Markster wrote:Awesome, and my favorite part about it is... 8 PLAYERS!!!
Unlike 2 players like the original DKC, and I got more questions about Delta.
1. I heard that you will fix the physics of Winky, will you keep the original physics too?
2. How good would delta run at 320x240? (Which is the resolution I want to make my games in.)
3. Will synonymously playing be possible? kinda like DKC Returns or NSMB Wii.
Don't worry, the engine is now in its very early infancy. I'm just now getting the code together that will prove a tile testbed and display some debug sprites (of DK).
1. Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean the layering problems of the walkways tileset? That's already fixed.
2. It's not much larger than the original game, and thus will probably run just as good.
3. What, like having objects do actions synced to the music? Hmm.... I'm not sure about that one, but it could probably be done using events and a custom object that fires the necessary event on the proper frames.