Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

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Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » December 13th, 2011, 7:36 am

Well I have seen the mourning sprites of diddy and dixie from DKC2 for sometime now. I have come up with a couple reasons that they might have done this. Either.....

A. Donkey died! (doubt it, the game wouldnt just end on 2 like that)

B. It was part of the opening of the game when you just start, possibly them mourning because DK is gone.

C. There bonus losing animations.They might have been tooken out because they didnt like them moving while the loss song played maybe, it would look weird.

D. Maybe it was meant to be smaller and put on the map when you move and one kong isin't there. (Doubt that too)

and last F. This here is ridicoulous but maybe JUST MAYBE, it would've been for at the part where they were on the island looking at the isle sink. I think it would be sad when an adventure ends.

These are my best choices I came up with. Add more in the comments below, and why you think its right or wrong. If 5 different reasons for it being wrong is said, the choice will be deleted. Lets get to the bottom of this! Heres the picture if you have never seen it
dixie__s_unused_mourning_sprite_by_monkeyshrapnel-d376sey.jpg (11.48 KiB) Viewed 34763 times
diddy__s_unused_mourning_sprite_by_monkeyshrapnel-d376rhz.jpg (9.04 KiB) Viewed 34763 times
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Mattrizzle » December 14th, 2011, 1:00 am

Evidence supports C.

Also, you could have just linked to this thread for the sprite sheets. That is where I originally posted them before they were spread around the Web.

And who is Monkeyshrapnel?
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » December 14th, 2011, 7:21 am

Mattrizzle wrote:Evidence supports C.

Also, you could have just linked to this thread for the sprite sheets. That is where I originally posted them before they were spread around the Web.

And who is Monkeyshrapnel?

Sorry about that, never seen the thread or the evidence (the link doesnt work for me). I forgot to rename the file.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Mattrizzle » December 14th, 2011, 10:04 am

If anything, I should be apologizing for assuming that you had seen my thread. It hasn't been active since about two months before you registered. Sorry about that...

If the link to the evidence isn't working for you (The Cutting Room Floor's server seems to go up and down at random) here's a copy of the discussion from that page, with some of the less relevant stuff omitted:
...Could they (the sprites) have been used for failing to complete bonus levels? In the first DKC, if you failed at completing some bonus levels, DK would go through an animation of sadness and Diddy would go through an animation of anger. Perhaps this was their original purpose? --Cuber456
Dixie's mourning sprites are stored right after the sprites of her playing the guitar. Diddy's are after the sprites of Kaptain K. Rool turning around, but before those are Diddy's dancing with boombox sprites! Your idea seems very likely, Cuber456! --Mattrizzle
In other words, the mourning sprites are very close to the victory sprites, so it's possible that the bonus areas were once intended to use victory/failure animations, as in the first game.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » December 14th, 2011, 10:53 am

Well that solved it! Thanks! I have been wondering about that for a long time now.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Mayo » December 15th, 2011, 1:42 pm

To me, they look a little TOO sad for failing to complete a bonus room. I always assumed there would be for a death of a character.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Cosmicman » December 15th, 2011, 4:28 pm

Well, when you lose they cry on the floor, when you win they play some instrument, when you miss a bonus deadline you still got balloons and bananas, so missing the coin could make them sad, not sad enough to cry on the floor like their losing animation, but sad enough for these animations, maybe we could incorporate these on the level builder for when you miss a bonus deadline, that would be awesome.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Phyreburnz » December 15th, 2011, 4:52 pm

My guess for the reason for these sprites is losing in the bonus room. Maybe Rare was going to have the same type bonuses as in the first game, where it didn't matter if you won or lost, just as long as you found the bonus room. That would make more sense, I think.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » December 16th, 2011, 9:12 am

Alright now, it defintely is the highest chance about it, but we might be missing something here, Mayo proved a good point so did Cosmicman. Diddy was MOURNING guys remember that. He took his hat off and walked. He wouldnt mourn if he lost a bonus. Dixie, her crying would most likely be after losing something. Dixie could be losing a bonus and Diddy proves something else could have happened. MAYBE, donkey might have died and they made diddy a sprite for it, then they thought they should'nt do that and didn't bother making a Dixie one. Dixie might have been for losing a bonus, but they didn't want that so they took it out and Diddys was never actually made.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Cosmicman » December 16th, 2011, 6:00 pm

If those sprites were found at the same time maybe they belong to the same sequence of whatever they were supposed to be?
Is it possible to make a full gif file of both?
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » December 17th, 2011, 7:04 am

Cosmicman wrote:If those sprites were found at the same time maybe they belong to the same sequence of whatever they were supposed to be?
Is it possible to make a full gif file of both?

That can be true but losing a bonus wouldn't be as sad as that.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 30th, 2012, 4:22 am

Guys, this is so crazy, my brother and I were making conspiracy theories about this the other day. Here's what I THINK happened:

There was initially a boss in Stronghold Showdown, either Mr. X or K. Rool, and after you beat them DK drops down and the boss "kills" DK (beats him really hard or something) and then flees. Diddy and Dixie exit the level in their mourning animations. Of course, in the Flying Crock battle we see that DK is okay and nothing really happened.

Alternatively, Wrinkly's death could have been planned or (I doubt this one) it was just a bonus losing animation.

Regardless of the mourning sprites, the mystery of Stronghold Showdown is an intriguing one and it's so obvious that something more was planned for it. I place this above Stop 'n' Swop on my ever-expanding list of Rare mysteries.
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby Gaz » June 30th, 2012, 5:38 am

Someone needed animated sprites? I happen to have got some;

Diddy Mourning Sprite Ani - Unused - DKC2.gif
Diddy's Mourning sprite animation.
Diddy Mourning Sprite Ani - Unused - DKC2.gif (11.06 KiB) Viewed 34340 times

Dixie Mourning Sprite Ani - Unused - DKC2.gif
Dixie's mourning sprite animation.
Dixie Mourning Sprite Ani - Unused - DKC2.gif (8.7 KiB) Viewed 34340 times
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Re: Getting to the bottom of the mourning kongs animations.

Postby The Banana Bird » July 1st, 2012, 8:28 am

Tiptup, the whole Stronghold Shwodown thing could be right, but I think if anything DK wouldn't have really die. It's an E rated game so the beating part may be correct.
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