DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

The dream tool of any hardcore DKC player, the DKCLB aims to make editable in unison all elements from the original DKC Trilogy, and allow customization of it all, too! Powered by the Delta Suite.

Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby spaceman2028 » September 8th, 2015, 11:58 am

Phyreburnz wrote:Um, I can't just make stuff like that... :roll:

Think of the space themed levels in Crash Bandicoot: The huge adventure. That's game's graphics were used for a sewer level screenshot by someone else a long time prior, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to use them again...
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » November 29th, 2015, 6:07 am

Hey, I just signed up and I don't actually have the program, but I can give you ideas.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » November 29th, 2015, 6:08 am

I wish I could be as creative as you guys...
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » November 29th, 2015, 6:43 am

He's a few ideas for you're entertainment. I don't actually have the program, but I would laddve to see how you guys could do it.

1) Perry Peril
Okay, so there's a barrel that Perry can spawn out of, and you have to guide him to a sign to transform him into somthing you'll need to advance. If he dies, go back to the barrel and grab another.
Bonus 1) Grab the stars. The stars are out of reach, so Perry must grab them in the 20 second time limit.
Bonus 2) Get Parry to the sign to have him turn into a B coin in a 35 second time limit.

2) Blockade Bonanza
Same burning rope concept of Kong-fused Cliffs, but now there are bees blocking your way!! Bonus rooms aren't mandatory, as this can be a Lost World level.

3) Bramble Beehive
Brambles in a beehive setting. I honestly don't care what you do with the bonus rooms.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » November 29th, 2015, 7:53 am

Okay, here's a REAL final level for ya. So, Donkey and Diddy have just beaten Master Neckey Sr., and now they make their way to Gang-Plank Galleon. No wait... They don't?? Meet Enguard's Escapades, a custom level made by yours truly.

:scratch: "But wait... What is this level even about?" :krool: "Don't tell me it's a (gasp) an underwater level!"

Well, yes. Sorry. Enguard's Escapades is a level in which you become Enguard and make your way thru a huge underwater maze, but it uses tilesets and enemy's from the jungle levels. You just get this feeling... King K. Rool is an evil, slimy reptile who corrupts everyone and everything. While it's hard, it's not as hard as some of the other levels I've come up, and that's on purpose. It's a lot more atmospheric. This sick reptile needs to be taken out back and delt with, and this level not only prepares you for that, but gets you pumped.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » November 29th, 2015, 1:04 pm

Come people, make comments! We are civilized people are we not?? :diddywink:
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 1st, 2015, 10:11 am

To be honest, I liked Mine Cart Madness better than Mine Cart Carnage :oops: so, let's give Mine Cart Carnage Mine Cart Madness physics. :dixiecry: no wait!! It isn't going to be easy, no, no, no, no, no! We'll add new enimies, secrets, barrels, stuff like that, but I don't want it to be too different. I want them to say, hey wait! Isn't this mine cart carnage

:rant: Cranky Kong out!!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 3rd, 2015, 10:06 am

Gee, thanks, whippersnapper!

(Wait, you were talking 'bout me right?)
:rant: Cranky Kong out!!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 3rd, 2015, 10:07 am

Thanks, simon!! You make some great things, too!!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 3rd, 2015, 10:11 am

Yo, Preyburnz! Awesome level! I love the way it looks, and the way it feels. Keep making cool stuff.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » December 10th, 2015, 11:35 am

What if there was a level combining temple and jungle.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby spaceman2028 » December 14th, 2015, 10:15 am

That doesn't sound half bad actually, Cranky Kong! It would take some time to get the right style, but a jungle temple would work out pretty well!

...Although, to be fair, I have to question it's authenticity-the temple levels are technically already part of the jungle.

Anyways, so I came up with a random level idea after watching several Crash Bandicoot 1 videos:a castle(themed)level that takes place OUTSIDE the castle!
Besides having some mixed graphics and other funky stuff from the original castle stages, it would mostly function just like the castle ascent stages in CB1(Slippery Climb, anyone?)
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Cranky Kong » January 25th, 2016, 5:19 am

Great ideas, everyone! I had a good idea for a rather comical level, but it's more of a completion bonus for getting, :k: :o: :n: :g: in every level. So after beating K. Rool, (as explained in my Custom Bosses recent post, because I have no idea how to make a URL :oops: ) He runs away. However, for getting 100%, I had a funny cut scene and level planned. (just let me know if I can't actually make the cut scene) So K. Rool jet packs his way into the sunset, but DK and Diddy start beating on him. DK actually puts on the jetpack using K. Rool as a weapon to kill enemies, via a chain attached to the crocodile. Here are some extra notes to take into consideration.
1) The jetpack runs on fuel, much like the rocket from DKC3.
2) The level is split into two parts:
- A bramble level, in which you must solve a maze with limited fuel.
- An autoscroll, still with vocational brambles. There are a crap ton of villains here.
3) I planned for a boss here, but I can't think of one. Go to my Custom Bosses section and help out!
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » March 26th, 2016, 11:59 pm

New level, no name yet, though! Suggestions wanted :)

Download full level here

desert oasis.png
desert oasis.png (128 KiB) Viewed 68985 times
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby VideoViking » March 27th, 2016, 9:18 am

Do you have the full level ready?
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » March 28th, 2016, 2:16 am

Yes, I already posted the download link.

I don't think that I am going to be placing the enemy/object suggestions anymore since I now am able to add in my levels to DKC4 directly.
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby spaceman2028 » March 29th, 2016, 10:31 am

Name suggestions: Mild Mirage, Sunset Shores, Illicit Illusion
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Re: DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

Postby Qyzbud » March 29th, 2016, 10:30 pm

Nice level, Phyre; your mockup captures the oasis aesthetic beautifully. :)

Sunset Shore (rather than Shores) is already a DKCR level name, but perhaps Dune Lagoon or Mesa Oasis (or Oasis Mesas) could work as rhyming names.
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