Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 15th, 2014, 8:43 am

That just looks soooooo great! Can't wait to see what's next with Clapper, Parry and the others.

Does Ellie's water-in-trunk mechanic work like it did in DKC3, or is that to be done? And in the actual levels, do you plan on doing the water like this:
Or keep it 'flat' styled without the little top graphic?

Either way, this looks so good. Looks like something straight out of Rare's doors!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 16th, 2014, 6:55 am

CatLoverMolly wrote:That just looks soooooo great! Can't wait to see what's next with Clapper, Parry and the others.

Does Ellie's water-in-trunk mechanic work like it did in DKC3, or is that to be done? And in the actual levels, do you plan on doing the water like this:
Or keep it 'flat' styled without the little top graphic?

Thanks! Parry and Clapper (with SnapJaw, freezing water to solid (so you can walk on water) and cool when it is hot water systems is ready) Still lack Lantern Squawks and Glimmer engine. HyperKalango is working on Purple and Blue Squawks engine. About water surface, you asked about something I'm working on for the past three days, without success...

Simion32 wrote:Oh, the DKC2 water effect is super easy to do in C++, I've already coded it at least 2 times now. Likely somebody made an MMF2 extension to do that effect.

I modified the current system of water, was more visually compelling.
But for water surface, I used "Paralaxer Object" to try to get this effect, but as active objects do not scale in negative values ​​I needed to use 4 Paralaxer Objects. It completely destroyed the performance of the engine, it is infeasible. Do you know any technique in MMF2 so I can get this effect?
Looks like I'll have to give up make a surface of the water. =/
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » October 16th, 2014, 8:37 am

I'm not sure on the details of getting this to work in MMF2, since I've not used it in a while, but...

My very old DKC2 water effect algorithm (@other users: feel free to use this without credit, it's simple enough):
//DKC2_HDMAWater_Counter is a number between 0 and 15, you want to increment this every other frame.
int tempcv = ((DKC2_HDMAWater_Counter + (16 - (top_of_camera_y & 0x0F))) & 0x0F);
for(int block = (tempcv - 16); block != (tempcv+224); block+=16)
//Copy from bitmap image onto itself.
//sourceX, sourceY, destinationX, destinationY, W, H

blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x0A, 0, block+0x0B, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x09, 0, block+0x0A, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x08, 0, block+0x09, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x07, 0, block+0x08, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x06, -1, block+0x07, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x05, -1, block+0x06, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x04, -1, block+0x05, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x03, -1, block+0x04, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x00, -1, block+0x00, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x01, -1, block+0x01, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x02, -1, block+0x02, 256, 1);
blit(dest_bitmap, dest_bitmap, 0, block+0x03, -1, block+0x03, 256, 1);

0xFF001028 //ADDITIVE COLOR: Water
0xFF580000 //ADDITIVE COLOR: Warm Water

As for the top-of-water effects, I've not actually programmed that specific thing, though essentially it's just a bunch of auto-scrolled lines of pixels in which there's a "3D perspective" from the front of the camera. More lines are seen in a 3D fashion the higher you are from the water.

You will most likely need special extensions or an extreme amount of compute-expensive hackery to get this going; MMF2 isn't too good at advanced pixel effects. :roll:

Finally, have you seen my MMF2 demo with the ship hold 3D scroller? I still have the source file for that if you're in a desperate need for it.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 17th, 2014, 6:06 am

Simion32 wrote:As for the top-of-water effects, I've not actually programmed that specific thing, though essentially it's just a bunch of auto-scrolled lines of pixels in which there's a "3D perspective" from the front of the camera. More lines are seen in a 3D fashion the higher you are from the water.

Thanks for post your code. But the effect of hot water to cool and freeze the water (make it solid state) I've done.
I refer specifically to this effect from the surface of the water. It is not feasible to do this with Paralaxer Object. I am experiencing "Mode 7" but it seems he has no means of dynamic texture mapping to make the parallax effect in the negative X axis...
Simion32 wrote:Finally, have you seen my MMF2 demo with the ship hold 3D scroller? I still have the source file for that if you're in a desperate need for it.

You can post this to I take a look?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 18th, 2014, 11:23 am

I actually honestly think that poll on the Cheetah's name has someone cheating on it.
I have a lot of difficulty believing 67 people voted for Skarlet and 60 for Sprinter. :scratch:
Myself, I voted for Chase, and I would be okay with Sprinter too, but yeah, that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many voters to be real.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 18th, 2014, 11:56 am

I think you guys are probably right about cheating on the poll. Last poll, there were not nearly that many voters...

You know what might be a totally better idea? Why don't we let Zaneebaslave name the cheetah, since he's the one making it. I think that is fair.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » October 19th, 2014, 12:50 am

Here you go;
Implementation of the ship background effect
in MMF2 Pro, Developer version not required.
(415.78 KiB) Downloaded 2156 times

Just use arrow keys to scroll the background. Simple enough. Includes the demo exe I had.

This still might not cover the water line-by-line "movement" effect... :?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 19th, 2014, 4:03 am

There is no doubt that the poll was rigged, let Zane name it. It is very fair.

Simion, the problem is precisely resize the image into negative scale, the Multimedia Fusion does not. When going to the negative scale, the Active "disappears". You could do this somehow? Here is the sample for you to view:

Where did you get the frames of animation?

Hmmm... hat his example gave me an idea for negative "Y pseudo-scale", I'll try here!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Simion32 » October 19th, 2014, 4:59 am

I think I manually edited it with MSPaint's skew feature, using a carefully edited copy of the background ripped via VSNES.

By skewing it carefully (frame-by-frame) with an image editor you can create an animation where the center of the background lines will align, which gives you a completed loop.

The end result you want is that it ends up being an animation sequence where the scrolling loops, after which you don't need to care about the per-line scrolling - just use the animation instead for that, and Y scaling for the "frontal 3D".

Unfortunately I don't have MMF2 installed, and even then, I've only got Professional not Developer. I've not used it in a great while, so I'd be lost trying to help any further. :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 19th, 2014, 6:51 am

Simion, You solved half the problem and I did the rest, still missing settings and animate the part of the "middle". Once I finish I'll post the mfa if you want. Take a look at how was:

I need to leave for work, I finish it tomorrow. Many thanks for the help, You were brilliant! :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 21st, 2014, 11:10 am

This is my final version of the 3D perspective of the ship (includes MFA and executable file):
Use arrow keys to scroll in X and Y axis.
Added motion in the X axis for the part of "middle".
Fast Loops used to set the Y position of the surfaces "up" and "down" whenever the Y position of the active "middle" (there was a bug where the surface did not follow precisely the Y position of the active "middle").
Now I'll try to implement this engine to the game engine and try to use that engine as the basis for the water surface.

Ooops... Into MFA, in repeat while "Down Arrow" and repeat while "Up Arrow" is pressed events (lines 18 and 19) change "Start loop 999 times" for "Start loop 1 times" to best performance.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 27th, 2014, 11:16 am


Also have the surface of the water and the prospect of decks of the ship but I have little time available for the project, maybe in the next update.
Music and sprites credits in video description (forgot to put in video editing :facepalm:)

Forgot to show the hot water cooled by the Clapper (like in DKC2), sry!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 27th, 2014, 11:36 am

That water distortion and those buddies look absolutely fabulous! It looks so much like something from the SNES days, it's crazy! If this is how it looks unfinished I can't wait to see the water surface, ship decks and everything else that's not done yet :shock:
I would mention something about that Cheetah but it seems Zaneebaslave has gone missing :scratch:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 28th, 2014, 2:16 am

Well, we are awaiting the Zane sprites to begin programming...
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 28th, 2014, 4:36 am

To Phyreburnz and CatLoverMolly:
I want to insert the custom barrels but is different from the animation of the original barrel when he is on the ground, give a look.
Did you guys could tweak this and post please? (in separate frames one by one, it makes it much easier to me)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby spaceman2028 » October 28th, 2014, 5:06 am

Everything with the engines looks great so far, only change i would make would be the music for the ice stages. Unless you want the ice stage music for DKC1 and DKC2 to be used for other levels, this needs to be fixed.

Other than that you guys should be set to finish this fan game in no time(barring the levels that need to be made)!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 28th, 2014, 5:29 am

No problem, Leo. I'll go ahead and fix that for you.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 28th, 2014, 6:04 am

Sorry for the double post, but because Leo saw my last one, I wanted to make sure that he would see this one.

barrels fixed.png
barrels fixed.png (59.55 KiB) Viewed 154553 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Super Luigi! » October 28th, 2014, 1:57 pm

leo_core, I appreciate what you make,
But I have noticed one mistake.
Whenever Dixie was hit and fell,
And before her eyes began to swell.
Out of the water, her body flew,
Before diving back in the icy blue.
What I'm saying, if it's not clear,
Is Dixie shouldn't be flying here.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 28th, 2014, 10:42 pm

I had one idea for Clapper. Perhaps Clapper is in a hot volcano area, and to pass lava pools you need him to cool them into passable rock (a simple brown palette swap). Maybe in order to cool the rocks, Clapper first needs to be cooled himself, as a seal in a volcanic area won't do well, so you have to go retrieve a water barrel (or use Ellie to get some water from a hot spring?) and throw it on Clapper to revitalize him in order to pass.
Could add a nice puzzle element to the stage.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby TheRetromancer » October 29th, 2014, 4:16 am

For your next post, Super Luigi!, see if you can't do it in iambic pentameter.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 29th, 2014, 4:36 am

I love the new Support Buddies video! Great stuff! Do you plan on making things like the extra life counter and HUD visible at all times?

I also thought of a new buddy; a Firefly. He could work like Squawks or Glimmer, but the light builds up and flashes the whole screen (like when you turn and Glimmer flashes the screen) and then goes back to black and starts over. So you have a short window to act between pitch black and blinding light.

And maybe a second stage where his light gradually goes out and you need to collect something to keep it out or you die, like the fuel tanks?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 29th, 2014, 4:43 am



I've already done that. :swanky: I did have a different idea for how he would work, though. I thought he could be used to duplicate the blackout effect like Blackout Basement but outdoors. I even made a specific level for him working as such.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 29th, 2014, 5:23 am

Thank you for barrels adjust Phyre!

Super Luigi!, is only a small adjustment to fix (I had not made this in the video to show for lack of time). Thanks for the observation.

CatLoverMolly, is a great idea! I will implement!

TonBerry and Phyre, this firefly is an interesting concept, I can implement it using as a basis from Squawks Flashlight (just a few tweaks).

We need someone to make maps of the game for us. I even had the maps for the first demo (using Lumion and 3D Max) but I no longer have my PC and my notebook is not enough to run these programs. It may even be maps of SNES DKC series edited with Photoshop. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 29th, 2014, 6:22 am

Great minds think alike! Haha. Maybe he could even work like Parry and if he gets hit, it goes black?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 29th, 2014, 7:19 pm

I think I forgot to answer in relation to HUD for Tonberry. The HUD should appear when you are in the water or under the influence of darkness, is only one adjustment layers to be done. These small adjustments are made later, my intention is to show the progress with the engine.

About the firefly engine, left in the dark if it get hit is a good idea too ... and then the luminescence will gradually returning ... I'll see how to do this.
Phyreburnz wrote: I even made a specific level for him working as such.

Where is it Phyre? One more request, the correction to the DK barrel is perfect but I need the barrel with the letters DX, DD and KD plus of DK. My idea is to change the barrel every time the HUD icon has changed, understands? Sorry to give you so much trouble with it, If you can not do I will understand.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 29th, 2014, 7:50 pm

Here is a sketch of what the map would have to have. The main map is what is done with the head stone of the Kongs (that was done in the first demo). We need sub ​​maps.
To anyone interested in make sub-maps for our project, maps may be the same SNES DKC series, edited with Photoshop (or something of that sort)

Please, whenever I write something wrong in English beg to correct me, I learn and you guys will understand my thoughts more clearly.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 29th, 2014, 10:39 pm

Sorry, Leo, but the KD, DX and DD letters didn't turn out so well when I tried it. DK barrels move too oddly. The only way I can think of to get all 4 barrels moving the same way would be to model a new DK barrel and animate it, then swap the texture, which is beyond my ability.
That said, though, I love the idea of a firefly buddy :thumbs:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 30th, 2014, 1:03 am

It's way too hard to change letters on those barrels. As Cat said, you're going to have to do a model of it if you want it that bad. I can't do 3D modeling. I think you should just stick to a palette swap.

And, Leo, I made a level for the lightning bug called "Black Forest Blackout" but I designed the level with my initial thought for it. I wanted a way to bring the "blackout" of "Blackout Basement" outdoors.

Here is the link to the level.

I have a suggestion about the lightning bug. Maybe, there should be a couple of different colours of them and each colour does a different thing. That might make it easier to have it in a couple of different levels, rather than just one or two.

I even thought to just have the lightning bugs scattered around the level as a sort of enemy (maybe frenemy) that acts like the fat, glowing fish in DKC3 (whose name escapes me) where you have to hit them to make the area brighter and they dim over time.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 30th, 2014, 1:08 am

Different colors could be neat. Maybe a Stop And Go Station kind of mechanic where green bugs freeze the enemies and red make them come to life and you have to light or KO the correct fireflies?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 30th, 2014, 2:46 am

One other thing that would be neat is Phyre's glowing Booty Bird being implemented in one of the firefly levels, perhaps right after the no-firefly sign near the end. Make the player choose: would you rather hit the Booty Bird to get a :k: :o: :n: :g: letter, or maybe even the stage's DK coin, and have to go the remainder of the level in darkness, or pass up the goodie but be able to see your way past the final hazards to the end?
And on the subject of secondary buddies and Phyre's sprites, I personally love the idea of a fire Clapper/Reppalc being able to melt ice. There could be a level where you must use Reppalc to melt the ice long enough to swim through before you freeze and lose a life, and another where you have to use Reppalc and Clapper in conjuction to melt ice, freeze water, or maybe even use Reppalc to heat the water to kill certain enemies before you jump in.
Maybe Phyre's Koolfreeze and Firekracker could even work against Reppalc and Clapper to heat/freeze water while you're in it at certain intervals of a few seconds.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 30th, 2014, 4:13 am

I like the idea of ice and fire interacting, but all of those elements feel too complicated for a DKC game to me. Every stage has a gimmick, but that gimmick is never overly complicated, like the "dueling Clappers" AND elemental baddies. It works better on one idea. For example, don't run out of gas. Don't let the acid touch you. Cool down the water momentarily to move forward.

If we have 2 buddies that control ice/fire, even if one isn't a seal, that could be interesting. But let it be a survival game by using the buddies rather than another, third thing to play with.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » October 30th, 2014, 6:15 am

It's a shame about the customized barrels, but to use them would have to have the animation equal to DK barrel. Well, let's keep it as is.

This firefly is the "Knik-Knak" from DKC3 but i dont have it with this luminescence in the back (yellow). You can post the sprites please? PNG without the background.
Phyreburnz wrote: I made a level for the lightning bug called "Black Forest Blackout" but I designed the level with my initial thought for it. I wanted a way to bring the "blackout" of "Blackout Basement" outdoors.

Here is the link to the level.

I need the PSD file with separate layers (backgrounds/terrain), you can post please?

CatLoverMolly wrote:One other thing that would be neat is Phyre's glowing Booty Bird being implemented in one of the firefly levels...

Interesting ideas ... I will look into your suggestions more calmly.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » October 30th, 2014, 7:00 am

Leo, all of the custom sprites of the lightning bug are here.
lightning bug buddy

The link I gave you to the level has everything in it. You have to go to the link to the level, which I have below, and download the file. It's saved as a TIFF file, so everything is still in layers.
level link
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 31st, 2014, 4:09 am

What do we think of Shimmer for the lightning but name?

Also, do we have plans for an ice world? I think it'd be neat to have a downhill avalanche stage in a mine cart or bobsled or something. Think Megaman 8's ice stage with a lot of enemy dodging and jumping.

Or a boss called The Kreature, which is made up of parts from a bunch of past bosses from DKC 1-3. It could be like an homage to Frankenstein.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 31st, 2014, 4:57 am

Here's something I've been working on some of you atlasites may remember.
I call him Spike. His ability would be to turn around, rear up on his back legs, and fire a spine. The spine would be controlled like Squitter's webs, and stick in walls for a few seconds. You could jump on one to use it as a platform, or you could hit a switch with one. You can also fire them at enemies, but be careful- if you recklessly run into the tip of a needle that is stuck in the wall, you will lose a Buddy, Kong or life.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » October 31st, 2014, 5:39 am

How is he ridden? It also looks a lot like the one in DKC2 so things could get confusing... He might work better as an enemy?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » October 31st, 2014, 7:09 am

I'd rather he be a buddy, personally; wouldn't be any more confusing than Shimmer. That said, I plan on modifying the palette to be a faded yellowish, or maybe faded brownish, color. As for riding, like the original idea on the site, I plan on having his spines be retracted until a Kong jumps on.

EDIT: Got a bit more done.
Changed the palette, made the boxes, and added a standing frame and the spine that he would fire. The other four frames are to be used when the spine sticks in the wall. Here's sort of what I was thinking should happen, if possible.
The spine would vibrate and make a sound much like the doorstop in the video.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 1st, 2014, 4:50 am

Phyre, I do not understand, the file is a single png (black_forest_blackout_same_file__just_more_visible_by_phyreburnz-d7w89m8.png). You used three layers to do it:
1 - Mountains and Lake
2 - pine trees
3 - Terrain
I need the separate layers to make parallax scrolling, can you send me the psd file?

Cat, honestly do not understand the mechanics of Spike, an animal would be riding for the kongs? If it is, how to ride it if it has thorns?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 1st, 2014, 5:46 am

Here's Phyre's stage in a .tif with seperate layers. ... 1414784234
On Spike, his spines would be retracted when he is released from the box, but when the Kongs jump on, they'd extend around the Kong so they're out but not poking the Kong. I haven't sprited that yet but I will.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 3rd, 2014, 1:39 am

Leo, you must download the file. There is a button immediately to the right of the picture of it that says "download." If you download it, you will get a TIFF file that contains all of the layers. When you open it in photoshop after downloading it, you will see everything.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 4th, 2014, 4:16 am

Thanks Phyre, I had not seen before... you have more custom levels? Does anyone here have more?
Cat, I like your Spike! This may become a new buddie friend. I await the rest of the sprites (especially the thorns retracted).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Tonberry2000 » November 4th, 2014, 4:58 am

What if his name was Pokey the Porcupine?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby Phyreburnz » November 4th, 2014, 6:39 am

Leo, all of my custom levels are here.

There are some in parts, like Glimmering Galleon II which has five parts that all must be downloaded and fit together. One of the five parts is a template to make it easier to fit the level together. This Glimmering Galleon is different from the first one I made. I've improved it a lot.

Also, all of the levels are in TIFF form and have to be downloaded so you get all of the layers.

Talk to HiperKalango because I know he has downloaded some of the levels already.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby leo_core » November 4th, 2014, 3:00 pm

OMG! These levels are F**kin' amazing! Thanks Phyre, I had not seen all. I always wonder what would become of our project without the precious help of you guys.
Just for information, we currently have six different types of Squawks, each with their unique abilities ;)

The project has now entered on a time for settings adjustments, so it will take time to show something new. This moment is very important to us.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 4th, 2014, 11:30 pm

Six? Only ones I can think of are the smaller (baby?) Squawks with the lantern, regular Squawks, Quawks who can barely carry the Kongs, and Flapper who picks up barrels.
I did have one idea of an orange Squawks that was the exact opposite of Quawks; he'd be constantly rising while carrying the Kongs. I thought he'd probably be good for a Bramble level.
So what do you guys have for the other two?

And I love the name Pokey :) Much friendlier than Spike.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CountryFan » November 5th, 2014, 2:01 pm

Last I checked, Flapper was the one who could barely carry the Kongs, and Quawks is the one who picks up barrels.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Postby CatLoverMolly » November 5th, 2014, 11:27 pm

I was going off of the old Squawks/Squeaks/Flapper theory myself. According to the Mario wiki they're both Quawks with different palettes, but I personally don't like to think of them as such. I guess the names are interchangeable.
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