Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

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Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby Kowbrainz » August 6th, 2008, 11:56 pm

Hey guys,

Just making this topic to ask how many people would be interested in taking part in something like this. I brought it up before after the BK face off back in early June, and thought it might be a good idea to get the community together, as well as to serve as a means of advertising the DKC-Atlas.

I'd probably try and get the event hosted through; I know these guys pretty well now, since they set up gaming marathons every now and then for people to watch on weekends, but they also did a brilliant job organising the BK face off before. So it'd be cool to talk to them and see how we could organise this, perhaps get some special prizes donated by Rare since they've been extra nice to their fans lately. We could also host it here, on the main site if possible.

Anyway, before anything happens, a few things need to be sorted out.

Number one: What would the circumstances of the event be? I'd say playing through DKC for 101%. Each player would have contact with a judge and would instant message them (probably the same judge) when they had completed the game; winners would not be awarded according to their in-game time, but rather their real-game time.
Each player would have a live stream of their system up on the same page of a site, and judges would watch to make sure that nobody cheated and whatnot. Runs would need to be streamed live; no prerecording would be allowed.

Number two: How many people would be interested in competing in the event, and how many would be able to do so themselves? To compete, you will need a capture device of some sort hooked up to your computer (high quality webcam preferred with sound if possible) which would focus on your TV screen; no direct feeds allowed. Sound is better since it makes viewing more interesting. You'll also need a ustream account set up and tested before the event, and need to email details to an organiser a week prior to the event. If you're able to set something like this up for yourself and would be interested in competing, please post so we know how many people we can look forward to competing at the same time.
Also post if you would be interested in viewing. The last event had several dozen people viewing, but I think we might be able to reel in a few more with proper advertising and what not.

Number three: Prizes. Stuff that you'd like to see awarded to the top players; stuff that would make people interested in competing and practicing their game before the event. At the BK face off, several pieces of artwork were awarded, signed by concept artist Ryan Stevenson, and we ended up having three people finishing within ten minutes of each other. So something that would make competing all the more worthwhile.

That's it for now; this is just a topic for the sake of gathering interest. If enough people like the idea and would like to watch on the day then I'll try and organise something further. The event would probably happen on a Saturday at ~7.00am GMT so that viewers from all timezones could watch (that's late Friday for Americans and mid-Saturday for Australians). Hopefully this sparks some interest.

Thanks. :)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby Jomingo » August 7th, 2008, 1:16 am

I'd love to help with any organising or other help you need, but I can't play. I don't have a "capture device" and I suck at speedruns. :D

Perhaps Rare could graciously donate some artwork or some other prize? Or maybe we could get our hands on one of those fancy Competition Cartridges.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby CaptainEddie » August 7th, 2008, 2:45 am

I'd love to participate, but I don't have a webcam and, like Jomingo, suck at speedruns. I may be able to help a little and I would like to watch, you know, get some technique down. 8-)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby Kowbrainz » August 7th, 2008, 7:07 pm

^ I wasn't too flash at speed running BK before its face off, to be honest; but if recording is an issue, fair enough. :/
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby Rodent » August 8th, 2008, 9:17 am

Well, I'm crap at speedrunning and I wouldn't get 100%, but I'd like to give it a shot if no one else can. :P I'd be very interested in watching though and I'd like to help with some organising/advertising for the event.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby DK4Ever » August 8th, 2008, 11:04 am

I'd like to help with advertising and all that.

I wish I could compete, it's just, I suck at speed-running, Platform Peril would have me stuck for hours. HOURS. I hate that level.

But yeah, just lemme know what I can do, mate.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Face-Off (planning stages)

Postby Kowbrainz » August 8th, 2008, 8:09 pm

Again, you don't need to be good at speedrunning to compete; just practice a few times and watch an actual speedrun for help with routes.

And even then, you don't have to go for gold if you decide to compete. Last time for the BK face off we had one guy keep on going for 5 hours after everyone else had finished, just because he wanted to finish one of his favourite games again.
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