DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

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DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Qyzbud » February 13th, 2014, 10:03 pm

Grab a slice of banana cake... DKC Atlas is six years old today! :D

This year is a very special one for us Donkey Kong Country fans — Tropical Freeze is just about to be released, the original DKC turns twenty, and a long-awaited site feature is at last being launched:

The DKC Atlas Gallery!

This collection of classic renders, official concept art, magazine scans, etc. has been compiled largely by our good friend Cyclone, with other notable contributions from Simion32, Rodent and Cosmicman. I've also thrown together a bunch of HD Donkey Kong Country Returns screenshots (one for each level), which ought to remind us all of Retro's brilliance, and why we should be excited for the fifth DKC game's imminent release!

The gallery is still a work in progress, but an Atlas anniversary feels like the perfect time to share this fledgeling feature.

We hope you enjoy the collection so far; feel free to give feedback — and contribute images that you think ought to be included — in this topic. :)
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 2:54 am

Happy Sixth Birthday DKC Atlas!
:thumbs: :diddywink: :dixiehappy: :kiddycool: :nicework:

I am so excited for today, Qyzbud! We'll throw a huge party, I'm going to give everybody bananas (and perhaps send an E-Mail to EVERY SINGLE ATLASITE!), and everyone's going to have a grand ol' time! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO GREAT! I've been waiting all year for this!

I checked the Gallery, and I plan to observe every single piece of art work there. I mean, there are some masterpieces there that I have never even SEEN! I still can't grasp the concept!

One last note, I know without a doubt that the DKC Atlas party will most definitely not look like this:

Lonely Birthday Bear.jpg
Tis sad.
Lonely Birthday Bear.jpg (20.53 KiB) Viewed 178113 times

or this:

I shall be this cat.
sad+birthday+cat_+hardcore+lonely+cat+waiting+for+some+presents_5554b8_3810511.jpg (18.37 KiB) Viewed 178113 times

Now, let's go play together. Together, under the clearest of blue skies!
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Phyreburnz » February 14th, 2014, 5:04 am

Wow!!! This is absolutely wonderful! I haven't seen a lot of these! I've been hoping that the Atlas would add a gallery for a long time!

Would it be too much for me to ask that these be added to the fan art?
(1022.14 KiB) Downloaded 2667 times

Also, I don't want to suggest anything that you already have but it isn't up yet. But I do have some images from DKC3 that you may not have.
(4.54 MiB) Downloaded 2668 times

dkc3 images
(3.64 MiB) Downloaded 2570 times

I edited my post to include some more things. I put all of the images into zipped folders to upload more.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 12:20 pm

I'll be here all day to celebrate too! Qyzbud, where is the banana cake at? It sounds yummy. Now then, I shall call all the Atlas members so we can have an even bigger celebration. Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day Eve!

In order of appearance...

Enormous user tag list spoilered by Qyzbud to reduce clutter:
Sean, Bendilin, ,Rare Lover ,RawkHawk2010 ,emayer ,Hank ,Cody ,cfh ,Tiptup Jr. ,Jomingo ,BlueTronic ,Kobble ,S.T. BUGMAN III ,Genius_41 ,Tompa ,Kamikaze Ukiki ,mattdog1000000 ,Bazuka ,Kowbrainz ,Leifox ,Myuu ,Arne_the_great ,Cyclone ,FiveLeafClover ,Seanadile ,Simion32 ,The Kirby ,CM August ,cosmic ,No No No, Wrong Way! ,holysnap ,Daf ,rarenut ,Graf Saecula ,nickp17 ,Corprate Nerd ,Stone ,Blaziken257 ,Diddy_Gal ,Banjoster ,Kiddy14 ,SummerSky ,watkinzez ,HuntMac ,Kazooienut ,Miyamoto ,nackhe ,god ,Cosmicman ,tallrex ,CrazyGamerGuy ,Hedonismbot ,SLY JO ,Metroixer ,SuperDiddy ,Sana ,Cubemario ,NxCy ,DKCplayer ,Raccoon Sam ,-bret- ,sektor88 ,request dude ,Teeth ,WolfzGaming ,Gannoncanon ,Goe ,Beakston ,gamer_boy997 ,dsguy411 ,dsguy16 ,Krow1 ,GamerXX ,Mattrizzle ,4pac ,East123eog ,Granville ,Parn ,CaptainEddie ,Soniccuz ,egruntz ,DK4Ever ,eladriano ,kingwhomp ,Super David ,TheUltimateKoopa ,p.j's ,pandahut101 ,FunkyKong ,DonkeyKong ,bigdaddybuddaha ,Gabriel ,Malmo ,loftyD ,AttractiveMale ,Pedestrians ,Rodent ,old_buzzard ,lucas92 ,Fever ,Hello ,Gnawzooka ,Ribo Zurai ,ColinsCat ,Goombs ,swoopysalvo ,Nii-chan ,whitepony ,Swing King ,TaroNuke ,Clutch ,The Angry Sun ,L Lawliet ,the_kong_br ,NS Guy ,ForeverFlames ,Krow111 ,bruss2 ,Klobber ,asmodeus ,The Guy ,Vincent ,csg999 ,PotoGamer ,Dixie_Kong_KI ,Zenek ,edevore ,[KJ]StErOiDs ,daxydidDKC ,Diddy Kong ,Jeff_Ray Barrels ,tenike1 ,BrambleBlast! ,Sockpuppet ,LOLSpark ,Man-Frog ,kchrules ,DKM ,Donkey King ,neekerisanni123 ,game maker pro ,trannypoco ,Bahmo ,Daniel165 ,zapzupnz ,Dioneas ,rapsta_diddy_765 ,LokiNova ,Tonberry2k ,flame0ram ,King K. Rool ,Bogmire ,sunicbris ,Erin ,becooldude39 ,Katastrophe Kong ,dkc2fan ,michelle ,george60 ,Swanky ,Doctor Phileas Fragg ,NES Boy ,FefeRawft ,diddykong ,BigDonkey101 ,Videogamer123 ,DKC ,supertanooki ,donkeylongears ,Lanky Kong ,SmudgeKWOOD ,Jawzun ,Darth ,KremKrawl ,dkclover1337 ,The tio ,VideoViking ,KongKing122 ,EliasYFGM ,Nicholson1992 ,K.Rool the Krool ,YDreel ,Quadrone ,JadeRoseofChaos ,Lampje4life ,Dixie ,CoolStyleE ,TeddyMorikawa ,Beedlebub ,Fabri533 ,Matt534Dog ,Cupcake Ninja ,doom1killer123 ,.:Shadow:. ,scigamerfan07 ,Asd967 ,stopdropandrollz ,applemaster9 ,thenewguy ,MLII[2Random4U] ,Yure16 ,TechKid ,KEVINKONG ,xoTammie ,Jeeves ,FranticFactory64 ,shadowjosh85 ,WAZ__Up ,clntgn ,198400 ,meyjh ,LuigiBlood ,Qwerty 9999 ,Emunator ,keito ,cranky_martinez ,CAC ,freshness ,Shadow ,jeanetti ,Sora444 ,MetalGearKong ,diddykong15 ,HellFire ,hellschatt ,Kara Kong ,Waffle ,Erevan ,Nestortight ,MP201 ,DKC4 ,TheMaverickk ,GladiatorGr ,Doogie ,ashtonfarell ,Donkey Chrun ,SpikeEnigmaSlash ,gamernchrist ,kissapoikanen ,Dixie-Kong ,Builder123 ,zaneebaslave ,gamester ,aperson98 ,funkyblue ,Bahamut ,famousginni ,nickduffy27 ,Bolchevix ,iabe3065 ,Scraps69 ,laceygriffen ,Unennybutle ,FrankMorris ,tatanga ,Kingizor ,scatman08 ,SeveredSail ,A7Penn ,stiffanbond ,dk-jr ,jenny ,Guiga ,Dooty ,Rossk ,Friedslick6 ,Sumseriousmonkey ,Kimi Kong ,Sonicdude41 ,NecroToad ,Shed_a_Ninja ,DK! ,Markster ,thetoad11 ,Tayo ,Jermboy27 ,alapl051 ,ZeonDude ,Hoshikari ,GeoPyro ,ereadfan ,daniel r cano ,Phyreburnz ,Blake ,GO5IT ,kisimisi ,BAZ ,Ribbedebie ,prevost ,awakingdream ,JungleJitter ,teh epicnes ,Stilt Village ,HavocReaper48 ,mamamami ,Sprunk ,CrankyMan ,177 ,wilybanzai ,Saladin ,ALV ,Chaos Heart ,KEVIN DARK ,dkc2fan14 ,AlexR ,jam36es ,jennifer ,DKC2 ,iggylungez ,gabrielwoj ,vindew332 ,Bomberman12358 ,THEDITYN ,rman ,KillerSmile ,donkey-kong ,badinsults ,QueenAvira ,ivan ,chinesefood ,Kongo ,Monkeyshrapnel ,dkckid23 ,Asaemon ,ToxicJello ,Chibisai Kong ,DKFan4Life ,Grunt Von Veizatun ,djdj12 ,papermario47 ,nensondubois ,snesmaster ,RetroRemix ,n4ru ,Master clyde super ,esteby1 ,bouke ,akankshi ,Krem Kaos ,Supreme Dirt ,Guillo ,PipKong ,+Kramer+ ,Mayo ,Piper ,dragono1130 ,Slipknot Darkrai ,Crammalamma ,RattleBattle ,k2an ,fazisha ,Stormy Fairweather ,CliveKoopa ,SSBMaster11 ,Jaedii ,shadowjosh ,apenpaap ,selinaalkin ,Bille Dourado ,Rofljarrett ,8BitKong ,thetoad1 ,bobwarner01 ,7S7ui3 ,Elise ,AnimalBuddies ,Ninni973 ,Kvinxx ,virus_bass ,p4plus2 ,Tailikku ,Sabrina Primate ,MadcapTech ,Katzii ,gonsalez ,ite ,SimianSegue ,Funkythemainmonkey ,weakfoggy ,Aaendi ,Iggy ,kingdomhearts2finalm ,Chaquan ,GameWatching ,Kyle ,manmeet005 ,Brosnan ,Tulip the Barn Owls ,Ness ,DKC3 ,Stapattep ,Bonk ,Teryaki1 ,DigesSpliff ,Humanzee ,TulipaParakeet ,Dylanlip ,kl24 ,krematoa ,Mr. Kremkoin ,Silent Wolf ,YoshiInAVoid ,Master Bigode ,Kurious Klaptrap ,Hollis Nageotte ,DKdonkeyboy ,Yusuf ,Nintiana ,flagoss ,DM613 ,chetan121212 ,Angeal ,CountryFan ,Donkey The Monkey ,diane21 ,Thriceroy ,dudery ,KingBrett ,hiperkalango ,DKBert ,PlagueOfBees ,puffonkel ,Joshy ,nintendobarn ,kimikong93 ,The Banana Bird ,JoshieSan ,R@ttleB@ttle2 ,Beikon ,Lightning ,Gaz ,theresamooninthesky ,doug kong ,truteal ,sergio capo ,Jeffrey_Bones ,Tonberry2000 ,FalsePower ,leo_core ,Super Luigi! ,Preposterify ,Lucid_Rain ,vivianL ,Marcolate ,Super_Meat_Boy ,mentholcase ,Wixmef ,DKCFan188 ,SexyRayman ,Shy Guys Stash ,wert ,Hogwash ,wupwup ,jmilton088 ,Colburn ,r0xm2n ,link2003 ,TekkDan ,A Saf ,1_muh_1 ,Simate ,Geno ,sakuraxangel31 ,ding ,romstop ,lucastoto ,SpicyKillerz ,Ape Gamer ,Javo ,Nintando ,cap1992 ,Glimmer ,len8946 ,muskawo ,Iconic ,God-HKUN ,B.B.Dixie ,slym ,monkey12 ,dixietrixie414 ,Morzeka ,PaggioLeBlanc ,lovepondit73 ,AryelShark ,karahanli ,MrCornholio93 ,burritomaster ,Stanley ,shelgon00 ,TinyKong23 ,Liu_Kong ,DukeofEarls ,kaos ,Shy Guy ,MonkeyKong ,Mr.Diddy ,Gillbergfan ,rockkroc ,mosaic777 ,LeeTheDog ,TobiasBerlin ,speedy10 ,bluebandit216 ,Diddy95 ,Guyver ,igor113 ,DJ Max-E ,m64m ,SgtNuts ,djsubtronic ,emerald editor ,lucoshi ,thelagginwagon ,MrsQyzbud ,Vaporeon250 ,Davotron ,Milo ,_Q_ ,zak ,fran_friki ,Nintendo Player ,Abelll ,RaiScott ,eric55 ,fastpager200 ,canaryg ,jakeroo123 ,zaneeba_slave ,toddxkenna ,LILredWagon ,witapepsi ,hohomonkey ,grace143 ,EvangeliKong ,aloushi69 ,The Winged Cap ,albertusa ,Fire-WSP ,!!!!! ,Hekeunu_HCGL ,GoldC ,zolfj ,sumao ,Fabio 111 ,KingDavid ,retrogamesuk ,Dr. Cactus ,snapthecat ,Didz ,doomero ,R3fan2 ,Hippie ,CoolGuy08 ,Bond697 ,Smug Phoenix ,ThePremiumYoshi ,C. D. Ryan ,KusanagiShiro ,Anterbok ,Techiyo ,dino90 ,davideric ,KeysOfMyMind ,extremu ,ProminenceF ,daninthemix ,Axis ,ChillManStudios ,marufhosen ,MohamedB ,MoreBananasPlease ,martster50 ,sonosublime ,angel ,UncleBazerko ,uzzal2013 ,LaHug ,david595 ,Salva3494 ,Epic ,Aust25 ,TAxxOUTBR3AKxx ,brodiapunch ,Munkey ,Retrodkc ,Klubba ,cramps-man ,udivision ,Blizzard Bear ,Wario20 ,Nintando1 ,Red Kiddy Kong ,Kurious Kong ,ShaneM ,watchholes ,cashomalo ,CatLoverMolly ,Howlingkong ,excalinator ,Seiryuki ,DK84 ,LomaBalaban ,Paxtonlink ,SgtDonk ,Starlight ,Grovyle56 ,PeachieMomoko ,mads1225 ,Theonesuperx ,IrioniusO ,Gugubo ,WebWoods ,SonVaan ,Salleem ,AlexLion ,DKC_Enthusiast ,TheIronBladeGamer ,Silver Wolf ,kamanabc123 ,Chachii ,tehdrummajor ,It'sOnLikeDonkeyKong ,wri0013 ,8290853 ,kingkool875 ,qwibz ,yinlan ,killer dagger ,DKBros27568 ,mrmugenwii ,Nattouren ,Dixie Diddy ,DDX_Monkey ,DonkeyTheMonkey ,Stingerman06 ,Afroditapaw ,Nils ,echodrone ,Slyhawks ,Blue Banana ,magno ,Suikoden ,Excalibur852 ,Rikdog2001 ,rodolfotoretti ,CrazyGroupTrio ,mesquitavelho ,InkaDinkaDoo ,Liders ,niggler ,patchwork_soldier ,TheAvengerButton ,lepi ,Koto ,reversalmushroom , and last but not least, our newest addition to the DKC Atlas Family who just registered today, chfoo!

To all DKC Atlas Users, let us continue to enjoy the DKC series and honor Qyzbud and Simion32 for all their hard work! Here's to many more years of the DKC Atlas!
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby cfh » February 14th, 2014, 12:36 pm

^ This dude is going hard
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Qyzbud » February 14th, 2014, 12:59 pm

Thanks for the feedback! Your enthusiasm is much appreciated. :)

I was hoping there would be some gems amongst this collection that even long-time DKC fans hadn't seen, so I'm glad to hear this is the case.

Super Luigi! wrote:I'm going to give everybody bananas (and perhaps send an E-Mail to EVERY SINGLE ATLASITE!)

That might be a little too enthusiastic. :P

Phyreburnz wrote:Would it be too much for me to ask that these be added to the fan art? Attachment: fake (1022.14 KiB)

I'd be glad to host those. I'll probably limit render manipulation fan art contributions to those of a certain quality, but yours are indeed welcome. Your DKC3 character render contributions are appreciated also; I'm in the process of adding them now.



Super Luigi! wrote:Now then, I shall call all the Atlas members so we can have an even bigger celebration.
[ Ridiculous number of tagged users ]

Dear lord. O_O

I appreciate the gesture (and hopefully our members do, too...), but I sure hope that doesn't give too many people the "spam" vibe...
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 1:10 pm

Nothing's too extravagant for the DKC Atlas' honor! NOTHING! I'm thoroughly enjoying this party, although I have yet to eat any cake! Exclamation points!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby SimianSegue » February 14th, 2014, 1:29 pm

Oh my god, it's been ages since I've visited the Atlas. I got an email about a private message, and I have to say, I'm glad to be posting for the sixth birthday of this place. Wow. Does anyone still post here? Chibisai Kong?
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby VideoViking » February 14th, 2014, 1:47 pm

There should be a limit as to how many times a user can tag another. I got like three PMs regarding this topic.

Six years of DKCA, hun? That makes about four years of DKCRE, and about three years of DKCX. I think I got that right.

But wow, indeed.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Phyreburnz » February 14th, 2014, 1:57 pm

I have a few better quality DKC3 images, as well as some DKC and DKC2 images I have that are not in the gallery.

dkc3 some better quality
(1.42 MiB) Downloaded 2579 times
(2.71 MiB) Downloaded 2506 times

Most of the DKC ones I am 99% sure somebody just photoshopped them and changed some colours, but I think they did a pretty good job. Some of the things they did was change the Kritter colours to make all the ones that appear in the game, blue, purple, green, and brown. They also did a gold one. I thought they were neat and well done, so I don't know where you'd want to add them... because I don't think the colours are "official."
(2.87 MiB) Downloaded 2567 times
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 2:25 pm

To everyone, I'm sorry you all received three messages. I accidently quadruple-posted due to a glitch in the system. I hope you all aren't too frustrated or upset, and will continue to enjoy Qyzbud's DKC Atlas!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Chibisai Kong » February 14th, 2014, 2:31 pm

SimianSegue wrote:Oh my god, it's been ages since I've visited the Atlas. I got an email about a private message, and I have to say, I'm glad to be posting for the sixth birthday of this place. Wow. Does anyone still post here? Chibisai Kong?

I'm still here, sweeties! :] I'm sorry I haven't been on much of late either. It's wonderful, though, that the website is still going strong. And thanks, Luigi, for messaging everyone!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 2:39 pm

You're quite welcome, Chibisai Kong. Here, have a banana and then come join the Chat party!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Simion32 » February 14th, 2014, 4:18 pm

This thread reeks of awesomeness.

I have a huge gallery update coming (in the near future), by the way. Probably so large we will never be able to get pages set up for it all. :P
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 14th, 2014, 4:50 pm

All in good time, Simion32. All in good time!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Qwerty 9999 » February 14th, 2014, 8:05 pm

I received the mail since you tagged everyone. :D DKC Atlas Gallery is great!

Happy birthday dkc atlas! :gift:
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Mayo » February 14th, 2014, 9:54 pm

Happy B'day DK Atlas! Happy 20th for DKC!

Fitting that I recently finished my LP of DKC2, fun times. ;)

Totally pumped for Tropical Freeze
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Geno » February 14th, 2014, 11:10 pm

Merry birthday DKC Atlas! :thumbs: :dixiehappy: :swanky: :funky: :diddywink:

I just checked out the gallery.

So many cool renders of the Kongs going through levels!

Although I'm surprised that this render isn't in the DKC2 section.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby nackhe » February 14th, 2014, 11:58 pm

I got an email as well. Don't think I've posted here in a while.

I used the map section on the main site just a few days ago to figure out where a few secrets on DKC where though. :D

So Happy 6th birthday DKC Atlas!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby The Winged Cap » February 15th, 2014, 1:18 am

Aww man, looks like I missed the party. Ah well, HAPPY SIXTH DKC ATLUS! This is still the only DK site I frequent and I'm glad I became a part of the forums here back when rumors for DKCR3D were circulating. Speculating has been fun and I can tell that the users and admins here are a dedicated crew. Thanks for the great info Qyzbud and for backing me up on some of my posts! I'll do my best to keep up with rumors and tidbits concerning our goofy guerrilla. :thumbs:
Here's to another amazing six years on the net, we'll have plenty of new stuff to talk about here on the forums and I'm TOTALLY checking out that gallery immediately.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Geno » February 15th, 2014, 3:09 am

I just noticed a thing in this render

Brown Cat 'O' Nine Tails AND Blue Cat 'O' Nine Tails AT THE SAME TIME! :cat-o-9-tails: :cat-o-9-tails: :cat-o-9-tails: :cat-o-9-tails: :cat-o-9-tails:
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 15th, 2014, 3:21 am

Perhaps they were going to be two different types of Cat O' 9 Tails? Maybe the brown one moved faster and couldn't be jumped on or used to reach higher platforms.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Soniccuz » February 15th, 2014, 5:14 am

Hmm, three PM's and- Holy crap. What an undertaking. Hat's off to Super Luigi! for summoning approximately 657 people. :banana: Looks like I'm late to the party. (obviously I don't get email notifications related to here).

Happy Belated Birthday!

Hard to believe this place is 6 years old. Loving the new gallery. All those rare renders in one place at last. :clap:
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Master clyde super » February 15th, 2014, 10:54 am

Amazing! Love it, and glad for the anniversary too.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Gaz » February 15th, 2014, 11:21 am

Shoot, I kinda missed the sixth anniversary of the atlas. Anyway, happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I'm sorry for my absence.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby CountryFan » February 15th, 2014, 12:14 pm

Happy belated birthday atlas! :gift: May you experience a Tropical Freeze! :bleak:
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby DKFan4Life » February 16th, 2014, 5:49 am

Well, this is someplace I haven't been to in a while. I've mostly been active on DKVIne. Nice to see that this place is still running.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 16th, 2014, 6:22 am

Thank you for your limitless enthusiasm, loyalty, and trust in the DKC Atlas, DKFan4Life. I hope you'll come back and really inspire us once again.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Stone » February 16th, 2014, 8:31 pm

Happy belated birthday and thanks for the nice gallery! :thumbs:
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby dixietrixie414 » February 18th, 2014, 4:37 am

Tis a lovely gallery! From the fan art to the original art, I loved it all! My favorite piece was the Kremling Island drawing. :)

Happy sixth (and now, four days since I failed to remember my password XD) anniversary to DKC Atlas!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby A Saf » February 18th, 2014, 12:25 pm

Sweet, thanks for putting out the call. Sorry about all those other DKVine guys who were too busy to make it.

I really love the site, and hope the Atlas becomes completed one day, even if it is to be the task of ages.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Markster » February 19th, 2014, 9:29 am

Sorry I'm late, I can't believe that DKC-Atlas is over 6, it seems like just yesterday I was a newcomer.

wert ,Hogwash ,wupwup ,jmilton088...

Super Luigi!, why did you list wupwup, he threatened to come to my house to rape and kill me and my family a few years ago, I'm not kidding.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » February 19th, 2014, 1:56 pm

Whether the users I tagged were gentlemen or terrorists on probation, they are still members of the DKC Atlas, and as such, are important enough to be included. After all, every single Atlasite registered helped shape the Atlas one way or another.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby A Saf » February 19th, 2014, 6:35 pm

Maybe I'll write a sequel to that weird fanfiction I registered just to post here... but like every Viner, I've long loved and appreciated this site. It'll forever be our brother.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby lucoshi » February 22nd, 2014, 1:03 pm

Hey everyone I'm Back! :kiddycool: And i'm so glad that the website turned 6 :clap: But remember

:very-gnawty-laugh: :dixiecry: :very-gnawty-laugh2: about my limited experience hacking no way jose!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby virus_bass » February 24th, 2014, 4:14 am

Thanks for the amazing work, I hope Nintendo do something about Donkey Kong Country turning 20 this year (Trilogy HD maybe/please?)
The gallery isn't going to include Donkey Kong Land and 64 artwork?
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 24th, 2014, 1:37 pm

Aw yisssss

It's about time! I lost all of my renders during the great "Kay's Hard Drive decided to die while he was working on Summer reading" of '13.
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Lanky Kong » March 1st, 2014, 4:17 am

I'm sorry if i didn't came early.

I was just on holidays outside my home... and there is not internet out of my city.

I'll promise i will not abandon you all ;)
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Super Luigi! » March 1st, 2014, 2:40 pm

Thank you Lanky Kong; that's good to hear. Hope you grab yourself a piece of cake; this party will never stop, especially with DKC: Tropical Freeze!
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Dixie Diddy » March 10th, 2014, 7:18 am

happy late birthday kinda late (by a lot) but it's the thought that counts
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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Geno » March 24th, 2014, 7:40 am

Hmm. I've been thinking.

There really should be a topic for people to post renders that are not in the gallery, so that whoever is in charge of the gallery can have one specific place to look for them.

(Plus, I found 2 really neat DKC3 renders I've never seen before :gnawty-lol: )

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Re: DKC Atlas turns 6, and launches a gallery!

Postby Gaz » November 19th, 2014, 2:11 pm

Hey, Qyzbud. I found this rare DK render. You might want to add it to the gallery (yeah, I converted to PNG):
nindiddy.png (12.23 KiB) Viewed 176296 times

Here's the source. I also have this site on my website backup topic:
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