What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.

Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 21st, 2011, 1:39 pm

Soniccuz wrote:Anyway that game was directly developed by Nintendo.
So I don't see the connection between Nintendo remaking it and a DK64 remake.

Um, WHAT? It's a DONKEY KONG game, it wouldn't matter if Activision made it, it's frucking Donkey Kong and full Nintendo property all the way. Everyone just needs to stop with this copyright nonsense, Donkey Kong belongs to Nintendo, Rare made Donkey Kong games, however they still belong to Nintendo. Also see the DKC series for GBA, and Diddy Kong Racing for the DS (half of which Nintendo didn't own.)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Soniccuz » March 21st, 2011, 1:59 pm

I was referring to Star Fox 64.

You posted while I was still writing.

Everyone's up in arms about Jetpac preventing Nintendo from doing anything with DK64, or not, and Phyreburnz brought up Star Fox. Jetpac creates a controversy about whether Nintendo can do anything with DK64, and Star Fox 64 has nothing similar that could possibly hold it back. Thus I didn't see the logic behind "Nintendo's remaking Star Fox, so DK64 is just as likely" and I said so.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 21st, 2011, 2:35 pm

Oh. Well they're both Nintendo 64 games I mean yeah.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Soniccuz » March 21st, 2011, 3:10 pm

But Jetpac isn't a Nintendo game, and that's were this whole silly argument comes from. -_-
and encase you were thinking of bringing it up, replacing it with another Arcade game, I agree that would solve everything. It's just up to Nintendo if they want to do that or not, rendering the whole argument mute. I repeat the balls in Nintendo's court and this argument is silly.

Hmm, what to call a sequel? DKC Returns... how about Donkey Kong Country is Still Here? :D
or, Don't worry we found the crocs! C:
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby teh epicnes » March 27th, 2011, 11:11 am

I want more animal buddies, Kremlings, other classic enemies, snow levels, and underwater levels.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby DK4Ever » May 9th, 2011, 6:22 am

Hey guys, I've been away for a while, doing college things and finally getting around to beating all of DKCR. Ad I've got to say, I thought it was one of the most amazing games I've played in a long time and Retro REALLY did a great job with it.

However, there are some things that could use improvement (Like EVERYTHING EVER)

- I'd love to see more animal buddies

- At least some kind of throwback to the Kremlings (Then again, if they decide the Kremlings don't fit their model still, then that's how it is.)

- If they're going to do a DKCR2, then I'd love to see remixes of music from DKC2. And Bramble levels. I especially love the silhouette bramble levels.

Alright, now there's alot of things I really don't want to open up floodgates about, or bloody up these ever-clean beautiful forums, but I'm gettin' real tired of a few things on these boards. As such, any rather-displeased comments I make will be in neat little spoiler tags.

Alright, let's get down to it then.

Tiptup, is there a reason you spend your time on these boards bashing a game you had been hoping for for years? "I've been waiting my whole life for this" - TiptupJr, June 2010. Comments influenced by extreme happiness and exaggerated joy aside, it's a bit annoying that every comment you make is you either agreeing with someone who made an obvious hearsay comment about something you said and or just posted a bunch of misspelled nonsense, or pointing out that DKCR is trash you needn't grace with your playtime.

I'm trying to understand your logical process in posting anything related to your feelings about the game. I see you hate on it because Retro apparently owed you a great deal, and failed you by not putting in every character or most characters from the original DKC trilogy. And then I see you turn right around and argue that you disliked the gameplay, and say that Jungle Beat, an honestly uninspired game (My opinion, not relevant) that removed ALL original reference to the DKC trilogy, characters, music, locales, is better. What are you arguing here, Tiptup? Do you even know anymore?

I used to think you were pretty insightful Tiptup, you used to be someone who always had some awesome things to say on the forums as we all waited for DKC news and announcements once in a blue moon, all of us hopeful that the next rumor would be true. Now all I imagine when you post something is an angst-filled teen upset that something didn't go his way, and now he's oblivious to the thoughts of others, only caring to spew his repetitively bothersome thoughts of hate on a board dedicated to admiring the awesomeness of the target. So you didn't like...something..about it. So freaking what. Looks like you waited your whole life for nothing.

And honestly, (again, my opinion, take it as you will), the final boss fight in NSMBW took two tries to beat. DKCR, it took probably around 50. Maybe I suck, but that sort of difficulty took me back to fighting Kaptain K. Rool, and I freakin' loved that. Retro, objectively, did so many things right with this game. Maybe it's not perfect, but it's great. I've yet to see a valid argument for why it's not. However, this is just how I feel.

I don't expect any praise for this post from anyone, honestly I might've gone too far, but it had to be said. Apologies to anyone who finds this offensive.

(Also, sidenote, if Paon ever gets the DK reigns again, I might hestitate before eventually getting them anyway. Paon's games have got their heart in the right place, and they cater to the fandom above anything else, but....honestly. Their gameplay, their best gameplay, had random floating peg boards. The gameplay in their games is horrendous. You can't just cater to the fans to make a good game. That's what Retro did right. I'd love for them to make DK64 3DS
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » May 9th, 2011, 12:11 pm

Although I disagree with Tiptup's opinion regarding DKCR, I don't mind because he's entitled to it. None of us can say there aren't flaws with the game or that it wasn't disappointing in some regards, but some of us took issue with those flaws more than others, which is ok. I love the game and can't wait for a sequel, but I don't want to get into yet another argument about it just I disagree with somebody.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 9th, 2011, 2:15 pm

Hey, thanks bro. And DK4Ever, if you haven't noticed... I'm insane. Yeah, on one day I can be excited and giddy as a school girl, and on the next very depressed. But I was RAISED on Rare's Donkey Kong games and Nintendo's old games in general. So I was a big Donkey Kong fan, y'know. There was just this whole big world with really great characters, clever writing, awesome music, compelling environments and stuff like that, on top of all the great gameplay. So excuse me for getting angry when some random company just comes in and squashes all these things out of existence, laughing at the mere thought of those characters being in one of their games. No, let's put generic Tikis in instead. Should we bring K. Rool back? Do we really need to? There are no crocodiles in this game. Cue loud and obnoxious laughter. Also f--- MOTION CONTROLS

And don't even bring up the fact that I am a Jungle Beat fan. Jungle Beat was not a Donkey Kong Country, nor did it pretend to be. The sin of DKCR is not that it completely disregards Donkey Kong's legacy... but in doing so while claiming to uphold it.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Markster » June 12th, 2011, 1:25 am

I would like to see a lot of things, why not have better types of barrels, like in DKC2, i would like it if there was a challenging lost world, DKCR may have 9-1, but its easy, i want a challenge, like in DKC2, and 3, there is a ton more to tell you all but i don't got that much time to think of them all.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby kimikong93 » November 8th, 2011, 6:20 am

I would want nothing more than to see a sequel!!

If they were to do a sequel, i would want them to do it kinda like they did DKC2 (with Dixie and Diddy being the heros) but to also have DK along for the ride and, for the love of gawd, bring back the rest of the Kong family. For Chibisai Kong's sake, that includes Swanky. XD
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 9th, 2011, 1:36 pm

I don't want Retro to make a sequel. They had their chance with the first game and failed; I can never play another Retro game again. I would love to see the series handed back to Paon or some other competent developer who will do the original trilogy justice and respect Rare's legacy.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Ninni973 » November 11th, 2011, 12:35 pm

For the sequel, I would like Diddy and Dixie as separate playable characters, a Bramble world, Bramble Blast SNES music, snow levels, water levels, cel-shaded graphics, and retro stages.

Is Retro and Nintendo gonna make DKC2 Returns this year? I want a sequel so bad.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Kimi Kong » November 12th, 2011, 3:47 am

Ninni973 wrote:For the sequel, I would like Diddy and Dixie as separate playable characters, a Bramble world, Bramble Blast SNES music, snow levels, water levels, cel-shaded graphics, and retro stages.

Is Retro and Nintendo gonna make DKC2 Returns this year? I want a sequel so bad.

No one knows for sure. But that would be awezome(once again, spelled wrong on purpose.) if the did. I would buy it, then play it.....and play it...and play it...and then die of old age and play it in hell. Ha! just kidding, but i would play it.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby aperson98 » November 13th, 2011, 6:29 am

I thought of something cool to see in a sequel more retro soundtracks like some of DKC2/DKC3's music I noticed DKC returns only had remixes for the first game and not the sequels it was kinda dissapointing really.

Tiptup Jr. wrote:I don't want Retro to make a sequel. They had their chance with the first game and failed; I can never play another Retro game again. I would love to see the series handed back to Paon or some other competent developer who will do the original trilogy justice and respect Rare's legacy.

Why do you hate the game so much Tiptup Jr. I thought it was the revival DK needed, to be honest I thought this game and Jungle Beat were better games gameplay wise then DK64 and that game was made by Rare, speaking of which I always thought that DKC returns was really a Jungle Beat 2 with the DKC name slapped on it, not that this is a bad thing the gameplay of Jungle Beat was fun after all.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 18th, 2011, 3:17 pm

There are a number of reasons I could tell you why I "hate" Donkey Kong Country Returns, sir. Let's start off with this one: It's called Donkey Kong Country RETURNS, right? Well exactly how much of Donkey Kong Country ended up returning, anyway? Very little. Five characters out of the entire series, in fact: Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong (the latter of which isn't even playable in one-player), Cranky Kong, the only helper Kong, Rambi (the only ridable animal buddy) and Squawks, who is relegated to being an item. As for who's NOT here, well, you're already familiar with that, but I'll give them a shout-out here since they're not getting love from anyone else around here it seems: God bless you, Kremling Krew.

Now onto the gameplay. Let's face it, it's atrocious. You can't even play with a Classic Controller. You're forced to use a Wii Remote on its side or with a Nunchuk. Donkey Kong's flow of movement somehow just doesn't fell like it does in DKC. And like I said, you can't control Diddy separately in one-player. This is nonsense! Plus, the signature roll that helped make the original game famous, where you plow through enemies in succession with a slight pause each time you hit one, is gone. Instead you get a roll that requires you to (sometimes violently, in my case) shake the Wii Remote and expires after a short time, so if you're rolling through a series of enemies and your roll runs out you instantly get hit. I'd complain about the blow mechanic here, but the game's already full of so much insanity that it seems rather a moot point.

Then the art style. Oh God, the art style. At least Paon had a kind of distinct direction and charm, but with Returns it seems like they just threw a bunch of ideas together to see what would stick, and the end result is just an unmemorable, unremarkable blah. Everything looks like it was made of Play-Doh. I can understand Retro not using the ACM graphics that Rare pioneered in its heyday (although that would've been cool), but at least give us SOMETHING to look at! I admit, several levels did have interesting atmospheres, namely the stormy dock or cave levels, but these were far and few between. Also, enemy design. Ugh. All of the enemies were completely retarded. Look at those little birds that replaced Gnawties as the first and standard walking enemy: what the hell is that? What about this creature's design suggests that I'm supposed to do anything to it, let alone jump on it? Jesus. And half the boss fights were bland and boring as f---. Don't get me started on these three crabs at the end of World 2... mother of God. Oh, and that reminds me that the worlds didn't even have names outside of "Jungle" and "Beach". And another thing, granted the (terrible) player's guide named most of the minor baddies, but what's with the main "big bad" Tikis not having names? You guys are awesome, Retro!

Time Trial is atrocious, by the way. The GBA versions of DKC and DKC2 had time trials, but at least those were remotely fun. In Returns you're required to constantly shake the Wii remote and roll through the entire stage, leaving you gasping for breath and rubbing your arms after a few minutes. And what the f--- is up with Mirror Mode? I normally don't complain when I'm required to play through an entire game again (see Super Mario Galaxy) but this? This is torture! It's not even fun! With Diddy out of the equation, all you do is run through the level, not collecting any puzzle pieces or bonuses, just run straight through it and pretend you're having fun. Except that would be impossible. And I normally side with Luigi from the Super Mario Bros. movie when he says that nothing is impossible, so you KNOW that's saying something.

So, I have plenty of reasons to hate this game. I'm not even sure if I covered all of them here, because I have so many. The one feature of Returns that was remotely cool was the unlockable art gallery and music section, but most of the music is barely memorable so you forget it right when you turn the Wii off (and yes, I know most of the songs are shittier versions of Wise classics). Overall, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a MUCH better game and I am not ashamed to say that, besides Rare's masterpieces and some of Paon's title, the GameCube version is one of my favorite Donkey Kong titles ever. I know most ignorant DKC fans, such as those at the non-biased and great Donkey Kong Universe, might knee-jerkingly shudder at the mere mention of Jungle Beat and tell you to stay ten miles away from it, but at least Jungle Beat didn't pretend to be something that it wasn't. Right from the get-go, that team said "Look. We're doing our own thing here, this is our take on the Donkey Kong story, and we're completely effing happy with it." True, some mistakes were made (either Miyamoto, Iwata, or someone saying DKC wasn't fresh enough for today's gamers) but really. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was a refreshing, unique, innovative experience and I am a better man for having experienced it.

Like I said, I don't want Retro making a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns. I hope they never get to touch Donkey Kong again. Hell, I'm ashamed I have to buy Mario Kart 7 because it looks damn good and I love me some Mario Kart, but Retro's had their dirty little hands all over that. I wonder what it would be like if Paon took another shot at Donkey Kong. I loved every DK game they made. Of course, if God was merciful, Rare would get their crap back together, re-assemble the old team and make the best damn Donkey Kong Country 4 that any of us could have imagined, but since that might not happen any time soon, we should be happy with what we get. Within reason. Being happy with Returns, however, is not within reason. It is a complete and blatant disrespect and insult to the legacy of Donkey Kong Country and Rare's former glory, and if you are a true fan of either than you could do well to stay far, far away from "Donkey Kong Country Returns". God, it's almost blasphemous just to type its name.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Simion32 » November 18th, 2011, 4:55 pm

Donkey Kong Country was nearly rammed into the ground, I think quite a few people are thankful they made a game at all.

I'm not going to side with you completely, Tiptup, but suffice it to say that the game has not stuck in my head like the others, and I rarely have found myself touching it beyond maybe playing a few music tracks once in a while.

It is now a shelf dust collector like all my other Wii games. The hype has not lasted, and I'm not sure there's even a company anymore that can restore DKC to its proper legacy roots. The companies of today are just too damn hammerheaded to realize that if they respected and cared about their fans/customers/users, then everyone would be much better off.

Don't even get me started on the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, their fate in Nuts & Bolts was FAR worse and MUCH more of a disrespect than DKCR was to the Donkey Kong Country name. F***ing vehicles... :roll:

(And amen on Jungle Beat, the experience was much more "fresh" so to speak, and at least they did it without trying to half-arse make it look like DKC. It was blatantly different to set itself apart.)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Markster » November 19th, 2011, 1:40 am

I think DKCR is a good game, but to be honest, I think the originals are 100x better.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 20th, 2011, 6:41 am

Alright, reading back, I know I can rant up a storm. But still, certainly some of you have to understand my frustrations with Returns. It was our chance, to be the game we had always wanted, the one we were waiting for, and instead we got THAT. A Kremling-less piece of (somewhat decent at times, but still ultimately terrible) rubbish. Returns could've put DKC back on the map. But they blew it. We won't get another chance like that for a long, long while, when the nostalgia is ripe and people will genuinely react to another DKC. Look at the E3 reveal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVq7XNV7K0w - More people applauded for that than any other title at Nintendo's conference. People WANT another DKC, or maybe they just want more Donkey Kong, but they're not getting it in the form they desire. Granted, everyone has their own idea about what Donkey Kong Country 4 should be. But still, I think we can agree that Returns does not fit that bill at all.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby aperson98 » November 20th, 2011, 8:26 am

@ Tiptup.Jr- Never say never on a another chance of a DKC sequel, however it will likely not be for a long while though at least, besides if you thought DK had it bad then Banjo and Earthworm Jim would like to have a word with you. :lol:

@ Simion32- The problem with Nuts and bolts isn't just the vehicles it's the fact that is very linear for B-K game and that alone hurts the game a lot, the freedom to explore a world freely is replaced by find a guy on the map and play the same boring challenges, wash, rinse, repeat.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Simion32 » November 20th, 2011, 10:46 am

Tiptup Jr. wrote:certainly some of you have to understand my frustrations with Returns. It was our chance, to be the game we had always wanted, the one we were waiting for, and instead we got THAT. (...) But still, I think we can agree that Returns does not fit that bill at all.
Yep, agreed. Returns was a good game in and of itself, but it is severely lacking. I am more and more realizing this, after the hype has worn off and there's nothing left to look at, again. Returns just did not satisfy the immense level of hype there was behind "DKC4".

The DKC4 I would envision would actually be completely unique, spare existing characters and throwbacks. I mean come on, each of the original trilogy games had an entirely new map and worlds. DKCR just piggybacked off of already existing archetypes from the first game.

Not to mention the fact that today's hardware is more than capable of displaying the models of old (that Rare created).
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » November 20th, 2011, 1:19 pm

DKCR was never intended to be DKC4, and if a real DKC4 ever did come out, I doubt it could live up to the hype. If you don't like DKCR, imagine how much worse it would've been if they'd named it DKC4.

By the way, I still like DKCR.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Simion32 » November 20th, 2011, 2:30 pm

So do I. The point I was trying to imply was not that DKCR was trying to be DKC4. No, it didn't.

I think the thrust of the point here is, that they had the chance to do better, and they did not, despite the enormous hype over the supposed DKC4 that was taking ages to arrive. Retro had a chance to fulfill everyone's (admittedly over hyped) desires, and they blew it.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 20th, 2011, 2:42 pm

@Jomingo, it shouldn't have been called a "Donkey Kong Country" in the first place. If Country wasn't in the title, I'd probably have less of a problem with it. Also, Simion, I'm struggling to understand how someone's desires can be over-hyped. Perhaps a different word could be used, but I still know what you mean. But hey, Toy Story 3 happened, right? Sometimes they do get decades-later sequels right.

EDIT: In fact, in an interview with Michael Kelbaugh I recall him saying "It's like, holy cow, I have a new DK to play!" No, it's clear that Returns wasn't trying to be 4, but it was still calling itself a Country. When you're a Country, you should still live up to the name. And on a different note, I don't think it's fair to compare Donkey Kong with Banjo. Two completely different situations. Sure, Nuts & Bolts was not Threeie, and was probably the last major Banjo game we'll ever see (which made it a major diappointment), but the XBLA releases of the original Kazooie and Tooie made it somewhat more bearable. Ha, look at that effing pun I just made. Plus there was the whole Stop 'n' Swop interconnection which I admit was kind of cool. Bascially, Nuts & Bolts was not even in the same genre as its predecessors, whereas Returns was a lot more (superficially) similar to its previous games.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Markster » November 20th, 2011, 2:59 pm

Here is what I think about DKCR and Retro Studios.
I think that Donkey Kong Country Returns is a very good game, a very good Donkey Kong game, a very good Donkey Kong Country game, but you are all right, it is not Donkey Kong Country 4, but it is a new Donkey Kong Country game, made by a few original Donkey Kong Country creators working at Retro Studios, it may not have Kremlings, it may not have a lot of Animal Buddies, it may only have one Kong Helper, but hey, you should stop ranting on the game for those things, respect the fact that you all got a new Donkey Kong Country game, and guess what, there are a lot of things that it improves from the original, like having lots and lots of levels and new concepts, having new stuff like Time Attack (Simular to DK attack on DKC GBA.), new remixed music plus new tracks, and tons more mine cart stages, but I got to say, if they make a squeal, they better have more Donkey Kong Country creators at there service, like David Wise for the music.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » November 21st, 2011, 9:56 am

Actually Tiptup, I'd personally say Nuts & Bolts' situation was much worse than DKCR's. In Nuts and Bolts' case, Rare flat out called in Banjo Kazooie 3 for ages, and even released a trailer showcasing only the showdown town segments of platforming without vehicles, before letting everybody down by revealing that the game was entirely vehicle based.

I don't like Nuts and Bolts' character redesigns either. There are some things that they did get right, but overall they hyped it up and then let everybody down.

With DKCR, I don't think that Country is undeserved in the title. It is very much like the original Donkey Kong Country, so the title Donkey Kong Country returns is fitting. The gameplay is very similar, the archetypes are mostly the same, the music is mostly remixed; basically this game takes elements from the first game at their discretion and revives them, along with plenty of new stuff. Had they called it DKC4 I'd understand the pessimism, but the title as it stands doesn't seem that misleading to me.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 21st, 2011, 11:56 am

Except Nuts & Bolts had recurring characters, an amazing soundtrack, brilliant visuals, and (although it wasn't a platformer, technically) it was still a unique and fun experience and you kinda gotta respect Rare for having the balls to step out there and go in that direction where literally no one else had gone. Plus, like I said: We also got Kazooie and Tooie on XBLA and interconnected challenges and unlockables between all three games. I'd take Nuts & Bolts over Returns any day. It's a much better game.

Also, can I say something? This isn't specifically directed at one person, but:
CHARACTERS effing MATTER. I don't give a f--- if it has good gameplay, if it doesn't borrow from the series' thirty-year legacy, then f--- it. I got mad when Nuts & Bolts didn't have dozens of talking NPCs out the wazoo, but at least that game represented Banjo's legacy better than Returns did for Donkey Kong. Not in the gameplay department, but you catch my drift. I also love bringing up the fact that Mario Super Sluggers has more Donkey Kong characters than Returns, and better gameplay to boot, etc.


Jomingo wrote:...and even released a trailer showcasing only the showdown town segments of platforming without vehicles, before letting everybody down by revealing that the game was entirely vehicle based.

Can you show me this trailer? Never seen it. I'm not saying Rare didn't lie like a bunch of bastards regarding Nuts & Bolts's release, I'm just saying I'm not familiar with this trailer.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » November 22nd, 2011, 7:04 am

I don't want to say that they intentionally and with malicious intent lied to there fans in an effort to purposefully screw them over. That's clearly not the case. However, the way they hyped it was misleading, and regardless of intentions, they screwed us over. As for how they actually mislead us, well here's one trailer for instance:
I can't find the one I'm thinking of, but I distinctly remember them showing off footage of Showdown Town in which Banjo was walking across a clothes line along the buildings and stuff, collecting notes and honeycombs, and the trailer had no vehicles in it at all despite clearly being from the final vehicle-ridden version of the game. So basically, they mislead us when they already knew the game was nothing like what we expected. I can't find that one, but I remember everyone bitching about it back when the real reveal showed the vehicle gameplay.

Anyway, I will agree with you on the subject of characters, as I really wish there would have been more characters in DKCR, but I disagree that Nuts & Bolts was better because of it. I hate N&B's character designs, they're way off in my personal and humble opinion. Having characters is great but it's not if you get the characters wrong, such as in the Paon games. I like the Paon games a lot, but they screwed up severely more than once in the character department.

At least the character's in DKCR (as few of them as there might be) are all dead on. Cranky is the best representation in DKCR that he's had since DKC3 as far as I'm concerned. Diddy and DK both act and react perfectly and exactly in character; at least DK doesn't lumber around like an idiot and beat the crap out of everything like he does in Jungle Beat, who's characterization is way off for DK. They might have screwed up on the number of characters they included, but the ones they have are represented perfectly.

And Super Sluggers does not have better gameplay then DKCR. That's ludicrous.

Still, I see where the DKCR disappointment comes from and I fully understand it, I just don't personally have it.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » November 22nd, 2011, 9:45 am

Jomingo wrote:And Super Sluggers does not have better gameplay then DKCR. That's ludicrous.

I believe it does.

Jomingo wrote:Having characters is great but it's not if you get the characters wrong, such as in the Paon games. I like the Paon games a lot, but they screwed up severely more than once in the character department.

Really? I liked what Paon did character-wise. Cranky was off, yeah. But Paon is very Japanese and, well, they respect their elders over there. It's not an excuse but still. Other than that I literally can't think of many complaints... One of the joys of their DK trio (King of Swing, Jungle Climber, and Barrel Blast) was that they seemed really enthusiastic about using as many characters as possible, but not overdoing it. You can tell they were big fans of Rare's work too. They also felt comfortable enough to go on and create their own characters (Barrel Blast and Xananab, who I love.)
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Jomingo » November 22nd, 2011, 2:44 pm

Yeah, I love Paon's new characters as well. I just felt that all of their old ones were a bit... off I guess. Tiny, Cranky, K. Rool, etc. Also, I don't like how everything they used tended to be some reused design, if you know what I mean. Like, I'd prefer them to make new Kremlings and enemies, instead they reused a lot of the same enemies from DKC2, and characters like Funky were in an outfit they'd been in before. Rare never reused the same enemies (sans a few), and their Kongs always changed it up each game while still maintaining the same personality. Paon seemed to just take watered down reused stuff that Rare did rather than try anything new.

Barrel Blast is the exception though. Characters like Klump and Kopter are perfect examples of what I mean in returning characters without just copy-pasting their designs, and then Kludge being a new example of the old blue baddy archetype is great. Plus, the other "new" characters are really nice. I think they should've done that more with their other two games: make their own enemies and character designs. At least Retro didn't just copy and paste the same designs as Rare's enemies.

Still, you're right that you can't really expect Paon to be able to recreate the characters the same way Rare could. Retro did a really good job of emulating their style though I think, especially with Cranky. Xananab is great though.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby aperson98 » November 23rd, 2011, 6:08 pm

Personally I'm just happy we got anything remotely like the classic DKC games recently at least DK got a new game and I'm quite happy really some video game mascots are not even as lucky as DK is, heck there even is some characters who are well liked that haven't been in a new game of ANY kind in over a decade.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Soniccuz » November 27th, 2011, 9:45 am

Jomingo wrote: - at least DK doesn't lumber around like an idiot and beat the crap out of everything like he does in Jungle Beat, who's characterization is way off for DK. They might have screwed up on the number of characters they included, but the ones they have are represented perfectly.

Still, I see where the DKCR disappointment comes from and I fully understand it, I just don't personally have it.

Eh, I don't know about that one, DK beat the crap out of a substantial amount of things in DKCR. The barrage of punches at the end of every boss fight always brought Jungle Beat to my mind.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Mayo » December 8th, 2011, 10:09 am

Overall, I see DKCR as separate to the series while being worthy of being a Donkey Kong Country game. With a different gameplay flow, different control style, different developers, and on a console that is 2 generations older than the SNES, of course there'd be inconsistentcies and differences that we wouldn't agree on if we constantly compared DKCR with all the other older games. You'd be comparing apples with pears. But everyone's a critic I guess, and you can't keep everyone happy in this aspect.

There are a few improvements I'd like to see, not to make it closer to a try-hard or carbon copy of the originals, but in regards to their gameplay in general:

I have no real problem with the controlling, it's something I probably adjusted to, yet I believe there should be less dependence on the motion controls ESPECIALLY for rolling. We know how the Wii Mote is not the most responsive thing in the world, which is why when motion controls are used in more subtle circumstances, the gameplay feels natural and more controlled since there's less frustration when the Wii Mote incorrectly detects movement. Just so your errors are not determined by how well (or not so well) the Wii Mote functions.
Perhaps if they had more control options, such as classic controller compatible or have the freedom to choose whether or not you want to roll by using a button, or by shaking the Wii Mote.

Time Trials
Probably the most flawed aspect in DKCR personally, I hate it how the timer keeps going after you die, which is particularly annoying for stages that have no check point. If there's a sequel, I'd like them to do any of the following:
- Keep the timer rolling even after death, but have numerous mini-checkpoints throughout each stage.
- Keep the checkpoints like in regular gameplay, except when you pass a checkpoint it'll save the time when you passed it. For example, you reach the mid way point in 25 seconds, die soon after that, and return to that same checkpoint with 25 seconds on the clock.
- Ditch all the checkpoints, if you die, you'll be back at the start and the clock will reset to 0

More stuff to do after you've completed the regular mode
When I'm talking about 'more stuff', I'm referring to more incentive to complete Time Trial and Mirror Mode. Mirror Mode gives you some artwork and a 200% completion, Time Trial awards nothing but a heap of medals. Why not some secret stages? Unlockable characters? Some boss endurance mode?

Super Kong
Get rid of him or replace him with Cranky Kong. 'Nuff said.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby The Banana Bird » December 16th, 2011, 9:40 am

Use the type of archetypes from DKC2 and 3. Those types were always fun.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby 7S7ui3 » December 19th, 2011, 12:04 am

I dont like Returns :? but I would buy just because its Donkey Kong. I think a new DKCR could improve if they put water and snow levels in the game, and just put everything back to the basics. I dont think retro made a good game and I hope nintendo choses another company to make the sequel.
(sorry for my english :D
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Tiptup Jr. » December 19th, 2011, 7:55 am


Finally, another reasonable person on this board.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Mayo » December 23rd, 2011, 8:32 pm

^ There could be a few reasons why Retro didn't include them.
Firstly, an active volcano on DK island means Gorilla Glacier would have been blown to smithereens. As for water levels, they'd probably be too sluggish with the way DKCR controls, and the climate would have changed drastically to more humid conditions. For all we know, the more tropical weather has cause an infestation of pirahnas which renders swimming in large bodies of water unsafe.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 2nd, 2012, 1:17 pm

How would they make a sequel? Do the Tiki's kidnap DK and Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong travel to Tiki Isle to Rescue him? ;) By the way, what happened to DK island? Is it like a billion years after the events of DKC and the island changed shape over time? :?
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Dr. Cactus » January 29th, 2013, 2:24 am

Well DKCR was like a homage to DKC, so perhaps DKCR2 could be like a homage to the series as a whole. Things I want to see are:

:banana: Donkey, Diddy , Dixie and Kiddy all playable.
:banana: Kremlings.
:banana: Return of certain iconic level archetypes (Bramble, pirate ship, castle, boardwalk to name a few)
:banana: Animal buddies
:banana: Underwater stages
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby C. D. Ryan » February 4th, 2013, 7:57 am

They need to slow things down a bit. The first game was too fast-paced to be DKC.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby BlueTronic » February 4th, 2013, 12:50 pm

Mr.Diddy wrote:How would they make a sequel? Do the Tiki's kidnap DK and Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong travel to Tiki Isle to Rescue him? ;) By the way, what happened to DK island? Is it like a billion years after the events of DKC and the island changed shape over time? :?

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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby Monkeyman » April 13th, 2016, 1:54 am

We finally got a sequel, which became known as Tropical Freeze.
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Re: What would like to see if Retro made a sequel

Postby OneOf99 » April 13th, 2016, 1:56 pm

Post BlueTronic » February 3rd, 2013, 10:20 pm

Yeah, but unfortunately back then we couldn't predict the future ;)
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