"Awesome Games Done Quick is SDA's charity marathon benefiting the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The marathon runs January 6-12."
Those guys from SDA's, like you might know, are famous for their collection of various speedruns.
You can watch it here:
Awesome Games Done Quick — 2013
Marathon Schedule
All DKC games have finished!
They started the DKC goodness with DKC on: Wed Jan 09 2013 22:25:00 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)
Our fellow member, Tompa, had an all levels race with another known speedrunner named tjp7154, hope you didn't miss that!

The game in line afterwards is DKC2, played by "Twig", and then it was Donkey Kong Country Returns, played by "SMK"!
Another highlight for me was the run on Yoshi's Island by Carl Sagan, who seems to be a really funny and nice guy, he will be joined by Trihex's commentary.
The run will start in just 1 or 2 hours. Both are superb YI players, I never thought you could be so quick on that game!
DK 64 was also played by "Cfox7", directly after they were done with Yoshi's Island, and was finished in 53 minutes, 40 seconds (INSANE!)
By the way, I'm neither a speedrunner nor at this event. But it is for a good cause, so I wanted to let you know!