Yes, they must use the original models. The way DK looked in the old series used to bother me somewhat.
Also, while I enjoyed the voices in the original series (some of 'em just fit y'know
), I believe DK's should probably be a bit different... actually, scratch that. DK's voice was always an issue for me.
I mean, I know that a new series would probably have different voices. Here's where I'm caught between a rock and a hard place:
1. In the old series, DK was potrayed as having a more laid back, carefree and cocky attitude, and could be quick witted at times. The voice actor projected that potrayal quite well (more teenaged if you know what I mean).
2. In the video games, DK's voice sounds quite different. Much... deeper. He is also portrayed slightly different. In the games, he always looks mad or alert, as if he's ready to fight when the time comes.
I guess my main issue is DK's voice actor portrayal.
Maybe I'm just thinking too far into it...
ah well. Any thoughts, people?