As you know, I originally joined the forum in hopes of searching for the highly-rumored Donkey Kong Country Beta ROM. When I learned that a DKC Editor was in development, I decided to put that search on hold and work on something I have not done in over 13 years. It's called Donkey Kong Country X.
For those of you who've played the SNK/Neo-Geo shoot-'em-up classic Metal Slug X, the game is a remix of their previous installment Metal Slug 2, with notable differences such as enemy replacements, new items, and new vehicles. Donkey Kong Country X is just like that. There are new levels to explore in the island of the apes. You get to replay some of your favorite levels - remixed, of course - from the original DKC Trilogy. And with the arrival of a brand new breed of enemy - human poachers who dub themselves The Hunters - comes a new story line, where their own island becomes a part of Kong's captured Banana Hoard.
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[NOV. 4th 4:49:49PM]