lucoshi wrote:Mattrizzle will make me learn how to hack
Simion32 wrote:First of all, nobody is just going to up and teach you how to hack. It is something you must learn on your own, like pretty much every other hacker has. To have great hacking capabilities you probably need several years in the field along with a knack for computer-related knowledge.
Simion32 wrote:Secondly, we aren't going to do your work for you. Mattrizzle isn't taking requests, and neither am I
Simion32 wrote:Thridly, hacking is not as easy as you construe it to be. You do not just up and come up with a huge major overhual of a game, especially if it is restricted to the realm of hacking. I've been working on DKCLB for well over 6 years now, and I'm still nowhere near finished with it. You cannot possibly expect hacking to be any easier. In fact, it's more difficult.
lucoshi wrote:Why Not?
lucoshi wrote:You will just help me.
Simion32 wrote:I know this is hard so I'm looking for help to do it.
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