I had a pretty (very) tame New Year's Eve, as I was a little worse for wear after a day of 'extreme' watersports. No regrets, it was lots of fun. I should do stuff like that more often. Maybe it could be a New Year's resolution of mine; participate in 'extreme' sports more often. Haha, I like it. Actually I have plenty of New Year's resolutions to make... such as *go for a jog at 6 o'clock every morning*, *make more music*, *get back in touch with all those friends I haven't seen in years*, *donate my less-used clothes to charity*... that sort of thing.
I'd also like to learn how to:
- Cook (anything/everything!)
- Juggle five objects at a time
- Read/write/speak Spanish (Hola, Kiddy!)
- Play guitar (or piano, drums, saxophone... or all of them
- Design database-driven websites
- The list goes on!
Anyone else got a resolution or two to share? I've heard that you're more likely to achieve goals if you share them, so what have you got to lose?
Also, did anyone get up to anything fun for New Year's celebrations?