Map format

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Map format

Postby Raccoon Sam » February 20th, 2013, 11:38 am

Might be nothing new, but I couldn't find any documents regarding the subject. For an unheadered 1.0 (U) [!]:
Code: Select all
Overworld map paths

- 0x3CF44B, $100 bytes : In what submap the level is located:
$00: World map
$01: Kongo Jungle left side
$02: Kongo Jungle right side
$03: Monkey Mines left side
$04: Monkey Mines right side
$05: Vine Valley left side
$06: Vine Valley right side
$07: Gorilla Glacier left side
$08: Gorilla Glacier right side
$09: Kremkroc Industries inc. left side
$0A: Kremkroc Industries inc. right side
$0B: Chimp Caverns left side
$0C: Chimp Caverns right side

- 0x3CF54B, $100 bytes : X position definitions of each level in order
- 0x3CF64B, $100 bytes : Y position definitions of each level in order
- 0x3CF74B, $100 bytes : destination level if heading right
- 0x3CF84B, $100 bytes : destination level if heading left
- 0x3CF94B, $100 bytes : destination level if heading up
- 0x3CFA4B, $100 bytes : destination level if heading down

It was more straightforward than I thought.
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Re: Map format

Postby Mattrizzle » February 20th, 2013, 12:20 pm

Raccoon Sam wrote:Might be nothing new

You're right! Look in the spoiler tag of this off-topic post.
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Re: Map format

Postby Raccoon Sam » February 20th, 2013, 7:49 pm

Thought so, Simion32 mentioned you had done some work regarding the subject. Guess I just couldn't find it.
Still though, it was fun researching that. So, good job..
..both of us! :diddyrock:
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Re: Map format

Postby Mattrizzle » February 21st, 2013, 12:04 am

Gimme five! (An animated GIF of D.K. holding a hand up to give Diddy a high five would go great here...)

There is one other thing to note. The submap values aren't in the exact order they are encountered in-game. Vine Valley is actually the last world in the list.
Code: Select all
#$00: D.K. Island
#$01: Kongo Jungle left side
#$02: Kongo Jungle right side
#$03: Monkey Mines left side
#$04: Monkey Mines right side
#$05: Gorilla Glacier left side
#$06: Gorilla Glacier right side
#$07: Kremkroc Industries inc. left side
#$08: Kremkroc Industries inc. right side
#$09: Chimp Caverns left side
#$0A: Chimp Caverns right side
#$0B: Vine Valley left side
#$0C: Vine Valley right side

Could this mean that Vine Valley was the last world to be created? An early version of the D.K. Island map (seen in the bottom half of this post) seems to suggest that Kremkroc Industries, Inc. and Vine Valley were once a single world...
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