Gnawzooka wrote:Oh, and one minor thing that doesn't matter about Kiddy's post that I'll point out anyway: I'm pretty sure neither Dixie nor Kiddy are actually monkeys, or they'd have tails.
Oh well... it was kind of
"big kong, small kong", monkey is a rather used term for the kongs, but is not correct as you say xD
Gnawzooka wrote:*awaits tomato throwing*
Hey! It's your opinion about the game... I disagree, but that doesn't mean I'll start (or anybody) to say things against you or start a discussion

I understand why this game is so underrated... the "new" things were a radical change and many people wasn't ready for them... and by the time DK64 was sold people were expecting changes because of the 3D graphics. It's just like me, I don't like DKC2's music as much as DKC's, but many people do...
I think I like giving things and people opportunities, and they usually get well, just like DKC3.
Believe me, when I first tried DKC3 in the emulator I was confused, but I quickly got
"into" the game. I thought the swimming part was cool, you now could really explore the areas. I remember when I first got DKC, I wanted to enter the lake in Kongo Jungle but I couldn't move the kongs, in DKC3 I could =)