0AB3B8
16 Candy's Love Song 0x31BB58 0x0AB3C8
17 Cranky's Theme 0x0A8C65 0x0AB3DA
18 Gang-Plank Galleon 0x022ECC 0x0AB3E2
19 Bonus Lose 0x13E2B3 0x0AB3F0
1A Level Goal 0x13E789 0x0AB38A
?? (Null) 0x0AB330