DKC Continuity/Timeline

A place for discussion of storyline facts and ponderings regarding the DKC trilogy (and beyond, where relevant).
Any facets of Kong and Kremling history - or other similar topics - can be discussed here.

Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » August 30th, 2008, 10:37 am

Well, that makes sense, but I do think think that the Kremean war has some sort of huge significance. I doubt the Kongs have many "wars", so I'm sure when they do it's a big one.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » August 30th, 2008, 2:04 pm

Jomingo wrote:Well, the prosthetic fingers one makes sense, how else does he go from four to five fingers?

FUN FACT: In official artwork for the original Donkey Kong game, Mario himself is depicted with four fingers. Nearly every video game character has a grown digit or two since their debut, and "Mr. Nintendo" is no exception.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby The Angry Sun » September 6th, 2008, 12:20 pm

Jomingo wrote:Okay, more ideas:
Donkey Kong Jungle Fever and Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom(Japan only Arcade games based off of Junglebeat) both take place (you guessed it) around Jungle Beat, which according to my theory is during Cranky's golden days.
The DK Arcade line of events goes like this:
First is Donkey Kong Circus (game & watch). This game depicts Donkey Kong (Cranky) in a circus juggling objects while riding on a barrel. I'm gonna say that he was kidnapped by humans and forced to play in a circus (the humans also stole his family tie). This is why he has a vendetta against humans. Then in Donkey Kong (Arcade) when Mario and others try to colonize Big Ape City, Cranky decides to kidnap Pauline, and Mario thwarts him. Then in Donkey Kong JR. Mario kidnaps Cranky, and DK saves him. Then DK (AKA DKJr.) follows Mario back through a warp pipe to compete in Super Mario Kart. After DK comes in last place he is angry, so he challenges Mario to a game of tennis (This part is Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy, not to be confused with Mario Tennis for N64 and GBC). DKJr loses, and humiliated he decides to go home, but accidentally goes through a wrong warp pipe that takes him to the future, where he plays tennis again alongside his future self in Mario Tennis N64. He then finds his way back home. While he was doing Super Mario Kart, Cranky decided to infiltrate Stanley the Exterminator's Greenhouse (because he hates humans), and he is defeated. Then, while DK is stuck in the future he is angry with Mario and wants to know where his son is, so he challenges him to a game of hockey in Donkey Kong Hockey(game & watch). He wins, and sends Mario home. Also, sometime before DK Jr returns he has another son, and he finds his family tie. Then, once DK returns from the future Cranky decides he is kinda stupid, so he tries to teach DK Jr and his other son (I'm not sure who; could be Funky or Swanky) how to do math in Donkey Kong Jr. Math.
Afterwards Cranky and DKJr decide to seek revenge on Mario one last time, and thus Cranky Kidnaps Pauline again in Donkey Kong '94.

Now, for the DKC Timeline:
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Land 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Donkey Kong Land III
Diddy Kong Racing
After Diddy returns from helping his friend Timber he and DK discover a pair of Bongos, and start practicing with them. (Donkey Konga).
Then Dixie and them go on tour (Donkey Konga 2).
Then Tiny and Funky get in on the bongo action in Donkey Konga 3.
Then Donkey Kong Racing would take place, and very soon after this would be Donkey Kong 64.

Now that's all I can put in order, the rest I'll need more info about before I can theorize.
I do know that DKRDS definately takes place in 2007, and Donkey Kong 64 is definately 1999. So that's a big gap of what I'm not sure about.
We do know that Jungle Climber definately takes place after King of Swing, because K. Rool is using the K. Kruizer IV instead of III in DKJC.
And we do know that Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 takes place after MVDK1.
The only problem is, we don't know where any of these go in order of the timeline. It's very possible that DKBB takes place before DKRDS, and I'm not sure if there's any way of knowing.

Do excuse me for quoting the entirety of this post but it's freaking brillant.
Never have I seen someone able to piece together the entire Donkey Kong Chonology with the exception of the MvsDK series and DKBB.
I would love to say that MvsDK takes place after DK'94 but that would make no sense.
So therefore I believe that MvsDK takes place before DKBB and DKRDS and maybe after DK64 but MvsDK2 takes place after those as i'm sure it would take them
a few years to manufacture all those new toys.
DKBB though would have to take place after DKRDS due to Tiny's aged appearance.

So it would be:
Donkey Kong Circus
Donkey Kong Arcade
Donkey Kong Jr.
Super Mario Kart and Donkey Kong 3
Mario's Tennis
Mario Tennis 64(Which shouldn't really count because of Baby Mario.)
Donkey Kong Hockey
Donkey Kong Jr. Math (I thought we decided that it was Funky)
Donkey Kong '94
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Land 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Donkey Kong Land III
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Konga
Donkey Kong 2
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast
King of Swing
Jungle Climber

Those last few are subject to change by the way.


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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » September 7th, 2008, 7:08 am

Well, I don't think that DKBB has to take place after DKRDS just because of the aged appearance. I mean, DKBB could still be before it(though there's no real reason to think so).

And I don't see why KoS is after DKBB or MvsDK2. I mean, yes KoS has to take place sometime before DKJC, but not necessarily directly before it.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby The Angry Sun » September 7th, 2008, 7:41 am

Well how about MvsDK2 go in between KOS and JC?

I merely put DKBB after DKRDS because DKRDS was the first we ever saw Tiny's aged appearance.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » September 8th, 2008, 7:19 am

Well, that's true if you go by order of release, but as has been suggested things don't always happen in the order they are released.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 2nd, 2011, 10:43 am

Kiddy14 wrote:
Qyzbud wrote:Here's a thought; what was Wrinkly's name before she got old and... wrinkly..? Unless of course she was a wrinkly looking baby to begin with, or simply burdened randomly with a rather unfortunate name...

You know, if we consider Wrinkly (I'll make it sound better now xD) "married" Cranky the same year Donkey was born; and we consider Donkey to be around, what... 20 years old? Wrinkly was already too old to even have babies (probably around the 55's). Even if she made it, by the time Donkey was the Donkey we know now, she'd had to have around 75/80's years old. Gaining the Wrinkly name, also considering they got intelligence when King spilled them with radioactive chemicals that same year xD

Dude, Kiddy14, that's worse than what Cosmicman said in the What Is The True Relationship Between Cranky And DK? topic. I know you said 'consider' but I can't help but say that maybe DK was born a year or more after Cranky and Wrinkly got married. Or maybe DK was the reason the two got married. It's not unnatural for the latter to happen. :3

As for the possibility of Wrinkly's real name probably is, Qyzbud, I skipped around with a ton of girl names ranging from Erica to Kari until about two years ago when I settled on the name Inari. I dunno why but it just sounds good. I guess it was because I was staring at a picture I drew of her(as a human of course---I can't draw animals).
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 2nd, 2011, 11:34 am

Or maybe Kongs just rename themselves randomly at some point during their lives... Cranky wasn't born Cranky, obviously. I wonder when exactly he switched.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Ribbedebie » March 6th, 2011, 11:45 pm

In my own personal fanon, I always thought that Diddy was orphaned at a very young age to which DK took him in and raised him as his nephew. Makes sense what with Diddy being a monkey while DK is a gorilla, right? Also explains why DK is so well adapted to climbing trees. He had to clamber after his nephew all the time! :P

And considering that, Cranky, still called DK sr., didn't like it initially. DK said he shouldn't be so cranky about it. Baby!Diddy said; "Cranky!" And thus the old ape came to be known as Cranky. :lol:

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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Phyreburnz » March 7th, 2011, 12:35 pm

In the fanfiction section, I wrote my own "timeline" like thing... I tried to make sense of everything that happened; this includes the original Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. I've not yet tried to include Donkey Kong 64, though.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 8th, 2011, 10:13 am

Ribbedebie: Good point. I like your theory. And don't worry, a lot of people do it. You can hear me do it all the time in my fics, even if you don't realize it. I didn't know until my sis told me in a private message. My version's changed a lot over the years(for example: read End Paradise and then read one of my newer fics).

Phyreburnz: I liked the timeline. It was good. I plan on posting my own version of it (the humanized one anyway ;P) on as soon as possible. You can see the basic sum of it in both the fanfiction forum as well as my fanfiction bio Nana Kong (formerly Two Sides Of The Same Whole, Raan Daughter Of Balthier, etc.) and I dare you as to why that's my name currently(hint: my pennames (minus Two Sides Of The Same Whole mainly because that was based off a drawing) usually come with my latest obsession and my latest one happens to be with a certain DKC character we haven't seen since DKC3).

As for the bit about Cranky being DK Sr., I didn't believe that until a few years ago after reading a DKC/Shaman King crossover fanfic on called The Crystal Coconut(actually, that's what convinced me that Wrinkly was DK's mother). However, I didn't fully get convinced until sixth grade when I found Cranky's bio.

And Ribbedebie, sorry my reply to Phyreburnz was so long. I had a lot to say and I couldn't think of anything else to say about yours. Sorry if your feelings got hurt. :(

As for THIS:

Kiddy14 wrote:DK had fun with Wrinkly and when the baby was born, Wrinkly called him DK Jr.; but since Donkey never liked the Jr. surname, he called him DK and while deciding for a new name to him, DK said "Crrchcaanpgby", later deriving in Cranky by Wrinkly.

I agree Qyzbud---the "DK had fun with Wrinkly" thing DOES sound very wrong until you remember that the DK being talked about right there is Cranky. And Kiddy14, you have an interesting theory but how come Wrinkly managed to name DK that but Cranky didn't like it? I also think it was cute how DK practically gave his dad a new name. That was probably just too coinccidental. And one thing has been bugging me. Do they have hospitals? :D
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 7th, 2011, 12:08 pm

Qyzbud wrote:I would actually assume that they are all just nicknames. Funky for instance... and Chunky, Lanky, Tiny... they all seem to be descriptions more so than names. Diddy and Dixie are a bit more like real names, but I think they both mean 'small'. And of course Donkey Kong is most likely a 'title' that is passed on to the alpha-male of the family/group.

OK, about Funky, Chunky, Lanky, and Tiny's names possibly being nicknames:

1. Tiny---she was probably very small when she was born
2. Lanky---LOOK AT HIS FREAKING ARMS!!!!!!!! (whoa, sorry Qyz---went a little crazy there then again if you knew me personally then you'd understand :D)
3. Chunky---Remember when he was being introduced to the boxing ring in the final boss fight? The announcer said Chunky LITERALLY WEIGHED A TON.
4. Someone on a website I managed to get on at school via proxy ( ... &page=1#25) said that the reason Funky's name is Funky is because his fur was a bit funky-looking when he was born.

About Diddy and Dixie:

1. Diddy---Possibly.
2. Dixie---That's actually more of a southern term.

Now about the last part:

1. How many DKs in the family does that make? ;)
2. But a good point nonetheless.

Now, I'm not saying they're wrong... I just thought that was weird. You're the first person I can remember that has said they're probably nicknames.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Soniccuz » April 10th, 2011, 11:51 am

Jomingo wrote:Well, even I am starting to doubt my Cranky in Jungle Beat theory. It would be fine if it weren't for the growing evidence that Kremlings once ruled DK Island. There are Kremling temples and there's Kremlantis, and this would lead me to believe that the Kremlings ruled DK Island, which is why K. Rool is always fighting with the Kongs. I guess that Cranky could still be the DK in Jungle beat, but I don't think that Jungle Beat is about him taking over DK Island, as I believe that the Kongs took the island from the kremlings a long time ago.

It seems all too possible to me that while the Kremlings did rule the island in the past, they obviously lost it at some point. Maybe JB takes place between the period when they abandoned it, and the present day Kongs came to rule. Perhaps the KISS Kongs took control during this time and the present day Kongs didn't come to reign until Cranky dethroned them.

Personally I'm more interested in figuring out where Donkey Kong Arcade takes place now, with DKCR causing everyone to think it was on the Island it's getting me confused and intrigued at the same time. :ugeek: What would bring humans there? Did the apes drive them off?

A theory I'm trying to cultivate, perhaps while the humans and the Kongs had their conflict, the arrival of K. Rool and this army of anthropomorphic crocodiles finally drove them away. Now trying to fit this into the timeline Jomingo has going it conflicts with DK JR math. Whereas, I can explain DK Jr leaving the island with the humans as maybe a conscious decision by Cranky. So his son won't get caught up in the coming fight with the Kremlings. When DK Jr finally comes back to the island Cranky's old and bitter. I don't know, it seems to fit but, I'm still not a big fan of the arcade games being on the island. Plus it brings to question just how long K. Rool occupied the island.

Edit: and now I've discovered Big Ape City. So yeah that kind of cements the setting of the arcade games...
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 10th, 2011, 12:38 pm

Good idea, Soniccuz!

And... you do know people refer to them as KISS Kongs, right?
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Soniccuz » April 10th, 2011, 12:47 pm

Nope I didn't know that.

I get all my DK info from here, Mario Wiki, the games themselves, and there's not a lot of JB related topics here.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 10th, 2011, 1:20 pm

Try the DonkeyKonguniverse wiki as well as Donkey Kong Wiki.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » April 10th, 2011, 3:36 pm

Well, the DKU wiki is kinda dead and was never really worked on to a presentable state, and the Donkey Kong Wiki is pretty much the Super Mario Wiki minus the Mario stuff. So yeah. The Kiss Kongs thing isn't something you can really pick up by reading wikis and "real websites", it's just one of those fan terms that gets tossed around a lot on forums.

Anyway, Soniccuz, I'm a little confused by your whole theory thing, mostly because I don't remember my own timeline well enough to understand what you're talking about. When did the humans and kremlings fight? I don't think I ever mention that happening. Here's how the possession of DK Island goes:

Kremlings -> Kongs -> Humans settle very briefly before being scared off by Cranky -> Present day.

Also, the Tikis factor in there somewhere so I guess now is as good a time as any to discuss them and how they factor into the equation. Let me string together the best theory I can remember of the top of my head, which is a combination of my own ideas and what other people have said since the game came out:
The tikis are the spirits of ancient Kongs. They were an ancient cult group that worshipped Tiki Tong. They worshipped him and the "banana heaven" that he promised them (Golden Temple), but this was just a guise Tiki Tong put on to get bananas. The bananas on DK Island have a magical quality because of how close they are to the Golden Temple interdimensional portal, and the Tiki Tak Kongs knew this. The main leaders of the cult (the instrument tikis) believed that by offering bananas to Tiki Tong they could achieve immortality and salvation in the promised banana land, and so they convinced tons of other Kongs to join them. They were all super crazy, so the rest of the Kongs (that didn't join the cult) beat them all to death with coconuts and sealed Tiki Tong up in side the mountain (which is probably why they carved the Kong head there). The Tiki cult members did achieve immortality, but their spirits were sealed within the mountain along with their deity.

When some seismic activity caused the volcano to erupt, the Kong face was destroyed, gorilla glacier was melted, and the Tiki Cult leaders were released. They immediately went to collecting bananas, because here's the kicker: Tiki's are just blocks of wood that get possessed by the ancient cult Kongs spirits, and they can only inhabit those shells when they are filled with bananas. So, the Tikis go about 3 important tasks: 1) commandeering the run down Kremling factories, 2) hypnotizing the Mole civilization that has taken over the Kremling mines since their departure, and 3) getting bananas.

So, if the Volcano on DK Island is the gateway for ancient Kong spirits, it's probably very much akin to the Kremling Source on Crocodile Isle. This is probably why the Kremlings colonized it long ago, because it has significance to them as well. Hell, maybe the Kremlings created this property of the island by channeling some of their own magic voodoo to this island.

Anyway, so here's a rundown again of the island's history:

Kremlings colonize -> Kongs kick them out -> Tiki cult comes about -> Tikis killed off/sealed away -> Kongs chill in peace -> Mario/other humans come and get kicked out -> K. Rool tries to take over in DKC 1 etc. etc. etc.

Also, quick breakdown of the island from just before DKC and DKCR: K. Rool comes to the island and takes the bananas. He builds the mine system for moving the resources he mines, and he builds Kremkroc industries to do whatever he does with them. He builds the factories around the already existing Human establishments that were left there in the 80's. During this time, there is a lot of ship traffic around the island as K. Rool mines resources from the island. The Kongs kick the Kremlings out again. Then Donkey Kong Land happens, which reveals the ancient Kremlantis structures from the long lost Kremlings that used to inhabit the island, and it also shows the part behind Kremkroc Industries that we don't see: Big Ape City. At one point during DKL, you defeat HardHat, leader of the moles. When HardHat is defeated, their is a power vacuum left in the mole society, and with K. Rool's puppet leader ousted, the moles quickly abandon Kremling Krew control. The first thing they do once K. Rool leaves the island for good is to quickly take control of the mines that the Kremlings left behind. A society soon flourishes, and entire villages are constructed within the mines. Next, tons of abandoned ships make great homes for the highly adaptive crab population on DK Island. The crabs soon learn how to drive the ships, and they quickly take sea superiority around the island's waters. As the Kremling Krew abandons the island (Kremling Krew includes ALL of the enemy animals in DKC1), different species start returning to the island to fill the niches left behind, which explains all the copycat enemies like the Sharks etc.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Soniccuz » April 10th, 2011, 4:09 pm

Yeah this being the only DK forum I inhabit I haven't really encountered that term.

I didn't mean the humans actually fought the kremlings. I just meant that while bothered by Cranky's antics the humans weren't scared off until the Kremlings returned.

My theory goes:

Kermlings-> they abandon the island for some reason and the KISS Kongs eventually take over-> Cranky dethrones the KISS Kongs-> Humans try to industrialize -> Kremlings return to reclaim the island. DKJr boarding a ship with the humans-> He returns DKC takes place.

Your theory for the tikis could fit anywhere between KISS Kongs and the humans. I mean when it is that this cult formed, The actual game DKCR will probably have to be at the end of the timeline. Also,

Jomingo wrote:They were all super crazy, so the rest of the Kongs (that didn't join the cult) beat them all to death with coconuts

I picture an army of Kongs packing coconut guns.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » April 11th, 2011, 4:51 am

Another idea is that they all committed mass suicide.

Anyway, I no longer think that Jungle Beat takes place on DK Island. The remake's story makes it pretty clear that DK traveled to a foreign land to help the Party monkeys. So the Fruit Kingdoms are probably somewhere east of DK Island. Or.... new theory brewing...

The Fruit Kingdoms are in another dimension exactly like the Golden Temple from DKCR. The KISS Kongs are all distant relatives of DK who are living descendants of the Tiki Tak Kong Cult. Their ancestors were somehow trapped in this alternate dimension back during the Tiki Tong worshipping days of the cult long ago. They've lived there ever since. Then, Ghastly King (who inhabits an alien planet within the fruit dimension*) comes to "Fruit Earth" and hypnotizes these Kongs to take over. Within the Fruit Kingdoms, the main species are Hogs, sorta like how the main species on Crocodile Isle are Kremlings, DK Island are Kongs, and Northern Kremisphere are Bears. The Hogs also are hypnotized by Ghastly Kong/Cactus King/Whatever his name is. The Rocs (giant birds) are also hypnotized, and the Hog's mechanical Tusks are also taken control of. The other main native species, Party monkeys, split into two factions: Those who embrace the new conqueror become Ninjapes, those who oppose him hide and eventually contact DK. This is where it gets pulled full circle:
How did DK get into the Fruit Dimension? And if the Fruit Dimension is the home of the Tiki Tak Tribe, why are none of them in DKJB? Well, I think that DKJB takes place after DKCR. At the end of DKCR, DK enters the Fruit Dimension in the Golden Temple. This is his portal to the FD. So, he goes in there and beats up all the Tikis, and then he goes back through the same portal at a later date (without Diddy for some reason) and explores, eventually leading him into this conflict between his long lost cousins and an alien invader, an adventure that would lead him all over the Fruit Dimension and even into space and to Ghastly Kong's planet.

*Fruit Dimension is an alternate dimension of our universe with weird wild life and lots of floating Fruit, it encompasses the Fruit Kingdoms and The Golden Temple

So anyway, back to life on DK Island. I don't think the Kremlings had anything to do with the humans departure, I think they left solely on Cranky's torment. First, humans come to DK Island and begin constructing Big City*. Mario works on this construction site, and Cranky tries to make him leave by kidnapping Pauline. Mario then kidnaps cranky as revenge, and DKJr comes to save him. Then Cranky goes off to mess with Stanley the Bugman's greenhouse, which was also constructed within the confines of "Big City". Cranky and Mario also play Hockey at some point, plus all the other spinoffs take place wherever they make sense (like when Cranky was forced into the circus by Mario, or DK '94, etc), and eventually the humans leave the island. Two important things happen to Big City. First, the Kongs rename it Big Ape City, second, there is a warp pipe to the Mushroom Kingdom (which is in another dimension from DK's world [Earth]) within the city that was constructed while Mario was there. The warp pipe is used by DKJr to travel to the Mushroom Kingdom a couple of times (Super Mario Kart, Mario's Tennis), and even takes him into the future to compete alongside himself (Mario Tennis 64). Eventually, DKJr grows up, the Kremlings take over the island and they then build Kremkroc Industries around Big Ape City, since it's already "industrialized".

Also, I don't think that DK returned from the Mushroom Kingdom an adult to find it occupied by Kremlings. I think all his visits to Mario's world were short and that he did grow up and inhabit DK Island his entire life. The story to DKC doesn't really leave room for any theory like that, DK was definitely there before the Kremlings showed up.

But then again, that does remind me of Yoshi's Island DS, which features (probably) Cranky Kong as a baby. I still don't know the story to that well enough to know how Cranky got there, and more importantly how he got back.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 14th, 2011, 8:27 am

Jomingo wrote:Next, the problem of Baby DK. Baby DK is said to be Donkey Kong, but we've already seen what Donkey Kong looks like as a baby (Donkey Kong JR). Now, either Baby DK is a younger version of DKJr, or he's a different character altogether. I say the latter, and that he's actually Cranky Kong as a child.

Hate to spoil the fun Jo but then if you go with DKJr being a different character and that it's possible he's actually Cranky as a child then who would be the Donkey Kong in DKA? ;)
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Phyreburnz » May 15th, 2011, 12:58 am

Donkey Kong Jr as baby Cranky?

Not possible! What about Donkey Kong Jr (the game)? Does baby Cranky rescue his older self? That doesn't make sense!
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 15th, 2011, 12:38 pm

That's exactly what I just said.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » May 16th, 2011, 5:43 am

I didn't say that. I said Baby DK is Cranky, and DKJr is DK from the modern DK games.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 16th, 2011, 6:46 am

Yeah, Baby Donkey Kong really effed our continuity up more so than it already was (actually, that was just Yoshi's Island DS in general. Nothing made sense.) I've always thought Baby DK was Cranky too, but you can tell that they meant it to be the modern Donkey Kong, with the bib and similar facial features and whatnot. Thankfully with Super Sluggers having adult and Baby DK appear onscreen together, we can use a Chest of Time argument and discount the whole thing.

*Yoshi's Island DS also implies that the seventh star child, a Baby Yoshi born at the end of the game, is actually the current Yoshi we have now. So I guess the adult Yoshi in the original Yoshi's Island is dead or something, according to that.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Jomingo » May 16th, 2011, 10:38 am

Well, the other issue is if Baby DK and Baby Mario are born around the same time, and if Baby DK is modern DK, then why does Mario have a mustache already when DK is still a baby in DK JR? If Baby DK was Cranky and the apes aged faster than humans, it would explain why Cranky got so old when Mario didn't.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 16th, 2011, 11:50 am

*curls into a corner and whimpers*Somebody tell me a what a Chest Of Time is!
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 29th, 2012, 5:09 am

I might be responding to this a year and a half late, but the "Chest of Time" was semi-created by the good people over at to account for Baby Mario, DK Jr., and other characters appearing in games where they shouldn't. Watch the opening cutscene to the original Super Smash Bros., that's kind of where they got the idea.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Cyclone » February 5th, 2013, 11:20 am

So I was thinking on the story for my animation project and was wondering how exactly the original story goes.
Kong's Hoard gets stollen during a stormy night by a bunch of kremlings. That is all I really know...

Maybe someone can suggest cool fillers for the gaps in the story. that would be cool.

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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Soniccuz » February 9th, 2014, 3:48 pm

Story goes Diddy was on watch guarding the hoard

that faithful night the Kremlings came ashore.

Stuffed him in a barrel and made off with their score.

and that's where you find him the next morning. (What I could never make that rhythm last)
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Tailikku » August 13th, 2018, 3:11 pm

Well now that K. Rool is present in Smash Bros, and that he is more unhinged than normal in the trailer, my theory is that after his four canon defeats (DKC1-3, DK64), he went into hiding on some other island, rebuilding Crocodile Island complete with the Blast-O-Matic, after K. Lumsy possibly destroyed it. He was only delayed a chance to return to Kongo Bongo Island because of both the Tiki-Tak Tribe and the Snomads taking over, but now that they're out of the way, he's back with the vengeance of a thousand burning suns.
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Re: DKC Continuity/Timeline

Postby Super Luigi! » August 14th, 2018, 1:03 pm

I definitely think K. Rool's gone insane after losing his home, history, and henchmen. Somehow, however, he's still held on, even if he's now running on all fours.
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