Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

For topics based on a game/pattern or another silly concept. ;)

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 22nd, 2023, 7:29 am

Because it’s a freezing track.

Why did Cranky tell K.rool to steal the banana hoard?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 22nd, 2023, 2:07 pm

They're the only two with large SNES controllers.

Why do they have those controllers anyway?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 22nd, 2023, 2:56 pm

Because we don’t want monkeys to move around on their own accord.

Why is Diddy Kong brown?
Did people just forget this topic? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 23rd, 2023, 2:21 pm

Because purple was taken.

Who nabbed the nuts?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 24th, 2023, 1:09 am

WesternTanager794 wrote:Did people just forget this topic? :parry:

I don't know if you noticed, but this place is a shell of what it used to be. A handful of people still check the forums, but the majority have naught to ever return.
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 24th, 2023, 9:18 am

I did notice, but some of the people that were regulars are still here. But ok, that makes sense. :parry:

:EDIT: I completely forgot!
Necky didn't, Funky did building his coconut gun!

Why did Cranky get hired at a chess commentator?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 25th, 2023, 1:27 am

It's because he's old and wise.

Is Funky Donkey's best friend?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 25th, 2023, 3:20 pm

No, "my little buddy", Diddy is. Funky's close, though.

Why is Funky the Main Monkey? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 26th, 2023, 3:07 am

WesternTanager794 wrote:Why is Funky the Main Monkey? :parry:

He is the main character of Funky's Swimming Game

In DKC1, why doesn't Necky spit up nuts? Only Master Necky and mini-neckies do
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Mattrizzle » January 26th, 2023, 4:43 am

PG-13 answer incoming...
He doesn't like the taste of them. Regardless, he still likes to drop them for anyone in range...


In the SNES version of DKC3, why is Swanky always standing inside a barrel?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 26th, 2023, 10:26 am

He can't afford pants.
That, or Necky asked he not buy more :swanky:

What is the reason we don't see Candy in any DKC installments after 1?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 26th, 2023, 10:54 am

Because she went on vacation.

Why did the kong cross the road? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 26th, 2023, 12:20 pm

To get the banana before the falling monkeys did.

Why are the Kongs so powerful?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 26th, 2023, 12:52 pm

Because of the DK Island Power Source infuses Magic properties into bananas!

Why did Cranky arrest K.rool? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 26th, 2023, 11:30 pm

K Rool cleared the island faster than him.

Where does Donkey Kong vacation?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2023, 3:58 am

He goes to Mario parties.

Why haven't the Banana Birds or Banana Fairies returned?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 27th, 2023, 4:14 am

Rare ware hasn’t

Why does Kiddy like Ellie? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 27th, 2023, 6:13 am

Because Kiddie was glad he's not the most annoying character anymore.

Why didn't Donkey Kong learn not to get captured after 2?

Also, great job bringing this post back to life!
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2023, 7:19 am

He had to see if it would happen again.

Is there a Kong Kore like the Kremling one on Crocodile Isle?

All anyone needed was someone besides me to post here again, and thankfully, Tanager arrived.
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Mattrizzle » January 27th, 2023, 8:54 am

Yes, but the Kremlings already raided it once. The lazy oaf of a bodyguard didn't put up a fight, nor did he even know it was raided until after the fact. (This answer may not be stupid enough, as it makes sense in the context of one game if you think about it.)

What on Earth are they making in the mills and factories of the Northern Kremisphere?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » January 27th, 2023, 1:09 pm

Wrinkly special cookies using the late Wrinkly's recipe.

Speaking of which, how did Wrinkly die?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 27th, 2023, 1:20 pm

She played too much SM64.

Is it acceptable to fall asleep while playing a single-player video game?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 28th, 2023, 9:21 am

It is unless you’re playing the lion king.

Why did K.rool get fired by the kremling kouncil of Kommisioners?

:EDIT: Thanks Rainbow Sprinklez and Suoer Luigi! I think this is a very fun topic as well! :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 28th, 2023, 12:19 pm

He had grown too soft on the Kongs.

What happened to Glimmer after DKC2?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 28th, 2023, 12:35 pm

He wrote a memoir: The Replacement of Squawks: The rise and memoirs of the far superior replacement. Hmm, sounds like a fanfiction waiting to be written. I would honestly write it in Capablanca's memoir style! (The third chess world champion. His memoirs are far from humble)

Not the question: The answer to why K.rool got fired is coming soon in my book!

Why did Cranky get old and really cranky (and mean) in DKC3?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 29th, 2023, 10:43 am

He thought Dixie and Kiddy were dumb.

What happens when a Kong falls asleep in a cave?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 29th, 2023, 11:45 am

Haha! They dream of banana hoards.

is this potentially derived from your fanfiction, Super Luigi?

Why do banana birds idolize Kazooie? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 29th, 2023, 3:07 pm

She reminds them of their queen.

It could be, but I wasn't trying to reference anything.

Is Kiddy actually smarter than he seems?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 29th, 2023, 3:36 pm

Funky thinks so. But then again, he's probably four. What do you expect out of a four year old? Kiddy does well enough.

Why does Kiddy weigh so much?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 30th, 2023, 4:51 am

He's a baby that has probably eaten too many bananas.

Are these questions not dumb enough?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 31st, 2023, 6:13 am

He was practicing too hard.

Will Kiddy bounce across water infinitely when he grows up?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 31st, 2023, 10:25 am

No, he loses buoyancy as and adult. Or just his water repelling properties. :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » January 31st, 2023, 4:29 pm

You didn't ask a question, so I'll go again.

Did Candy, the Banana Fairy queen, and the mermaid from DK64 change Tiny?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 31st, 2023, 6:10 pm


No, Cranky did.

Why did Funky decide to go waterskiing? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 1st, 2023, 8:04 am

After making the Gyrocopter, which was likely gone at the time, he decided to use Turbo Ski.

Are Diddy and Tiny basically siblings by now?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » February 1st, 2023, 8:20 am

You could'nt think otherwise!

Why does DK think that bananas are abundant in vitamin Q? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 1st, 2023, 4:13 pm

I forgot, but there was a good reason for it.

Will we ever see good Kremlings?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » February 1st, 2023, 5:43 pm

Yes! The librarian ones are particularly amicable.

How did Diddy and Dixie meet? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 2nd, 2023, 7:43 am

They were deep in the jungle and gathered the same bananas.

Would Enguarde and Rambi ever fight each other?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » February 2nd, 2023, 8:34 am

Never! Unless DK and Diddy had some sort of fight and Diddy whipped out the impervious flying Enguarde in Jungle Hijinxes and DK's second favorite animal buddy, Rambi. Rambi got horribly thrashed. He couldn't hit Enguarde 99% of the time and Rambi was constantly kept on his heels.

Why is DK so unpopular?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 2nd, 2023, 4:44 pm

I blame Returns and Tropical Freeze.

What would happen if Wrinkly and Candy met?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » February 2nd, 2023, 5:43 pm

Wrinkly would have her head in a book.

Is Parry a hummingbird? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 3rd, 2023, 7:18 am

No, he's a parallel bird.

How do you escape from a Banana Fairy?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby WesternTanager794 » February 3rd, 2023, 8:57 am

Don’t fall asleep.

How did Cranky discover the secret of eternal youth at 85? :parry:
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 4th, 2023, 7:13 am

He refused to grow any older.

Why does Sqauwks spit eggs faster when Dixie is primarily holding him?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » February 4th, 2023, 9:27 am

Super Luigi! wrote:Why does Sqauwks spit eggs faster when Dixie is primarily holding him?

Dixie is electrically energized.

Why do Donkey sometimes that eat when she not orange?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby Super Luigi! » February 5th, 2023, 5:02 pm

He's too cool for that music.

Why are we skilled at asking dumb questions?
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Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

Postby rainbowsprinklez » February 5th, 2023, 11:37 pm

WesternTanager794 wrote::scratch:

I was going for dumb :D

Super Luigi! wrote:Why are we skilled at asking dumb questions?

Don't ask a question unless you can deal with the answer :D

Why does Diddy wear a shirt but Donkey only has a tie? (Bonus question. Where are all the pants?)
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