Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

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Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 2nd, 2014, 5:37 pm

This year's AGDQ charity marathon is now underway!


"Speed Demos Archive, the home to video game speed runs, is proud to present the fourth annual speed running marathon: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014. It is a 7-day online event (from January 5th-11th) to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, streamed live for you to watch!"

Twitch streaming page
More Information

Marathon Schedule

All original DKC games on SNES will be featured, additionally there will be a Diddy Kong Racing run afterwards!

Countdown removed due to erratic schedule changes — sorry!
Last edited by Qyzbud on January 9th, 2014, 5:47 am, edited 7 times in total.
Reason: Removed DKC countdown
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 3rd, 2014, 8:25 pm

Very exciting! I wish I had more free time to enjoy the proceedings, but unfortunately I resume full time work pretty much exactly when this kicks off! :kiddysad:

The fun starts in ...well heck, it's underway now! There's lots of gaming goodness to enjoy... but the DKC action doesn't get underway until day 4 of the event.

Thanks for sharing, Stone!

We now have a promo banner in place. :D
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Tompa » January 3rd, 2014, 10:54 pm

YEAH! This is awesome stuff. I'll be a part of the event, though I won't run anything this year. But I will be doing commentary for DKC. So enjoy hearing my crappy accent trying to explain some details about stuff =).

Also, it's recommended to use this link for the event page: It will have the updated information that the other marathon page won't have.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 3rd, 2014, 11:17 pm

Thanks for the info, Tompa! Can't wait to hear your excellent commentary (and accent!). :D

I'm looking forward to days of gaming goodness!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 5th, 2014, 8:26 pm

8 hours and counting.

I'm looking forward to this, Though most of the runs on my radar don't kick off until the next day.

These marathons always put me in good spirits.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 6th, 2014, 1:55 am

@Qyzbud: I'm not sure if it's error on my side, but your countdown timer looks like it's 1 hour off.
It says 2 hours and 35 minutes while in the chat on twitch, everyone expects the marathon to start in 1 hour and 35 minutes :)
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 6th, 2014, 6:06 am

Ah, whoops... Sorry to anyone this confused. Hopefully nobody missed out on the start due to me muddling up my time zone info. :?

Anyway, guys... it's happening! Watch, enjoy, donate! :D
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 6th, 2014, 2:02 pm

That Super Mario World TAS was nuts! :krool:

Great Job to all involved.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 6th, 2014, 3:45 pm

I missed it! Just finished work, and caught the last few moments of the B-K run... wish I'd seen more of that one, but there's always the replay, I guess...

The next couple of games I haven't even heard of (I Wanna be the Guy, Hotline Miami), but I'll probably take a look anyway. :)

I'll go ahead and embed a countdown to the DKC run in the first post — hopefully getting it right this time! :P
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Simion32 » January 6th, 2014, 3:53 pm

The guy playing BK has insane coordination. That was a very slick run.

@Qyz: You missed the Skype call-in from Grant Kirkhope!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 6th, 2014, 3:56 pm

Ah, You missed a good one. Grant Kirkhope the games composer was even on Skype with them during Rusty Bucket Bay.

Surprised you've never heard of I want to be the guy. It's kind of notorious for it's difficulty.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Tompa » January 6th, 2014, 3:59 pm

I was really surprised by the result of the SMW TAS :D:D:D!!
While I don't really like Pong, I had fun playing some Snake. Too bad I messed up :(.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 6th, 2014, 4:03 pm

Just the fact it was possible to program them into the game like that was mind blowing. xD Creative use of multitap indeed.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 6th, 2014, 11:51 pm

I've just watched the TASes and although I've already seen some of them, I was totally surprised to see Pong and Snake! I expected to see the ending of SMW, like in the published TAS :D

Time to watch BK, it can be found here:
Doesn't work that well right now...

More information about the technices used in the SMW TAS demonstration:
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby edevore » January 7th, 2014, 2:47 am

its not working on my end, the entire website is blank for me.

edit: never-mind its working now sorry for this post.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2014, 5:34 am

Let the Toungings begin! :D
Yoshis Island is starting soon!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2014, 5:54 am

I slept through Rockman, and Forte :(

Least I get to catch the tail end of the Mega Man block. Looking forward to Yoshi.

Oh cool! MM9 has a it's own version of the pause glitch.

The dinos are running. :dixiehappy:
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2014, 7:28 am

Oh my! What is happening there?
Sounds like a fire alarm has been turned on! I hope it is false alarm and everything will be okay! :cry:
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2014, 7:39 am

That's exactly what went off.

SDA Twitter update:
"Trihex is on fire! Either that, or the kitchen at AGDQ. We'll be right back!"

They're back :)

Ah, apparently there was a small fire somewhere in the building.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2014, 11:02 am

As always, there are donations going on for saving or not saving the animals in Super Metroid.
Even if they won't be saved in the game, we know they would save them in real life:
Although this animal is not real one :D

Someone already photoshopped it to make it more dramatic:
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 7th, 2014, 12:29 pm

Don't mind me time stamping the runs while I dig for Actraiser 2 and Mega Man Block.

Day -1
Jak and Dextar
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro: Year of the Dragon - Race
Pikmin 3
Super Monkey Ball 2 - 3 way Race
Kirby's Adventure
Cave Story - All that setup and it still doesn't run at full speed.
TAS bot/TAS block - Watch Rob play games better than you.
Banjo Kazooie - Skype call with Composer

Day -2
I Want to Be the Guy - Skype call with Developer
Bonus: I Want to Be the Guy Gaiden
Hotline Miami - Race
Tomb Raider 2
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Ducktales: Remastered - Ducktales Woo Whoo! ♪♪
Darkwing Duck
Kendo Rage
Legend of Mystical Ninja
Yume Penguin Monogatari
No One can Stop Mr. Domino
Power Shovel
Bad Weather = Schedule Alterationsk
Actraiser 2
Sonic R - Cross-dressing, sing-along extravaganza. Can't you feel the sunshine?
Sonic Adventure DX
Mega Man - Mega Man Block of Everlasting Peace
Mega Man 2
Rockman and Forte
Mega Man 9
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Fire Drill: Save the Animal%
Yoshi's Island continued
Katamari Damacy
Jazz Jackrabbit - PC Block
Deus Ex
Duke Nukem 3D
Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment

Day -3
Doom 2 VS
Resident Evil 4
Halo 2
Metal Gear Solid - Metal Gear block
Metal Gear Rising
Little Nemo: The Dream Master - NES Block
A Boy and His Blob
Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Journey to Silius
Kid Icarus
Bucky O' Hare
Mega Man X Race - Mega Man X (and Zero) Block
Mega Man X3
Mega Man X4
Mega Man Zero 3
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - Super Mario Bros. Block
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3 100% - CO-OP
Super Mario Bros. 3 any% with warps
Super Mario World - Race
Super Mario World - No Power-ups
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Really Close) Race :krool: - Zelda Block
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Glitched

Day -4
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess All Dungeons
Barkley Shut up and Jam! Gaiden
Another World
Super Star Wars SNES
Golden Axe
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara four player CO-OP.
Fire Emblem 7/Sacred Stones Any %
Secret of Mana CO-OP
Star Fox 64 High Score Run
Super Meat Boy
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Donkey Kong 64 Race - - Don-Don-Don-key Kong Block This is the block you are looking for.
Donkey Kong Country 100%
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble
Diddy Kong Racing
Castlevania Bloodlines - Castlevania Block
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Richter
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Alucard

Day -5
Mario Kart 64 - Racer Block
F-Zero GX
Sonic '06 - Awful Games Done Quick Start
Glover Race
Prayerwarriors: A.O.F.G.
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures :dixiehappy:
Zoo Race
Captain Novolin
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
E.T. Blink and you miss it.
Rad Raygun
Garfield: A Week of Garfield
Donald Land
Two Crude Dudes
Batman Returns
Spiderman and X-men: Arcade's Revenge
Shinobi Legions
Contra Force AwfulGDQ End
Contra - Contra Block
Super C
Contra III: The Alien Wars
Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers Race
Ninja Gaiden - Ninja Block
Ninja Gaiden 2
Ninja Five-0
Mark of the Ninja
Mystery Game: The Mask

(Time to pickup the power shovel and start digging again.)
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 8th, 2014, 7:15 pm

Hi guys, I've just double-checked the countdown to Hippie's DKC run, and I think it was off by quite a few hours from the schedule, somehow... :?

I have adjusted it, and I think it's right... I believe the DKC run should start in just under 12 hours, but please let me know if this is incorrect!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Tompa » January 9th, 2014, 3:01 am

Should be around 5½ hours now until it's DKC time! But you never know, schedule tends to not be followed =). Especially when runs like this Fire Emblem run went 30 minutes over its time...

Hype it up though!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 9th, 2014, 5:51 am

Thanks, Tompa! The schedule changed again just now, so I've removed the timer... too hard to keep it accurate (or even get it accurate at all :p).

Everyone: Please just watch the stream, or refresh the schedule page to be sure you don't miss the DKC runs! I'll be at work while they're on, sadly. :(
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Tompa » January 10th, 2014, 12:02 pm

I had a good time during DKC at least :D. Even though I caused Hippie to die, trying to teach him new strats mid-run. My bad!

I gave DKC-atlas a shoutout at least :).
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 10th, 2014, 2:33 pm

I found it entertaining. Expecially the banter between you and hippie. :)
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Qyzbud » January 10th, 2014, 5:54 pm

Thanks for the shout-out, Tompa! I'm only just now getting to watch the replay, as work has been quite demanding. :(

Thank god it's Friday.

Before I start watching, here are links for reference:
  • DKC ← played by NewAgeRetroHippie
  • DKC2 ← played by reflected
  • DKC3 ← played by MorKs

I'm sure they are all full of tricks, techniques, and skills worth watching. :)
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 12th, 2014, 11:36 pm

Does anyone know when the Bonus Stream kicks in? Not finding much info on it and I still got one more event I'm looking forward to: Mario Party! (and melee if that was thing this year)
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Tompa » January 13th, 2014, 1:58 am

It will start at noon EST. Here is a counter: ... nus+Stream

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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Soniccuz » January 13th, 2014, 2:35 am

Thanks Tompa! Oh wow, in the middle of Wind Waker now, and you guys just set that goal. OMG spoilers! :lol:
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

Postby Geno » January 13th, 2014, 1:00 pm

Hmmm. I may watch some of these later, as I can guess they'll be readily available to watch any time on a site like You Tube, after this even is over and done with.

Viewing the list that was posted, there are probably quite a few games I'd be interested in wat-ching.....

dammit, now I will never be able to look at Sonic R the same way ever again. :kiddysad:
And it was one of my favourite Sanic games too!
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