Lol. Hay hay everyone! I found this fake code thing on the DKC2 forum and wanted to do something like this. There is a posting limit. 20 paragraphs, with correct paragraphing. When you`re full leave a, "..." at the end so people can take over. Make it really wild, and who knows, maybe Rare`ll find this. Anyway, I`ll begin.
It was a dark and stormy night in South Lake Tahoe, CA. They were staying at Motel 8. Donkey Kong was sleeping, and Diddy & Dixie Kong were making out. (Duh, boyfriend & girlfriend) But, they were also staying there with Tiny, Chunky, and Kiddy Kong.
Tiny decided she wanted to go for a walk. She didn`t want DK or her love-hungry sister and her sisters future husband to know. Kiddy and Tiny were planning to go on the walk together, so they`d be safe. But, Chunky would go, too.
At 1:00 AM, the 3 naughty monkeys snuck out.
"Yep, they don`t have a clue we`re going out of here," said Tiny.
"Yes, but I was afraid that Did & Dix would still be up doing, well, that," replied Chunky.
They did manage to escape. But little did they know, King K. Rool was stating at the Embassy Suites there.
Hmmm, he thought, those kids are out late, and it looks like they`re heading to the casinos.
"Aren`t they a little to young to be gambling?" he whispered to himself. But just then, he soon realized something, and it was crazy.
"Oh my G... that`s Tiny, Kiddy, and Chunky! I can capture them... What casino are they gonna go to?"
They walked into the Montbleu.
"Ah, the Montbleu. Better draw a quick sketch of how I`m gonna capture them."
His sketch showed...
See if you can do your part in this post! What will it be? It`s your choice.
-Cheers, SmudgeKWOOD