favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

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whats your favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga?

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favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Goe » February 13th, 2011, 7:52 am

hi mates:

what's your favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga?

Mine is Enguarde...is really cool killing the acuatic foes...i really enjoy playing with him.

I also like Rambi(more in DKC than in DKC2 because the sound and special effects when you kill a foe are more cool), Squawks (only in DKC2 and 3...in DKC is a boring animal buddy because he only wears the torch...but in DKC2 and 3 is really cool flying and killing spitting coconuts), and Squitter is really cool too!

well...hope see your votes and opinions!!
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Ribbedebie » February 17th, 2011, 11:45 pm

Rattly, and just because it's a snake. And a friendly one too, to boot. You know how rare something like that is?

I also like Expresso and Rambi.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Goe » February 18th, 2011, 3:14 am

i don't understand you like expresso...he can't kill enemies and is not a good flyer like Squawks. I like Rambi too like i have already said. About Rattly...i really prefer Winky as a jumper animal...i don't understand why Rare changed Winky for Rattly.

In any case i respect your preferences, and i am glad you voted in my poll :D
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Phyreburnz » February 18th, 2011, 7:35 am

Winky is my favorite by far! I definitely agree with Goe, I don't understand why Rare changed Winky for Rattly. For the birds, I like Expresso the best. I liked that she (I know, some say it's a male, but with those shoes... it just always looked like a girl to me) couldn't fly. I liked that you really had to work to get far with her. And I also liked Squwaks better in the first game... Sure, it's neat to have a bird carry you, but I didn't like how they changed his size so much! And I much MUCH prefer Rambi over Ellie. I hated that stupid elephant! I would have liked it if maybe Rare decided to make more underwater buddies. I know they had that thing that you had to feed (Fish Food Frenzy) and Glimmer, but they were kind of lame.

And who is Quacks? I saw it on your list, but I just tried to google it, and I didn't see anything on it.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Monkeyshrapnel » February 18th, 2011, 9:58 am

I've always loves squawks to heck, he is my absolute favourite animal buddy ever.

I mean he has the honor of being the first animal buddy to play a boss and he gets the hardest part of a level in DKC 2 animal antics.

Also, Quawks is how it's actually spelled, the OP got it wrong, Quawks is the purple parrot found in DKC 2 and 3
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Goe » February 18th, 2011, 9:29 pm

Monkeyshrapnel wrote:I've always loves squawks to heck, he is my absolute favourite animal buddy ever.

I mean he has the honor of being the first animal buddy to play a boss and he gets the hardest part of a level in DKC 2 animal antics.

Also, Quawks is how it's actually spelled, the OP got it wrong, Quawks is the purple parrot found in DKC 2 and 3

why you don't vote Squawks?

Well...i wrote bad the name of the 2 parrots...sorry!

I know they had that thing that you had to feed (Fish Food Frenzy) and Glimmer, but they were kind of lame

Glimmer was a true animal buddy, but Nibbla(the fish you have to feed in Fish Food Frenzy) is not an animal buddy...is a foe...

ah, and i hate ellie too...for me, DKC3 is the worst game of the saga, the kremlings and other evil guys have a strange child design, Kiddy looks dumb, the great Rambi doesn't appear, and the new animal buddies Ellie and Parry aren't cool...i don't like ellie is afraid of sneeks.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 19th, 2011, 2:36 am

Squitter, all the way. I love all the DKC animal buddies but he comes first, with Expresso and Rattly tying for second and Parry coming out in third. I just love his obscurity and seeming pointlessness.

Also, DKC3 wasn't terrible! All DKCs are great. asdfgh
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Goe » February 19th, 2011, 3:08 am

Tiptup Jr. wrote:Squitter, all the way. I love all the DKC animal buddies but he comes first, with Expresso and Rattly tying for second and Parry coming out in third. I just love his obscurity and seeming pointlessness.

Also, DKC3 wasn't terrible! All DKCs are great. asdfgh

thanks for your vote.

And, if i am objetive, i must admite DKC3 was a good game, but i like DKC and DKC2 more than DKC3...last time i seriously played DKC3 was a lot of years ago because once i defeated K rool and discover the lost world i lose my interest for the given reasons. However i have played DKC and DKC2 a lot of times. Sometimes i have said DKC3 is terrible but i must admit i am not objetive when i say that...

Ah, i like Squitter too, but i'm impressed you like Expresso and Parry...i don't like both hehehe :D
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 19th, 2011, 9:19 am

Expresso's just cool because he can fly and everything, while still being a fast-moving creature who is fun to control (Squawks can be awkward.) Plus he can step over small enemies. But if only he had an attack.

And yeah, I have a personal attachment to DKC3 that keeps me from bashing it too horribly... the GBA port actually is what legitimizes it as a DKC, in my opinion, with all the extra stuff and whatnot.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Mayo » March 15th, 2011, 5:38 pm

It's kinda interesting, I voted Expresso because of him being fast and can hover for extra air time.

In Donkey Kong Land, he's far more useful than in DKC, he can actually kill enemies (including Zingers!) and can do almost a 'double jump' when you tap A in mid air. He's sorta like Expresso himself cross between Winky, and is probably the best animal buddy in DKL.

Next in line would be either Squarks, Squitter or Ellie.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Katzii » March 20th, 2011, 3:48 am

Goe wrote:i don't understand you like expresso...

Because he's an OSTRICH who wears SHOES.

At least, that's one of the reasons why I voted him as my favourite, anyway. I just enjoy controlling him.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Markster » June 5th, 2011, 10:35 pm

I would have to say squitter, because he can shoot webs, and he is fun to play as, who cant forget levels like Webs Woods from DKC2 and Krack Shot Kroc from DKC3, which where pretty hard levels, but i like hard levels.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby SimianSegue » June 6th, 2011, 4:00 am

Rambi is such a fun addition to the DKC Series! It sucks he wasn't in DKC3 though...
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Glimmer » May 2nd, 2012, 9:01 am

Despite my username i voted for Enguarde. Swordfish is one of my favorite animals anyway, so i could only like Enguarde. He's after all the only animal buddy you can actually play in all 3 games. On a sidenote, Rambi should have been in DKC3. Replacing Rambi with Ellie was a big mistake for me.
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby The Banana Bird » July 2nd, 2012, 9:36 am

Guys, I will admit this. I chose Clapper. I have always found him as creative but very underated. Anyone with me?
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Re: favourite animal buddy of the DKC saga

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 31st, 2012, 3:22 pm

I love all of the Animal Buddies, really I do (yes, even you Clapper). But if I had to choose one Buddy to rule them all, it would be Squitter.

First of all, he's a Spider with Sneakers. Second of all, he can take you wherever you want to go. And thirdly, he can take out almost any enemy you face. I'm so glad he made it into Donkey Kong Country 3 and was impressed that he was included in Brawl as a trophy! Plus, he's "one of the coolest new animal friends". I also like the sound he makes when he's defeated.

The runners-up would be Rambi, Rattly, Squawks, and Engaurde.
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