DKC Monopoly

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DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 8:32 am

So I mentioned over year ago that I was going to make a DKC monopoly board game, and I never did. So now I'm thinking about it again, and I want your input on a few things. If I make one:
-Should the game be entirely based on DKC, or the trilogy in general?
-What should the Railroads be? I was thinking Kong Helpers, but I don't know who would be the four. If it's just DKC, I only have 3, and if it's the trilogy, I'd do Cranky, Funky, Wrinkly, and Swanky. If someone has a better idea for the Kong helpers let me know.
-What should the Electric Company and Water Works be? I was thinking DK Coin and Kremkoin...
-I've got a general idea of what to do with the game whether it's DKC or the Trilogy. DKC would have each location be a memorable level, while the entire trilogy would have each location be a world. Which do you prefer? I'm actually leaning towards the trilogy.

EDIT: Another question, who should be the playable pieces? Dk, Diddy, Dixie, and Kiddy are a given, but Monopoly had 8 pieces. I am not going to include and DK64 references in this game, so Tiny, Chunky, and Lanky are out. Would it be ok just to have 4 characters? Or should I include the helper Kongs and come up with some other Railroad substitutes? That does actually seem to be the logical role. Perhaps the Kongs wil still be playable, but the properties will be their actual shops, ie. Cranky is playable, but Cranky's Cabin is still on the game board.

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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 15th, 2010, 1:55 pm

Here's an idea. Include the helper Kongs as playable characters, but make their stations the railroads. i.e. (Funky's Flights, Swanky's Bonus Bonanza, Cranky's Cabin, and Candy's Save Point). It's not like they aren't able to leave their stations. That also brings it up to 8 playables.

As far as Water/Electric, I think they should be something other than DK Coin/Kremkoin, those two seem better suited for Chance/Community Chest.

Since Electric/Water Plant are something mechanicalish, I think using Mekanos and KAOS Kore in their place is handy, since those are the most mechanized areas in DKC. I don't think it matters which is which.

Now actually I think I'll give my idea for the game board, starting from GO and going clockwise. (Basically I'm naming everything)


DK's House (GO!)
Jungle Hijinks
DK Coin (In place of Communtiy Chest, Kremkoins seem more like a Chance deal)
Ropey Rampage
Kremling Kollection Agency (Income Tax)
Cranky's Cabin
Snow Barrel Blast
Ice Age Alley
Rope Bridge Rumble


K. Rool's Keep (Jail)
Pirate Panic
Gangplank Galley
Lockjaw's Locker
Funky's Flights
Kannon's Klaim
DK Coin
Lava Lagoon
Wrinkly's Save Cave (Free Parking)


Lakeside Limbo
Skidda's Row
Murky Mill
Candy's Save Point (I decided Candy works better as the 4th playable Kong helper than Wrinkly. Candy just hasn't seen enough action)
Kong-Fused Cliffs
Dingy Drain-Pipe
Creepy Caverns
Rockroc Patrol (Go to Jail)


Rocket Rush
Loopy Lights
DK Coin
Platform Perils
Swanky's Bonus Bonanza
Klobber Karnage
Boomer's Bazaar (Luxury Tax)
Animal Antics

Yeah, so that's my raw idea for what the board looks like. Lemme know what you guys think!
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 2:03 pm

Shhhh..... everybody don't move. Simion is browsing around, and if we're lucky he'll post something. I want someone to talk to me and DK4Ever. We're getting bored.

And speaking of board (see what's going down there), I like your Monopoly ideas. It's all essentially what I had planned out, with minor details switched.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Simion32 » August 15th, 2010, 2:27 pm


Yeah, good ideas and all... :lol:

Seriously though, I pretty much agree with DK4Ever's layout ideas.

But now that I've posted here, I can't really think of much else to say.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 15th, 2010, 3:05 pm

Well, I may as well elaborate on the layout (If it's not obvious, I could be stupid, that's not new for me after all)

Well, DK's House is the most obvious place to start, and I felt like the first 3 sides of the board ought to represent, for the most part, each DKC game, the names of the stages are debatable, I sort of wanted to go with a "Only levels that are named after "places" like Creepy Caverns, Skidda's Row, stuff like that, but sometimes it's a bit hard to find 2-3 levels in each world (At least the ones I used) that had such things.

And the right side of the board I kinda felt should represent the whole end of each game/Lost World deal, with the final square being Animal Antics, the most difficult level in the series in my opinion. Yup.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 3:16 pm

My idea with this project would be to make everything you need for the board, cards, money, instructions, etc. in some sort of PDF document in accurate size so anyone could print them out and glue them to cardboard, possibly with video tutorial on how to assemble everything. Obviously, this would take quite a bit of work (graphically) to produce everything and make it scaled correctly so it can be printed and ready to go. My intention I guess was that each property would actually be a world rather than a level, but I'm not sure if they're enough worlds between the three games. Between worlds and other iconic locations it should be enough. Then each board space would have the Color strip at the top, the in game world map as the little picture below, and then the price. This would be a lot more work than it sounds, mostly in just the shear volume of it rather than difficulty. If anybody wants to help, I'd appreciate it. Besides, I'm not that gifted with graphic work, though I'm sure I could shop together everything I need to if need be.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 15th, 2010, 4:16 pm

Hmm, I'd be definitely willing to help, and when I get back to college a week from today, I'll probably be able to put alot of work into it, with easier access to a printer, and other tools.

And I see what you mean about the worlds versus the levels, worlds are a bit more iconic, but if we use worlds, what would be the new water/electric?

I've got it! Funky's Garage (It's different from Funky's Flights) and Bazooka's Silo. Aw yeah.

As for the worlds, just take all the levels I put down and replace them in this order:


Jungle Japes
Monkey Mines
Vine Valley
Gorilla Glacier
Kremkroc Industries


Gangplank Galleon
Crocodile Cauldron
Krem Quay
Krazy Kremland
Gloomy Gulch
The Flying Kroc


Lake Orangutanga
Kremwood Forest
Cotton-Top Cove
Razor Ridge
Pacifica (Turns out we don't need Mekanos or KAOS Kore at all, unless you'd prefer those over one of the listed worlds, or prefer them as a utlity)


Klubba's Kiosk (The first Lost World location to buy, or the Lost World side Luxury Tax? Take your pick)
Queen Banana Bird's Perch
Chimp Caverns
The Lost World of the Kremlings

I'm pretty happy with this one, actually. I can't wait to get started on it.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Scraps69 » August 15th, 2010, 5:44 pm

I was thinking of banana hoard as 'Go'.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 16th, 2010, 1:18 am

There are a couple things I disagree with, but you have the idea down. What is Chimp Caverns doing where it is? Also, isn't there a space on the monopoly board where the players can collect a community pot of money or something? Because that would be the banana hoard. Klubba would definitely be the Luxury Tax. Replace Pacifica with Mekanos, I'd rather go for the original trilogy than the ports. Also, K. Rool's Keep should be in before The Flying Kroc, since the Kroc isn't really even a property. The Water Works and Electric Company could be Funky's Garage and Wrinkly's Save Cave, while the Railroads will be Cranky's Cabin, Funky's Flights, Candy's Save Point, and Swanky's Bonus. Also, Swanky will be on the Chance cards, while Wrinkly is on the Community chance cards.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 16th, 2010, 8:12 am

You mean Wrinkly's on them as the character, not the card themselves right? (Actually I think Cranky would work better, he seems like a better substitute for the Monopoly Man) DK Coin and Kremkoin still work well as the Community Chest/Chance cards I think.

Chimp Caverns is there because it was the final world of DKC, and some of the levels were on par with Lost World difficulty, so I felt it belonged there, since it'[s the closest thing DKC had.

Banana Hoard works well as a Free Parking space, wish I'd thought of that (That's where you collect all the money on the space)

I agree about removing Pacifica for Mekanos. Seems fine.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 16th, 2010, 12:25 pm

The only reason I would put Chimp Caverns with the other DKC worlds is because they kind of go together. I mean, the properties that are the same color should be somewhat close to each other, right?
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 16th, 2010, 4:44 pm

It's true, but what would you put in it's place?
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 2:29 am

That's a good question, and I don't really have an answer for it. I'll have to think more about it.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 12:55 pm

Here's a question: Why did you label Kongo Jungle as Jungle Japes? Was it an accident or were you trying to reference DK64?


Ok, some new ideas. In order to make the properties match up under similar color headings, I propose that we exclude Chimp Caverns altogether.
This is how I would pair the properties:
Kongo Jungle
Monkey Mines

Vine Valley
Gorilla Glacier
Kremkroc industries

Gangplank Galleon
Crocodile Cauldron
Krem Quay

Krazy Kremland
Gloomy Gulch
K.Rool's Keep

Lake Orangutanga
Banana Bird Cave
Kremwood Forest

Bazaar's General Store
Cotton-top Cove

Razor Ridge
Kastle Kaos

Lost World (of DKC2)

Beyond that, I would put Cranky's Cabin, Candy's Save Point, Funky's Flights, and Swanky's Bonus Bananza as the railroads (in that order, and with the DKC2 version of FF, and DKC3 verison of SBB); I would have Cranky and Swanky on the Community Chest and Chance cards, respectively (as you said, or they could be treasure chests and bonus barrel's, respectively); Funky's Garage and Wrinkly's Save Cave would be the Electric Company and Water Works, respectively; DK's Treehouse is Go, the DKC2 "caged DK" image would be the Jail, the banana hoard would be free parking, and K. Rool would be the "go to jail" space; and finally, Klubba's Kiosk would be the luxury tax but I don't know who would be the income tax. DK, Diddy, Dixie, Kiddy, Funky, Cranky, Candy, and Brash (I don't know about making Swanky or Wrinkly playable, but either one would work fine actually).
What do you think?

EDIT: Also, if the Queen banana bird would be better than the generic banana bird cave, then it could go just after Kastle Kaos, remove the BB Cave, and then push the rest back.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Phyreburnz » August 18th, 2010, 8:21 am

Well monopoly generally doesn't use 'living things'. Maybe you should make items/clothes pieces:
DK's tie
Diddie's hat
Dixie's hat
K. Rool's crown
krem koin
dk coin
and something to represent kiddy, I don't know what though, maybe a pacifier.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby zaneebaslave » August 18th, 2010, 11:39 am

I have a Lord of the Rings monopoly board game, and it uses the figurines of the characters. I dont see a problem with using characters from Donkey Kong in this game.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Phyreburnz » August 18th, 2010, 12:15 pm

I didn't realize that monopoly games did that. I thought all of them just used icons from the games.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 18th, 2010, 12:17 pm

My Pokemon Monopoly has Pokemon as the pieces, so I don't think it'll be a problem here.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Phyreburnz » August 18th, 2010, 12:22 pm

I've not been a monopoly person since the power went out a few years ago. My brother was cheating to keep me in the game... for fourteen hours... so I've only ever had the original one.

But anyways, little DK treehouses could be used. That'd be kinda neat.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Simion32 » August 21st, 2010, 5:10 pm

This board template I just drew up might be useful...


---The edges are 16px
---Borderlines are 4px
---The gray area on properties is exactly 224px tall
---All middle spaces are 160px wide
---The square ones are 272px by 272px
---The Jail outside path is 64px in width
---Property colored areas are 48px tall
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 22nd, 2010, 3:04 am

Thanks a lot Simion, that saves me a lot of work!

EDIT: I need somebody to provide for me all the world maps from the second and third games. The first game's were all on the Atlas, but the second and third Atlas' are lacking, and I need them. Also, I need a screen of DK trapped in his cage, a render of Swanky and Cranky, Funky's Garage, the banana hoard, a banana bird cave, Swanky's Bonus (DKC2), Wrinkly's Save Cave, Bazaar's general store, Krematoa, the Lost World (DKC2), and Klubba.

Also, I need an artist to make an image of K. Rool in the same pose as the Cop from the Go To Jail space. This isn't entirely necessary, but would be cool.

There are probably more things I need, but this is all I could think of right now.

This is what I've done so far (it's not much, I just added in a few pictures and colored a few things). I need to put in the rest of the pictures and then do all the text, etc. ... 1db66g.jpg
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Kingizor » August 22nd, 2010, 7:01 am

Alright, here is most of what you asked for:

All of the maps in DKC2 and 3, including Krematoa and the Lost World.
Funky's Garage (DKC 1, 2 and 3)
The Banana Hoard
A Banana Bird cave
Swanky's Bonus (DKC2)
Klubba's Kiosk
Wrinkly's Save Cave
Bazaar's General store

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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby DK4Ever » August 22nd, 2010, 7:43 am

Excellent, that turned out super-snazzy, Jo!

I wish I was more artistic, I'd love to do the K. Rool Kop thing.
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 22nd, 2010, 8:11 am

@Kingizor: Thanks a ton for all those images!

@DK4Ever: I didn't really do that much to it, Simion's image was most of the work. ;)
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Re: DKC Monopoly

Postby Jomingo » August 22nd, 2010, 9:06 am ... 1db66g.jpg

Here are some new questions:
-I don't know what to do with the "corner spaces", because I can only orient my pictures by ninety degrees. The Banana hoard in the image is what I'm talking about.
-I'm still unsure of what to do with the Electric Company and Water Works spaces. Wrinkly's Save Cave and Funky's Rentals seem too similar to the Railroads. Perhaps just the DK Coin and Kremcoin or something.
-I still need a render of Cranky and Swanky, but I can find those on my own if I get time.
-Also, I'll take any suggestions for how to make it better. I'm obviously very far from done, but I thought I'd post my progress and see what everyone's thoughts were.
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