Least favorite Kong

Talk about Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64.

Which is your least favorite Kong, overall?

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Least favorite Kong

Postby Phyreburnz » April 21st, 2011, 7:24 am

I was wondering what Kongs you didn't like in 64, this includes the non-playable ones, too.
My least favorite is Lanky. He's just really annoying to me. I hate the voice they gave him, I hate the way he looks, and I think that his "powers" are lame.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 22nd, 2011, 2:04 am

Lanky is the best effing Kong ever.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Jomingo » April 22nd, 2011, 12:30 pm

I don't really dislike any of the Kongs in DK64, though I don't really like how Funky became an army guy (and then have that completely ignored by Paon later), and I don't like Candy's interpretation in that game all that much.

Actually, I don't like Tiny Kong either (tiptup is gonna kill me). I voted for Candy though.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 22nd, 2011, 12:34 pm


Anybody who knows parents that let their kids under the age of two play that game knows what I mean. O.O

In case you don't, read on.

BIG boobs. No way to describe HOW big other than when I showed my friend a picture it looked like he was... ya know...

Anyway, if a nursing baby looks at her they probably try to attack the screen.

No offense to nursing babies or big-boobed women.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Ribbedebie » April 23rd, 2011, 1:29 am

Lanky. Now don't get me wrong, he's a funny dude, really, and makes me laugh in almost everything he does, but his Baboon Balloon ability is just way too reminiscent of those creepy inflation fetish images over at DeviantART.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 23rd, 2011, 2:19 am

Except Donkey Kong 64 preceded DeviantArt by just a bit there pal. Honestly I'm not inclined to dislike any Donkey Kong 64 character, for the simple fact that I'm not really like that. This goes back to people making fun of Petey Piranha. Some artist somewhere, some voice actor, some team of developers worked really hard to bring that video game character to life, and people simply dislike it because it exists. I don't understand this. For example, if I said "I hate Wolf" that might be a little irrational, but if I said "I hate Wolf because he is in Super Smash Bros. Brawl" that would be more acceptable. Plus, if a video game company goes onto message boards and sees irrational fans talking about how much they hate their characters, the company might think nobody liked them and decide to cut back on having those characters in their games, despite the fact that they might have a legitimate fan base. For an example of all this, see the Sonic fandom: I know some Sonic games are a little heavy on the characters, but we'll be lucky if we even get Tails playable in a mainstream Sonic game anytime soon. This is because of stupid, bitchy fans. I'm not saying we have any of those here, just giving my opinion. My brother LOVES Tails and he is really pissed about this situation.

Actually, I don't like Tiny Kong either (tiptup is gonna kill me).

IGN pointed out something relevant to this in their DK64 review: even for being the token annoying female, Tiny isn't that bad. She can kick just as much ass (if not more so) than the other Kongs.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Jomingo » April 23rd, 2011, 2:50 am

Dixie was really popular before DK64, but since Tiny replaced her she faded away for a long time. She's back now, but she'll never be playable in a platformer again. That's why I don't like Tiny. However, I do like DK64 Tiny a lot more than the new redesign of Tiny.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Ribbedebie » April 23rd, 2011, 7:39 pm

I am sorry, Tiptup, I just said it's reminiscent of that. D: No need to get all defensive. I don't even hate Lanky. I still like him, but just a little bit less than all others. I understand what you mean, however.

Actually, it was mostly exaggerating on my part. I do that a lot it seems. Of course I don't hate a character based on what others think/draw... that'd be insane.

...I'm thinking somehow that you don't quite like me. :C
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Tiptup Jr. » April 24th, 2011, 2:29 am

I um. Never said that, or even hinted at it, at all. But okay.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Ribbedebie » April 24th, 2011, 5:27 am

Sorry, I'm kind of paranoid and stuff and quickly assume things. However, it's probably for the better if I won't.

However, to stay on topic, aside from my ridiculous fear of inflated cartoon characters, I don't actively hate any character in the games.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Phyreburnz » April 25th, 2011, 2:24 am

Yeah... honestly, I really didn't like any of the Kongs other than Donkey and Diddy. Cranky was okay... I didn't like how they turned Candy into a raging whore and I didn't like that Funky went from laid-back surfer dude to killer army commando. Tiny wasn't as cool as Dixie, but I did like that she was more of a tomboy. I already said why I hated Lanky. Chunky was just sort of lame. He was more like Donkey Kong on steroids.
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 26th, 2011, 11:47 am

About what you said Phyreburnz:

LOL Candy a raging whore. Nice.

When are DK and Diddy NEVER OK in a DK game?

Cranky killed Enguarde. :,( OK, he ddn't REALLY but that's a running gag in my LPDK64 recordings where every time I go into Cranky's lab I scream, "OH MY GOD YOU KILLED ENGUARDE YOU BASTARD I'MA CALL THE POLICE ON YOU!!!!!!!!!"

But dude, I liked Funky like that. ;)

True, true. But a lot of people mistook her for Dixie.

Everybody hates Lanky.

The Chunky-is-just-DK-on-steroids thing is another running gag in my LPDK64 recordings.

And Ribbedebie I know what you mean. I first played the game when I was about five or six so I was scared of going down the road to my grandmother's house at night because I was afraid of orange monkeys in blue pants jumping out and attacking the car. I actually still hate being out here alone in the dark and my mom teases me by saying that I'm still scared of the orange monkeys in blue pants.

Dude, I'm fifteen and a frickin' half I ain't still scared of that! It was just a childhood fear! :/
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Mayo » April 26th, 2011, 4:37 pm

IMHO, the characters in DK64 had more personality and variation compared to any other DK game, and I found pretty much everyone likable in their own quirky way. So it's hard to say definitely who's the least liked, I ended up saying Wrinkly Kong 'cause her role was pretty minor in the game and she did creep me out at one point when I was much younger.

Diddy, Tiny, Lanky and Chunky FTW!
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Re: Least favorite Kong

Postby Chibisai Kong » April 27th, 2011, 11:03 am

LOL, yeah she freaked ME out too.

What's weird is at first I thought she was a man LOL
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