What do your friends and family think of DKC?

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What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Ribbedebie » March 20th, 2011, 10:09 pm

Just what the title says! Erm, my mom quite likes DK, she used to play DK Land when I was little... but she tends to get annoyed if I ramble about it too much. My dad approves of everything I like, but doesn't really like my rambling either.

At my school the games get no respect at all and that infuriates me. However, some of my closest friends often turn into DKC-fans after I let them play Returns with me. So yeah.

One of my friends, she seems to like the original DKC better than Returns! We played it once and even though she got a headache later on it was awesome. And then to think she usually plays shooters and kill-everyone-you-see games!

Erm, yeah, nothing interesting really. I'd like to hear you guys' experiences!
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Katzii » March 21st, 2011, 12:21 am

My direct family doesn't really know anything of it and probably not even of its existence; the only thing they know is that I got a DKCR t-shirt when I pre-ordered my game and my brother hounded me endlessly for it. I finally gave it to him for Christmas, when I got myself another one in a smaller size!

My cousin has played, and loves, DKCR with me. Otherwise it's not really a common knowledge thing with friends and family on my end (although it was friends who introduced me to it way back in the 90's!).
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Phyreburnz » March 22nd, 2011, 8:15 am

All throughout school, if I told people that Donkey Kong Country was my favorite game, they would, pretty much, make fun of me. I didn't talk about games at school because everybody else was busy playing the "latest and greatest" thing... but not me. I was (and still am) stuck on Super Nintendo. My family didn't specifically care; they just knew that I liked DKC. My sister buys me Donkey Kong stuff (and Nintendo stuff) all the time. Last Christmas, she got me a DK keychain. Other than her and my boyfriend, nobody else really cared that I liked DKC.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Kiddy14 » March 24th, 2011, 2:14 am

They don't really care. Most of my friends know I like DKC, and I've received some gifts out of it, but other than that there's nothing. My little cousin plays it with me and my parents once found used DKC cartridges they gifted me yay!
I have a friend who's tried to make me bring my DKCR to his home and play it there =P

When I was little and afraid of videogames, I used to collect a lot of lives in Jungle Hijinxs and then force them to beat Rope Bridge Rumble and Really Gnawty Rampage; but since we were stoopehd and didn't save right after it, my parents always lost all 99 lives at Oil Drum Alley.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Tailikku » March 25th, 2011, 7:25 am

My dad claims that DKC 1 is his favorite videogame of all time.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby MadcapTech » March 25th, 2011, 11:07 am

I still play DKC 1,2,3 and Returns with my sister. Every now and then my father will join in on DKC. They love the game almost as much as I do.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Phyreburnz » March 27th, 2011, 1:28 am

Well, I was just reminded of something pretty funny, thanks to Kiddy14's post.
When I was younger, I always just played Jungle Hijinks over and over... because I was a little kid and I sucked. My older brother always deemed himself at the best one to play the game, because he got the furthest in it. Last year, my older brother, Willie, and I played two player contest. Willie got to, like, Vulture Culture and couldn't get past it, while I already beat the game! Sweet revenge! XD
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby 7S7ui3 » March 30th, 2011, 7:53 am

My parents think it is quite dumb with monkey running all over the place. They usally dont care but they arent acually very interested in DKC .
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby HavocReaper48 » March 31st, 2011, 10:33 am

My dad is the one who got me into Donkey Kong Country in the first place. I used to watch him play, and beg him to often until I could play by myself. Been playing ever since. My mom knows of DKC but doesn't have an opinion on it really. One of my friends had played the original 2 player mode with me once.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Markster » March 31st, 2011, 10:55 am

Hardly no one in my family ever plays that game, my brother doesn't want to hear or see DKC1 or 2 for a long time because he is sick of it, my sister don't play it, my father don't play it, my mother don't play it, some of my cousins like the game though.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Mayo » April 10th, 2011, 1:02 pm

My parents don't really give a hoot, my older brother was the one who had introduced me to DKC1, and later led me to play DKC2, 3 and Returns over the years.
He doesn't care too much about DKC anymore, we did play some Co-op on Returns but he thinks it's "all the same" like in DKC1. Too bad my brother is over platformers like Mario and DK, but I still enjoy them, even more than anyone in the family.
In the last year I've been on a massive DK 'binge', revisiting much nostalgia by playing and 100%ing DKC1 and 3, downloaded and played a ROM of DKC2, revisited DK64, and finally bought and played almost to 100% of DKC2 for the GBA.
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 23rd, 2011, 1:36 pm

I love DKC a lot. My brother watches me play BB every now and then but he hasn't really played a DK game since... well, actually that's the thing. The last DK game I saw him play was BB.

I don't think my dad's ever played it but my mom plays it sometimes. Back in '09 I had her playing DKC2 and DK: KoS while waiting for my bro. My sisters play it sometimes but not usually. by the way, I am happy to report that my little sister Lindsay is now able to beat me on pro. And this time I wasn't even purposely losing! :)
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby SimianSegue » May 27th, 2011, 9:04 am

Ehh, my family doesn't really give a hoot DKC-wise, by which I mean I haven't gotten any presents that are DKC related, but my dad loves Rareware because of Banjo-Kazooie, his favorite video game of all time. But at my local Play n' Trade they have all 3 DKCs, and I might get one. Which one should I get?(I'm probably getting DKC2, but give me your input!)
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Re: What do your friends and family think of DKC?

Postby HavocReaper48 » May 27th, 2011, 12:31 pm


DKC1: Nostalgia classic, easier and shorter compared to rest, forever classic and hilarious moments, best music.

DKC2: Increased challenge and length, great gameplay and very good music.

DKC3: Weak link. Most depth, items and levels, but least charm, terrible bosses except for Rool and soundtrack is lacking.

I would go with the original for a good start, but that's just me.
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