Flame Bait: lucoshi's "hacks"

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Flame Bait: lucoshi's "hacks"

Postby lucoshi » September 29th, 2012, 2:10 pm

I'm making some hacks of DKC Trilogy those i call the Ultimate DKC Hack Collection.
Donkey Kong Country 1/2 Trilogy: Snes ports of the Donkey Kong Land Trilogy.
Donkey Kong & Friends Country: This hack where you use all the playble charcters or the trilogy it also comes in 5 Patchs each.
Donkey Kong Program: A hack that adds a debug menu and allows the player use debug stuff of the DKC trilogy.
Cranky Kong Country: My beta remakes of the DKC trilogy.
Donkey Kong Continent: A super updated expansion of the trilogy with unused palletes, unused and new enemies Unused Sprites and much more.
Mattrizzle will will teach me how to hack and after i will show some screenshots.
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby Mattrizzle » September 29th, 2012, 3:18 pm

lucoshi wrote:Mattrizzle will make me learn how to hack

:facepalm: :headache:
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby lucoshi » September 29th, 2012, 3:42 pm

:angry: Fixed the grammar! Now delete your facepalm posts!
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby lucoshi » September 29th, 2012, 4:01 pm

Oh and simon you can also help me do this hacks teaching me some stuff and making tools.
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby Simion32 » September 29th, 2012, 4:02 pm

That has nothing to do with my facepalm or Mattrizzle's... and now that the posts have another post after them, they cannot be deleted (nor will I remove them).

First of all, nobody is just going to up and teach you how to hack. It is something you must learn on your own, like pretty much every other hacker has. To have great hacking capabilities you probably need several years in the field along with a knack for computer-related knowledge.

Secondly, we aren't going to do your work for you. Mattrizzle isn't taking requests, and neither am I.

Thridly, hacking is not as easy as you construe it to be. You do not just up and come up with a huge major overhual of a game, especially if it is restricted to the realm of hacking. I've been working on DKCLB for well over 6 years now, and I'm still nowhere near finished with it. You cannot possibly expect hacking to be any easier. In fact, it's more difficult.

And don't even get me on the topic of porting, which is basically at the "impossible" difficulty level. Writing your own custom computer game that looks like a port would be easier than that!

I'm not against you learning how to hack and becoming an experienced hacker, nor do I have anything personal against you.

I just do not think you grasp the scope of what you just asked us to accomplish.
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby lucoshi » September 29th, 2012, 4:25 pm

Simion32 wrote:First of all, nobody is just going to up and teach you how to hack. It is something you must learn on your own, like pretty much every other hacker has. To have great hacking capabilities you probably need several years in the field along with a knack for computer-related knowledge.

Why Not?

Simion32 wrote:Secondly, we aren't going to do your work for you. Mattrizzle isn't taking requests, and neither am I

You will just help me.

Simion32 wrote:Thridly, hacking is not as easy as you construe it to be. You do not just up and come up with a huge major overhual of a game, especially if it is restricted to the realm of hacking. I've been working on DKCLB for well over 6 years now, and I'm still nowhere near finished with it. You cannot possibly expect hacking to be any easier. In fact, it's more difficult.

I know this is hard so I'm looking for help to do it.
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Re: Minor DKC hacks & early works in progress

Postby Simion32 » September 29th, 2012, 4:46 pm

lucoshi wrote:Why Not?

Because not everyone has the time to serve your desires.
Pointer: To hack you have to think critically, and be able to learn on your own. The experience of hacking cannot be taught, you must use your own interest in hacking as an incentive to do research on your own and learn more. This is why people hack - they are interested. You aren't going to learn anything with somebody telling you what to do anyway. You have to explore it for yourself to truly know what you are doing.

lucoshi wrote:You will just help me.

No, I will not. Even if I wanted to I don't even have the time to do so. Sorry, but it's my choice, not yours. Seek help with learning SNES hacking elsewhere.

Simion32 wrote:I know this is hard so I'm looking for help to do it.

Good luck finding help learning how to hack SNES games, because you're probably not going to find it here.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Updated DKC Trilogy Sprite Viewers Released

Postby lucoshi » September 30th, 2012, 2:44 pm

It might coming handy for my hacks! if i learn how edit the numbers of sprites, learn how edit the hitbox, learn how you made this and learn how remove sprites, i will upload some patch of my hacks.
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