Wario Land

Any games which star Mario can be discussed here; including, but not limited to the Super Smash Bros. games, and other cross-over games featuring both Mario and DK.

Which Wario Land do you like best?

Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (GB)
Virtual Boy Wario Land (VB)
Wario Land II (GB & GBC)
Wario Land 3 (GBC)
Wario Land 4 (GBA)
No votes
Wario Land: Shake It!
No votes
Total votes : 6

Wario Land

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 15th, 2008, 8:58 am

This is the thread where we chat about Wario Land. As you probably know, Wario Land: Shake It! is coming out to the USA on September 22nd. I only have Wario Land 4 and Wario: Master of Disguise, I did borrow Wario Land 3 from a friend, and I liked it better then the other two. I'm thinking about getting Wario Land II and 3, any recommendations?
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Swing King » September 16th, 2008, 4:49 am

Who the HELL told you Wario was a Mario character! Here, why don't we just Discuss DKC in this board too!

Other than that, VB Wario Land is awesome. Though I only ever got to play it at a friend's house.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Raccoon Sam » September 16th, 2008, 5:22 am

Where is Virtual Boy Wario Land? It was equally awesome with 1 if you ask me. Completed it several times over and still play it today, man I love it..!
VBWL = WL1 > WL2 > WL4 > WL3
I haven't played Shake it! nor Master of disappointmentguise, which, for one isn't even a part of the Wario Land-series.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby The Angry Sun » September 16th, 2008, 6:16 am

Swing King wrote:Who the HELL told you Wario was a Mario character!


How about...

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Mario & Wario
All the Mario Karts(Except Super Mario Kart)
All the Mario Parties
Super Mario 64 DS
All the Mario Tennises (Except the Portables)
All the Mario Golfs(Except the Portables)
Super Mario Strikers
Mario Strikers Charged
And in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games he is one of the Mario Characters.

Just to name a few.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Swing King » September 16th, 2008, 7:42 am

By that logic
We could
Also say
is a Mario Character

I'm posting
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Re: Wario Land

Postby The Angry Sun » September 16th, 2008, 8:56 am

That's low.
I'd never insult the way you type. Never.

And I prefer lists instead of just putting everything in the same sentence.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Swing King » September 16th, 2008, 11:33 am

Alright, I'm sorry. I wasn't having a very good day. I'll be good, I promise. And, VB Wario Land should be on that. But that argument really was stupid, lets's just forget that happened. Oh, and the Angry Sun was my favorite enemy in SMB3.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby The Angry Sun » September 16th, 2008, 11:41 am

Alright, I'm sorry. I wasn't having a very good day. I'll be good, I promise. And, VB Wario Land should be on that. But that argument really was stupid, lets's just forget that happened. Oh, and the Angry Sun was my favorite enemy in SMB3.

Apology accepted.
Thank you for the kind words.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Jomingo » September 17th, 2008, 6:05 am

Virtual Boy Wario Land is indeed very worthy of this poll(not only because it's a part of the series, but because it's awesome), and thus it has been added.
And sorry, but saying Wario:Master of Disguise is part of the Wario Land series is like saying Wario Ware or Wario World is, so it's been removed.

And I hate to break it to you, but Wario is a Mario character. He has his own series but originated as a Mario character and frequently appears in Mario games, and thus for all intents and purposes he should could be considered part of the Mario Games discussion. The same goes for Yoshi.

He's a spinoff character.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Swing King » September 17th, 2008, 7:45 am

Wait, then Mario is a DK spinoff character! Take that people who say DK is a Mario spin-off! :D
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Re: Wario Land

Postby The Angry Sun » September 17th, 2008, 8:31 am

Swing King wrote:Wait, then Mario is a DK spinoff character! Take that people who say DK is a Mario spin-off! :D

Actually. Crap. How do you explain this? DK Sr. and Mario are the mains. Sr. became Cranky and branched off from Mario and Mario branched off from DK Sr. um... Jomingo...HELP!!!!!!!!
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Re: Wario Land

Postby DK4Ever » September 17th, 2008, 2:54 pm

The Angry Sun wrote:
Swing King wrote:Who the HELL told you Wario was a Mario character!


How about...

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Mario & Wario
All the Mario Karts(Except Super Mario Kart)
All the Mario Parties
Super Mario 64 DS
All the Mario Tennises (Except the Portables)
All the Mario Golfs(Except the Portables)
Super Mario Strikers
Mario Strikers Charged
And in Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games he is one of the Mario Characters.

Just to name a few.

Wario IS technically a Mario character, but he, like Yoshi, has had his own series. (Plus...Wario was playable in Mario 64 DS...) But you CANNOT count the sports/racing games as cannon, they are spinoffs, and only incorporate characters who have had some run-in with Mario in the past, and others of their series (DK, all the DK characters, DK IS NOT A MARIO CHARACTER, just sayin'.)
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Jomingo » September 18th, 2008, 7:59 am

Wario IS a Mario spinoff character, the Cameo games(for the most part) ARE Canon unless proven otherwise, and neither DK nor Mario are spinoffs of the other.

Donkey Kong(arcade) stars Mario, but DK is the title character. DK is also central to the story, and the game was basically built around him. You really could say that DK is the star, as the game was based on him and the story revolves around him. In fact, Mario was a pretty insignificant character. He didn't even have a name, and the whole character was based on technical limitations. 'Jumpman' was designed the way he was because his arms blended into his shirt(so they gave him overalls), and Myamoto couldn't draw hair if his life depended on it so they gave him a hat. Afterwards they thought he looked like a carpenter, and that fit because it was a construction site, so that's what they called him(a carpenter). Later on the guys at Nintendo of America decided to call him Mario because he looked so much like Mario Segali, that landlord of the NoA facility. [/useless knowledge].

So really DK was the star but because it spawned Mario's vast popularity the scale could be tipped either way.

So look at it like this: Mario and DK are like partner franchises, sort of like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 21st, 2008, 9:53 am

Well, I'm waiting for Wario Land II and 3 to arrive at my house, until then, I'm going to play Wario Land 4 to "prepare" me.

EDIT AFTER BUMPING THREAD: I just got Wario Land II, it's pretty good, but I am already on chapter 4, did I already complete a major fraction of the game?
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Re: Wario Land

Postby Swing King » September 21st, 2008, 9:56 am

That depends, have you collected all the collectibles?
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Re: Wario Land

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 21st, 2008, 9:59 am

No, I only have 1 or 2 treasures from treasure rooms hidden in levels, and I only have about a third of the puzzle pieces.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby The Angry Sun » September 21st, 2008, 10:43 am

You aren't done with that game. Trust me.
And yes i've played this one.

Wario Land II is a very complicated game. Here's how it works.
Chapter 1 is default.
Depending on what you do and how you do it you may go to different chapters.

Wiki best explains it.
Wario Land II is not entirely linear in narrative, something that is unusual for a platform game. Reaching one of the game's end bosses will reveal a 'map' of the game after the first play-through, from which the levels with secret exits are revealed, and the player may choose which level they want to enter among the ones unlocked. All secret exits alter the storyline of the game (which is conveyed in cutscenes), and all but one alter the game's ending.

The game is noteworthy for its branching paths. By finding hidden exits in some stages, the player can change the direction of the game's plot (loose as it is) and uncover different endings, as well as find more treasure. In fact, finding every single ending and the Really Final Chapter (unlocked by collecting all the picture panel tiles and all the treasures) is the only way to truly finish the game.

Like for example.
In Chapter 1 if you were to wake Wario up you would travel through Chapter 1 normally.
But if you were to leave him asleep you will be transported to Chapter 3 Invade Wario Castle: To the Castle!!!

So no. You are not even close to completing Wario Land II.
To put it point blank: This game is a effing maze.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 24th, 2008, 1:25 am

I beat the game, and I am missing a LOT of treasures, and I only found about half of the secret exits, I still have a long way to go.
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Re: Wario Land

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 4th, 2008, 12:59 pm

I just got WL3, and it's really nice. You have about 25 levels, and in every one you need to collect 4 treasures, that's 100 treasures! To open a treasure, you need to get the color key that corresponds with the color treasure. 5 treasures in the whole game hold a music box, once you get all 5...
you can fight the final boss.
Usually, you need to get one treasure to get to another treasure, because some treasures contain power-ups, some can get you a new level, and some add something to a level, but some do nothing! There is also this golf minigame, which you need to sometimes complete to get to a treasure. Once you beat the game, there is still many treasures to go open! There are also music coins, 8 in each level, you need to get all of them to...
open the 4th golf-course.
However, once you open all the treasures...
you unlock time-attack mode,
but I heard once you do so, you no longer have the auto-save feature, so here is my question: after you collect all 100 treasures, can you still collect the music coins and... well, do what it says in the second spoiler? :lol:

Last bumped by gamer_boy997 on October 4th, 2008, 12:59 pm.
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