Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

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Re: Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

Postby Qyzbud » June 6th, 2009, 12:42 am

Thanks for the links- it's great to have an organised collection for these. The DK games have had some pretty cool ads, and I hope to host all of them on DKC Atlas someday, so this is a handy reference indeed. I'll check these all out again soon. I always enjoy DK related video clips, especially humorous ones. :P
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Re: Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

Postby Jomingo » June 6th, 2009, 3:38 am

Did anyone else here among the Japanese narration the mention of Kiddy's Japanese name (Dinky Kong) in the DKC3 one.

I always thought that was a better name....
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Re: Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

Postby KEVINKONG » August 15th, 2009, 5:30 am

LOL :lol:
so funny when DK falls from Expresso
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Re: Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

Postby CM August » August 22nd, 2009, 9:40 pm

There was also a DKC3 GBA commercial, in which Dixie, Kiddy and Ellie save Donkey from a lion. They even used the original models from the game, barring Donkey.


Sweet Jesus. Look at that! Nintendo dusted them off just for this one stinking commercial before (presumably) mothballing them again in the archives. It kills me to see how much better those 13-year-old models look compared to what replaced them. Nintendo could pull them out again at any time, but they won't. This commercial almost makes me weep every time I see it.
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Re: Japanese Donkey Kong commercials

Postby Gaz » November 13th, 2014, 4:32 am

Sorry for bumping again, but I noticed that four of the links are broken. I managed to locate them (and I remember Qyzbud considering a commercial archive, so this should help him if he further pushes the idea). Thank goodness for Japancommercials4U2 saving those commercials. :) These were the broken links, because a user was banned:

Super Donkey Kong - I tracked this one by searching for a Super Donkey Kong commercial without extra promotions.
Super Donkey Kong (Shake promotion) - I found this one from obvious reasons
Super Donkey Kong 2 - The only working link was the one with the Krunchas around the fire. That's how I knew to look for the other one. In any case, they are both assumingly the only SDK2 ads out there.
Super Donkey Kong 3 + Donkey Kong Land - We can thank Japancommercials4U2 for recovering this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAm5b0BBBMk); this commercial is rare, and YouTube had practically carelessly removed these videos of a banned account... He also tends to re-upload commercials for English speakers. :)

Also, more on topic, I found this DKGB: Dinky & Dixie commercial (Blaziken257 might be interested...). It's very weird:

And now for the ZIP file with the commercials, including the above one. Some are in 480p, the highest possible resolution!): https://www.mediafire.com/?n5bydc5taunb8p4

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