How and why did you get into DKC?

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How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 23rd, 2011, 1:46 pm

I'm pretty sure this one already exists but just in case.

Anyway, I was playing DK: BB with my sister Lindsay and she asked how I got into Donkey Kong. I told her that my story is simple:

One year for Christmas when I was about five or six, our dad got our brother DKC1. At first I said it looked stupid but I secretly began to play it too and as time grew on my love began to become noticable and is now know by others. Now look at me. It's been about nine or ten years and that love has turned into an obsession. :)

So come on, fellow DKC lovers; tell us YOUR story. ♥
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby Katzii » May 24th, 2011, 3:05 am

My best childhood friend owned a SNES and several games. I always wanted to play DKC whenever I went over and, years later, I remembered how much fun I had with it and got it with my own SNES.

Another friend with a SNES had DKC2, but I didn't see as much of her.
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby Markster » May 24th, 2011, 8:11 am

When i was very little (4 Years Old) my parents did not have the money to buy a gamecube, gamecube was brand new at the time, so i played older nintendo consoles (N64 And SNES), one day i played DKC3 and loved it, it broke one day and i was disappointed, after that i forgot all about dkc3 until one day in 2008/2009, i saw a video of the final boss of dkc3, i was like "hey i remember that game", but in 2009, i downloaded a snes emulator and dkc3, i had some fun, in april 2009, i bought it again for snes, and tried it and it worked, i turned into a huge fan of 3, i did not prefer 1 or 2, until one day i thought to my self "dkc1, i actually play it", but the bad news is my computer broke at the time so i repaired it so in winter 2009-2010, i played a lot of dkc1, i was not interested in dkc2 at all, until one day in 2010 i downloaded it on the virtual console and i loved it, in july 2010 i found a little site called "DKC-Atlas" and i used it every day, until december 2010 hit and i found other activities (video editing), i did not play dkc for a few months, but one day i got back into it, and i went back here, and here i am now, end of story.
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby SimianSegue » May 24th, 2011, 8:58 am

Well, one year for Christmas, I got a GBASP NES Limited Edition with none-other than(drumroll, please!)...takakakakakakaakkaaakCRASH! DKC! So, I played DKC non-stop, and then after a
few years I lost the game! I was soo mad and I search for 3 years to find it! Well, that didn't work, so I conviced my parents to get me the first DKC on the VC, and I put at least 30 minutes into it everyday!
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 24th, 2011, 9:09 am

Before anyone asks the reason I asked this is because Lindsay's question got me kinda curious...

Nice background stories. ^_^
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby Ribbedebie » May 25th, 2011, 2:04 am

Been playing the games as early as I got my hands on a SNES. And that I did - I got to play DKC3 at some neighbour's house. I was insanely young then, back in 1999, but I remember that I didn't play it a lot because my parents had reported that it was too hard for a three-year-old... ha ha! It was my mom's idea to introduce me to the games... dunno why but she did. Alas, later getting my own SNES and DKC3 being my first introduction to Rare's saga, I also rented 2 and 1 at some video rental shop often - and then along came DK64 and the TV show... and I was hooked! Hell, I loved the games and the accompanying TV show so much, I used to pretend I was characters at school, whether my classmates would rather be characters with speshul powers from odd TV shows I have never seen, I would much rather randomly and most often pretend I was Klump or Diddy (completely oblivious to the fact that those guys would take over my life later on) whenever we went out to play! Ha! (pretending to be K. Rool was hard though, seeing as nobody knew his actual first name... :lol: )

The later years brought nothing to a DKC-fan like me. Still always liked the games, but however, when my Mario-interest suddenly grew back in 2008, I kind of forgot DK and pals, insisting that I would be fine with him being portrayed as a villain all the time. I still loved and adored the Country games and DK64, but I did not spent time fangirling... DKC has been my most recent obsession now though, it began in December, last year. :P And I re-discovered the TV show, and to my surprise, I could actually enjoy it! And now I get enraged if somebody even dares to mention that DK is apparently a barrel-chucking womanizer... boo hiss.

TL;DR: I have always loved the games and now more than ever!
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby MadcapTech » May 25th, 2011, 3:43 pm

If I recall, my SNES was given to me by my dad when I was a bit older. It was originally his, but he couldn't get the time to play it often. So he had given it to me, along with some other consoles, and one of the games with the SNES was DKC. The rest is history. I just fell in love with the game, and I played it more than any other game at the time. I had an odd obsession with the games, and continued to where I am today. I still thankfully own the SNES with the DKC trilogy, and play them about 3-4 times every to 100%.
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Re: How And Why Did You Get Into DKC?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » July 31st, 2012, 3:14 pm

When I was very young, we had a few video game consoles: the classic Nintendo, the PlayStation, a Game Gear, a Game boy Pocket, and our trusty Windows 98. Keep in mind this was when the Nintendo 64 had already come out and everyone was marvelling at Project Dolphin. I didn't know there was any other consoles out there until a couple years later When we got our first Xbox.

My Dad had downloaded a couple of emulators at one point (the NES emulator "Jnes" and the SNES emulator "ZSNES") with a BUNCH of roms for both of them. Back then I thought this was the normal way to play all these games as I didn't exactly know that the Super Nintendo existed. There were a bunch of roms I liked to play, but some of my favorite were the Donkey Kong Country games. The sprites looked really cool, the music was nice to listen to, and the game was overall fun to play.

Back then me and my brothers couldn't get past the first few levels of any of the DKC games so I just figured every game only had one world and the final boss was at the end. Until one day when I was trying to beat Ropey Rampage. I kept losing so my older Brother took control. I was so amazed when he beat it and so astounded when he kept getting to the next level.

Pretty soon the same thing happened to me with the other two games. At first I though the boss of DKC2 would just be a Kannon with a wooden sword and I thought the boss of DKC3 would be a naked K. Rool sitting in a pile of bananas on one of those "dock" levels (probably since all the other Kremlings didn't wear clothes as opposed to the Kremlings in the other two games). When I got further into each of the games I couldn't believe how different they were from the other games I had played. They had great music, graphics, they were creative, and had very addicting gameplay (I often likened the series to the Oddworld games because they were both platforming masterpieces).

Before long I was hooked on the series.I would hand draw the sprites of the game (until I found out how to rip them myself), I would make little comics with sprites from the few obsucre sprite websites that were up at the time, I frequented Donkey Boy's and various other Donkey Kong Country fansites (I can't believe Nintendo took down their promotional flash websites :cry: ), I started my world famous render collection when I discovered DK's Jungle Vine (Now known as Donkey Kong Universe) and collected screenshots, fanarts, and anything Donkey Kong Country I could get my hands on.

Something years later I still love the series. It's been with me all my life and I love everything about Donkey Kong Country :P
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 4th, 2012, 9:19 pm

I've never played a DK game (that I can remember)

Are they good games? Is it worth a go?
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby BlueTronic » October 5th, 2012, 12:07 am

Mrs Qyzbud? :o

See for yourself :swanky:
Also demand that Qyzbud show it to you :funky:
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Phyreburnz » October 5th, 2012, 2:24 am

Are you really asking a forum full of dedicated DKC fans if they'd recommend playing DKC???? :shock:
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Qyzbud » October 5th, 2012, 12:55 pm

MrsQyzbud wrote:I've never played a DK game [...]

Oh wow... well this is awkward. :oops:

Kong-Fu wrote:[...]demand that Qyzbud show it to you[...]

Don't worry; I'm all over it...
DKC MARATHON THIS WEEKEND!!! :thumbs: :scratch: :dixiehappy: :kiddysad:
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 6th, 2012, 12:32 am

Phyreburnz wrote:Are you really asking a forum full of dedicated DKC fans if they'd recommend playing DKC???? :shock:

Haha it was a joke...

Qyzbud will show me when we're finished doing other important things ;)


Marathon of something else ;)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 6th, 2012, 9:11 pm

Qyzbud wrote:*sigh*

Buffy it is. :P

Yeahhhh... I totally meant Buffy....... ;)
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby BlueTronic » October 7th, 2012, 2:53 am

MrsQyzbud wrote:
Qyzbud wrote:*sigh*

Buffy it is. :P

Yeahhhh... I totally meant Buffy....... ;)

Kinky :lol:
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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 8th, 2012, 2:25 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:
MrsQyzbud wrote:
Qyzbud wrote:*sigh*

Buffy it is. :P

Yeahhhh... I totally meant Buffy....... ;)

Kinky :lol:

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Re: How good are you at DKC games?

Postby Qyzbud » October 8th, 2012, 3:00 pm

MrsQyzbud wrote:
Kong-Fu wrote:
MrsQyzbud wrote:

Yeahhhh... I totally meant Buffy....... ;)




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Re: How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby MrsQyzbud » October 8th, 2012, 7:46 pm

Okay haha I'm sorry, the quotes look really cool though :)

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Re: How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby Super Luigi! » October 9th, 2012, 1:59 pm

Back to the topic at hand, I was involved with DKC ever since I was a young-un. :rant: It was and still is a fun game, so I played it.
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Re: How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby Geno » November 3rd, 2012, 9:35 pm

I don't know really HOW I got into it. It was just there, and one day, a LONG time ago, I decided to try the little SNES game with the green label, the 2 other ones with monkeys on them, and that N64 game that was so cool because it had a yellow cartridge.
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Re: How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby Stilt Village » November 19th, 2012, 3:17 am

DKC was one of the first games I ever owned, and remains to this day as my favorite game of all time. I was completely hooked after just one level :D
PS: the first time I played it, I was stuck on the third level for a week (scary music...) XD
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Re: How and why did you get into DKC?

Postby The Banana Bird » January 18th, 2013, 11:51 am

I got into because when I was four years old, DKC first came out for the Game Boy Advanced. My cousin had gotten (who was my same age) and he didn't like it :huh: as confusing as that is, he gave it to me which I will be always happy about.
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