Jomingo wrote:Well, the prosthetic fingers one makes sense, how else does he go from four to five fingers?
Jomingo wrote:Okay, more ideas:
Donkey Kong Jungle Fever and Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom(Japan only Arcade games based off of Junglebeat) both take place (you guessed it) around Jungle Beat, which according to my theory is during Cranky's golden days.
The DK Arcade line of events goes like this:
First is Donkey Kong Circus (game & watch). This game depicts Donkey Kong (Cranky) in a circus juggling objects while riding on a barrel. I'm gonna say that he was kidnapped by humans and forced to play in a circus (the humans also stole his family tie). This is why he has a vendetta against humans. Then in Donkey Kong (Arcade) when Mario and others try to colonize Big Ape City, Cranky decides to kidnap Pauline, and Mario thwarts him. Then in Donkey Kong JR. Mario kidnaps Cranky, and DK saves him. Then DK (AKA DKJr.) follows Mario back through a warp pipe to compete in Super Mario Kart. After DK comes in last place he is angry, so he challenges Mario to a game of tennis (This part is Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy, not to be confused with Mario Tennis for N64 and GBC). DKJr loses, and humiliated he decides to go home, but accidentally goes through a wrong warp pipe that takes him to the future, where he plays tennis again alongside his future self in Mario Tennis N64. He then finds his way back home. While he was doing Super Mario Kart, Cranky decided to infiltrate Stanley the Exterminator's Greenhouse (because he hates humans), and he is defeated. Then, while DK is stuck in the future he is angry with Mario and wants to know where his son is, so he challenges him to a game of hockey in Donkey Kong Hockey(game & watch). He wins, and sends Mario home. Also, sometime before DK Jr returns he has another son, and he finds his family tie. Then, once DK returns from the future Cranky decides he is kinda stupid, so he tries to teach DK Jr and his other son (I'm not sure who; could be Funky or Swanky) how to do math in Donkey Kong Jr. Math.
Afterwards Cranky and DKJr decide to seek revenge on Mario one last time, and thus Cranky Kidnaps Pauline again in Donkey Kong '94.
Now, for the DKC Timeline:
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Land
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Land 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Donkey Kong Land III
Diddy Kong Racing
After Diddy returns from helping his friend Timber he and DK discover a pair of Bongos, and start practicing with them. (Donkey Konga).
Then Dixie and them go on tour (Donkey Konga 2).
Then Tiny and Funky get in on the bongo action in Donkey Konga 3.
Then Donkey Kong Racing would take place, and very soon after this would be Donkey Kong 64.
Now that's all I can put in order, the rest I'll need more info about before I can theorize.
I do know that DKRDS definately takes place in 2007, and Donkey Kong 64 is definately 1999. So that's a big gap of what I'm not sure about.
We do know that Jungle Climber definately takes place after King of Swing, because K. Rool is using the K. Kruizer IV instead of III in DKJC.
And we do know that Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 takes place after MVDK1.
The only problem is, we don't know where any of these go in order of the timeline. It's very possible that DKBB takes place before DKRDS, and I'm not sure if there's any way of knowing.
Kiddy14 wrote:Qyzbud wrote:Here's a thought; what was Wrinkly's name before she got old and... wrinkly..? Unless of course she was a wrinkly looking baby to begin with, or simply burdened randomly with a rather unfortunate name...
You know, if we consider Wrinkly (I'll make it sound better now xD) "married" Cranky the same year Donkey was born; and we consider Donkey to be around, what... 20 years old? Wrinkly was already too old to even have babies (probably around the 55's). Even if she made it, by the time Donkey was the Donkey we know now, she'd had to have around 75/80's years old. Gaining the Wrinkly name, also considering they got intelligence when King spilled them with radioactive chemicals that same year xD
Kiddy14 wrote:DK had fun with Wrinkly and when the baby was born, Wrinkly called him DK Jr.; but since Donkey never liked the Jr. surname, he called him DK and while deciding for a new name to him, DK said "Crrchcaanpgby", later deriving in Cranky by Wrinkly.
Qyzbud wrote:I would actually assume that they are all just nicknames. Funky for instance... and Chunky, Lanky, Tiny... they all seem to be descriptions more so than names. Diddy and Dixie are a bit more like real names, but I think they both mean 'small'. And of course Donkey Kong is most likely a 'title' that is passed on to the alpha-male of the family/group.
Jomingo wrote:Well, even I am starting to doubt my Cranky in Jungle Beat theory. It would be fine if it weren't for the growing evidence that Kremlings once ruled DK Island. There are Kremling temples and there's Kremlantis, and this would lead me to believe that the Kremlings ruled DK Island, which is why K. Rool is always fighting with the Kongs. I guess that Cranky could still be the DK in Jungle beat, but I don't think that Jungle Beat is about him taking over DK Island, as I believe that the Kongs took the island from the kremlings a long time ago.
Jomingo wrote:They were all super crazy, so the rest of the Kongs (that didn't join the cult) beat them all to death with coconuts
Jomingo wrote:Next, the problem of Baby DK. Baby DK is said to be Donkey Kong, but we've already seen what Donkey Kong looks like as a baby (Donkey Kong JR). Now, either Baby DK is a younger version of DKJr, or he's a different character altogether. I say the latter, and that he's actually Cranky Kong as a child.
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