Rules: 1. You may heal a character 3 hp, and hurt a character 5 hp.
2. You may only hurt and heal once every 12 hours.
3. Once a character reaches 0, that character is ranked, and is out of the game.
4. We will do mostly DKC and some of the other DKC's for now, but once the game is over, we may add more of the other DKC's.
5. Similar characters will be grouped together.
6. Every character starts with 30 hp.
7. With the exception of 3 characters remaining, you can't do anything with either of the characters that you hurt or healed in your previous post. (For example: I hurt Very Gnawty/Really Gnawty, and healed Funky Kong, I can't do ANYTHING with them on my next post, that includes hurting Funky Kong, and healing the Gnawties.)
Let's begin: