Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Share and discuss DKC ROM hacks

Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 21st, 2010, 12:52 pm



A project dedicated to creating edited and new Donkey Kong Country content. There's a whole new barrel of crazy with fast paced, thrilling levels utilising the untapped and unseen potential of Donkey Kong Country. Made by players for players.

Update 06/26/2011
Download version 0.32 of DKC_Reloaded by clicking HERE
KONGO JUNGLE: Jungle Hijinx, Ropey Rampage, Reptile Rumble, Barrel Cannon Canyon
MONKEY MINES: Winky's Walkway, Bouncy Bonanza, Stop & Go Station by Kong Fu, Millstone Mayhem, *NEW* Mice Cart Carnage by aperson98
VINE VALLEY: Vulture Culture (aka Rhino Rodeo), Tree Top Town, Forest Frenzy, Temple Tempest and *NEW* Orang-utan Gang.
GORILLA GLACIER: Snow Barrel Blast (aka Blizzard Barrel Blast) by Simion32
KREMKROC INDUSTRIES: Oil Drum Alley by Kong Fu, Trick Track Trek by aperson98, Blackout Basement by aperson98.
Total: 18 levels.
Title screen by Mattrizzle included. Banana and camera editing on all the levels by Simion32.


DISCLAIMER: FOR EDUCATIONAL/PARODY PURPOSES ONLY. Donkey Kong Country is Copyright Nintendo/Rare.

Previous versions:

(0.31) Downloaded: 33 times.
(0.27) Downloaded: 40 times.
(0.26) downloaded: 73 times.
(0.25) downloaded: 54 times.
(0.24) downloaded: 35 times.
(0.23) downloaded: 16 times.
(0.22) downloaded: 16 times.
(0.19) downloaded: 4 times.
(0.18) downloaded: 28 times.
(0.022) downloaded: 27 times.

ImagePah! It would be lucky if this junk got more then 500 downloads!

Current Work and progress re v 0.40 (info last updated 05/17/2011):
Kong-Fu: Completed Stop and Go.
Simion32: Crediting/version stamping. Finished and fixed Snow Barrel Blast. Banana work. Claim on Ropey Bridge Rumble and Tanked-Up Trouble.
Scraps69: Finished Orangutan Gang. Working on 3rd level in snow world.
Mattrizzle: title page/credits complete and included.
aperson98: title page/credits complete and included. Finished Trick Track Trek and Blackout Basement and Mine Cart Carnage.

The Story

Donkey Kong Country Reloaded

A Peace Shattered

Donkey and Diddy Kong had been chillin in their hammocks by the beach in the past month. It was a well deserved vacation, it had been a busy and tough 11 years: they had rescued their banana hoard twice, destroyed the Kremling isle twice, been kidnapped and mind sucked by KAOS, as well as destroyed a mechanical Kremling island. Diddy and Donkey had both reached and were living off their stardom though there hadn’t been any serious work for quite some time. Their careers slid a bit after they sacked Conker as their manager who wanted Donkey, Diddy and Dixie to do a naked swim shoot calendar for NonKongSoft.

At the moment though, Donkey and Diddy were having a good lie down in the brazen setting noon sun.

Donkey accidently tipped over a banana-coconut-melon milkshake when he abruptly heard:


Something landed on the shady cool sand with a loud thud and sprayed sand. The noise abruptly woke Diddy and he rubbed his eyes as he woke up. DK looked over his red and white striped hammock and saw the yellow package. The beige coloured wrapping was dirty, and had tinges of smoke. A small crude rope had been tied around this particular package.

“Well, that’s not for me. My bananas come in a bigger size. Diddy, did you order something?” asked DK.

“Nope, but let’s find out who it’s for!” Diddy said.

Diddy scrambled over to the package as Donkey was getting out of out his hammock. Diddy scooped the package and peered at the package details.

“It’s for you and me DK! No return address... That’s odd.” Diddy said.

“Whose it from?” DK asked.

“It says ‘The Initiating Kong Industry’” Diddy replied.

“T.I.K.I. huh? Never heard of them” said DK as he stood beside Diddy.

DK grabbed the package as he sat down and mercilessly ripped the wrapping off and opened the small cardboard box. A faint humming and echo could be heard from within.DK and Diddy peered into the strangely pitch black insides of the box.

“DK, this is giving me the creeps. Maybe we should just chuck this away.”

“Don’t be silly Diddy. It’s probably just another gift from Conker begging to take him back.”

As DK inched his hand inside a box. Suddenly the bushes nearby began to tremble and shake. A thunderous noise could be heard as the wind picked up and blew spurts of sand towards Diddy and DK. The coconuts began to fall from the trees and landed heavily against the shifting sand. DK had withdrawn his hand from the package and he and Diddy were cautiously creeping towards the rattling bushes. They got closer and closer until...

“BOO!!” cried Funky as he leapt out of the bushes. Funky laughed in satisfaction as he saw DK and Diddy jump.

“DK brah! What up?” Funky said as he high fived Diddy.

“You know what’s up with this noise and wind Funky?” cried DK trying to be heard over the noise.

“Oh that’s just the propellers from my latest invention, I’ll just turn it off now.” Funky cried in return and flicked a switch from a wooden remote that was in his pocket.

As the noise died down, Funky asked, “So what up DK? I saw Squwak’s head your way with a little special something. Candy got you a gift eh?”

“Doubt it” rumbled DK “but let’s have a look.”

Diddy, Funky and DK returned to the sand swept cardboard box. A silver glow seemed to be emanating now and the ghostly humming and echo had increased in volume as if they had responded to the deafening noise earlier. DK reach inside towards the source of the glow... and could feel nothing. He reached further inside further to his elbows and could still feel nothing.

“It’s like a bottomless box DK! That’s rad!” Funky said as DK had put his whole arm into the box.

Finally, DK felt something small, light, wooden and pointy at the top and pulled it out of the box. When DK pulled it out, he, Diddy and Funky looked closely to see what it was. It was a polished, oak wooden figurine of sorts. It was roughly the length from DK’s hand to his elbow. It was carved with DK’s face on it. There was crudely painted yellow, green and brown below the miniature model of DK’s chin as well as white peaks above its head. The DK head had not been painted, though it had been smoothed down and showed some quality craftkongship. There was some foreign and unusual inscription written below the figurine’s nose along with a small crafted image of K. Rool's face. Dark brown beads as well as feathers coloured in reds, violet, and blues were attached to strings that clung onto this figurine.

It appeared to be a crudely painted wooden tribal looking model of DK island.

“Woah DK!” exclaimed Funky “that looks pretty cool. Though it sounds familiar.”

“Huh?” said DK and Diddy.

“Cranky was telling me all about these though I wasn't listening! I'll save you the hassle of getting beat over the head and ask him now. Just wait here and I’ll be back.” Funky said and raced off.

“Fair enough. It looks good eh Diddy?”

“It does!” Diddy then paused and said “Hey, why is the writing glowing?”

“What?” DK looked down and saw that his thumb had rubbed the inscriptions a little and now there was a faint silver glow coming from the neatly etched symbols. DK could now hear the distinct sound of tribal drums and chanting coming from within.

“So, what happens if I rub this...?” DK was saying as he began to rub the symbols beneath the nose of the figurine. Suddenly, all he and Diddy could see was pure white.


Funky had asked Cranky what the figurine and inscriptions meant. Cranky had laughed as he explained what it was and Funky's heart had sunk. Funky rushed back to where he had original found DK and Diddy. As he ran he cried “it’s a trap DK! It’s a trap!”

But by the time he came back. Donkey and Diddy were gone. There was a huge hole in the ground which was now lined by shattered glass. The wooden carving lay as if untouched at the bottom of the ditch.

Funky hunched his shoulders as he talked to the hole in the ground.

“Damn DK! That thing was cursed. It transports you to your initial adventure on this island against K. Rool but distorts and moulds the areas that you have visited into a real life nightmare... Only you and Diddy defeat K. Rool and his cronies again and get out of that thing now...

I’ll find out who did this.”







ImageThe only advice I'd give is how to delete this cheap excuse of a hack

Q: I'm excited already!!! How do I play?????????
A: 1) Download an emulator, if you don't already have one. (I recommend ZSNES
2) Download a DKC ROM (Must be United States version v 1.0). It is against the rules of this forum to directly link you to a ROM.
3) Download 'Lunar IPS', which is used to apply a 'patch' (a file that puts a hack on a ROM).
4) Download and open a patch from this thread.
5) It will tell you to select the ROM you want to patch.
6) Apply the .IPS file downloaded from this site and apply it to that ROM (remember to keep a backup of the original ROM).

Alternatively, you can place the .IPS (but must rename the .ips name exactly the same as your DKC .smc ROM name) into the same folder as the original DONKEY KONG COUNTRY ROM and the ZSNES program will automatically patch it for you (though not permanently).

Q: I really enjoyed Jungle Hijinx but I keep dieing straight away in Ropey Rampage and there's nothing I can do about it!


the game doesn't let me play any of the levels!!!!

A: There are various solutions to this problem.
1. Check to see what version of Donkey Kong Country you have. It should be Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!].
Not (U) (V1.1) [!] Not (E) (V1.0) [!] Not (J) (V1.0) [!] — Just (U) (V1.0) [!].
You can check by looking at the name of the DKC rom. Alternatively :ugeek: you can use NRST to verify that the checksum is 0xC946DCA0 (which is the correct CRC32 for DKC U v1.0) or you could also try 0059a of the DKCRE by Simion32 (it will throw a warning if you have something other than the correct version of DKC).

If the rom is verified as (U) (V1.0) [!] with a CRC32 of 0xC946DCA0 and you still have problems then:
2a.use SNES-Tool (another program - ask the members in this forum) to remove the header.
2b. Download the SNES9x Debugger at
3b. Open the ROM file in this version of SNES9x
4b. It should complain about the header and ask you to remove it. Click yes.
Just download a new copy of Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [!] from elsewhere in the world wide interwebs.

Q: These regular updates or episodes are cool and all... though I've been following this project for a while though I've been getting tired of replaying the entire game just for one level!
A: Heh, that's fair enough. Whenever you play a ROM and save, a new file appears which ends in .srm which is the save state. Just re-patch a new ROM (the .smc file) and make sure that the .srm file is same name as the .smc file and is in the same folder as the patched .smc file.

So, I patch "DONKEY KONG COUNTRY V U 1.0.SMC" with "DKC_Reloaded v U.19.IPS". The name of the .SMC file will stay as "DONKEY KONG COUNTRY V U 1.0.SMC". Now if you have finished the original game or been following DKC Reloaded, there will be a file called "DONKEY KONG COUNTRY V U 1.0.SRM", all you have to do is make sure that this file is in the same folder as the patched version of the SMC. If you have a saved file with a different name, just change it to match exactly with the SMC file.

Q: When will Project DKC Reloaded be finished?
A: No set time has been allocated.

Q: Is the game hard?

A: As any game, the difficulty curve increases as you progress. However, the game starts off harder than the original DKC.

Q: Any particular themes to go with the game?
A: Anything from fast, smooth, cool or challenging gameplay as well as finding and exploiting glitches. The first world (Kongo Jungle) is very much based on 'treetop' platforming to go with the jungle theme.

Q: The terrain looks messed up! Do something about it!
A: We're aware that the terrain can get messy however we're mostly currently working on finishing the gameplay element in levels. During or towards the completion of Project DKC Reloaded we will work on fixing the terrain to match the quality of DKC.

Q: I found a bug that; prevents me from progressing in the game; makes all the enemies dissappear; crashes the game; etc...
A: Report these issues in this topic and we'll try to get those problems fixed as soon as possible.

Q: Some of the levels are the same as the original!
A: We will edit underwater stagers when we complete all the land based levels. Mine Cart Carnage remains unchanged as well due to the low number of available sprites in that level which stunts creative freedom (however we will also make edits to that level when we start editing the water based stages).

Q: What tools did you use to create these levels?
A: We use translated versions of DKEdit from the japanese DKEdit homepage which enables us to use a mouse to change sprites. The DKCRE by Simion32 is also used for banana mapping. The latest english translated version of DKEdit is located HERE. Simion32 has developed an .ips for testing your idea located HERE.

Q: I'm pretty curious about the codes that you guys use...
Sure thing! There is archived documentation of object codes by Giangugolo HERE. Further, Simion32 has compiled a list (of new and old code) in this thread labelled as 'List of all used DKC Object Digits & Fuctions'. Further Simion32 has compiled a complete list of Shooting auto and non-auto Barrel objs and properties HERE.
There is new code littered in the DKC Reloaded hack and bits of code located throughout this thread.

Q: huh? I thought that you guys arn't up to Kremkroc Industries Inc!? Why am I seeing a screenshot based on that world?
A: There's a secret barrel in Jungle Hijinx that will lead you straight to the secret level in Kremkroc Industries. Will you be able to find it? I doubt it...

Q: Are there Kong specific levels/sections?
A: Yes there are. You'll need to determine which Kong to use for specific parts of the game. The general guide is: if there is an enemy in a tunnel, if there is a krusha or Klump, or you need to jump really low then you should use Donkey Kong. If the level requires you to jump really high or really far, then use Diddy Kong. You may be required to use just one Kong or both Kongs.

Got any questions? Leave a comment in this topic.

Main Monkeys (Contributors):
Scraps69. The originator and co-level creator.
Simion32. Title Page Designer, Version/credit Title Page coder, and hexer/DK matrix manipulator. Co-level creator. Snow barrel Blast.
Kong-Fu. Co-Level creator and Promotions. Industrial Alley, Stop and Go Station.
Mattrizzle. Title Page Implementor.
aperson98. Title Page Assist. Co-level creator.

Want to be a contributor? We'd be more than happy to accept your assistance! Just leave a comment in this forum and we'll get back you soon.

Main post last updated on 05/17/2010

ImageI'm off to consult my lawyers!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 21st, 2010, 3:35 pm

I'm not sure if you have read the rules, but ROMs are not allowed. You only get this one warning, so use it wisely. (Statement Outdated)

You should use Lunar IPS to create an IPS patch that can then be distributed. EDIT: Here you go, made the patch for you...

OK Guys, here's an IPS patch. Should be for USA-NTSC v1.0 as usual. (Outdated File Removed)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 21st, 2010, 4:19 pm

Aah sorry mate, didn't read the rules. But that IPS thing sounds handy. Can you add the new link to the original post please?

Are there any other IPS versions of DKC I can grab access to?

Here's the new link with .ips.


Thanks a bunch,


EDIT: Oh just realised you did it for me :))))))) thanks a bunch :D
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 21st, 2010, 4:28 pm

Well I was going to add your new link to your first post, but you deleted the link via edit so I've edited it back out of your first post. ;)

An IPS Patch stores only the differences between two files, allowing you to distribute only what has changed.

With SNES game hacks this has the convenient property of avoiding any copyrighted materials being distributed - only your personal interpreted level designs and other hack data is saved to the IPS.

In all the confusion I haven't had time to actually try it, but i will do so shortly. :)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 21st, 2010, 5:00 pm

[Topic Moved to Appropriate Forum]

Hey, this is some great stuff Scraps! Even though it's mostly just object editing with deleted terrain, it was still challenging (especially Winky's Walkway... the end of the mine cart section made me die a lot).

Have you checked out my DKC Challenge Edition yet? (It's not finished either, and is sort of on hold...)
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 21st, 2010, 5:10 pm

thanks lots :)

I was just looking around the forums and realised that you guys are doing very cool things with level editors and builders. Ha, kinda makes my effort look pretty poor heh. But I hope it inspires people to make worlds with fully changed levels. I might need to learn how your editors work and continue from there :).

But yeah, I'm definitely going to try your Challenge Edition and if you want I'll tell what i like about it :) . I hope you don't mind if I borrow ideas? You are definitely welcome to use mine :) .

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 21st, 2010, 5:18 pm

You're welcome.
Scraps69 wrote:I was just looking around the forums and realised that you guys are doing very cool things with level editors and builders. Ha, kinda makes my effort look pretty poor heh. But I hope it inspires people to make worlds with fully changed levels. I might need to learn how your editors work and continue from there.
You should keep in mind that neither of my projects are finished by any means; the bleeding-edge-latest version of DKCRE can view levels from a v1.0 USA rom, but because of recent complications it may be a few weeks before I can continue development - and even then it may take a while to get the editing in, as I have to restructure the interface first.

Scraps69 wrote:if you want I'll tell what i like about it. I hope you don't mind if I borrow ideas? You are definitely welcome to use mine
Thanks... Yeah, go ahead and use some of my ideas, as long as it's not a blatant copy (e.g. copying the entire level and claiming as yours). And yeah, feedback would be nice. :)

EDIT: Well anyhow, time for bed. Will check the forum tomorrow.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 21st, 2010, 5:43 pm

Cool cool :)

Ok, hmm... this is embarrassing to say... I have no idea how to change the location of 'objects' as well as barrel use. Does your editor cover this or is there a guide for your editor or the pre-existing japanese editor? But if the programs are a little bit kaput, that's aright because barrels isn't the 'main theme' of reloaded. The main theme at least for the next bunch of levels is 'can't survive without your animal buddies' and 'Diddy can't survive without donkey kong' mixed with the overall theme of 'finishing levels fast and making it look cool'.

Well, I'll start working on the next bunch soon and I'll post it up in a week/month(s).

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 22nd, 2010, 4:26 am

Scraps69 wrote:I have no idea how to change the location of 'objects' as well as barrel use. Does your editor cover this or is there a guide for your editor or the pre-existing japanese editor?
Well, changing the location of objects in the Japanese editor, DKEdit, must be done by opening the objects window (wherever that is) and modifying the X and Y position of each object manually. This is very difficult to do because you can't see what you are moving, and it's also a bit hard to tell where objects will end up. There is no drag-and-drop functionality anywhere in DKEdit, unfortunately.

The DKC Resource Editor cannot edit anything in the levels yet (how ironic) - BUT v0.0.5.9a can display most objects as well as animated banana groups, so you can use this to check what your level looks like.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 22nd, 2010, 9:20 am

Ah ok. Well, so the process to make levels is speedy and non-buggy, I'll mainly focus on developing terrain around objects as before. It seems to have worked well so far until I hit a creative dead end.

Production of Bouncy Bonanza has started and I've got some brilliant things already done for the level :D

The DKC Resource Editor cannot edit anything in the levels yet (how ironic) - BUT v0.0.5.9a can display most objects as well as animated banana groups, so you can use this to check what your level looks like.

Oh, all I do there for this is quit the editor, play zsnes with a file save at a similar location and have a quick run through and it tells me if diddy or Donkey can make it, how hard it is and where and how the objects are going.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 22nd, 2010, 11:14 am

Scraps69 wrote:It seems to have worked well so far until I hit a creative dead end.

I can do some hacks for the levels you don't want to. Here's 2 hacks I've made already:

Oil Drum Alley
Link: download/file.php?id=397
I recommend playing it before watching the video. The video exposes all the shortcuts and hidden items (which there are a lot of). It kind of ruins it.

Reptile Rumble ("Lives in the Mines")
Link: download/file.php?id=333
This is more of a bonus type level: I put triple lives all over the level, and the player must get as many as possible. It's not hard at all to get to the end, but the challenge is in trying to get all the balloons. There's a secret way to get all of them, which the video exposes.

PS: Your avatar made me lol :mrgreen:

EDIT: I played your hacks, they are really fun. I had to rewind like 1000 times to get that last Ropey Rampage bonus. :lol:
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 22nd, 2010, 1:08 pm

Hi Kong-Fu,

Ah so you made that industrial stage with the falling crates? Yep, I saw that last September on youtube and made me aware that people could edit DKC games. Pleased to meet you :). I used the crate idea in the second level of Jungle Hijinx .

Thanks for the feedback :). Hmm, good to hear you're having fun! Though so far looks like Bouncy Bonanza might be a very different chicken but we'll see heh.

Thanks for the offer! It'll be especially handy when I finish and I need to work on the hidden bonuses - you're very good at the bonus and barrel stuff. Heh, maybe we could import your industrial and bonus stage into the mix as well (though I'm not sure if that's even possible 8|). Hmmmmm.... if you have any level preferences in the future worlds that you want to apply, I can easily leave that untouched for you to work on later or when I get up to it.

Here's an idea that I have but I'm very incompetent at doing and might need help in the future -

some of my levels are very sonic hedgehog based - as in you are encouraged to go fast and use your reflexes to jump/dodge certain obstacles which makes it look cool. Reptile Rumble is a perfect example of this. It makes for great 'gaming moments' when you're playing. Of course I add levels which are fast-ish but are hard as well. I want to do a stage just nearly completely of automatic firing barrels which hit killable enemies (or hitting a stationary invincible krusha) and land into perfectly positioned automatic barrels again. Maybe even add the elements of double jump (with an animal) or a automatic barrel firing into floating crates to really get a players hearts pumping so they have to be alert to any playable element and don't have a choice as to when they play that element. So pretty much it's a hectic level where you're always on the move due to the barrels and a mistake (when you're required to actually play) is fatal. Personally, elements where there are zingers or rotating wheels being obstacles slow down the pace and maybe only want to do that once or twice in the level. From there, we'll have an amazing amazing level similar to the minecart but... with barrels instead. Hell, to spice it up sometimes the barrels might shoot at a mine cart and we'll have a temporary mine cart element to keep the barrel level fresh. It's also important that we keep it feeling like DKC1 and not DKC2 DKQ.

It would be cool if we could have some collab going :).

I have heaps of other ideas but this one is one where I definitely have no idea how to do it and it would be awesome to include into Reloaded.

As for something later - when this game is done or near completion. I might need to make a .jpg image of donkey kong smoking a cigar and wearing an army helmet and maybe wearing some matrix gear to just have a fun poke at rare's 'conker's live and reloaded'. Im not sure but are we able to change the DKC title page image?

By the way, I'm making this topic my official project home (im not posting this ips or ips updates anywhere else ). So if anyone is looking for a DKC Hack - link them to this page :).

Later all,

EDIT: heh I like your image too ! is that a bug caused by riding expresso? I wonder if we can do that too. by the way, I love colour glitches in the game whether its a retro donkey kong/stuff or different colour bananas. I'm aiming to add heaps of those !!!

EDIT2: OH WOW :DDDD I think i just figured out how to use shooting barrels =DDDDD

EDIT 3: Bouncy Bonanza is pretty much finished. Though quite buggy towards the end so I added an item to speed things up. Sometimes the level plays weird satanic / dracula music
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 23rd, 2010, 8:37 am

Scraps69 wrote:Ah so you made that industrial stage with the falling crates? Yep, I saw that last September on youtube and made me aware that people could edit DKC games. Pleased to meet you. I used the crate idea in the second level of Jungle Hijinx .

Yeah, I noticed that. I didn't think it was inspired by my hack. :)

Heh, maybe we could import your industrial and bonus stage into the mix as well (though I'm not sure if that's even possible 8|)

Simion will have to answer that. He knows all that super kongfusing computer stuff. :P

Hmmmmm.... if you have any level preferences in the future worlds that you want to apply, I can easily leave that untouched for you to work on later or when I get up to it.

Nothing really comes to mind at the moment. I'll have to play through some levels and see.

I want to do a stage just nearly completely of automatic firing barrels which hit killable enemies.

That sounds like a nice idea. Since that would pretty much work for any level (all you would have to do is erase the ground) We should probably save that for a level that doesn't have any special elements to it (like Barrel Cannon Canyon).

It would be cool if we could have some collab going

That would be cool. Maybe Simion can join and help with all the programming stuff.

Im not sure but are we able to change the DKC title page image?

I'm sure we could. You seem to be good at making the artsy stuff (like the ones from your website). How did you make those?

EDIT: heh I like your image too ! is that a bug caused by riding expresso? I wonder if we can do that too.

It's a glitch that happens if you press B and Y when you pass an Animal Buddy while riding on a steel keg. Here's a video:

by the way, I love colour glitches in the game whether its a retro donkey kong/stuff or different colour bananas. I'm aiming to add heaps of those !!!

Me too. :mrgreen: I love using those PAR Codes that screw with the colors. My favorite color glitch ever is the Animal Buddy glitch.

Video: (skip to 1:36)
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 23rd, 2010, 9:34 am

Bouncy Bonanza level in the IPS as DKC_Reloaded_v0.02. .SRM included so that you can go straight to the level.

Download at ... _v0.02.ips

Tell me how you like it! I didn't include much near the end because the first half of the level was difficult and it was getting buggy and it might result in all the enemies dissappearing. Though that doesnt stop my from including difficult platforming elements.

Hehehe ;) I don't make those images but I just scroll through the internet and upload them onto the blog. Sorry if it seemed misleading. I'm very good with using paint though.

EDIT 1: In world Number 2 - I am leaving the Minecart stage alone (with a small edit) as well as the stop and go station (with a small edit) for now. I feel they're ... well... thrilling enough to be left alone if the level is played in full. But maybe in future I can make small platforming elements to make it more difficult and exhilerating. Both the minecart stage and stop and go make my heart go a bit quicker as it is anyway :P.


These are some images to show you what I am capable of doing on the paint program. ... antman.jpg ... /knife.jpg

EDIT 3: blah. found some bugs in the level. Updated it but the changes will NOT be in the current download.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 23rd, 2010, 11:29 am

Whoa, this level was cool, it "flowed" really nicely! The only thing that confused me in the level was the cave platforms that are actually fake.

scraps69 wrote:As for something later - when this game is done or near completion. I might need to make a .jpg image of donkey kong smoking a cigar and wearing an army helmet and maybe wearing some matrix gear to just have a fun poke at rare's 'conker's live and reloaded'.
Well I wasn't able to get the "Matrix Gear" shopped into this but I was able to come up with an army-themed DK...

DonkeyKongReloaded.png (28.47 KiB) Viewed 202692 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 24th, 2010, 10:30 am

I LOVE THIS IMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe!!!, it just made me think of the complete picture now.

So, that picture of donkey will be the center 'foreground'. Then behind him is diddy kong in a jetpack like these images:



Preferably the second image (these are both from super smash bros. brawl) as he will be on the top right hand sideish (but far away and therefore smallish looking) of donkey kong and will look like he's flying from an explosion.

Then behind diddy kong and donkey kong is massive explosion - the more superimposed it looks the better. And the background could be this:


hmmm, but anything jungle looking will be fine.


Glad you liked the level. Fixed all the bugs in that level so it should be more flowy (as well as acheive the 'point' of that level because you could potentially beat the end of that stage with diddy ) and ready to move onto Milstone Mayhem. Dreading making this level because there's a big idea which may or may not work. Heh, but as they say - throw enough time into anything and even crap can look good.

Hopefully when you see it you'll go 'oh my god!! HE DIDN'T>?????' hehehe. we'll see.But I won't be working on it till next week anyhow because of uni stuff and I'm still thinking whether I should do it for the whole level or parts of the level.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 24th, 2010, 3:20 pm

Just had a quick play with paint: This is the draft Project title image. Thoughts? heh, i think it kind of suits the nature of the cut and paste nature of the level editing haha.


PS: Simion, are you able to unlock the Main post so that I can update the features so people don't have to look down for new info and game updates? Your warning re ROMS is recording in your first post for potential future reference :P
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 24th, 2010, 3:53 pm

OK, original post unlocked.

Although it's a simple draft, I do like the idea/image. You can use Paint.NET for graphics like this one - you will have a much better time handling image scaling and transparency.

The title screen of DKC SNES is most likely made up of either 256 or only 128 colors (probably 256), and the image itself is 256x224 which is then made up of several 8x8 tiles. It's a whole lot more complicated than it may seem at first glance. So, that image is way too big to actually fit in-game (and also too high-color, but that matters little when the image wont even fit).

[EDITED - Re-arranged post so its intent would not be misinterpreted]
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 24th, 2010, 4:06 pm

So Simion, is it possible to merge levels from different ROMs into one hack?

@Scraps: The reason why some of the enemies are appearing late is because each enemy must appear in order (the "#[number]" listed on the objects in DKedit). There should be an option in DKedit in the sprite window that resorts the numbers.

I am leaving the Minecart stage alone (with a small edit) as well as the stop and go station (with a small edit) for now. I feel they're ... well... thrilling enough to be left alone if the level is played in full. But maybe in future I can make small platforming elements to make it more difficult and exhilerating. Both the minecart stage and stop and go make my heart go a bit quicker as it is anyway .

You're just... not going to make hacks for them? :|
I'll take them if you want, but I don't think they should just go untouched.

lol at the image :lol:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 24th, 2010, 4:10 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:So Simion, is it possible to merge levels from different ROMs into one hack?
Do you have an IPS of only the Oil Drum alley Hack? You could then just apply that patch over a ROM already patched with Scraps69's hack, thus combining the two. But If I remember right, your hack had some extra stuff modified in Jungle Hijinxs, Ropey Rampage, and Reptile Rumble.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 24th, 2010, 4:42 pm

Heh, it's aright, it's a concept or a draft and didnt spend too much time on it... however...

I changed the colours to 256 (though I had to change the image back to jpeg so it may have added more colours when not in .bmp mode), and i mapped out at 256x224 (however the black lines are at 256x224 so technically it's 255x223 but whatever) and it looks really good even when you zoom. All i have to do is update the writing so it's legible and add more credits on the top left by the time the game is done or whatever.

Here's how it looks. Image


Regarding Kong-Fu, what you can probably do is reconcile the Jungle Hijinx stage and other 'main stages' that you have already made back to how the original hack was like, then after that we can reedit and hopefully we can re-apply what you did into my hack (though i hope you havnt made huge changes to the terrain because they're hard to replicate). Simion, if I havn't used a bonus stage that Kong-Fu has used, can we just combine those two anyway? by the way, don't do it yet haha because I've made changes to the ROM already since the download link appeared. If there are overlapping changes, what happens to the object/piece of terrain??

Also Kong-Fu, if reconciling is possible, we can then re-add those bonus shortcut barrels to jungle hijinx (hidden but findable of course) as a shortcut to the industrial area.

How's that?

EDIT: You are welcome to work on the mine cart stage =D . If you want, I can send you the latest version of DKC_Reloaded via email if you want to work on it now? We can use that as our original 'base' and work individually on our own stages as long as we don't make any other changes elsewhere.

But we might want to wait for simion to answer because I'm getting confused by what im writing.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 24th, 2010, 5:04 pm

[developing a better base Image for title screen, please hold]

Well you can give me the updated patch for your hack, Kong-Fu can give his IPS with the complete Oil Drum Alley hack, and then I can splice the two hacks together manually by using a hex editor. The bonus barrel can be added in after that, where it can be hidden in Jungle Hijinxs. I probably can take care of the placement of the shortcut bonus once it's decided were you want this barrel at.

But I need to know what bonus level this barrel leads to, and also if there's any other stuff I need to take from Kong-Fu's hack.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 24th, 2010, 5:31 pm

latest version (0.021) link in your inbox :)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 24th, 2010, 5:37 pm

Thanks, but I still need to figure out which of Kong-Fu's patches is the latest (and the correct) version.

It's getting quite late.... 2:10AM here. Will update this post momentarily with my rendition of your title screen graphic. After that I'll be off to bed. I'll deal with combining the two hacks sometime tomorrow.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 24th, 2010, 5:46 pm

Aright mate, thanks for all the support! Sleep tight!


LOVE THE IMAGE :D . I'm going to make it the title forum picture.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 24th, 2010, 5:48 pm

Here's a cleaner, more concise version of the DKCR Title Screen draft image.
DKC-Reloaded-Title-Draft.png (114.89 KiB) Viewed 202622 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 25th, 2010, 1:51 am

Scraps69 wrote:Also Kong-Fu, if reconciling is possible, we can then re-add those bonus shortcut barrels to jungle hijinx (hidden but findable of course) as a shortcut to the industrial area.

I'll try to come up with a super hard place to hide it in your Jungle Hijinx hack.

But we might want to wait for simion to answer because I'm getting confused by what im writing.

Rofl :lol:

Also Simion, it might be a good idea if you or I would clean up the terrain in Scraps' hacks. Or maybe, if it will be done in time, we can remake everything into the Level Builder after we are done with every level.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 25th, 2010, 6:35 am

Luckily I was able to apply both patches over each other, and there were no visible conflicts. So I didn't have to do it manually! ;)

Please Note: The shortcut barrel that is present in Kong-Fu's hack is still in this patch. It needs to be moved.

Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [Reloaded v0.021] [+KongFu].ips
Spliced version of Kong-Fu's ODA hack and all of Scraps69's levels.
(13.88 KiB) Downloaded 3253 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 25th, 2010, 9:09 am

Brilliant stuff mate!!! I'll give it a play now :)

Kong-Fu, I'll let you make your placement of the barrel and you can post the hack again. Or you can make the barrel placement and also work on the mining cart and/or stop and go station and then post the hack. Just give me the heads up. um, I'm a bit confused by the whole process so I won't work on milstone mayhem until after you re-submit the hack on this forum. Unless simion32 thinks it's cool to keep reconciling the hacks. I have the Milstone Mayhem level in my head so I'm ready to work on that whenever. Of course, use "Donkey Kong Country (U) (V1.0) [Reloaded v0.021] [+KongFu].ips" as our base.

In regards to the scrappy terrain. Yep I know, it's very ugly-like. But my plan has always been to get the core levels working (note: as fun as possible as well as ramping the difficulty in later levels) and then to add the extra stuff which includes the bananas, improved and smoothed out terrain and bonuses.

Regarding the levels Kong-Fu, I give you complete free-reign over the design (heh not that you needed permission hehe) whether it's hard, slow paced, really complex or whatever because I notice that my hacks tend to be very similar-like and we need to spice things up.

ANd of course, a BIG Thank you simion and kong-fu for all you have done so far =D . I'm glad we all share the same vision!
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 25th, 2010, 9:43 am

I can't clean up the terrain because I can't edit it in DKedit. It won't let me edit the terrain! I had to reformat my computer recently, so I had to redownload DKedit and now I don't have the tranlated version. Simion, do you by any chance have a translated copy of DKedit? :cry:

Anyhow, I have the perfect hiding place for the warp barrel (thanks to Scraps' messy terrain editing ;)):
I discovered that if you're carrying a barrel, you can jump through the wall where that entrance to the Banana Hoard is. If you are Diddy, you can jump high enough to get up the hill where the treehouse is. If I put a zinger in front of the wall and put the warp barrel behind the wall, the player will have to...
1) Get the DK Barrel, and use it to kill the Zinger
2) Switch to Diddy and hop up the hill
3) Jump accross the trees and unearth the steel keg
4) Use it to get through the wall and land in the warp barrel.

I'll have the IPS in a minute.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 25th, 2010, 10:05 am

Oh phew haha, I was looking all over for the barrel and couldn't find it! hahaha, but that sounds like an awesome idea.

on other things...

It's odd replaying my old levels now (havn't played them since last december)... um, wow, with what i know now and how to properly use the editor, my levels seem quite tame (though I did die quite a bit in Barrel Canyon). Maybe later on I'll edit those levels some more to make it more challenging (though I do recall trying not to make the first levels hard either). Or maybe those first levels in the first world will be a good 'starting' point for experienced players to get into the harder levels later on heh.

I have a translated DKEdit though my internet is slow to send via email.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 25th, 2010, 10:18 am

Can you upload it?

I have everything except the stationary Zinger, which I don't know the hex of.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 25th, 2010, 10:25 am

stationary zinger = 0x0001
= 0x9F87

You'll have to wait maybe an hour ... um, ill send link via pm
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 25th, 2010, 11:07 am

Here's the IPS:
Donkey Kong Country Reloaded.ips
(14.02 KiB) Downloaded 2909 times
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 25th, 2010, 11:43 am

took me a while to get but that's awesome! damn hard level too! We'll be needing this level of difficulty for the later levels =D (hell, we can even put hard ones like this one in the mines ;))

EDIT: by the way, thanks again for the level :) really appreciate it!! Mmm... I'm assuming you are going to be doing stuff to the mincart stage and stop and go right? So, I'll just lay low for now :)

EDIT 2: Hey Kong-Fu, i have some time to kill so Im going to make Milstone Mayhem using the most recent IPS that you created as my base (i.e. the current downloadable IPS version 0.021++ (which has that cool barrel at the beginning of jungle hijinx)). If you want to work on the ROM as well, make sure you only edit the minecart and stop and go (using the current IPS version as the base) and we should be right. that way our works will converge again when Simion combines them without any problems..

EDIT3: haha, you guys are going to love or hate Milstone Mayhem. I'm only 10% done (and that's the 10% you'll probably dread) but I think the hard bit in the level editing is done. Rest should be hopefully cruisy-ish.

EDIT 4: Anyone know a site with all the hex codes for objects in DKC? I'm trying to get 'acquatic' objects (as the DKCedit is pretty lacking in that department particularly with missing aquatic levels ). I'm looking for fast left moving bitesize, various Chomp Jnr objects, Chomp (the shark) objects, and especially different direction 'squidgee' (that jellyfish lad). If you know some codes, please respond below :)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 26th, 2010, 5:44 am

Kong-Fu wrote:The reason why some of the enemies are appearing late is because each enemy must appear in order (the "#X" listed on the objects in DKedit).
Actually, it has nothing to do with the X order of the objects, it's more or less that Objects must be placed in the order they are supposed to appear during play, regardless of X position. My hack does not follow the rule of being ordered by X position and it still works, so it has little to do with the X position.

What I'd found when I made that hack a while ago is that the game can only buffer a limited number of active objects, after which it will malfunction.

Scraps69 wrote:Anyone know a site with all the hex codes for objects in DKC? (...) If you know some codes, please respond below :)
Well, Giangugolo lost his DKC documents. i sent him link to a copy but he hasn't responded or got them on his new site yet. The archival copy can be found HERE.

EDIT2: List of all used DKC Object Digits & Fuctions
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 26th, 2010, 5:51 am

Simion32 wrote:
Kong-Fu wrote:The reason why some of the enemies are appearing late is because each enemy must appear in order (the "#X" listed on the objects in DKedit).
Actually, it has nothing to do with the X order of the objects, it's more or less that Objects must be placed in the order they are supposed to appear during play, regardless of X position. My hack does not follow the rule of being ordered by X position and it still works, so it has little to do with the X position.

I meant "X" as in a certain number. As in #0, #1, #2...
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 26th, 2010, 5:55 am

In the Random info Topic, Gabriel wrote:Another thing, objects must appear in order, as in the X-co of the first object must be less than the X-co of the second object. Object 2 will not appear until object 1 has appeared.
I should have quoted this, which is where I got the "X position" stuff from. The statement in Orange is incorrect.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 26th, 2010, 10:44 am

Good to know re x-co and object #. I'll make the appropriate changes to Bouncy Bonanza after I complete Milstone Mayhem (i did want to overload the steel keg section with different enemies and maybe that x-co thing was my problem) - hm but kong-fu did mention that there is a tool that automatically changes the object # in DKEDIT.

The Giangugolo documents and your link is VERY useful!!!! haha, you can't imagine how many times I've scrolled through different levels to find a particular character's/ barrel's object number. One of my planned levels (ideas) just came into fruition... but that's for a later design...

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 26th, 2010, 10:58 am

Scraps69 wrote:The Giangugolo documents and your link is VERY useful!!!! haha, you can't imagine how many times I've scrolled through different levels to find a particular character's/ barrel's object number. One of my planned levels (ideas) just came into fruition... but that's for a later design.

I'm guessing you didn't know you can just click the drop down list in the sprite editor to see a complete list of sprites. :P

Anyway, I'll try to start Mine Cart Madness tonight.

EDIT: One of those buttons in the sprite editor reorders everything according to their X-co. But I'm not sure which: they're all listed as "?????" :x
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 26th, 2010, 12:13 pm

Hehe, give me some credit kong-fu (though I admit I have been learning 'on the job')!!! ;) haha, I did know about the list of sprites though the list in that DKEdit is incomplete.

Yeah, it's hard to find a fully translated editor... I'm sure we'll find one hopefully... If anyone does, share the link via pm?

EDIT: no one? :| ah well. Excited to say that the level is over 50% done. I think you guys will have alot of fun with this level. :mrgreen:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 2:36 am

Hi guys,

Finished Milstone Mayhem. Got a massive headache now *bbrrrr* going to bed.

Download at: ... v0.022.ips

Notes. Exploitable bug where you can get unlimited lives. Can't do anything about that but it's very well concealed. Though you might need those lives...
The second half of the stage is diddy oriented.
You should enjoy the little addition I made in the first half of the level ;). It's there as fan-service and to inspire potential future levels.
Heh, you might notice that my terrain editing doesn't look quite as 'scrapy'.
Difficulty has been increased (though not as hard as Kong Fu's Oil alley).

Asides from that, I tested the level thoroughly and asides from the above, it is working sweetly ;). It is possible to beat the level.

After Kong-Fu submits the minecart stage and simion combines the 2 hacks, I'll then make the fixes to Bouncy Bonanza (which has object number issues which are easily fixable and hopefully I'll be able to include additional content at the end of Bouncy Bonanza without issues).

g'night lads.

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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 27th, 2010, 6:41 am

Whoa, scraps - Millstone Mayhem is NUTS! It's your best level yet! :D

Although, the terrain could use some cleaning-up, even though it's not as noticeable here.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 1:01 pm

Thanks lots :) It took me some effort and sanity to get this done! Heh, well actually some of the terrain in this stage is pretty sensitive and can determine success/failure in the level so ... we have to be careful when we smooth out terrain in the future (just to not edit the actual 'touchable parts' ground and walls).

Updated the first post to include 3 screenshots from the game.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby BlueTronic » April 27th, 2010, 1:17 pm

Holy hell! I just found out you can drag sprites with the mouse in DKedit! :o

Regarding the Milstone Mayhem hack:
I think I'm missing something here... The part near the middle of the level where you have to jump from the ground to a down platform: the jump is literally impossible. :(

I think I'm going to skip Mine Cart Carnage. There's only 40 sprites, which is not much to work with. There's not much room for creative ideas either. I'll just start on Stop and Go.

I experimented with some objects in that sprite list in the english version of DKedit you sent me. One of them screws with the sound ("Faint ambient sound") and another just makes the game go insane with glitches! ("Forces you to fall through the floor") And then there's several sprites that spawn different objects out of you when you touch them. :mrgreen:
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 1:32 pm

Nothing wrong with the hack.

To succeed in that jump.

EDIT: Use Diddy Kong to accomplish this half of the level.
Hold 'Run' + → before ledge . At the ledge, let go, then press and hold 'Run' to initiate a cartwheel. At the best point in mid air (the furthest you can go and still have the height to land on the down platform), press 'Jump' while still holding 'run'.

(good luck with the rest of the level!!!!)

Ok, fair enough re mine cart. I suppose if you havnt yet touched mine cart then you can use DKC reloaded v 0.022 (current downloadable version) as the base.

and... WHAT???? YOU CAN DRAG SPRITES??????? how how how how???
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 27th, 2010, 3:18 pm

Well, actually there are a ton of different English translated versions of DKEdit, and this one the translator probably added that feature (or, it could have been in a recent DKEdit version). That's great that it has that feature... I clearly had no idea about it. *goes to get latest JAP DKEdit*

EDIT: Yes, this is a new feature added in newer versions of DKEdit. Just tested the latest (J) beta to be sure. ;)
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 4:53 pm

oh really? where can you download the latest Japanese DKEdit? It's always handy to be able to quickly change objects and then switch editors. It takes ages to position things (this was the hardest bit in Millstone Mayhem!) X| . Also, appariently you can see the underwater levels using later versions of DKEdit?

EDIT: Kong-Fu, I just played your lives in the mines! very funny level =D. I just had a look at youtube in re your videos: What program do you use to record videos of gameplay? They look awesome!!!! *shrugs* I don't mind if you want to upload videos of gameplay onto your youtube account otherwise I'll just do it sometime in the near/far future :).
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Simion32 » April 27th, 2010, 9:22 pm

[J] The DKEdit Homepage (You may want to use Google Translate to better understand the text somewhat).

Scraps69 wrote:What program do you use to record videos of gameplay?
(Ingnores that this question was for Kong-Fu)
Well, I use a WIP version of ZSNES along with this thing called MEncoder which allows ZSNES to output movies to AVI format.
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Re: Project DKC 1 Reloaded

Postby Scraps69 » April 27th, 2010, 11:32 pm

cool! I didn't know that zsnes had that option until now. It's cool seeing your gameplay replays! Downloading MEncoder now.

Hmm, DKEdit v 0.05 is interesting. Pity there's bugs re moving objects as well as terrain editing. Also, the ability to change camera angles might be useful one day as well... though I still couldn't figure out how to change the sprite X-co arrangement blergh.
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