Mattrizzle wrote:You can, if you know how to use a hex editor. Go to the following offsets (the U v1.0 offsets are listed):
This list follows the format: Offset [Default value at offset] Description
35F89B [05 00] Very Gnawty & Really Gnawty
35FA15 [05 00] Queen B
35FAAB [05 00] Master Necky
35FAF9 [05 00] Master Necky Sr.
Dumb Drum and King K. Rool's hitpoints are hardcoded, so there's no easy way to edit them, aside from modifying their assembly code.
However, it is easy to change the pairs of baddies spawned during each one of Dumb Drum's attack phases. Try some of the object values in Simion32's list, but keep in mind that not all of these will work.
35F91B [ED 94] Attack Phase 1- 94ED: Kritter (green)
35F91F [D9 9C] Attack Phase 2- 9CD9: Slippa (fast)
35F923 [F5 96] Attack Phase 3- 96F5: Klaptrap (blue)
35F927 [B3 98] Attack Phase 4- 98B3: Klump
35F92B [67 A4] Attack Phase 5- A467: Army
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