DKC Trilogy Sound Effects

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DKC Trilogy Sound Effects

Postby Cody » March 9th, 2008, 12:20 pm

DKC SFX collections:

DKC Series: Almost All SFX (mp3s) by DKCPlayer
96kbps, 44khz - a total of 205 MP3 files

List of files in archive:
Archive: DKC-Series-AlmostAllSFX-(mp3s)

Size ZIP’d Name
— ------ ------ -------------------------------------
26 17390 12786 + barrel.mp3
25 16763 11873 - barrel.mp3
26 11747 6951 1 Animal token.mp3
27 10807 6253 2 Animal tokens.mp3
50 54379 49192 3 Animal tokens.mp3
31 13001 8158 Accept.mp3
47 42781 37522 All letters collected DKC2.mp3
50 26794 21749 All letters collected.mp3
40 10180 5504 Animal buddy jump.mp3
41 16763 12093 Animal crate open DKC2.mp3
42 13001 8271 Animal crate open.mp3
43 14569 9713 Animal no access sign.mp3
43 6105 1675 Army die.mp3
44 17703 13025 Army roll.mp3
45 16449 12031 Banana bunch DKC2.mp3
00 27421 22406 Banana bunch DKC3.mp3
49 25226 20575 Banana bunch.mp3
50 17703 12813 Banana Coin.mp3
51 7672 3367 Banana DKC2.mp3
51 6105 1858 Banana.mp3
51 6105 1697 Barrel activator.mp3
52 13315 8355 Barrel blast barrel.mp3
53 11120 6559 Barrel break DKC2.mp3
54 22719 17788 Barrel break.mp3
52 0 0 Barrel hit enemy DKC2.mp3
55 12688 8014 Barrel Roll.mp3
56 12061 7485 Big bee.mp3
56 9866 5167 Big tyre bounce down.mp3
57 9553 5104 Big tyre bounce.mp3
58 11120 6323 Big tyre hit wall.mp3
00 28361 23396 Bonus found DKC2.mp3
04 20211 15090 Bonus found.mp3
21 17703 12829 Bonus token appear.mp3
05 11120 6539 Bonus token.mp3
06 13942 9100 Brown Kroc.mp3
06 5791 1401 Candy heart.mp3
07 15195 10276 Cannon ball in Cauldron.mp3
08 9553 4876 Cannon ball land on metal ground.mp3
08 11120 6404 Cannon ball land.mp3
09 9553 4963 Cannon ball spikes.mp3
10 14569 9612 Cannon ball spin.mp3
10 8926 4244 Cat O nine tails die.mp3
12 18330 13696 Clam.mp3
00 20838 16031 Clapper release water.mp3
15 23032 18272 Clapper.mp3
15 6105 1813 Click Clack die.mp3
16 10493 6001 Click Clack get up.mp3
16 7672 3393 Click Clack walk.mp3
17 20838 15979 Climbing ghost appear.mp3
19 17390 12663 Climbing ghost dissappear.mp3
19 11747 6904 Coster jump.mp3
20 17076 12293 Coster land.mp3
00 62529 56747 Coster.mp3
25 11434 6688 Cranky's chair.mp3
26 7359 2869 Diddy hit.mp3
28 20524 16015 Diddy in barrel.mp3
29 58454 53365 Diddy juggle.mp3
16 0 0 Diddy land.mp3
00 77576 72430 Diddy sing.mp3
40 27107 22393 Diddy tagged.mp3
41 25226 20495 Diddy talk.mp3
00 26480 21661 Diddy Wait.mp3
43 9553 4954 Dixie bubble gum.mp3
44 18017 13509 Dixie cry.mp3
00 33690 28500 Dixie drink.mp3
48 17076 12252 Dixie get Kiddy Behind.mp3
49 7359 2742 Dixie hit.mp3
00 26480 21988 Dixie in Barrel.mp3
52 18330 13874 Dixie Tagged.mp3
17 28361 23704 DK escapes rope.mp3
14 5791 1480 DK hit.mp3
00 30242 25418 DK in barrel.mp3
02 25540 20715 DK in ropes.mp3
02 7986 3413 DK land.mp3
02 7672 3064 DK pound ground.mp3
00 27421 22861 DK tagged.mp3
06 26167 21475 DK talk.mp3
12 67545 60734 DK victory.mp3
14 42154 37109 DK yell.mp3
15 9240 4913 DKC 3 rodent.mp3
16 12688 8037 Egg fall.mp3
16 8299 3762 Ellie hit.mp3
16 7359 2800 Ellie scared.mp3
00 23973 19234 Ellie suck water.mp3
18 13942 9396 Ellie walking.mp3
20 9553 5090 Ellie water blast.mp3
20 8926 4301 Enemy Hit DKC3.mp3
21 7672 3370 Enemy hit.mp3
21 9866 5141 Enguarde hurt.mp3
00 24600 19990 Enguarde super swoop.mp3
23 12688 8045 Enguarde swoop DKC2.mp3
23 11747 7088 Enguarde swoop.mp3
24 16449 11794 Fall in lava.mp3
46 29302 24554 Flitter.mp3
30 8613 4323 Floating thingy lose fuel.mp3
31 14882 10516 Floating thingy out of fuel.mp3
00 37452 32330 Flotsam.mp3
35 17390 12783 Fuel for floating thingy.mp3
35 13001 8408 Get in and out of water.mp3
36 7986 3706 Gnawty wheel.mp3
37 8299 3683 Go in barrel.mp3
37 11747 6926 Green kroc.mp3
39 19271 14341 Haunted Hall doors.mp3
00 30869 25513 Hero Coin.mp3
41 8299 3797 Jump on enemy DKC3.mp3
00 25540 21002 Jumping kremling.mp3
45 23659 18700 Kackle laugh.mp3
45 9240 4566 Kaptain King Rool blink.mp3
46 13315 8575 Kaptain King Rool cannon.mp3
47 15509 10675 Kaptain King Rool gun play up.mp3
00 23659 19025 Kaptain King Rool hurt.mp3
51 11120 6412 Kaptain King Rool message on map.mp3
53 17390 12720 Kaptain King Rool Vaccum.mp3
54 12061 7614 Kaptain King Rool walk.mp3
55 9553 5007 Keg.mp3
59 26794 21689 Kiddy cry.mp3
57 8299 3637 Kiddy hit.mp3
58 14882 10144 King Zing hit.mp3
01 8613 3951 King Zing shield.mp3
02 8299 3604 Klaptrap die.mp3
05 13628 8925 Klaptrap.mp3
09 15195 10514 Kleever angry.mp3
06 9553 4863 Kleever attack.mp3
07 23346 18075 Kleever fireball.mp3
08 8613 3851 Klinger die.mp3
09 13315 8553 Klinger.mp3
10 19584 14871 Kloak.mp3
00 21465 16623 Klobber come out.mp3
12 11747 7087 Klobber Squeal.mp3
13 9240 4752 Klomp die.mp3
13 6732 2326 Klomp.mp3
14 8926 4296 Klump die.mp3
14 7359 2894 Kritter Die.mp3
15 9866 5190 Krow fly.mp3
15 7359 2961 Krow get egg.mp3
16 11434 6685 Kruncha angry.mp3
17 13315 8757 Krusha.mp3
17 11434 6617 Kutlass sword.mp3
18 13001 8348 Letter G DKC2.mp3
19 9866 5070 Letter G.mp3
19 13315 8791 Letter K DKC2.mp3
20 12374 7674 Letter K.mp3
21 13001 8306 Letter N DKC2.mp3
22 12061 7170 Letter N.mp3
22 13001 8519 Letter O DKC2.mp3
23 11120 6388 Letter O.mp3
00 23973 18978 Life gained DKC2.mp3
25 16763 12219 Life gained.mp3
27 7672 3256 Lift partner.mp3
27 8613 3939 Lockjaw bite.mp3
27 7986 3355 Lockjaw snip.mp3
28 10807 6289 Menu up and down.mp3
29 7672 3114 Mine cart.mp3
30 15195 10411 Mini Necky die.mp3
30 11120 6328 Mini Pirate Necky die.mp3
31 15195 10450 Mini Pirate Necky swoop.mp3
00 29615 24723 Monkey Scared.mp3
34 13942 9175 Move on menu.mp3
35 18330 13470 Necky hit.mp3
36 9240 4473 Neek die.mp3
36 7986 3484 Neek.mp3
37 8299 3834 Object in patch uncovered.mp3
37 10493 5702 Oil Drum fire.mp3
00 35571 30651 Pause DKC2.mp3
43 43408 38257 Puftup explode.mp3
44 18957 14077 Puftup puff up.mp3
45 9240 4890 Rambi attack DKC2.mp3
46 8299 3547 Rambi attack.mp3
46 9553 5065 Rambi feet DKC2.mp3
47 8299 4019 Rambi feet.mp3
51 10807 6116 Rambi jump.mp3
51 7359 2853 Rambi land.mp3
00 39960 34701 Rambi pant.mp3
55 8613 4160 Rambi ready to charge.mp3
55 12688 8023 Ratty bounce.mp3
56 9553 5119 Ratty hurt.mp3
57 10493 5699 Ratty small bounce.mp3
00 35884 30902 Ratty super bounce.mp3
01 22405 17389 Save barrel.mp3
02 20524 15371 Slippa die.mp3
03 11120 6339 Spiny.mp3
03 10180 5509 Squatter hurt.mp3
04 10493 5873 Squatter jump.mp3
05 11747 7055 Squatter shoot platform web.mp3
05 11434 6617 Squatter shoot web.mp3
06 9240 4768 Squawks flap.mp3
07 13942 9489 Squawks hurt.mp3
07 7359 2924 Squawks shoot egg.mp3
09 20211 15492 Starfish spin.mp3
09 12061 7283 Swim DKC2.mp3
10 8613 4152 Swim.mp3
11 18957 14286 Switch option.mp3
11 6418 2003 Throw barrel.mp3
18 23973 19039 TNT DKC2.mp3
00 38706 33545 TNT.mp3
27 10180 5690 Tyre bounce high.mp3
28 8299 3887 Tyre bounce.mp3
30 12688 7991 VCR tape.mp3
00 50931 45744 Wind.mp3
34 7672 3226 Wing flap.mp3
35 12061 7322 Winky hurt.mp3
41 10807 6254 Zinger die DKC2.mp3
42 8926 4256 Zinger die.mp3
00 45915 40823 Zinger DKC2.mp3
46 16449 11593 Zinger.mp3
— ------ ------ -------------------------------------

205 files, 0 folders

Total size: 3381536
ZIP’d size: 2425004

DKC Sounds Bytes by Katastrophe Kong
Contains all of DKCPlayer's collection, plus more, and higher quality 'WAV' files (10.2MB)

Original post by Cody:
Qyzbud: If you're interested, I can provide crystal-clear, non-emulated soundtrack MP3s of the Donkey Kong Country trilogy. I can do any of the 3 SNES versions, any of the GBA versions, or any of the DKL trilogy games. If you're interested, I can also rip sound effects from DKC2 GBA or DKC3 GBA (since you can mute the sound channels if desired).

Feel free to let me know if you are interested. Of course, I'll provide some examples of quality if you're having thoughts about this.
Last edited by Simion32 on August 18th, 2013, 1:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Reason: Added link to Katastrophe Kong's 'DKC Sounds Bytes' collection - thanks KK!
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby BlueTronic » March 9th, 2008, 12:29 pm

Cody wrote:[...]I can provide crystal-clear, non-emulated soundtrack MP3s of the Donkey Kong Country trilogy.[...]

How high? Is 320 kbps too much?
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 8th, 2012, 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Cody » March 9th, 2008, 12:48 pm

Unfortunately, they're 128kbps (they sound great, however). I don't know how to enhance the quality.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » March 9th, 2008, 3:42 pm

Cody wrote:Unfortunately, they're 128kbps (they sound great, however). I don't know how to enhance the quality.

Bah. Hey Qyz, I can provide full quality 48Khz WAVs of DKC music (already done), and I can convert them to OGG's and or MP3's. I will soon have DKC2 and DKC3 at the ready if you need them (they are in the pre-editing stage). I can also make the songs seamlessly loop however many times you desire, without any fade-outs.

In short, I can help with this as well. :D

So, who will be dealing with which soundtracks?
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Qyzbud » March 10th, 2008, 2:04 am

That's great that you can both lend a hand with soundtracks, I'm really greatful. I'd love to host a complete set of faithfully recorded DKC music tracks. I was thinking of having our own DKC Atlas SPC collection as well as an MP3 set. I know OGGs are superior to MP3s, but I haven't yet convinced myself to adopt them as my format of choice. Firefox was my 1st step towards clever computing, then came PNG files, next was CSS design... I've really gotta go the whole OGG someday, though. ;)

I'm still a Windows user, too. :roll:
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » March 10th, 2008, 2:32 pm

I may be able to lend a hand with sound effects for DKC as well...

Remember how I'm working on the speed-zeroing patch? Well, now I've got two patches in the works. This second patch will force one of the music tracks that stops to play in every level, boss stage, and bonus room. This would allow you to record sound effects easily without having to disable a ton of channels. I'll need the sound effects for the level builder, so I can just record them all, and give them to you when done.

(by the way, this patch will take nowhere near as long as the Zero-Speed Patch is taking, this music patch is about %90 done already.)
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Qyzbud » March 10th, 2008, 7:01 pm

Groovy stuff, Simion. You've really got a knack for this kind of thing.

Sound effects would be much appreciated. :)
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby BlueTronic » March 13th, 2008, 11:57 am

I have to say, I can't wait to see how Simion's rip comes out.

He already ripped me the Glover soundtrack, and it sounds awesome :mrgreen:

The uncompressed WAVE version was 800 megs!! :shock:
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » March 13th, 2008, 2:10 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:and it sounds awesome :mrgreen:

Wow, I must have really scrutinized on those MP3's, the OGG versions sound better...

The sound effects will all be .WAV, by the way.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Qyzbud » March 13th, 2008, 2:21 pm

WAV is good for SFX, that's cool. What sample rate and resolution (8-bit, 16-bit...) will they be?

Just curious. :)
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » March 13th, 2008, 3:00 pm

Qyzbud wrote:WAV is good for SFX, that's cool. What sample rate and resolution (8-bit, 16-bit...) will they be?

...which is the highest quality my sound editor/recorder will go.

Although, I may have to watch out for recording problems - the last time I attempted to record sound effects resulted in them all being at a relatively low volume. Amplifying didn't help much and just made them blurred (for lack of a better term), so I'll have to make sure I record them right.

EDIT: For the DKC Music, have you yet decided what sound format would be optimal?
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Qyzbud » March 13th, 2008, 3:43 pm

Audio recording certainly comes with a few potential difficulties.

As for the music, would it be possible to keep it in WAV format, then compress to whatever we decide later? To be perfectly honest, having lossy digital recordings for the soundtrack on DKC Atlas is something I'm not sure about... I like the idea of SPC sequence files (for many reasons), but with any other format, it's just not precise, and can't cater to specific needs very well... Like, you can't choose how long it plays for, which 'voices' should be audible, etc, etc... So maybe don't put time into this just yet.

I'm still thinking about this, but I'm starting to prefer the idea of giving soundtrack recordings a miss.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » March 13th, 2008, 4:05 pm

Qyzbud wrote:As for the music, would it be possible to keep it in WAV format, then compress to whatever we decide later? ... I'm still thinking about this, but I'm starting to prefer the idea of giving soundtrack recordings a miss.

OK. They are still in high-quality WAV format, so I've got them on standby until you decide to have me take further action (or do nothing).
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby DKCplayer » July 6th, 2008, 2:06 pm

I've ripped most sound FX from the DKC series... (I think all of them in DKC1).
I converted them to MP3 and they're only 2.31 MBs! :D
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Kiddy14 » July 6th, 2008, 2:17 pm

Upload them in rapidshare or megaupload or anywhere!
Pretty Please? :D
Wouldn't it be awesome to receive an SMS in your cellphone, but instead of a normal text message sound, you get a monkey sound!
*Ooohh-ohh-ohhh aahh-aahh-aah-ahh*
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Kiddy14 » July 7th, 2008, 11:18 am

I LOVE you! (in the good way XD)

You are my master. Command me to do anything you want! Since it's the only way I can thank you! X3

Anyway, some files are corrupted, like Diddy Land, but it's ok ;)
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » July 7th, 2008, 11:19 am

Nice recordings DKCPlayer! This may be a good reference for me to use when recording WAV sound effects for the DKCLB... I've been too busy to do that as of yet.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby BlueTronic » July 7th, 2008, 11:26 am

Kiddy14 wrote:Anyway, some files are corrupted, like Diddy Land, but it's ok

Maybe that's because it's 45045 hours, 24 minutes, and 2 seconds long? :mrgreen:

Jeez, DKCPlayer. How high is Diddy falling from!? :lol:
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby DKCplayer » July 7th, 2008, 11:28 am

Kiddy14 wrote:I LOVE you! (in the good way XD)

You are my master. Command me to do anything you want! Since it's the only way I can thank you! X3

Anyway, some files are corrupted, like Diddy Land, but it's ok ;)

You're welcome. :P I'm pretty nice!
I use some as a sound scheme for my computer. XD

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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby DKCplayer » July 7th, 2008, 11:31 am

Kong-Fu wrote:
Kiddy14 wrote:Anyway, some files are corrupted, like Diddy Land, but it's ok

Maybe that's because it's 45045 hours, 24 minutes, and 2 seconds long? :mrgreen:

Jeez, DKCPlayer. How high is Diddy falling from!? :lol:

I made a stupid blunder... in simpler words... D'OH! :x
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby BlueTronic » July 9th, 2008, 12:36 pm

Simple mistake. It was actually pretty funny :mrgreen:. What's so great about Diddy landing anyway? I can't believe I finally have the sound effects. I think you got pretty much the most important ones (Except maybe the mount animal buddy sound effect). I couldn't help but use some of them in a video.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Kiddy14 » July 9th, 2008, 1:01 pm

Diddy Land and Barrel hit Enemy DKC2 made Audacity crash xD
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Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » July 9th, 2008, 1:54 pm

What programs did you use, DKCPlayer? I'd like to know so that I don't make the mistake of using a buggy program when recording sound effects. I currently use Blaze Media Pro, it's great. The only downside is that you have to have several GB's of empty hard drive space because it stores undo data as a file.

I'm thoroughly going through and recording SFX from each sound channel in the Trilogy. Currently I only have channels 8 and part of 7 done for DKC.

I'll try to include glitch sounds like the monkey sounds from Toxic Tower.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby DKCplayer » July 10th, 2008, 10:33 am

Simion32 wrote:What programs did you use, DKCPlayer? I'd like to know so that I don't make the mistake of using a buggy program when recording sound effects.

Ugh. My program used to record was fine. It was the converter that converted them to MP3. Some must of went wrong.
by the way, I actually have a code that gets rid of the music. The downside is that some sound FX don't play. But sometimes it plays the exact same monkey sound as from Toxic Tower.
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 8th, 2012, 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Simion32 » July 10th, 2008, 10:43 am

It's going to be much easier to record sound effects, because just today I figured out how to blank out DKC's SPC music data. :D

So you can expect an upcoming Zero-Music Patch update that actually does blank out the music instead of switching the track to something else that doesn't make noise. The previous patch would mess up the sounds because they would always have a small echo no matter what. This time everything will be quiet except SFX, and you will be able to use it to record DKC videos and play them back with other music overlaid, or to record sound effects.
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DKC Sound Effects

Postby Gnawzooka » August 30th, 2008, 10:10 pm

Does anyoneknow where I'd be able to obtain the sound effects from the DKC games?
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby BlueTronic » August 31st, 2008, 1:07 am

DKCPlayer already provided most of them.
Previously "Kong-Fu"
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby Gnawzooka » August 31st, 2008, 11:31 am

Ah, thanks. ;) Oh, and to DKCplayer too, of course.
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby DKCplayer » August 31st, 2008, 6:53 pm

Your welcome! :) I decided to do something useful for DKC-Atlas.
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby Kiddy14 » November 2nd, 2008, 10:40 am

So did I xD

I also ripped many sound effects, but from the GBA versions! Although I kind of think they won't be used, I'm sure they'll come in handy =]

DKCs GBA Sound Effects
ZIP File - Total size 11.8 MB - Compressed size 5.19 MB

There are a lot missing though, but I'll be sure to update it ;)
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby PotoGamer » November 2nd, 2008, 11:15 am

Thanks, DKCplayer and Kiddy14! ;)

It must've taken you guys a LOT of spare time to rip off every single sound effect without interruptions. And they came out great! Now I can finally use them in emergency situations (A.K.A. ringtones!)! :D

Oh, and I have an official copy of the DKC OST and another of the DKC3 OST that I bought on eBay, so if anyone'd like any songs, feel free to ask me!
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby BlueTronic » November 8th, 2008, 2:01 pm

Several DKC sounds are common sounds sped up, or slowed down, etc. For example:

-The sound of getting a banana coin in DKC2 is actually a sped up flute that plays a bunch of short notes. I slowed it down, trimmed it down to one note, and made it play Jib Jig. :mrgreen:
Banana Coin flute.mp3
(228.89 KiB) Downloaded 3663 times

-The sound of a Kremling dying is a high pitched, sped up growl.

-King Zing being hit is the same sound as Zinger dying, but backwards.
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby PotoGamer » November 9th, 2008, 11:23 am

Yeah, and some sounds are EXACTLY the same, like:

-The sound that plays when you get hit with Rambi in DKC2 is the same that some kremlings make, and that sound is sped up for the regular kritters.

-The sound that a gnawty makes when hit is the same as the sound effect that plays when Diddy is hit.

-The sound that a Necky in DKC makes when hit is the same as when Expresso is hit.

Wow, what a way to save some space! :)
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby BlueTronic » November 12th, 2008, 10:13 am

The rest of the DKC sound effects that weren't in DKCp's rip are done, and I'm almost done with DKC2's. There are 21 sound effects I ripped, but only 10 of them are sounds DKCplayer forgot. The other 11 are either glitch sounds, or sounds that were in his rip but I reripped them for various reasons:

-Diddy Land I reripped because DKCp's was corrupted and wouldn't play.

-TNT Barrel was reripped because his had the sound of Diddy scratching his head in the background

-Barrel Break, because some of the reverb was cut off.

-Animal crate open, because DKCplayer forgot to mute out the Enemy Hit sound that also plays when you open the crate.

-Floating thingy lose fuel/Floating thingy out of fuel, because DKCp's rip was actually a glitch sound, so I ripped the default sound.

-The 4 Dumb Drum land sounds, Trekker lose fuel (alternate), and Trekker out of fuel (alternate) I ripped are glitch sounds.
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby BlueTronic » November 13th, 2008, 10:01 am

I finished the rest of the DKC2 sound effects and I'm starting on DKC3. I'm almost certain I ripped all of them DKCplayer forgot to rip, but if anyone finds one I forgot, tell me.

Also, If anyone knows a code to mute out the music, that would make it go twice as fast. Otherwise, I'll have to continue isolating the sound effects by fiddling with the sound channels, which is a major hassel to figure out which sound plays out of which channel.
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby Rodent » November 13th, 2008, 12:26 pm

Awesome! I can have ORK as my ringtone now... If I wanna get rid of my Diddy Kong one...
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Re: DKC Sound Effects

Postby Katastrophe Kong » May 7th, 2009, 1:06 pm

I like the Sound effects in the GBA versions because they resemble that of a cartoon, so I have been ripping some recently and using them for my computer.
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Re: Recording/ripping DKC Music and SFX

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 28th, 2009, 8:10 pm

Guys.... there`s an easy way to do this.
For good quality DKC2 music, search "DKC2" on OR go to, sign up, look up both Dave Wise & David Wise, and download the OST free. That`s what I do
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Re: Recording/ripping DKC Music and SFX

Postby Cody » June 11th, 2010, 8:51 am

Could someone re-upload the SFX, please? And if possible, does anyone have any DKC3 ones recorded? Either or would be appreciated dearly!
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Re: Who wants to help DKC Atlas?

Postby Markster » August 23rd, 2010, 5:19 am

DKCplayer wrote:" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Recording/ripping DKC Music and SFX

Postby Cody » August 23rd, 2010, 5:03 pm

That's funny, I came on for the first time in a while to see if anyone uploaded them (I asked a few months ago with no luck).

Thanks, Simion :D
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Re: Recording/ripping DKC Music and SFX

Postby aperson98 » November 4th, 2010, 7:30 am

@ Cody if you want you can get some GBA sound rips from the first DKC I uploaded here as well.

This far from all the sound effects, but this includes the most well known ones.
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DKC Series MP3 Sound Effects (by DKCPlayer) DOWNLOAD

Postby Simion32 » August 12th, 2012, 5:37 pm

HERE IT IS! With its own topic!!11!!1two11!

>>> 20120812 - DKC-Series-AlmostAllSFX-(mp3s) <<<
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 23rd, 2013, 8:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: SFX topics merged - attachment no longer has its own topic, link fixed
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Re: DKC Series MP3 Sound Effects (by DKCPlayer) DOWNLOAD

Postby Simion32 » August 12th, 2012, 6:47 pm

It appears to be a forum server settings bug!

The file exists. I just checked now. And the file name and path is correct.

The requested URL /projects/simion32/DKC-Series-AlmostAllSFX-(mp3s)-byDKCPlayer.7z.php was not found on this server.

Come here Qyzbud!!
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Re: DKC Series MP3 Sound Effects (by DKCPlayer) DOWNLOAD

Postby Simion32 » August 12th, 2012, 6:59 pm

Link Converted to ZIP format until Qyzbud can fix the issue. Yay 200KB extra bandwidth penalty. :facepalm:
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Re: DKC Series MP3 Sound Effects (by DKCPlayer) DOWNLOAD

Postby DKCplayer » August 12th, 2012, 7:42 pm

Oh wow, I remember uploading those. When was that again? :P

I recall some sounds didn't work or weren't right. "Barrel hit DKC2 enemy" and "Diddy land" failed to work (conversion error from a WAV file I guess) and the TNT sound effect had the sounds of Diddy's idle animation in it. That and I called Squitter "Squatter" and misspelt tire. :facepalm:
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Re: DKC Series MP3 Sound Effects (by DKCPlayer) DOWNLOAD

Postby Simion32 » August 12th, 2012, 7:47 pm

Holy bananas it's DKCPlayer! :P

Well somebody requested a re-upload of it... so I finally decided to just dump it right on Atlas instead.

We don't have to worry about this useful resource disappearing anytime soon. ;)
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