
Talk about any games outside of DKC's scope.


Postby Jomingo » July 26th, 2010, 12:23 pm

Gameline is a gaming news site that me and my friends have been working on for the past year. Essentially, this is it's history:
-We are all members of an AV/Broadcasting club at our high school. We basically run the Public Access for the entire town, and personally film every sporting event at the high school in very professional quality. So we have access to good equipment.
-We put numerous podcast/talkshows on the Public Access Channel. We decided it would be cool to record a Gaming podcast
-So, on October 26th, we recorded our first one. Initially, we didn't talk about relevant news, me, my friend Bob, and my friend Josh would just show up with little planning, each with a topic of our own with whatever research we wanted to bring. We each picked a game to talk about, and we talked about it. It soon became apparent that we needed to put more planning into it than that.
-The Podcasts were recorded weekly, with breaks taken whenever we had a scheduling conflict or a vacation. Over the course of the podcasts they became more and more news centered. The podcasts were played over the public access channel, as well as being streamed on our clubs website alongside sporting events.
-We eventually moved further away from the school recording studio, and starting recording things on our own time. We changed cast members often, I'm the only one that has been on every podcast. We took on my friend Derek as a permanent cast member, and eventually my friend Bob quit (the whole thing was his idea in the first place). We made a website at one point, though it's a google site. The reason it's a google site is because it is linked to our Club's google accounts, so we all have linked calenders, docs, and mail. it was convenient.
-We moved in and out of interest, and over the course of this summer have made a lot of changes. Bob rejoined us, and we completely redid our website. We have a twitter, a youtube, and other stuff. We've moved slowly away from the podcast format, and have mostly written content on our site. We plan to start doing podcasts again soon, but with a severly different format and only monthly.

So anyway, here is the link:
We have some interesting stuff, but at the rate we've been posting content we intend to have a lot more in the near future. Most of the written stuff is by me, and without offense the stuff that's not is not that great. The archived podcasts of our old format are sometimes funny, sometimes downright dodgy, but mostly just us not taking it seriously and having no real sense of direction. That's changing with our new format, which we've yet to record yet. So anyway, this is me shamelessly plugging my site to you guys hoping to get some input. We have a lot more content coming. Please let me know what we should add, and please click the ads. we are desperate for change, and if we don't make ten dollars a month they won't give it to us.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Gameline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 28th, 2010, 5:46 am

Hmm. It's pretty tight dawg. Obviously, when more content becomes available over time, it can only get better. But I can't think of any specific suggestions, so good job!

And it's a good thing shameless self-advertising is allowed here... because I do it frequently.
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Re: Gameline

Postby Jomingo » July 28th, 2010, 7:12 am

When have you self advertised? I can't remember seeing that.

For the record, this is a completely unrelated website that is in no way a competitor to DKC Atlas, which was created by me, a mod. So it's ok for me to advertise it.

Anyway, I'm glad you like it. We have every intention of being allowed into E3 next year, so the more followers we get the better.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Gameline

Postby Tiptup Jr. » July 28th, 2010, 7:35 am

I mostly just put my own videos in the YouTube thread, but one time I did link to that crappy Freewebs site I made.

And yeah, they don`t let the general public into E3, do they? Despite having been that way for years, that JUST sunk in.
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Re: Gameline

Postby Jomingo » July 28th, 2010, 8:39 am

Nope, you need to be PROFESSIONALLY affiliated to the Electronic Entertainment industry, and when you apply you need to give 2 out of 7 possible forms of identification, being:
Resale Tax Certificate
Company Credit Card (with Applicant's name)
Insurance Card
Business License
Paycheck Stub
W-2 Form

So yeah, we need two of those things just to apply, and theirs no guarantee that we'll get accepted. If we do than we get free admission, but it still costs money to go to Los Angeles for half a week. The worst part is that you don't apply until early MAY, and then you don't hear back for two weeks on whether you can go or not. That doesn't leave a lot of room to prepare for the trip during the busiest part of the school year.
Sage of Discovery
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