mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

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mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » January 29th, 2012, 8:20 pm

I would like to first thank kingizor for anglicising the SDK2 Editor. I may have thanked him already, but I cannot do this enough times.

I would like to thank everyone who has made possible.

Latest release v3.0.2, checksum AF302BEE

2 minute trailer

The goal of this project was to create a new, much more difficult game, all while still feeling professionally polished, as if it could have been an official release all along. No Kaizo gameplay here (except maybe in the 1st world), folks, but still lots of new puzzles. Also, any and all tile hacking is done as smoothly and seamlessly as possible.

>> DKC2:HAK is for players who blaze through DKC2. If you cannot achieve 102% in less than 2:30, then this patch might not be for you. But who knows, maybe you might have fun after all, I don't know :scratch: :lol: <<

- There are no DK Barrels (use BARRALAX!) and only one Star Barrel in the whole game (and it’s semi-hidden).
- Collectibles are fewer and farther between (every single banana should be taken to heart as something deadly serious, whether it be showing you the way to safety or to a secret).
- There are no Bonus Levels. The Lost World can be accessed after retrieving the 75x Kremkoin from Screech, with a technique every bit as intricate as the original technique to release the 75x Kremkoin. (by the way, Screech now knows of your shortcuts, so now he’s got a little shortcut of his own this time around.)
- Most DK Coins are now end-of-level targets, and those that aren’t have been stashed in all new areas (most of them). Since some of these areas can be so hard to find, an extra DK Coin has been hidden in Stronghold Showdown, making it possible to collect 41 DK Coins.
- Note that since there are no Bonus Levels, and the game includes those in the percentage completion calculation, fully completing DKC2:HAK should garnish a percentage of less than 100. Just use your DK Coin count as your "measure of completion."

I was watching someone's Let's Play with my hack, when I realized I forgot to mention:

Before fighting a boss, go to a regular level to get both Kongs, then do Start Select and go back to fighting the boss. The 2nd Kong does not auto-regenerate on boss levels, even with BARRALAX.

I have uploaded gameplay videos of every level, all without spoiling any hidden DK Coins ... =da&view=u

The ZIP contains four files:
- DKC2 – Hard As
- DKC2 – Hard As Kongcrete.srm
- README.txt
- DK Coin hints.txt

This project was made with the (U)(V1.0) version of DKC2:DKQ and patched with NUPS (

I sincerely hope you find the changes of DKC2:HAK challengingly fun and creatively inspiring.

Thank you and enjoy.

File History:
1.0.1 01/29/12 6:00PM PST - fixed level start coordinates in Arctic Abyss (thank you Cody/ArichDKC!)
1.0.2 01/29/12 7:40PM PST - fixed level start coordinates in Haunted Hall
1.0.3 01/30/12 7:00PM PST - modified a camera border in Arctic Abyss. also, in Jungle Jinx, the first pair of Zingers could simply be walked under
1.0.4 02/01/12 12:40PM PST - minor revision to Rambi Rumble
2.0 02/03/12 7:10PM PST -minor revisions to sixteen levels
Lava Lagoon, Glimmer's Galleon, Rattle Battle, Bramble Blast, Target Terror, Bramble Blast, Mudhole Marsh, Ghostly Grove, Haunted Hall, Gusty Glade, Web Woods, Windy Well, Toxic Tower, Screech's Sprint, Black Ice Battle, and Animal Antics

2.0.1 02/08/12 1:30AM PST - addressed an issue in Caliginous Cargo (Lockjaw's Locker) (thank you ansujitsu!)
3.0.0 09/05/22 2:30PM PST - major revisions throughout
3.0.1 09/06/22 4:00AM PST - addressed an issue in Kleever's Kiln
3.0.2 09/17/22 9:50AM PST - addressed an issue in Screech's Sprint
DKC2 - Hard As Kongcrete
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Cody » January 30th, 2012, 6:06 am

Awesome man! Looking forward to trying this out.

Also, I have the ability to modify level names if you wanted me to help you come up with brand new names for every level. Lemme know if this interests you!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » January 30th, 2012, 9:14 am

Thanks !

Oh, and I've actually already figured out how to change level names, haha. I've done it with a handful of levels so it would make sense of some of the changes that were done.

For example, since Hot-Head Hop has no Krocheads, and you must use Dixie's slow descent to get from area to area, it has been renamed Hot-Hair Hover.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Cody » January 30th, 2012, 11:09 am

Arctic Abyss for some odd reason has no water, enemies or objects. What do? :(
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » January 30th, 2012, 11:28 am

I will double-check the uploaded patch when I get back to my computer at home.

EDIT: Same thing just happened to me. I will try re-uploading right now. Thank you Cody.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Thriceroy » January 30th, 2012, 7:20 pm

This hack makes me realize how stupidly difficult mine was. I should probably start working on mine again.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Cody » February 1st, 2012, 12:02 pm

Hey mentholcase, how's this for a complete WTF?

*drumroll* ...

I'm ArichDKC :P I wasn't even aware that it was you who mailed me on YouTube about the DKC2 editor back in September, nor did I even remember that happened until I just got your mail saying this hack was finished.

It's a small (internet) world after all :lol:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » February 1st, 2012, 1:25 pm

Wow, hahahaha, I was just thinking about a real life situation where "it's a small world after all" was applicable to me and here it is again, lol.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby The Banana Bird » February 1st, 2012, 1:30 pm

Yeah, I was onecrazyninjamonkey who commented on your video :D I made a playlist of every level by the way. ... re=mh_lolz
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » February 4th, 2012, 5:55 pm

Uploaded a major update today (a whole lot of minor revisions).
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » June 3rd, 2012, 2:01 pm

hi man ive downloaded ur rom also patched and played its awesome thank you very very much for doing this! but theres a problem when i start game its coming just with male monkey its not coming with girl monkey together why ? im from turkey and i love dkc2 thats why i came this forum please help me.. thanks!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Simion32 » June 3rd, 2012, 2:14 pm

By default DKC2 doesn't start with both Kongs - unless you enable hard mode. ;)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » June 4th, 2012, 9:46 am

thanks for ur answer but how i can start with both kongs? im playing with SNES.. Thank you
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Simion32 » June 4th, 2012, 9:58 am

To access the cheat mode area you must go to the game select screen, highlight Two Player Contest, and press Down 10 times. This is where you enter the cheat codes. Note: pressing down only 5 times will access the sound test screen.

Hard Mode: There are no barrels in hard mode.
Cheat code: B, A, Right, Right, A, Left, A, X
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » June 4th, 2012, 10:12 am

Thank you So Much it worked and im playing with both kongs also DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete Thousands Thanks ! !
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » June 5th, 2012, 1:09 pm

Because this hack wasn't hard enough, so now we have to turn on the Hard Mode, right? Apparently, Kongcrete isn't hard enough. Try a Die-mond.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » June 27th, 2012, 8:21 am

Thank you Simion32 for covering for me.

Super Luigi!, what Hard Mode does is remove the DK Barrels and you start with both Kongs. Since the hack already has no DK Barrels, "Hard Mode" makes the hack playable, otherwise you couldn't even beat the first level. So, when DKC2 is played normally, Hard Mode is exactly that, hard, but with my hack, "Hard Mode" just makes the game possible. :P
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » July 20th, 2012, 8:56 am

hi again mentholcase i wanna say first this is amazing job and thousands thanks for u but ive watched ur this video i found a hard way to play with dixie :) also u are so smart i wanna tell u this :) im recording a video now ill upload here soon ;)

edit: here is the video for play with dixie in this scene i catchh uu mentholcase hehehe :)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » July 21st, 2012, 9:52 am


Now go find the DK Coin haha. Oh, and by the way, it can be done with either Dixie or Diddy.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » July 21st, 2012, 1:24 pm

thank u :D im gonna find a DK coin now like u said lol :D also i wonder are u working on another dkc2 version mentholcase ? its gonna be perfect if u :)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » August 20th, 2012, 2:25 pm

hi again mentholcase im trying to finish kreepy krow but the barrels not coming even i kill all eagles so can u upload saved states for snes? thank u !
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » August 20th, 2012, 4:17 pm

The barrels will sometimes come offscreen, which means that you will have to endure another round of Mini-Neckies before attempting to get the barrel again.

In the beginning and middle section, there is a 1/3 chance of not getting the barrel. In the final section, there is a 2/3 chance that you won't get the barrel.

Let me know if the barrels won't show if you still keep playing and it never happens for you.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » August 21st, 2012, 11:18 am

ive tried too many times but it never show up man im so sad because of this i couldnt play last 3 days :(
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » August 21st, 2012, 11:41 am

When you start the game, does the checksum say "A7B7BCBC" ?

Also, there is a save file that is included in the ZIP.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Qyzbud » August 21st, 2012, 2:16 pm

karahanli - please make an effort to use correct English in your posts. That is our number one rule here. ;)

DKC Atlas Forum Rules wrote:Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Take a look at the rest our forum rules before posting again, please.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby karahanli » August 23rd, 2012, 2:56 pm

i can tell u that my english is not perfect and still trying to learn i respect to forum rules but it shouldnt be problem if someone cant talk with good english i think or it became racism ;)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby sonosublime » May 15th, 2013, 9:49 pm

Holy geez. I'm pretty good at DKC2. But I'm not THAT good.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » May 24th, 2013, 8:30 pm

I was watching someone's Let's Play with my hack, when I realized I forgot to mention:

Before fighting a boss, go to a regular level to get both Kongs, then do Start Select and go back to fighting the boss. The 2nd Kong does not auto-regenerate on boss levels, even with BARRALAX.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » May 26th, 2013, 11:31 am


In Haunted Hall, you MUST choose the low path in the beginning. The high path will kill you immediately and the middle path causes a weird glitch that limits your jump height.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » May 28th, 2013, 2:05 am

Before August, or when I get 700 downloads, whichever comes first, I will describe the areas where all the hidden DK Coins can be found. If I get 1000 downloads, I will make videos showing how to get them. :)

I will be checking on this threa d about every two weeks.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » June 19th, 2013, 4:29 pm

RANDOM GAMEPLAY TIP: (given out about every 50 downloads, starting now)

In the first water level, when you get to the part where you first start swimming, you MUST collect all of the bananas that are grouped in squares. This ensures that the water level rises all the way to the top and you don't get stuck in a random part of the level with the water level stopped.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » July 12th, 2013, 1:37 am

Here is what Cranky Kong has to say about the new DK Coin locations ;) :

Gangplank Galley - If only you could find a way up and over those pesky Zingers at the end.

Caligninous Cargo - Just before swimming up the first long vertical section, swim up the first long vertical section.

Topsail Trouble - Just when you thought you were at your highest, higher still, you must leap!

Lava Lagoon - If you need help here, then you shouldn't be playing this hack. Go back to the original game!

Barrel Bayou - BANANAS.

Glimless Galleon - You will never find it.

Krockhead Klamber - BANANAS?

Rattle Battle - Team up!

Hornet Hole - BANANAS!

Haunted Hall - It is being guarded by a defeatable enemy.

Gusty Glade - Fly!

Arctic Abyss - This is where you will meet your end.

Windy Well - Floating under Zingers is fun, but if you can, why not reach for higher goals?

Clapper's Cavern - You will never find it.

Toxic Tower - If you're a snake, then it's too late!

Stronghold Showdown - It's in the treasure chest.

Jungle Jinx - Look for the lone banana!

Black Ice Battle - Nearly the same as the original!

Animal Antics - Past halfway.

Krocodile Kore - If you're too close to K. Rool when he misfires, he'll hold the DK Coin tight, and not let go!

Screech's Sprint - 75 Kremkoins - Go left. Go left. GO LEFT! Have fun!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » August 8th, 2013, 12:22 am

RANDOM GAMEPLAY TIP ! (given out about every 50 downloads)

In making this hack, I have discovered that it is possible to kill red Zingers! Can you guess how?

Just kidding, I'm not going to make you guess. The answer is Krow's eggs! If you want to make the first boss battle easier, use Krow's eggs to lay waste to the Zingers.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby VideoViking » August 8th, 2013, 4:02 am

You just discovered a programming error! The Red Zingers were never meant to be killed. Think of them as the invincible Mincers.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » March 18th, 2014, 4:21 am

Sorry I have been away from this site for so long; I've been real busy. As a matter of fact I'm still quite busy, but here's a little something as a thank you to everyone who has downloaded, played, enjoyed, and/or left feedback for my little project:

A video showing the first half of the process to get all 75 Kremkoins in my hack.

Oh yeah, I forgot my youtube mentholcase password, so I uploaded it to my personal youtube account, lol.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 19th, 2014, 1:46 pm

Well then, I've finally played your hack, mentholcase, all the way up to Lava Lagoon, and I must say, I have mixed feelings about it. :scratch: I am impressed at your work, but at the same time, the difficulty feels fake. Granted, you did warn us about the Kaizo first world, but I still think you don't have to resort to, say, sacrificing a Kong to complete a level. However, I'm not going to judge yet; I want to see how this plays out. :kiddycool:

One thing I do like about the hack, is how you've taken the original levels, modified the enemy placement (as well as a small amount of terrain), and made said levels practically feel new again. Yes, again. The original levels were new to all of us at one point or another! :rant:

In conclusion, while I'm not a fan of 20 Green Kutlasses and 10 Kabooms falling from the sky, I do appreciate the time and effort you poured into this hack. Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to my playthrough! :dixiehappy:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 20th, 2014, 2:04 pm

I'd edit my last post, but doing so wouldn't alert you to my progress nor my post.

So, I've made it to Gloomy Gulch, and your personality and cruel, sadistic nature :swanky: have tagged along the whole trip there, mentholcase. But since I've already debated your idea of difficulty, I'll talk about something else.

As of now, my favorite level of your hack is, undoubtedly, Rattle Battle. Besides the fact that the level plays similarly to the original (and the genius location of the DK Coin), I appreciate how, for at least one level, you didn't spam Green Kutlasses or Kabooms. Plus, you introduced the time-paradox obstacle :rattlyface: (you know the one), which I thought was hilarious. Had your whole hack been like this level, I would have enjoyed it more. However, again, I will respect DKC2: Hard as Kongcrete for what it's worth, as much as possible and necessary.

I'm still not going to judge yet, as I want to see how the whole picture plays out. :kiddycool: Your game hack, :rant: while insanely frustrating, ridiculous, and inexpensive at times, is still fun to play. Finally, I won't insult you by saying the hack is enjoyable only because it's based on DKC2. Please don't think for a moment I'm saying such. After all, it could be worse! :dixiehappy:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » March 20th, 2014, 3:39 pm

Super Luigi! introduced the time-paradox obstacle :rattlyface: (you know the one), which I thought was hilarious.

Ah yes, I was trying to find a way to make that level harder, which was a challenge, because Rattly is pretty much invincible. So I thought, "I wonder what would happen..." and lo' and behold, I discovered an obstacle, and my first reaction to it was pretty much the same, haha!

Thanks for the well thought out ongoing feedback. Have no doubt that it is very much appreciated!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 22nd, 2014, 8:46 am

mentholcase, as of now, I am at Screech's Sprint. Toxic Tower was terribly tart and tribulating, and I still haven't solved the mystery of Stronghold Showdown's treasure chest or Screech's Sprint's Kremcoin trick. As such, I shall wait for your word before continuing on. I'm not sure what sort of feedback you require and desire from me, but hopefully what I have provided is it.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » March 23rd, 2014, 12:02 am

I'm not sure what sort of feedback you require and desire from me

Absolutely none. I am grateful for whatever feedback you can offer. The game should let you continue regardless if you find those secrets or not. Or were you trying to ask me to help you out with those secrets? 'Cause I would think it's still pretty early to give up on trying to figure them out, though. :)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 23rd, 2014, 7:59 am

You don't need to help me find the secrets yet; I was just asking for permission to continue. Going back to Toxic Tower, I loved how you changed the way players climb it, I just don't like having to do so, especially with Squitter! 8D I had to pull out all my web-shooting skills to succeed there! One last note relating to the Kremcoin trick, are your hints and enough, or must I perform the exact moves in the video? In other words, can I perform the feat myself without any further help, :diddywink: or do I need to wait for you to disclose more information? :rant: Whatever the case, I'll return to your hack soon enough! :dixiehappy:
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » March 24th, 2014, 1:30 pm

Wait, Kremkoin? Do you mean DK Coin? Because a Kremkoin automatically is given to you the first time you play Stronghold Showdown. The DK Coin can be searched for when you come back to it.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 24th, 2014, 1:43 pm

For Screech's Sprint, I mean the process needed to earn all 75 Kremcoins. As of now, I'm still trying to figure out the trick, namely,
how to get into the Diddy Barrel after blasting Dixie into the wall. Diddy JUST can't seem to make the jump!

Also, I have no idea how to break the chest in Stronghold Showdown. EDIT: Never mind, I figured out how to open the chest. But seriously, what an abstract method!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » March 24th, 2014, 4:46 pm

For Screech's Sprint, the same hint that applies to the majority of the hack applies here ever so just as importantly: Bananas. :)
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 25th, 2014, 4:07 am

That doesn't make sense though. The bananas, or rather, banana, doesn't help at all. Firstly, most of them point the wrong way. Second, that lone banana is just far enough from Diddy, meaning he can't grab it. Dixie can't hover the distance required, Diddy can't jump like Luigi, and there aren't any hidden hooks or barrels to blast him over. Tell me, what must I do, mentholcase? Am I going about this all wrong, are my button presses ill-timed, or am I just not good enough? "Go left. Go left. GO LEFT!" doesn't explain anything other than the obvious. Your hint doesn't give any clues to what must be done, unlike Cranky's from the original DKC 2, so please, will you be more specific? I've progressed this far, and I don't want to pack up and go home without finishing the job, but I have tried everything my mind can conceive, and yet I still can't solve this puzzle. I ask again, mentholcase, what must be done?

If you wish not to tell me, or even provide another hint (which is what I'd rather have), that is your choice, and I shan't be angry with you, just perhaps disappointed. However, I'll forget about the issue, one way or another, soon enough.

So in conclusion, do what you feel and think is right, no matter what anyone else may say.
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby Super Luigi! » March 25th, 2014, 2:35 pm

Very clever, mentholcase. Well played indeed. Your manipulation knows no bounds, good sir. :swanky: (Assuming you're a sir, that is. I always thought you were, but that's neither here nor there. Where is it then? Probably where you hid the Kremcoins! :gnawty-lol: ) I finally figured out the trick, and let me just say, you've really outdone yourself. The secret was so manly, Dixie and I grew mustaches :dixiehappy: :winkyface: , while Diddy grew a mustache for his newly-formed mustache. :diddyrock:

Anyhow, how about that Screech race? Intensely intense, I must state. One last note, I'm going to sequence break and observe what happens. See you later!
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby RandomR » April 3rd, 2014, 8:19 am

I REALLY enjoyed this hack! I love kaizo hacks (and savestates), and this is exactaly what I was thinking. Explosions, tons of enemies, more explosions, MORE ENEMIES AND EXPLOSIONS!!!
I didn't finish it 100% (yet), but I manage to the first K. Rool duel, and maybe in some days with free time I'll finish this once for all
As I said, I really like kaizo hacks, and I was thinking in make a full let's play and post on YouTube, but I'll do it 100% (or at least try it), don't you mind if I spoil something or anything like that?
And congratulations on this EPIC kaizo DKC2! :thumbs:
PS: Sorry my English, it's not my primary language
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Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby RandomR » April 5th, 2014, 6:40 am

That's it. I finaly did it.
I CLEAR THE GAME!!! WITH ALL DK COINS!!! I'M VERY HAPPY (as you can see, there are capital letters XD)
Nice final boss, nice Screech's Sprint, nice DK coins locations, I really enjoyed this hack.
I just wanted to post a screenshot so you guys can belive me:
I didn't find how post images <facepalm>

FINAL NOTE: :k: :o: :n: :g: :thumbs:
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Posts: 3
Joined: 2014

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Postby mentholcase » April 5th, 2014, 4:38 pm

Most impressive! Good job! I'm happy you clearly enjoyed my hack!
Trainee Trekker
Bananas received 6
Posts: 85
Joined: 2012


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