IF there was going to be a new DK show...

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IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby The Guy » August 15th, 2009, 12:01 pm

Well, this is a thread for ideas of a DK TV Show.

Pretty much, my idea involves the idea of Donkey Kong and company's adventures around DK Island and other places. Some of the plots of the episodes will be based of the games (Including JB and Donkey Konga... I don't know why though, but they'd make some interesting episodes for some reason like DK and Diddy trying to get money for something and they decide to perform music.)

It'd also focus on the rivally with the Kongs and the Kremlings, but not always. There are also going to be some new characters like the leader of the Mankey Kong Gang with their lair in Vine Valley.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2009, 12:33 pm

That would be kinda cool actually... if done right.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby Stone » August 15th, 2009, 7:39 pm

First, if they would do another show with computer graphics, they must use the original models. They look much better than those seen in the old series
They also have to get rid of those stupid songs, or at least not in every episode.
The idea that the rivalry between Kongs and Kremlings shouldn't be always in the focus is a good idea. This is one of the many things that totally ruined the Pokemon TV series for me. Seeing Team Rocket stealing/trying to steal some Pokemon on every episode gets boring pretty fast.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby JadeRoseofChaos » August 16th, 2009, 4:53 am

Yes, they must use the original models. The way DK looked in the old series used to bother me somewhat.

Also, while I enjoyed the voices in the original series (some of 'em just fit y'know :) ), I believe DK's should probably be a bit different... actually, scratch that. DK's voice was always an issue for me.

I mean, I know that a new series would probably have different voices. Here's where I'm caught between a rock and a hard place:

1. In the old series, DK was potrayed as having a more laid back, carefree and cocky attitude, and could be quick witted at times. The voice actor projected that potrayal quite well (more teenaged if you know what I mean).

2. In the video games, DK's voice sounds quite different. Much... deeper. He is also portrayed slightly different. In the games, he always looks mad or alert, as if he's ready to fight when the time comes.

I guess my main issue is DK's voice actor portrayal.
I was gonna make a Jason Griffith joke, but it just seems like beating a dead horse now... :?

Maybe I'm just thinking too far into it... :roll: ah well. Any thoughts, people?
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby Soniccuz » August 16th, 2009, 6:55 pm

If they were to do another show, and even with it not focusing on the Kongs fighting the Kremlings. It needs to feature the kremling perspective. The one thing I feel the show did right was not making them out as the defacto villains every time.

Also maybe bring in the bosses from JB It could provide a chance to flesh them out a bit.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby CM August » August 22nd, 2009, 9:04 pm

Yes, yes, the original character designs are a must. Remember those ensemble images Rare put together? Like this:


It's very easy to imagine those as stills from a DKC cartoon. And with the progress of technology in the 13 years since this was made, it has the potential to look even better. Characters, personalities and the like would of course be in line with the videogame series. And the music would retain the feel of those amazing D. Wise tracks.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby Jomingo » August 23rd, 2009, 11:43 am

Oh my, that screenshot is a perfect illustration of what the DKC Show could be like. Very nice indeed.
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Re: IF there was going to be a new DK show...

Postby CaptainEddie » August 24th, 2009, 11:54 am

I'm not so sure about DK's charactermodel, there...

I mean, it just seems like it'd be difficult to give him a variety of facial expressions. Look at that picture there. You can see DK's awe-inspired look, but only because of his mouth. His eyes don't look much different from his other moods, like:

donkeykong.jpg (34.04 KiB) Viewed 19942 times


And if you look at DK's sprites, such as when you fail a bonus, he really only shows his emotion through body language. It just seems...awkward.
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