by WesternTanager794
July 11th, 2023, 12:08 am » Short link
Some detail has been los tot time.
My mom built a Time Machine. Me and my sibling and Dixie and Funky head inside it and end up in a parking lot in Kings, Arizona. Wherever that is. In the parking lot of a Walmart. Then we immediately head to Ancient Egypt where I don’t remember what we do there. And then we are very hot and head to an ice cream shop in what is a different Walmart parking lot, but still in Arizona. (Why?) The four of us get some ice cream. Then outside we see all of the characters of Toy Story 1 and 2. And apparently, Winky and Squitter have been captured by the US government and need saving. Apparently they are set to experiment them. We head to inside the base with the Time Machine. And then we are ambushed by a bunch of the guns in the incredibles and the lights turn on. And before they fire. Woody flashes his sheriff’s badge because apparently that gives him clearance and Buzz says that he’s here from Star Command. The guns wind down. We escape with both Winky and S quitter. Then we become on the FBI’s most wanted list. Some people laugh for putting a couple of kids, two monkeys, and some toys, they’re for rescuing a spider and a frog, but still they search. I apparent receive a phone call from my grandmother saying to head over to her house for the weekend. For whatever reason I suspect that the government has ordered her to do such a thing. Then I head over to the Atlas chat where there are 7 people chatting! Matt, Qyzbud, Simion, Rainbow Sprinklez, Super Luigi, Sledge and a mysterious user named Kings. Apparently Winky, Squitter, and Parry as well have all perished and I missed the atlas held funeral. Interesting. After some chatting the chat breaks and an image not dissimilar to Donkey Kong Racing but frozen, you know when all the animals burst out of the logo in the concept video? Freeze that and every time a new chat message pops up one creature or kong will move to the front. Fairly soon after I decided the atlas was hacked, I started planting potatoes and the FBI showed up.