What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Talk about Donkey Kong Country Returns for Wii, developed by Retro Studios.

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What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 14th, 2010, 5:25 am

I know that some of you think that the Kremlings are licensed to Rare and they're not. Nintendo owns them. [Yeah, this retro company (or whatever the f--- they call themselves) are pretty stupid.]

But, anyways, if I were to design the new game, things would be different. You know how they were going for different themes in the DKCs? I think it's only fitting that the Kongs end up in outer space. Now, I know you're going to think I'm nuts, but let me explain myself.In the end of DKC 1, there's a ship but the whole game is on an island. DKC 2 ends up on a pirate-like island. In the end of DKC 3, K. Rool was a mad scientist, but the whole game was in a forest [either in the US or England I think... whatever that's not the point]. What if K. Rool [being the scientist he is... I guess] made the empty shell of Kaos into a rocket and thought if he could go into space that the Kongs would never reach him. So, he builds a rocket and takes the bananas, the rest of the krew follows, but there's a horrible malfunction and the begin to mutate (woo, that means new kremlings, like a krusha with two sets or arms or something). The new krew is now super-crocodile'd up.

Now, the Kongs realize that the bananas are stolen, AGAIN! They set off (and there's a few levels/worlds on the ground, some like dkc 1, 2, and 3) and they go to K. Rool's flying kroc (or wherever his home is) and find that his wife is there (Queen K. Rool) when they defeat her, she tells the kongs that King K. Rool is in space, now funky opens a rocket ship... flight... thing (yeah, kinda like that one rocket level in dkc 3 except up). Then the kongs have to find K. Rool in his new hideout in space.

Now the Kongs have to battle through outer space, and the space animal buddies could or could not be mutated and there can be new ones. And some space levels can be like Low G Labyrinth.

Now, this is just a prototype (? I guess?), but maybe you won't think I'm too crazy for this idea. And eventually, maybe I'd like to do something like this.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 14th, 2010, 5:51 am

Alright, before I say anything negative, I'd say this idea with alot of polish could be interesting.

However, I sort of wish you'd stop bashing Retro Studios. I somehow doubt you've ever played Metroid Prime, but if you had, you'd see what sort of genius they can add to a game. I believe it was the president of Retro (or someone higher up nowadays) that had a major hand in the creation of the original DKC. If you really think they're going to steer the series in the wrong direction, given what talent they've shown they have, that's unfortunate.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 14th, 2010, 6:42 am

How was I bashing retro studios? I never said anything negative about them. I simply said that I didn't like them not having Kremlings. I also said that I didn't disapprove their game and just wished that they called it something different. And I don't play first-person shooters, so No, I haven't played Metroid Prime. Maybe the game won't be bad. In fact I hope that it's awesome. I really want someone to make Rareware look like idiots for leaving. I just don't think that they should call it 'country' without the kremlings. I know it may sound contradictory. And all I was doing was trying to prove a point that there will be no kremlings.

I'm saying that if I were in charge of a new dkc game, this is what I'd have done.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 14th, 2010, 6:54 am

[Yeah, this retro company (or whatever the f--- they call themselves) are pretty stupid.]

I kinda consider something like that bashing.

However, I sort of see what you're going for in this thread, although like I said, the idea would need alot of polish.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 14th, 2010, 7:22 am

I think they are stupid for not having kremlings. That's why I don't think they should call it a country game.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 14th, 2010, 7:41 am

And yet you know nothing about the game yet because we've seen 4 levels. Seriously, leave it to this fanbase to not like the first game in a decade catered directly to them. This is Donkey Kong Country, kremlings or not. It will be as good as the DKC's, kremlings or not.

As for your space idea, I like it a lot, but if I was making DKCR I wouldn't have done anything close to it. A space theme would be neat, but they need to reestablish the main themes of the series first, which they're doing.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 15th, 2010, 4:34 am

Again, it's a name thing. I just don't think they should have called it "country". I think to call it that, the game should pick up where it left off. To me, it doesn't make sense. And you're contradicting yourself. You say we know nothing about this game, so how can you say it WILL be as good as the others? I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I hope the game IS good, I sincerely do; I'd really like someone to rub it in Rare's Microsoft-filled face.

To me, it doesn't make sense to call something the next in the series and not have it continue the series. Do you understand what I mean?
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Kingizor » August 15th, 2010, 5:48 am

I sort of agree about the name thing, but I think we're just being picky.

I mean, DKC un, deux et trois are set in their time, an important part of our past. Calling the new game DKC Returns, might annoy a few, and quite rightly so, because it would seem that someone is trying to revamp the series. But so far, the new game seems a lot more like the original trilogy than anything we've seen since DKC3.

But we shouldn't look that much into the name, it's not that big a deal. If had been called "Donkey Kong Country 4: Attack of the Dragon Chimps", or something like that then we would have reason to worry a bit..
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 15th, 2010, 7:00 am

Back to the topic's purpose, I actually really like the space idea. Some might say it rips on Mario Galaxy, but it would be unique in that it's entirely 2D. Imagine DK jumping to different floating rocks and then pulling to their gravities, and walking around the underside of the rock and everything. Barrel blasting into differing gravitational fields, having the usual mine cart substitute in the form of a rocket cart, etc. Parry the Parallel bird would actually be interesting, because you can walk around the round surfaces of objects, and parry floats along with you. Team throwing in differing gravities would be cool too.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 15th, 2010, 7:16 am

I'm not going to get into a pointless argument about the name thing, but I will say this: If they had called it something else, someone would have been complaining, maybe you, maybe someone else, pointing out that if they wanted to revive the DKC series, they should have called it DKC-something, since then people really know it's part of that game series.

Anyway, Space thingies. I really like the 2-D Space level idea, and who knows, maybe this game will have something like that. Conker's Bad Fur Day had a space level (sorta), and who saw that coming from the beginning of the game? As for everything else, who knows?
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby teh epicnes » August 17th, 2010, 5:54 am

The space theme is a good idea, but I don't think that almost the whole game should be in space. maybe it could be the last world in the game. If the Whole thing is in space, then It's just donkey kong country meets super mario galaxy. Maybe there can be levels where you're upside-down on planets and stuff like in super mario galaxy.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 17th, 2010, 7:21 am

Yeah, I figured that it'd be a combination of all three dkc's with the last world in space.

But I thought, instead of a mine kart ride, have a rocket-type kart on a track. But, I didn't really thing that dk should ACTUALLY be IN space, because he'd die...Hideous implosion... Either that, or he could be in a space suit. But I thought more like a Crash Bandicoot warped thing (for any of you who've played it). There's levels in space-tube things where Crash gets a jetpack, except DK would be in a low-G labyrinth type-thing... or something... I dunno, my brain-meats are scattered today.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 8:13 am

DK's been in space more than once, and never died. Also, he breaths underwater no problem.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 17th, 2010, 8:32 am

When was he in space? And I know he can breathe underwater, but I think he'd die of imploding.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Scraps69 » August 17th, 2010, 8:47 am

I hope the rumours about there being huge canyon levels are true. You know how awesome that would be? So many natural themes that DKC hasnt touched on yet or could re-invent.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 17th, 2010, 9:10 am

DK4Ever wrote:Just like Mario of course :)

I don't know, I never played mario galaxy.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 10:09 am

DK was in space throughout several levels of Donkey Kong Jungle beat, including when he fought Sumo Kong atop an asteroid. Also, I expect that several key parts take place on an alien planet, but they never say where the levels take place since their aren't any maps or anything.

Also, DK was in space in Donkey Kong Jungle Climber. I'm not as familiar on that one.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 17th, 2010, 10:23 am

I've never played a DK game after 64. I've debated buying jungle beat, but never have. As for king of swing... never... I'll never pay money for that. Maybe some people think it's a good game, but I think the concept is stupid.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 12:46 pm

Actually, I said Jungle Climber, not King of Swing. Anyway, if you don't like the concept just because it's different than you're missing out. I think it's great, not every game has to play exactly like DKC.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 17th, 2010, 12:49 pm

I've never played either of the Peg Swingers, and I've been thinking of giving them a try..

I think I'm off to grab a KoS rom!
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 12:52 pm

Off topic reply: Don't do the ROM! It doesn't do KoS justice at all, the controls are very wonky from what I remember. I though it was ok until I bought the game and found how different it was on the actual GBA. It was significantly more pleasant on the GBA.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby DK4Ever » August 17th, 2010, 1:29 pm

Apologies for the off-topic bit, but it was just sort of on my mind and part of the thread's discussion. I really don't have much of a choice as it turns out, and I have found the controls really wonky and unreliable, and I think I would definitely enjoy it more on a GBA. More on topic...maybe? Playing the bit I have has made me even more excited for DKCR, for sure.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » August 17th, 2010, 1:48 pm

Don't worry about the offtopicness, I actually steered us that way, and I am the king of going off topic.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 18th, 2010, 6:45 am

Well, I tried playing one of the peg swinging dk's at the store and didn't like it (and sorry, Jomingo, I sort-of wasn't paying attention to the specific name you used, but I thought they were the same thing). I'm sure maybe it's more fun when you fo-reals own the game, but I've no intrest in spending real-people moneys. I'm too damn cheap (lucky for my boyfriend :D). I just really lost intrest in pretty much Nintendo in general when Rareware left. That's why, if I were in charge of the new game, I'd try to make it really close to the rest of the dkc's. I don't really play any "new" games anymore, I just really like the style and feel of old games. One of these days I'd like to make this game, if ever I get the chance.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » August 27th, 2010, 4:31 am

Ok, it's been a while, but I was just testing something stupid out. I just made Kruncha have four arms. This is one of the bad guys that I'd have had in my version of the new DKC.
kruncha with 4 arms.jpg
kruncha with 4 arms.jpg (22.02 KiB) Viewed 84642 times
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby A7Penn » September 2nd, 2010, 1:30 am

I agree with the idea that the return to the series should not start in space and maybe that would be an idea for a future game. The one question I really have to ask is why do people care about continuing the DKC story. That was never the highlight of the series anyways. That is what I didn't like so much about DKC3. They talked too much. I would be perfectly happy if they just gave us a game with no story whatsoever and your goal is to beat the levels and bosses. I've never thought of DKC to be big on story but on gameplay. To me thats what matters most in a game. Even if a game has terrible story or graphics or whatever, if the gameplay is good it can still be enjoyable. That isn't really true for any other game element. Retro looks like they have made a game with good gameplay and level design and I'm really looking forward to it, with or without kremlings.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Simion32 » September 2nd, 2010, 4:44 am

On the contrary, one of the things that was so outstanding about DKC back in the 90's (and still is outstanding) is that the game pushed the system's graphics capabilities to the limit, along with a beautiful soundtrack to back it all up - topped off with the awesome gameplay we all know and love.

With DKC, it's not just about the gameplay. The cliche "Just save the Princess" kind of story or "Just play the game to play the game" (ala Jungle Beat) doesn't work here. Yes I liked Jungle beat, but it was still lacking in story (and the gameplay was unique). But one thing they still did right with Jungle beat, was the focus on Graphics and Music - despite not being developed by the Rareware of old, DKJB was still a great game.

Knowing that Metroid Prime 2 was one of the most graphically advanced games on the GCN, I'm all too sure Retro is packing a ton in the graphics department. Whether they use it all, though, is another story. in my opinion the graphics we've already seen in the trailers aren't using the full amount of detail that the Wii can provide - there are great texture details yes, but I think the graphics are still just a wee bit too cartoon-ish to use the system to its full extent.

Part of what I like about DKC is that it looks so realistic, on a relatively limited system with only 128 pallet colors for the environment - what Rare did with the graphics is what I consider to be a technical marvel as well as "looking good". But I'm not so sure that Retro actually will pull this kind of thing off on the Wii (in this game or a later one).
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Jomingo » September 2nd, 2010, 6:35 am

DKCR employs three times the amount of textures and polygons that Metroid Prime 3 did. That's a huge leap. It doesn't look incredible so far, but I think we'll be surprised when we see more of the game just how much detail they will pack into the backgrounds and foregrounds.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby A7Penn » September 2nd, 2010, 12:46 pm

Simion32 wrote:On the contrary, one of the things that was so outstanding about DKC back in the 90's (and still is outstanding) is that the game pushed the system's graphics capabilities to the limit, along with a beautiful soundtrack to back it all up - topped off with the awesome gameplay we all know and love.

With DKC, it's not just about the gameplay. The cliche "Just save the Princess" kind of story or "Just play the game to play the game" (ala Jungle Beat) doesn't work here. Yes I liked Jungle beat, but it was still lacking in story (and the gameplay was unique). But one thing they still did right with Jungle beat, was the focus on Graphics and Music - despite not being developed by the Rareware of old, DKJB was still a great game.

And thats what made the DKC franchise so epic. It wasn't just the gameplay. I thought the music and graphics were amazing too and thats what made it stand out. You can't have a classic game without being all around. The DKC music is my favorite video game music of all time with metroid prime behind that. Retro Studios focuses on all the things which I look for in games which is why I don't care what people will say about DKC returns. Even if it feels a lot different, its gonna be better then anything Nintendo's given us in years and its not like their gonna make a bad game. I wanna see which direction they go with the series and I know its gonna be fun even if they change the formula a bit.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » September 3rd, 2010, 4:05 am

You can have a story without talking in it. I hated how Rareware thought it was a good idea for them to talk. I did like, however, in DKC 2 how there was K. Rool's letter. Also, you can have it follow the story without it being like DKC 3, just have it progress from there in the same style as the original and second.

I would also (if I could fo' reals make the game) have silly little things in it, like in the credits of the first game where Diddy and Donkey have an "argument" (do you remember?). I think it would be nifty to use the same style (by that, I mean use the characters on that particular screen rather than going into a 'cut scene') to tell a story at the beginning, like before you push start so you don't have to go through that nonsense every time you start a game. I'd also have that when you go to K. Rool's castle and he's not there (because he's in space and his wife is pretending to be the King).

Even though the DKC series doesn't have a very deep story line, you could make one just a bit more meaningful and still get the same effect (maybe). It'd be worth a shot.
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby A7Penn » September 3rd, 2010, 8:48 am

Phyreburnz wrote:You can have a story without talking in it. I hated how Rareware thought it was a good idea for them to talk.

I 100% agree. I always kind of like how nintendo never has the main characters talk (Mario, Link, DK, Samus up until other M) The majority of their iconic characters don't carry out conversations, they just grunt or make noise. Hearing the playable Kongs talk in DKC3 never really made sense to me and to be honest I thought it was the worst of the series as far as story goes. I was always ok with the Non playable kongs talking though. It just seemed to be the norm.

:lol: I loved that scene with DK and Diddy at the end of the first game by the way :lol:
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby Phyreburnz » September 5th, 2010, 5:51 am

I think it's so awesome when they don't talk. Have you ever played Super Mario RPG? It's like the best version of Mario ever! He's such a character, even though he never says a word! I'd absolutely love to have little scenes like the DKC thing in the credits! It says so much about the characters without them saying a thing!
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Re: What I would've done if I were in charge of DKCR

Postby CrankyMan » September 6th, 2010, 2:27 am

That idea sounds Awesome (sorry for the capitals in previous word)
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