Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Soniccuz » July 1st, 2009, 5:49 am

Well I just got the new Nintendo Power, and I opened up to an interview with Mr. Miyamoto.

Issue 244?

They're seriously including a 'let the computer play for you' function that's just sad. Though it would be funny if the computer turned out to be worse at the game then the actual player. :mrgreen:

What's wrong with Zelda? As long as it's not Toon Link it will be a great game.

Spirit Tracks, it's Toon Link on a Train for the DS. <Evil Laughter>
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby FefeRawft » July 1st, 2009, 5:57 am

Yes Issue 244.

And, I was referring to Zelda Wii, not Spirit Tracks, which might be the first Zelda game I refuse to buy.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Soniccuz » July 1st, 2009, 6:21 am

Ah, hadn't heard of anything newer then Spirit Tracks.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Rare Lover » July 1st, 2009, 7:38 am

I borrowed and beat Phantom Hourglass from a friend and hated it, no way in hell I'm getting Spirit Tracks. Zelda Wii on the other hand looks promising so far (but there really isn't much to go by).
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby DK4Ever » July 1st, 2009, 4:08 pm

The fact that they're actually including that stupid auto-play feature is ridiculous, and shows that they have, at last, completely caved to the casual audience... it's RIDICULOUS. Sigh...
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby The Guy » July 2nd, 2009, 1:27 am

At this rate I'll either get a PS3 or X-Box 360...

Other than getting another game console I can't wait for the DKCLB.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Rare Lover » July 2nd, 2009, 5:19 pm

Well if it makes hard games easy then they could finally start making some serious games, or at least that's the way I saw it.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » July 3rd, 2009, 12:27 pm

Well... this is going to sound so naive...

If we all love the video games of olde so much, why don't we start making them?

Think about it. I don't know how hard it is to get a job at Nintendo, but what if those of us who know how to make games started working there and brought the company back to it's former glory? Soon enough, the execs over there will keel over, and the fans will be the only ones left to take the reins...

Bah.... that whole post sounded so freaking naive... maybe writing a petition with a zillion signatures will do something... but at this point, I just don't know anymore.... :(

I'm so sorry for all those years I mocked you Cranky Kong... you can beat me over the head with a stick now...
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Cyclone » July 11th, 2009, 2:29 pm

That's the spirit JadeRoseofChaos. ;)

Instead of complaining about what Nintendo is doing wrong maybe we should make a list of all the things Nintendo is doing right (be a short list I know) and a list of things Nintendo COULD do better. With each point in the list one could explain in a constructive way why they find this point important to them or to Nintendo. Then we could attach it to the start of this topic so the first thing Nintendo sees is the list.

If you were a Nintendo employe reading this topic would you even want to read a topic full of Nintendo bashing? But then Nintendo probably doesn't read anything that comes from their consumers do they? Just kidding. ;)

Back on Topic
This E3 was much better then last years. 2 New Marios, Zelda, Metroid, Wii Sports Resort. That shows Nintendo did listen to the complaints from last year. It still shows how nintendo takes the easy way out... A Mario Galexy sequal, New Super Mario Bros Sequal etc. I would rather see an original Mario game then another port. But all in all this E3 was a little better I thought. And people saying Nintendo is copying ideas from Wii Sports Resort to use in the next Zelda, I think it's the other way around. It could be a way for Nintendo to 'test' out new ideas for the next Zelda and iron out bugs with the controls and see what gamers think before they implement them into Zelda.

I would like to see Nintendo focus on other franchises other then Mario. They turned him into a Mickey mouse like mascott........ More focuss on other or new franchises such us Starfox, DKC,Kirby,F-Zero, Pikmin etc. Maybe we haven't seen a Starfox game lately is cuzz the last few weren't that great?

Nintendo is still going downhill but in my view it deaccelerated a little. :)
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby gamer_boy997 » July 11th, 2009, 3:12 pm

FefeRawft wrote:Q: I've heard there's some special new system in the game. Can you tell us about it?

A: It's actually an assist function. What it does is allow the player to let the computer take over if there's a section they're having trouble clearing, and the computer will play through that section, and then when you're comfortable, you take the control again, and you continue playing from that point.

Translation: It's actually a cheat function. What it does is take the baby players who can't play even a moderatly easy game and make it easier for them. This is the future of Nintendo. We will make games easier and easier until all you do is click a button and you beat the game. Hooray for easy!

I :lol:'d like crazy. Seriously? There making the game that easy?

There MUST be a catch. Only allowed for a limited amount of time, only usable on certain levels, only usuable if you get a certain item, ANYTHING!

Wow, now I'm wondering if it's worth getting that game with the assist function :roll: .
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby FefeRawft » August 1st, 2009, 10:09 am

You know what, I've been playing the Wind Waker, maybe Toon Link isn't all that bad. Or maybe he is and his only good game is WW.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby The Guy » August 1st, 2009, 11:00 am

Jomingo wrote:I really don't understand all the Sony hate around here. I know they had a rocky start, but there's no doubt in my mind that Sony has a vastly superior console to anybody out there right now, and finally after all this time they are starting to pack the software to show it off. MAG will F---ING rule.


But then again with many people trying to fit in nowadays...

I can't wait for the next DK game anyway...
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Rodent » August 12th, 2009, 11:07 pm

FefeRawft wrote:You know what, I've been playing the Wind Waker, maybe Toon Link isn't all that bad. Or maybe he is and his only good game is WW.

Toon Link is just a graphic system, and Wind Waker is ten times better than Twilight Princess. I just realised, in Wind Waker, Nintendo dared to be different and everyone bitched. With Twilight Princess, they went back to basics and people bitched anyway. I think Zelda has run it's course and probably won't ever be as good as Majora's Mask. I'll still get it because I like it, but it's peaked. And hell yes, I want to see other IP's paid attention to like Starfox. Mainly Starfox. If they screw that game up, because really it has the potential to be absoloutely amazing with little effort at all, then I'm selling my Wii.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby FefeRawft » August 13th, 2009, 7:40 am

As much as I have party and casual games, I might get Wii Sports Resort and Wii Play. Having a few isn't too bad. (You could also use that line when the cops pull you over :P). One of my favorite games was a party game (Mario Party 1).
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby CaptainEddie » August 13th, 2009, 7:45 am

Mario Party 1 was good because it was a new thing and was done to the best of Nintendo's ability.

To repeat some other members, I too believe that the whole gaming industry is going down. Why? Because games are becoming more popular. And that means more game developers, including bad ones.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Jomingo » August 13th, 2009, 10:05 am

The Gaming industry as a whole is split into two groups: The group that is continually pushing forward and making break through games of the future; and the group that it hindering the gaming industry from becoming the form of media that it is destined to be. Nintendo; although they say that the are creating the future of the industry; are part of the latter group. No matter what, these two groups have always and will always coexist. The problem is, Nintendo created an entire console that not only makes no step forward for gaming but hinders it's progress. The size of this latter group hasn't been this big since the video game crash of 1983.

The problem isn't that games are becoming more popular and therefore there's an overall increase in mediocrity; the problem is that there is so much more opportunity for mediocrity to succeed. Nintendo has done what Atari did in 1983; they've taken off all restrictions and quality control and now, just like in 1983 the market is becoming so flooded with sub-par pieces of trash that it is impossible for the average consumer to distinguish between something that is worth a $50 purchase and something that isn't. And Nintendo continues to fuel the fire. For the amount of time and money it takes to make the average Wii game they will profit more than Halo or Call of Duty. The reason is this: They can make 10 cutesy Wii games for the same price as one triple A Xbox title.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 3rd, 2010, 3:05 pm

I know bumping old topics is bad and all, but I'd just like to point out that the long known 3DS is coming out in early 2011. It's about time Nintendo released the next generation portable. We've been waiting for several years! This outta bring Nintendo up the hill!
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby CrankyMan » October 3rd, 2010, 8:21 pm

Isn't SEGA also going downhill? After horrible Sega Smash Pack on Dreamcast, Sonic Genesis for GBA, Sonic Classic collection for DS...
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby aperson98 » October 4th, 2010, 4:53 am

In my opinion the entire gaming industry has gone downhill. I remember the days when you could unlock stuff by code, beating the game, or by doing a sidequest. Nowadays just be sure you preorder your game at Gamestop to get something good. Gamestop power to the players, yeah right more like Gamestop ripoff the players. Anyway I think that Nintendo could improve a bit, but compared to Mircosoft the big N at least looks like it has a good gameplan for the holiday and they don't to do that pre-order stuff either, thank god.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Phyreburnz » October 8th, 2010, 1:28 pm

Well, in my opinion, gaming went downhill after the 90's. The Super Nintendo had over TWICE the games that the 64 had... Yeah, that means that 64 had less than half of the number of games the SNES had... craziness... Now, numbers aren't everything. [I mean, Atari was supposed to have like eight games, which turned into (I dunno, about) one-hundred? Which meant rip offs!] But anyways, I have always preferred the Super's games rather than the 64's games.

I liked the 64, and the gamecube was okay... I don't own a wii, but I really have no desire to, at least not now. Maybe when Nintendo comes out with two more systems (that's when they are at their all-time low! 64 is the cheapest Nintendo you can buy right now because of the gamecube and the wii). From what I've heard, the wii isn't all that impressive. That's not to say that there aren't really fun games out there, but there are fewer than there once were.

I do think that especially since Rareware decided to leave, Nintendo has suffered. Big time... And I think that Nintendo has also gone down because they bought out Sega. That kind of made me mad... I mean, I never cared for Sega that much, but the fact that Sonic was appearing in games WITH Mario... just wrong...

But about the other game systems (by that I mean Play Station)... I LOVE my original Play Station. I wouldn't trade it for the world. There were soooo many great games (also a product from the 90's... Yay the 90's!). Play Station 2 really didn't catch my attention. There are a few games that, should I one day purchase a PS2, I would buy (MGS Snake Eater). I love, though that Sony let you play your PS1 games on their second system... I'm not sure, however, if you can still play original Play Station games on the PS3. That would be their biggest flaw, in my eyes. That was something that Nintendo never did (up until the wii came out). Well, Play Station is not as great, I believe, because of the system being so damn expensive. I can't believe that someone would pay over $250... and that's pushing it! And it's not like you're buying something of utmost importance... It's a game system for god's sake! A bit pricey for entertainment...

Now, I can't say anything about Xbox. I know nearly nothing about it. I'm too retro for that crap! (And I mean that in no disrespectful manner... "crap" is just for the silly-value.) I've heard that it's pretty great, but I don't know. I've never played one... or even held the controller! But, my older brother had one. He kept getting the red ring of death and had to keep getting new ones... I think he just played it for hours on end, though... so probably not Microsoft's fault.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 11th, 2010, 1:14 am


I just got the Xbox 360 Halo Reach bundle the other day. I still have to transfer my hard drive and hook up Xbox Live, so right now I'm basically messing around in Forge and going around shooting aliens. It's fun as hell though, but I can't access any of my online content- so without Internet the 360 is largely pointless. Not entirely, but pretty much. Nintendo isn't like this. Their focus is primarily on the player's offline experience, so if you don't have your Wii connected to the Internet it's not that big a deal. Key difference there.

Another thing is Nintendo's refusal to step into the 21st century of gaming. A seventh gen console with no HD capabilities, no DRM to speak of, and hardware less powerful than my coffee machine? It's no wonder why so many "hardcore" gamers make fun of the Wii, and you can't really blame them. The Wii's just not powerful enough. There are good games for it, like Brawl, Galaxy, etc... but do you think Nuts & Bolts, Little Big Planet, or Halo Reach would be possible on the Wii's hardware? Hell no! And developers know this. That's why when you have a multi-platform game, the Wii version is automatically going to suck compared to the others. Take Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, where the Wii version lacked online play and had much shittier graphics. Basically Nintendo just needs to grow up.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Jomingo » October 12th, 2010, 12:27 pm

OK, two nights in a row I got to this post just before I need to sleep. I am going to respond to this. It won't be tonight, it might not be tomorrow, but a response is coming.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 13th, 2010, 2:34 am

Hahaha, alrighty. Looking forward to it. They might as well just rename this the Tiptup and Jomingo + friends forum (kidding.) :P
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby Jomingo » October 13th, 2010, 11:16 am

OK, here I go.

I don't really agree with your Wii sentiments. I mean, sure it's easy for us to say Nintendo should do this or that, but we can hardly say they are doing something wrong when they've so clearly bested everyone else this generation and left everyone else scrambling to catch up. I don't think Nintendo got lucky either. I think they legitimately knew where they were headed, and knew these new ideas would take them to where they are today. Look at it like this: While Microsoft and Sony were trying to battle each other to make the most advanced and capable machines to date with incredible new online features, Nintendo was able to take half a decade old hardware, make dodgy games with little effort, and sell more consoles than anybody else in the history of video games. They are laughing their asses off right now, and they have no reason to think they should be doing things differently. Sure, we can complain that the Wii doesn't do this or that, but we bought one, and so did everybody else and there moms. This is not Nintendo refusing to keep up with the 21st Century, this is Nintendo rewriting the rules. What we think is important isn't anymore. They've proven that. They aren't being childish, they're being geniuses.

Of course, this success won't work for them twice, and they know it. As it turns out, when you base your entire marketing ploy on "non gamers", your consumer base doesn't tend to buy a lot of games, and they certainly don't have a brand loyalty that would prompt them to spend another 300 bucks five years later. But Nintendo has proven already with the 3DS that they can innovate and push hardware and be hardcore while doing it. The 3DS is going to be a powerful machine. It's already set to have more 3rd party support than any of Nintendo's consoles since they're early days (note: 3rd parties tend not to like Nintendo).

And when you have a console that pushes hardware, has full 3rd party support, and caters a lot to hardcore gamers, they're looking at hooking all the people who bought 2 or even 3 iterations of the original DS, while convincing those "hardcore" gamers to come along too. And I'll be surprised if Nintendo doesn't apply this same strategy to their next home console. Nintendo can push the hardcore boundaries when they want to, and I expect the next Wii to be every bit as capable as at least a Playstation 3. It'll probably far exceed it if they want to keep up with the PS4 and NextBox, although I'm sure it won't be the best of all three. It will be capable, and probably do something unique that nobody else does, like the 3DS is going to do.
Also, the entire Wii campaign was based on the DS's success, which is why the next one will probably base it's strategy on the 3DS in the same way. It'll be hardcore.
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Re: Does anyone else think Nintendo is going down hill?

Postby SexyRayman » February 2nd, 2012, 8:24 am

Not really.. I think Nintendo is still going strong in my opinion!
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