DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

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DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby DKCplayer » November 19th, 2012, 6:22 pm

I came across some bad news for those who have a Nintendo Wii and have not yet bought the Donkey Kong Country games. ... l-console/
For whatever reason Nintendo will be removing the Donkey Kong Country Trilogy of SNES games from the Wii Virtual Console next week in Europe. I sincerely hope this is because they have some awesome DK Country surprise related to the Wii U somehow, but I doubt that.

NintenDaan first discovered this while browsing the Wii Shop Channel. No reason is given, nor is any date set for when they may return to the Virtual Console. They will disappear from the Virtual Console on 11/25 next week.

Nothing is really known about why the games are being removed, whether it has anything to do with Rare or not. Either way, it's a shame to see three high quality SNES games disappearing from the VC. :dixiecry:
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Geno » November 19th, 2012, 10:07 pm


Luckily, I have the SNES originals. :swanky:
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Blaziken257 » November 20th, 2012, 4:45 am

I've heard about this before. While I couldn't care less about the Virtual Console, this sounds ridiculous. Why would they remove games from there? Isn't the VC lacking enough to begin with? It's not like these are obscure games, either. I can see this angering a lot of people. Also, I can imagine it will encourage piracy, which Nintendo hates.

Also, I found this thread on GameFAQs where someone stated that it's already been removed from North America without any prior warning. So it's even worse for us Americans -- not only have the games been removed earlier, but the ever-so-incompetent NOA (which is especially horrible when it comes to VC, among other things) was too lazy to tell anybody about it. Ugh.

I'll just play the games on my SNES, because I can.
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Super Luigi! » November 20th, 2012, 2:51 pm

As will I, Blaziken257; as will I. I do hope that the removal means that there is going to be a "DK Country surprise" on the Wii U, but the games should still stay on the Wii, especially as removing them arouses anger and suspicion, therefore ruining the surprise.
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Phyreburnz » November 20th, 2012, 2:53 pm

That's really weird... Have they removed any other games? And does that mean that people who have already paid for it and downloaded it are screwed and it'll be off their system, or is it just not going to be on the market anymore?
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Simion32 » November 20th, 2012, 3:28 pm


DRMing your products in an effort to keep control of them, is just going to p*** off gamers. Using that facility to ACTUALLY REMOVE PAID-FOR MATERIAL FROM THEIR WIIs is going to REALLY hit Nintendo in the unmentionables. Seriously.

This looks like a last-ditch effort to prevent piracy. But as Balziken257 says, it's only going to encourage piracy because people do not want to be controlled and forced to buy the same sh** over and over for no reason other than "WE WANTZ MOAR PROFITZ". :angry:

EDIT: In fact, my Wii has been offline and will be for the remainder of time that it still exists. I'm not going to turn it on and get it "updated".
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Tompa » November 20th, 2012, 5:04 pm

Well this is a most retarded decision I've heard in awhile... Way to celebrate the anniversary of DKC (Which is tomorrow) by removing the games from the Wii. Good job Nintendo.
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Gaz » November 21st, 2012, 2:00 am

I have the originals, and the GBA versions >:D.
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Re: DKC trilogy being removed from the Wii Virtual Console

Postby Geno » November 21st, 2012, 10:57 am

Blaziken257 wrote:it's already been removed from North America without any prior warning.


I've been trying to convince my friends to get the SNES DKCs and now THIS happens?

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