An atlas is, by definition, a collection of maps... so it's no surprise that these level maps are a big part of what makes DKC Atlas tick.

Below is a linked, colour-coded guide to our map collection.
The Map List:
Click a level's name to view its map...
Map Progress colour codes:
0. Not yet commenced
1. Terrain/scenery viewable only
2. Bananas mapped out
3. Objects/items in place
4. Baddies in starting positions
5. Hidden objects/overlays available
Fully animated maps!
When a map is developed to the point of being fully animated (with individually positioned sprites), it will be given an '!' after the level name on this list - just like when all bonuses have been found in a level, when playing the games.

How big are these maps? (filesize)
Load time/file size varies from map to map, depending on the level's dimensions and complexity. Typically maps are between ~200KB and ~1MB, although some of the biggest levels (particularly tall ones) may be as much as 1.5MB in size. Many elements (sprites, background graphics, toggle buttons, etc.) will be cached once loaded, so it's really just the level terrain that accounts for most of the loading time/file size.
About the Level Map Viewer:
The section of DKC Atlas which displays the level maps is called the Level Map Viewer (LMV). The LMV interface includes buttons which allow you to toggle which layers you want to see - which means you can show/hide bananas, objects, items, baddies, terrain, backgrounds, foreground graphics, hidden objects, secret passageways and so forth... basically I'm doing my best to include everything that could make a map useful (but am also doing my best to make them load as quickly as possible!). The LMV is a combination of web pages and scripts designed to display these maps in any web browser, so anybody should be able to check out these maps.
Advanced mapping goals
Maps are considered 'complete' once all elements are in place, but at some stage, I hope to include extra information, such as; the speed, movement range and behaviours of certain baddies; the rotational speed, range and blasting distance of barrel cannons; the range of movement and initial direction of moving platforms, etc. etc... These will all require careful thought, but I have some good ideas for how to accomplish some of these 'advanced' mapping goals. Of course, I'll also need input and feedback from other passionate and knowledgeable fans, to ensure that what I'm producing is the best and most worthwhile result possible.
Brief backstory of this project
I actually started piecing together these maps before work on this site had begun, so this project has been many years in the making... but thankfully I've had help along the way from other patient and passionate fans, so it hasn't been entirely a solo effort. As soon as I first pasted together a series of screenshots to make my first 'rough' terrain map, I knew I wanted to create full level maps to share with the world. I always hoped I'd eventually produce interactive, animated and info-rich maps, and now we're well on the way to seeing that dream come true for all levels in the DKC trilogy, and DKL/DKCR maps are quite possibly just around the corner!
Thanks to those of you who have helped with this project; creaothceann, Simion32, Cody, Stone, Kingizor, et al.