New Super Mario Bros. Wii

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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 15th, 2009, 12:20 pm

Yeah, thanks. Anyway: Koopaling render! :D
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby DK4Ever » October 16th, 2009, 4:11 am

Didn't work for me :(

That' disappointing, I'm stoked about the Koopalings comin' back.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Gnawzooka » October 16th, 2009, 3:44 pm

Yeah it didn't work for me either.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Gnawzooka » October 17th, 2009, 6:55 pm

Ah cool. I don't like all the wands though...

That's also te first time I've heard the proper version of that song. Previously I'd only heard "I'm on a Blimp".
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Jomingo » October 18th, 2009, 12:57 am

This is pretty old news. But then again, pretty much anything we ever talk about has already been talked about to death everywhere else on the internet.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Rare Lover » November 9th, 2009, 9:25 am

Am the only one that is really excited for this. It's pretty much my most anticipated game for the holidays.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Cyclone » November 10th, 2009, 12:08 pm

I'm not really exited for it but I'm still looking foreward to it. Looks like a fun game. Finally another 2D Mario game!
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Soniccuz » January 3rd, 2010, 10:16 pm

Hmm, I see a few people have played it from reading other treads but for some reason this topic ends two days before it's release. Did it live up to what everyone was expecting?

It definitely rivals Brawl in entertainment value for me. Though it would of been nice to take Yoshi's out of stages. Though I've read some convincing arguments that it would make the game two easy because of their flutter kick. Even so there where a total of maybe 3 yoshi stages.

But enough nitpicking from Koopalings, to the Muti-player,
air ships, clown car fights and the final Bowser fight
what we got was by no means a let down!
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Jomingo » January 4th, 2010, 3:14 am

I have it now, and I love it. But somehow it just doesn't seem as smooth as the old ones. It feels slippery and imprecise, which makes it difficult especially with multiplayer.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Gnawzooka » January 4th, 2010, 8:42 pm

Hey that's right there's a topic for this.

Yes, it's great. I know what you mean though Jomingo. Multiplayer is also a b...*bleep* if one player gets ahead of the others, especially in the castles.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Jomingo » January 5th, 2010, 6:54 am

Agreed. Multiplayer can be a b...*bleep* for a lot of reasons though. If you get to far apart one player can't keep up, if you're too close you get in each other's way. My little brother always gets behind and has to go into the bubble, and then I often die before I can pop him. Also, we beat all of the second world and must have forgotten to save because we had to do it again. All in all I think it's very enjoyable though. I really wish there had been more stuff built around multiple players though; perhaps specific puzzles that require two players or more and stuff like that. I know that one player wouldn't be able to beat that, but still it would have been nice to have some co-op specific levels- even if they were just optional.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Simion32 » January 19th, 2010, 9:41 am

Recently got this game, I've played up to (not including) the castle of world 8. Really, the game in general was a whole lot better than I expected.

It takes a lot of elements from both SMB3 and Super Mario World... In my opinion there should have been more than the 7 different items you can have in your inventory. I was hoping hammer suit would make it, but I think it might have been a little too advantageous and would make certain levels easy as pie.

I haven't encountered the Super Guide as I never lost more than 3 lives on any one level (I'm not trying to boast, by the way). The presence of a Super Guide Block does not necessarily mean that you royally blow at Mario Bros, especially if you've played the game for a long time on the same save file. I still think that Nintendo should have added an option to remove super guide for an entire save file, this way hardcore players who don't want it at all can have their way.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Gnawzooka » January 19th, 2010, 12:25 pm

Simion32 wrote:It takes a lot of elements from both SMB3 and Super Mario World...

YES! I love that. The Airship stages needed more love, and now they've got some. And the castles remind me of Super Mario World in a lot of ways.
Simion32 wrote: In my opinion there should have been more than the 7 different items you can have in your inventory. I was hoping hammer suit would make it, but I think it might have been a little too advantageous and would make certain levels easy as pie.

I didn't really like some of the new power ups... the ice flower just seems unnecessary and the copter-thingy annoys the hell out of me. I miss the SMW cape... :cry:
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Jomingo » January 19th, 2010, 1:00 pm

Yeah, I definitely would've preferred the Cape or the Tanooki suit or Raccoon suit to the new Propeller suit.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Tiptup Jr. » January 20th, 2010, 8:18 am

My feelings on this game are very mixed. Sure, it might "incorporate elements" from previous Mario titles, but at times it's just too annoying and childish even for me- but at the same time it can be ridiculously hard. And about the graphics and everything, I miss the days when 2D sidescrollers were actually... 2D. It seems like they tried too hard to make the game feel like Mario, and failed. :(

Oh. And don't get me started about the mess with playable characters (I wouldn't complain about the Toads if they, say, had names and actually had a role in one-player mode.)
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 13th, 2010, 3:04 am

Well, beat it last night with all five stars. But they're not sparkly so my completionist fetish remains unfulfilled... f---.
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Re: New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Postby Stone » April 2nd, 2010, 6:35 am

I've just recently bought the game and I already got the Super Guide as early as the end of World 1 :D
There is at least one really cruel level (9-7, I hate you!) and some well hidden star coins. It tooked many hours to find all the missing coins, despite some inbuild game tips.
So far it's a very good and entertaining single-player game, now I have to take further investigation what it's like in multiplayer.
(I've started the game for the first time with a friend, but I haven't had any further multiplayer session since)

I also had the same problem like you, Tiptup, thanks to the Super Guide just appearing, I lost the chance to truely complete the game on the first try.

Of course, my completionist fetish forced me to start over immediatlety and now, a few days later, I finally have a 5 star sparkling save file :mrgreen:
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