DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

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DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » October 19th, 2008, 10:10 pm

I will explain here some things about the DKC3 cheats that are usually misunderstood.

I will especially talk about the HARDR and TUFST codes, which I already did before on the and web sites.

Except for the "MUSIC" and "ERASE" codes, which have an immediate effect, all DKC3 cheats can be entered through two "procedures" :

- either you enter the code before starting a new game
- or you enter the code before continuing a saved game.

Every time we talk about the effets of one specific code, we must make a separation between "effects of the code when entered before starting a new game" and "effects of the code when entered without continuing a saved game".

The general rule is that when a code is entered before continuing a saved game, the effects will be temporary, applying only to this specific "logon", whereas when it is entered before starting a new game, the effects will be permanent and the code won't have to be entered ever again for this saved game.

But this not true for all codes : some codes can't have "permanent effects" and others can't have "temporary effects". One of the codes even has differents effects when entered before starting a new game or before continuing a saved game.

Note : if you enter either LIVES or ASAVE before starting a new game, whatever your performance, you will get a "cheatin' chump" at the hi-score screen. It is strange about the LIVES cheat because entering it before starting a new game doesn't bring you any advantage since you'll only have the 50 lives the first time you play ; but you have to be aware of this little incoherence so you just avoid doing this. Another weird thing is that entering the WATER cheat doesn't give you the "Cheatin' Chump" title.

***** MASTER CODE : AT GAMESAVE SCREEN, TYPE L, R, R, L, R, R, L, R, L, R, and THEN enter the CHEAT *****

a) Codes that follow the general rule : can have either temporary or permanents effects




=> If entered before continuing a saved game, the waterfall can be entered only one time for this specific logon ; if entered before starting a new game, the waterfall can be entered one time per logon during the whole game.

b) The code that can't have permanent effects

=> If the code is entered before starting a new game, the effects will only apply to the first "logon". It will have to be re-entered before continuing the saved game.
=> If the code is entered before starting a new game, the effects will still only apply to the first "logon", but the game will "remember" it and when you finish the game you will be called a "cheatin' chump".

c) The code that has to be entered before starting a new game

=> Among the 132 DK barrels of the game, 29 DK barrels will be removed (for the location of those removed DK barrels, see below). The effect will be permanent. After the whole game completion the score will be 104% instead of 103% (the 104th percent is added in the same time as the 103rd one when you visit the mama bird with all 15 banana birds).

=> The code won't work at all if not entered before starting a new game.

d) The code that have different effects if entered before starting a new game or before continuing a saved game

=> If entered before continuing a saved game, all halfway barrels will be removed and replaced by a banana bunch. The effect will be temporary.
=> If entered before starting a new game, all halfway barrels will be removed and replaced by a banana bunch AND all DK barrels except 4 of them (for the locations of those 4 barrels, see below) will be removed.
The effects will be permanent. After the whole game completion, the score will be 105% instead of 103% (the 104th et 105th percents are added in the same time as the 103rd one when you visit the mama bird with all 15 banana birds).

=> TUFST code : locations of the four DK barrels that remain in the game

1. In the very first Bonus Room of the level 5-2 (Tearaway Toboggan). Note : it is actually possible to pass this Bonus room with only 1 Kong.

2. In level 6-4 (Pot Hole Panic), near the propulsion barrel allowing to exit the second subterranean pool. Not expandable, indeed.

3. In level 4-3 (Swoopy Salvo), inside the bonus room that you access by leaping on birds before the “N” letter. The barrel is required to pass this bonus room.

4. In level 3-4 (Blazing Bazukas), at the very beginning, when you follow the horizontal rope back to the left. This one is weird : there is no particular reason why this barrel would be kept... Thanks to Blaziken257 for finding this.

=> HARDR code : locations of the Removed DK Barrels

---- World 2 : Kremwood Forest

- Level 1 : Barrel Shield Bust-Up : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : under the branch leading to the DK coin, before entering the tree on top of which you find the G letter

- Level 2 : Riverside Race : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : behind a row of three green fishes, after the invincibility barrel

- Level 4 : Springin’ Spiders : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : Just before the next to last door of the left tree

---- World 3 : Mekanos

- Level 1 : Fire-Ball Frenzy : 2 removed DK barrels

Location 1 : Just after the first “three canon row”
Location 2 : just before the DK coin, in a very narrow passage through which you travel thanks to a wooden platform

- Level 2 : Demolition Drain-Pipe : 2 removed DK barrels

Location 1 : after the first bonus room, behind a ladybird
Location 2 : Just after the “N” letter

- Level 3 : Ripsaw Rage : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : Between the “N” and “G” letters, on the very left of the screen before a tree door, after the place where you have to leap from branch to branch with three-banana rows helping.

- Level 4 : Blazing Bazukas : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : After the “N” letter at the bottom of a big wall

- Level 5 : Low-G Labyrinth : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : after the “N” letter in a U-shape turn.

---- World 4 : Cotton-Top Cove

Level 1 : Bazza’s Blockade : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : at the end of the level, just after a 4 piranha going through, before the big red fish inside which you find a Bear coin

Level 2 : Rocket Barrel Ride : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : on the right border of the screen after the place where you find the Bird

Level 4 : Tracker Barrel Trek : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : above a platform after the “O” letter

Level 5 : Fish Food Frenzy : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : in the vertical passage leading to the “G” letter

---- World 5 : K3

Level 1 : Krevisse Kreepers : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : between the “N” and the “G” letters, at the end of an ascending series of 8 horizontal ropes

Level 2 : Tearaway Toboggan : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : after the “N” letter, between two gaps filled with Kritters

Level 4 : Krack-Shot Kroc : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : invisible barrel, above the parapet behind which you find the “G” letter

Level 5 : Lemguin Lunge : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : just before the final pinguin slide

---- World 6 : Razor Ridge

- Level 1 : Buzzer Barrage : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : just after the “G” letter

- Level 2 : Kong-Fused Cliffs : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : near the “N” letter

- Level 3 : Floodlit Fish : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : just after the “third light-fish after the halfway barrel”

- Level 5 : Ropey Rumpus : 1 removed DK barrel
Location : just after the “N” letter, above a series of 6 horizontal ropes

---- World 7 : Kaos Kore

- Level 1 : Konveyor Rope Klash : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : between the “N” and “G” letters, below a rope around which two couples of Buzz are flying

- Level 2 : Creepy Caverns : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : after the “N” letter, near two blue crocodiles

- Level 4 : Koindozer Klamber : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : just before the “G” letter

---- World 8 : Krematoa

- Level 1 : Stampede Sprint : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : between the “N” and “G” letters, before the 4th couple of “rushing ennemies”

- Level 2 : Criss Kross Cliffs : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : after the “G” letter, above a platform

- Level 3 : Tyrant Twin Tussle : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : after the “N” letter and two red Buzz flying in a gap

- Level 4 : Swoopy Salvo : 1 removed DK barrel

Location : between the “N” and “G” letters, after climbing a tree by leaping on woodpeckers, above a platform

Vincent, a.k.a. Filouk
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Swing King » October 19th, 2008, 11:13 pm

Wow, pretty cool. That'll be handy when the DKC3 section of the Atlas comes around.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Qyzbud » October 19th, 2008, 11:46 pm

Absolutely brilliant.

That kind of knowledge and attention to detail/precision is the very essence of what DKC Atlas is about. Vincent, do you mind if I feature a modified version of this info on the Studies & Docs section of DKC3's Atlas, when it comes to life later this year? I'd be delighted to credit you with this outstanding research.

I learnt a fair bit from what you wrote - and that's really saying something when DKC's concerned!

Welcome to DKC Atlas, by the way. ;)
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Blaziken257 » October 20th, 2008, 6:20 am

Wow... impressive. That's a lot of info right there! There's just one thing you missed, though: In TUFST, there is a DK Barrel at the beginning of Blazing Bazukas. To find it, you have to go in a Blast Barrel right by the first Bazuka, which will launch you to a horizontal rope. Then go left, there's the DK barrel. (I'm not sure why they added it in, though...)
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » October 20th, 2008, 7:00 am

Hello Qyzbud, and everyone.

First, thank you for your warm welcome, and for your compliments about my work. I had done it in French and put it in a txt file, and when I discovered dkc-atlas I just thought I'd take a couple of hours this afternoon to translate the whole thing into English. That was done quickly, so there must be English or typo mistakes in it.

By the way, I can also give the location of any other DK barrel in the game, I made an inventory of them and that's why I can say there are 132 of them, counting the 8 bosses. That's how I found that 4 of them are INVISIBLE, so they could be missed easily when counting.

If I understand, Qyzbud, you are the author of this web site. I just fell upon it yesterday, and loved it : I immediately recognized in it my own way of apprehending Nintendo and Rare games, and especially the DKC trilogy. Detail, precision, exhaustiveness... It's all I like when I'm doing research for those games (by the way I would like to congratulate you because your site I think is the only one that tells every "end-level warp" in the game ; all 7 ones).

I am also creating video game maps ! I sometimes talked with creaothceann because his vSNES program is so great... I did world maps for the DKC trilogy. I had a few difficulties with DKC 3 ones because there are sprites, but I finished them long ago now. I can send them to you if you want. Just email me, no problem, and you can even put them on dkc-atlas... About your own maps, well, congratulations. It's an amazing job, I loved the idea to put buttons to enable / disable sprites or backgrounds. I do only static maps.

To give other examples of what I'm interested about, I figured out some times ago how the percentage works for every DKC game. Few people know that you gain 1% in DKC 2 for every Kong you visit for the first time.

I would also like to make you know about the Music Test code in DKC 1. The code actually spells DARBYDAY. I wondered what it could be related to, since every DKC cheat seems to spell something. After some research I found out that "Derby Day" ( is the name of a light opera written by A. P. Herbert (lyrics) et Alfred Reynolds (music). I don't know if it is a coincidence, but this is by today the only explanation I've found for this cheat.

So, I don't mind at all if you use the info I gave you about the codes. The very reason why I put them on this forum is that I do want to share what I know. Before that, I was looking for a web site where I could write such things and people would be interested. I had tried to put some info on Wikipedia, but everything was removed, they are very narrow-minded when it comes to game cheats. Anyway, now I've found the place, it's great.

I am creating my own web site, although it's currently not available yet. It will be It wont be anything as beautiful as your web site, it will be esthetically very simple, and it is far from achievement since I need to find the time. But I dont want to keep anything for myself,if I can release what I know just right now, it's perfect.

Last thing, I would like to ask you... at the end of DKC level 1 Jungle Hijinxs, how do you manage to be able to see the blue balloons and the barrel so well ? Even with your PAR code with the camera at the maximum (7E1A 4C00), I can't see them as entirely as on your level map, I only see a very little bit of the barrel.
Edit : With 7E1A 4DFF it's much better, I can see the barrel almost as entirely as on your map, but the graphics is a bit messy (all red) and I think we can see a bigger part of it on your map. Please can you detail the procedure you followed ? Thank you very much !

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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » October 20th, 2008, 7:10 am

Thank you Blaziken257, you're perfectly right ! I didn't check every barrel in the game since there is no reason why they would not remove expandable barrels.
But here it is, the DK barrel, no one knows why !! Mystery... ;)

Anyway, it's amazing... Hardly have I posted the stuff than someone checks and corrects... I love that !! That's one of the reasons why I like to share the info. Together, we are stronger !

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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » April 14th, 2011, 5:06 am

Up (for potentially interested players...)
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Simion32 » April 14th, 2011, 12:08 pm

Vincent wrote:I can see the barrel almost as entirely as on your map, but the graphics is a bit messy (all red)
Sprites that are normally off-screen all the time are never intended to be shown and quite commonly have no palette defined.

The balloons may well be set up so that any other object needing to load a palette gets priority before the balloons (there are only 8 CGRAM lines available for sprites).

For the camera you can try both 7E1A4C:00 and 7E1A4D:00 simultaneously. The position is two bytes in little-endian and, unlike object positions, the Y axis is measured with 0 being the top of the level and increasing downwards (this may not hold true in Vertical Levels, however).
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » April 15th, 2011, 2:13 am

I can't get the whole barrel even with the AR codes...
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Simion32 » April 16th, 2011, 2:35 am

There's always a chance there's a third byte for the camera (my memory's a bit fuzzy on this). Try 7E1A4B:00 or 7E1A4E:00 with the other two and see if anything happens.

Maximum top-right viewable area as shown by DKCRE v0.0.6.0 pre-release.
endviewmaximum.png (4.61 KiB) Viewed 85649 times
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » April 19th, 2011, 7:07 pm

Yes, on this picture we can see 14 pixels of the barrel, like on Qyzbud's map.

Maybe I should use this program you're referring to.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Simion32 » April 20th, 2011, 10:49 am

Vincent wrote:Maybe I should use this program you're referring to.
Well I'm the developer of said program!

But there's one problem with that: the version I mentioned (v0.0.6.0) is not complete and is unavailable (read the thread for it here and you'll find there has been a multiweek delay due to ill circumstances).

DKCRE v0.0.5.9a might get you what you're looking for, though - but it can only view levels, and is very limited in functionality compared to v0.0.6.0's abilities.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » May 21st, 2011, 11:30 pm

I just figured out that TUFST code actually replaces halfway barrels with banana bunches.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » May 21st, 2011, 11:46 pm

Action Replay codes (PAL)

=> HARDR cheat enabled => 104 % => Mondo Monkey

a. 7E05 3C00 => some DK barrels are removed
b. 7E06 A800 => when the game loads the hi-score screen, it will "think" the HARDR cheat has been enabled all along and give you 104 %

(HARDR cheat disabled / all DK barrels available : 7E05 3C40 + 7E06 A840)

=> TUFST cheat enabled => 105 % => Immortal Monkey

a. 7E05 3C80 => all DK barrels are removed
b. 7E06 A880 => when the game loads the hi-score screen, it will "think" DK barrels have been removed all along
c. 7E05 3B80 => all halfway barrels are removed
d. 7E06 A780 => when the game loads the hi-score screen, it will "think" halfway barrels have been removed all along

If b. and d. cheats are used together, the game will "think" the TUFST cheat has been anabled all along (i.e. entered before starting a new game) and give you 105 %.

(TUFST cheat disabled :
- All DK barrels available : 7E05 3C40 + 7E06 A840
- All Halfway Barrels available : 7E05 3B00 + 7E06 A700)

Activate and combine game cheats : how it works

Apart from the "remove DK barrels" cheats (HARDR and secondary effect of TUFST), which are activated with 7E05 3CXX and 7E06 A8XX) all the other cheats are activated with those two AR codes :

1) Make the cheat effective : 7E05 3BXX +??
2) Make the cheat permanent : 7E06 A7XX +??

The first code triggers the actual effects of the cheats, while the second one makes the game "think" that they have been entered just before creating the save game, thus making them "permanent".

Each cheat is associated with a specific number indicated in the list below. To activate several cheats at the same time, you need to replace the XX with the sum of the numbers associated with the cheats you want to activate.

For example :
- if you want to activate permanently MERRY and ASAVE, then you need to replace the XX with 03 (01+02). => 7E05 3B03 + 7E06A703
- if you want to activate permanently WATER, COLOR and "No Halfway Barrels", then you need to replace the XX with C4 (80+40+04) => 7E05 3BC4 + 7E06 A7C4
- if you want to activate MERRY permanently, and if you want to only trigger the effects of WATER and COLOR without making them permanent, and if you only want to make the game "think" that you used the ASAVE cheat while not willing to actually use it (just for the sake of getting a Cheatin' Chump), then you need to enter :
7E05 3B45 (40+04+01=45) + 7E06 A703 (02+01)

Here is the list :

MERRY => +01
ASAVE => +02
WATER => +04
LIVES => +10
COLOR => +40
TUFST "No Halfway Barrels" => +80
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Qyzbud » May 22nd, 2011, 8:32 pm

Thanks again for this amazing research - I'm still working away (slowly, but surely) at preparing a page for the DKC3 Atlas detailing all of this. It's a phenomenal job you've done so far. :D
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel locations

Postby Vincent » May 23rd, 2011, 9:53 am

Not too much work actually... But it's true that those codes are a bit tricky lol !! Thanks for your encouragements !
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby Vincent » February 27th, 2013, 11:25 pm

Ok, I figured out a very strange thing : in DKC1, the BARRAL code actually also has the effect of the BADBUDDY code. Try it, enter BARRAL and start a 2 player team, you will see !
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby nackhe » March 31st, 2013, 6:26 am

Hey guys, sorry to bump this thread, but I have a quick question:

I'm looking to start a new playthrough of DKC3 together with my brother, and we want to go for a 105% percent run. The thing is, I'm left wondering if putting in HARDR and TUFST as our names will have any effect, or if that only works in a single player game of DKC3. I can't find anything about this on the internet, and I'd rather not start a game only to find out halfway through that the codes don't work...

Thanks :)
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby Vincent » March 31st, 2013, 7:14 am


It's NOT PUTTING IT AS YOUR NAME, you have to input the code : "L, R, R, L, R, R, L, R, L, R" and then write the cheat and when you confirm, you should hear a monkey noise. It's a different thing than writing you name, ok ? You create your save with your name just before or just after writing the cheat, doesn't matter, but enter the cheat before actually starting the new game, is that clear ?

First, no need to type both HARDR and TUFST, TUFST is enough since it will have stronger effects than HARDR, therefore it will give you 105% (while HARDR gives you 104%).

As I said in previous posts, TUFST will give you 105 % at the end of the game IF you enter it WHEN you CREATE your NEW SAVE.

I see no reason why that wouldn't work in 2P-game, as long a you check that there is indeed NO dk barrels and no halfway barrels, you'll know that it worked. Since you entered it WHEN CREATING THE NEW SAVE, then it will have PERMANENT EFFECTS and you will eventually get 105% instead of 103%.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby nackhe » March 31st, 2013, 10:31 am

Hey Vincent.

Thanks for the reply, but I already figured it out myself a few hours ago.
I actually did some more googling and stumbled upon the whole "L, R, R, etc." thing. I had completely forgotten about it hehe...

Nonetheless, thanks again for taking the time to clear these things up! :)
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby Super Luigi! » April 16th, 2013, 8:12 am

I've actually tested this before. As I recall, when you combine TUFST and HARDR together, all DK barrels disappear, but the Midway/Star barrels stay. I don't know what effect this has on your percentage, however.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby Vincent » April 16th, 2013, 8:20 am

Super Luigi! wrote:I've actually tested this before. As I recall, when you combine TUFST and HARDR together, all DK barrels disappear, but the Midway/Star barrels stay. I don't know what effect this has on your percentage, however.

There is no need for "combine". Just read my first post, everything is explained.
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Re: DKC 3 codes explained - HARDR removed DK barrel location

Postby Super Luigi! » April 16th, 2013, 8:24 am

I know there's no need. I was just stating what I recall happened if you did combine the two cheats.
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