Articles Discussion

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Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2009, 10:37 am

Even though nobody ever checks the main site, I still thought it was a good idea to have a place for people to discuss the Articles section of the site. What's that? You didn't know we had an articles section? Well, check the site! I've written like twelve of these things and nobody reads them!

So, anyway, here is where people can discuss the Articles section, including the two new articles I posted today.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Cyclone » August 31st, 2009, 11:29 am

I didn't realize you wrote so many articles. I think we should be notified in the forums of aritcle updates as well as on the front page of DKC Atlas.

Your articles are well written it seems (I haven't read them in full though do to time/priorites but will in the future). I like the use of the DK koins in the reviews.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2009, 11:35 am

Yeah, I made that in Powerpoint 2007. It will be improved in the future of course, but it's not a bad graphic for a temporary basis.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby CaptainEddie » August 31st, 2009, 11:44 am

I must say that i mostly agree with your Ten Most Dissapointing Thnigs About Brawl article. Mostly. I agree that the retro charcters, "clones" and 3rd party characters are very unnecessary. But... I can't say I agree with your DK stage gripe. I think that the arcade stage, while maybe not as fun as a Gangplank Galleon stage might be, is a fairly good representation. It was a difinitive game for Donkey Kong (as it was the first). Also, Gangplank Galleon would be to similar to the Pirate Ship stage, and we can't have that, can we?

Also, about your DK Final Smash gripe. To me, it seems like Nintendo isn't very intrrested in the DKC trilogy, much less representing it. Even though he has some DKC moves, the Donkey Kong in Brawl is not the Donkey Kong we have come to love. And perhaps I'm starying a little too much from the article, it was about your dissapointments and I'm just pointing out why things are the way they are. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it was good enough for me.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2009, 12:06 pm

Well, I agree to that it was good enough, I even said in my article that it was great. I guess the point of the article was that although it's great, it's not perfect. So basically, my big disapointments are for the most part nitpicks.

Except for K. Rool. That's just not forgivable.

EDIT: I checked, and it turns out I never called it great in the article, I called it fantastic.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby CaptainEddie » August 31st, 2009, 12:14 pm

I think "fantastic" gets the point across.

I agree that K. Rool would be a fine addition, but I probably wouldn't play as him very often anyway.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2009, 12:17 pm

You know, that article started off this morning as a "10 reasons why K. Rool should've been in Brawl" article. I sort of changed it halfway through, though I think that there's still a possibility I might right that one.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby CaptainEddie » August 31st, 2009, 12:18 pm

Heh, I'd like to read that.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby gamer_boy997 » September 1st, 2009, 10:48 am

I like the DK coin use in the reviews as well.

Also, are other members allowed to write articles? If so, maybe I'll write an article... MAYBE...
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » September 2nd, 2009, 1:04 am

At this point in time the Articles are staff written only. We did do a thing last November where any member could submit an article about the History of DKC, but nobody ever finished one except for me. We may or may not do that again this year, it depends on how many people are interested.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » September 3rd, 2009, 9:25 am

Hello all. I've written the aforementioned K. Rool article, although the list now contains 5 rather than 10 reasons. This was mainly because I went into a great amount of detail in each section, and thus each reason could possible contain two or three reasons within it's paragraph.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby CaptainEddie » September 3rd, 2009, 10:57 am

I'm not usually one to critisize, but that article was written like a true DK fan. And only that. Sure, K. Rool would have been Kool(Heh), but there are a variety of factors to include, llike character balance. Frankly, to big, heavy and bulky characters would not have been good for the DK balance of characters. And some others may not have a great balance, but they have at least some balance. Now, I think Dedede was a more logical choice because he appeals to the fans. He's cute, and big eyed. Then, we look at K. Rool, big and ugly. Like DK.
Also, the DK franchise just isn't as popular as it used to be. Fire mblem is making a lot of money, because everybody loves it. Sure, K.Rool would have been a good representaion, but that's not what Nintendo is doing here. They want chracters that sell the game, like that adorable Dedede.
Lastly, I highly disagree with that last paragraph. That was from the hands of a fanboy. I love Luigi, he's my favorite charater. I would rather him over K.Rool. Also, all those charaters from the first game you mentioned. They can't be taken out, they are the real veterans!
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » September 3rd, 2009, 2:07 pm

NOTE: Before I get started, the following response doesn't imply that I don't like criticism, it is merely me defending my own opinions. Feel free to criticize away, no matter how I react.

Look, Donkey Kong is not only known for being a bulky, heavy character. It's only the Mario games that imply that he's purely a heavy character. Within DK's games there are many main characters who are stronger and heavier than him. For instance, Funky, Chunky, and King K. Rool. This doesn't detract from his character, because he's not meant to be the biggest character around who only relies on his strength.
And if you are going to argue that K. Rool would throw-off the balance of DK characters, tell me then what other DK character could replace him? He is the very obvious third character, Dixie isn't. He's much more important than she is, and besides, like one of my points were: A series isn't completely represented until you include their Antagonist.

Dedede appeals to the fans because he's cute and big eyed? Sounds to me like those characteristics appeal to the casual gamer who has no idea who he is, not the fans. I guarantee you Kirby fans don't like Dedede just because he's fluffy and cute. Also, people won't buy this game for the sole reason that Dedede is cuter than K. Rool. Dedede doesn't sell the game to anybody, he's not even featured on the cover. Anybody who would buy it just because he's cute wouldn't even know he's in it, thus making that point moot. Also, if Dedede's inclusion alone has sold any games, it's to Kirby fans, who weren't influenced by his cuteness.

Also, I dare you to go up to a hundred average people on the street and ask them if they've heard of Fire Emblem. Then, do the same but ask if they've heard of fricken Donkey Kong. If you can come back and tell me Fire Emblem is more popular than Donkey Kong, I'll eat my foot. Literally, I'll eat it.

Next, perhaps the point that Nintendo wants to sell games more than please the fans, but it wasn't Nintendo that made this, it was HAL. And Sakurai has a little more sense than that. The point may still be somewhat true, but that doesn't deter from my article in the slightest, as I was saying why K. Rool should be in. He should have been in, because they should be trying to represent each franchise properly. That may not be their goal, but I was only saying that it should be.

Lastly, in defense of my final paragraph, I have some quotes:
...I feel...

...that's debatable... far as I'm concerned...

These three quotes show that throughout my entire last paragraph I was making it very clear that everything was opinion based.
Not to mention this:
All opinions expressed within this article are those of the writer

If you have some constructive criticism about my writing technique, or grammar, or other possible ways I can improve the Article experience than please, I want to hear them. But please don't come here to start trouble just because you disagree with what I made to be very clear was a personal opinion.
Maybe you prefer Green Mario Luigi over King K. Rool. That's great. I don't, and in my personal opinion, he is not a very important "charater". That is neither here nor there, because this is not the topic for discussing why my opinion is wrong.

And lastly:
Also, all those charaters from the first game you mentioned. They can't be taken out, they are the real veterans!

What exactly are you referring to at this part?
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » July 27th, 2010, 5:24 am

I've written a bunch of new articles, including my latest one "Donkey Kong Country Concerns". I know that whatever is posted on the site does not appear on the forum, and people probably rarely check the site, so I'm just posting this to point that out. Also, to anyone reading this topic, I became far too defensive in response to Captain Eddie above, and didn't really realize how much I overreacted. So please, criticize me, I promise not to react that harshly again.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Scraps69 » July 27th, 2010, 11:15 am

heh, looks like you've covered everything I've thought about GameFAQS fans.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 14th, 2010, 11:31 am

Tomorrow is the fifteenth anniversary of the Virtual Boy, so I wrote an article about it. Enjoy.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 12:51 pm

Also, if anybody has any suggestions for articles they'd like to see, feel free to suggest them. That's not to say I'm out of ideas (I'm not, I literally have dozens I want to write), I just want everybody to feel that they can contribute if they want to. Also, in the past we tried a User submitted Article contest in November. Several members showed interest in writing articles, but none of them ever completed any, so we didn't do it again. If anybody wants that to happen again, post your interest here and we'll consider doing the contest again.
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Soniccuz » November 29th, 2010, 7:55 pm

I thought it was funny you mentioned Club Nintendo in you're Future of DKC article as that was pretty much what I did before deciding to come here and see what fans had to say about DKR. But do you really think they'll continue on this path? I ask this not only because I think the title DKCR2 sounds redundant but, because well they're doing this to just about all their franchise, Star Fox 64 remake, new Kid Icarus, and of course the retro throw backs of the newest Mario games . Considering this trend it makes perfect sense Nintendo would pick DKC back up.

Number six in your disappointing things about Brawl article was retro characters, now that Nintendo is actively dusting off their retro properties is that still a disappointment?

I apologize for the wall of text but this is what your articles left me pondering. ^^ In short do you think the 'nostalgia kick' is going to last?
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » November 30th, 2010, 2:44 am

I don't know. I'd like to hope so, I mean, I'd love to see them actually make a new Star Fox, or bring back F-zero. But for the most part, I don't really care about most of the "retro" franchises. I've never been interested in Kid Icarus or Ice Climbers.
However, the reason I listed them in my disappointing things in Brawl article was that I don't like retro characters getting a spot in the game even though they haven't had a game in over a decade. Now that Kid Icarus actually is getting a game, I don't mind him being there. At the time I thought it was a really dumb choice, but it makes sense knowing that they were working on the game the whole time.

Quick note regarding articles: I'm putting up a DKCR review today, and I put up part one of a special three part feature yesterday, so feel free to check those out. I'll go work on the review right now, after which I'll continue work on part 2 of my feature.

EDIT: OK, DKCR review done. Now on to my feature...
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Qyzbud » November 30th, 2010, 3:46 pm

Wonderful job on the DKCR review, Jomingo!
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Soniccuz » December 1st, 2010, 9:47 am

Hmm, I should pay more attention to the Star Fox remake, it's an interesting case since the series already actively built on it. Icarus and DKCR (hopefully) being series revivals aren't quite the same. It's kind of funny when you realize star fox 64 was pretty much a remake itself.

Good review by the way. Looking forward to reading the feature.

(edit: hey, look at that. This is the second forum in my life that I've reach 100 posts at! :mrgreen: )
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Re: Articles Discussion

Postby Jomingo » December 1st, 2010, 10:28 am

Thanks a lot for the compliments. That means a lot, especially coming from you Qyz.
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