Right now we've got limited knowledge of the game, but that's what makes it fun!
First things first, let's talk Funky. He's had alot of attention lately, mostly in Mario sports games, and I'm not quite sure why. Maybe Nintendo really likes him, and who knows, maybe Retro really likes him, which could mean big things for that Main Monkey we know and love.
Will he be limited to taxi service as was his role in the first two games (And somewhat in the third as well, kind of) or will he be given a different role (Like he had in DK64 as an ammo/weapons dealer) or maybe even become a playable character? I'm sure Retro has some fancy surprises like that in store, but who knows?
Personally I think he'll get a bigger role. Taxi services seem like a waste, when, as we saw in DKC3, the main characters can just as easily go where they please on their own. I'd like to think he's being given a bigger role, probably because I like him so much, but yeah.
So whada'you guys think?